
Comments by mike710 (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    T V Shows You Miss
    Can't say I watched The Man Show a lot but loved the "girls on trampolines" segment. Probably could never do something like that on TV these days. However, I had a big surprise a week or so ago when I saw Blazing Saddles come up on a cable movie channel. Thought I would never see that aired again.
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    2 years ago
    Montreal Girls
    Back around 2010, there was an escort service called "Montreal Girlfriends" that sent French Canadien girls on tour across many US cities. The few that I saw were great and I loved their accents.
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    2 years ago
    The phrase “Turn of the century”
    I always remember the last turn of the century as Y2K since that so-called "disaster" never really happened.
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    2 years ago
    I just booked a flight to a city that I have traveled to a lot this year. I paid about 50% more than I had on the 4 or 5 previous trips I had made there. Some of this is likely due to higher demand during vacation season but at least some of it had to be because of the cost of fuel. The IRS is going to raise the mileage reimbursement rate from 58.5 cents to 62.5 cents on July 1st. The last time this happened was 2011, another time that gas prices went through the roof.
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Hot or Not Hot?
    That video makes me think she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
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    2 years ago
    How much is too much for OTC outside club
    Sure sounds like GPS. If it is something you don't feel comfortable spending, find a different girl.
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    2 years ago
    Places to retire to
    Muddy. I'm going to probably split my retirement between Phoenix and San Diego. With an emphasis on establishing residence in AZ so I can at least avoid some of the crazy politics and taxes of California. I'll keep my place in San Diego as an escape from the AZ summer since I don't have a mortgage on it any longer. Phoenix has some decent clubs and I went to college there so I am very familiar with the Phoenix area. Texas, Florida and Tennessee are nice states to look at because they don't have state taxes. However, they do hit you with other taxes that you would have to consider if moving there and plan to own propterty.
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    2 years ago
    Places to retire to
    @ilbbaicnl. It would be very tough to find any rent in Escondido for $1K per month these days. Just a quick google of average rent in Escondido said $2K. There are no strip clubs within a 40 minute drive and the ones that close are not very good. On top of that, you get to pay the $1 per gallon premium to live in sunny CA thanks to the crazy taxes here. I was luck enough to pay off my San Diego condo well before retirement but I don't think I would even want to buy my place in this current market. My mortgage payment would require me to work a lot longer at today's prices.
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    2 years ago
    Orange County/ San Diego County Mileage
    No mileage in San Diego. Don't even consider it. Might as well go to City of Industry if you have OC on you sights.
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    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NBA Finals - Celtics Vs Warriors
    All teams that win get some sort of bandwagon affect after winning. Especially when they win a lot in a short time. In baseball, I've been a lifetime Giants fan and only recently have seen a lot more Giants baseball hats everywhere I go. People wore bags over their heads for Giants teams in the late 70's. I've never been a big NBA fan but the Warriors were my local team growing up so I always rooted for them. I remember underhand freethrow shooting Rick Barry and their championship. I think this will be a competitive series. The Warriors are not as good on defense as they were in prior years but they can play defense when they try.
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    2 years ago
    Best answer is it depends. Some girls don't kiss but it's their job to arose. You have to judge every situation based on how comfortable you are with each other. If it's a first dance, probably not work trying a peck. Kissing is considered very personal by a lot of dancers. Even girls that let you do a lot won't be down with kiss on the mouth.
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    2 years ago
    A stripper wants to marry you but this condition:
    Can't see why you would change things from your current status based on those conditions. If she allowed the relationship to be open on both ends, it might be a consideration. But it just seems like an easy path to eventual bad feelings on someone's part leading to eventual divorce and loss of half of your savings.
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    2 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Have you ever purposely visited a club on a night when your fave was not there?
    I've had several CF's over the years and none of them would restrict my wandering. Granted, if they were there, I would spend time with them and maybe miss a chance to see a different dancer that I might have wanted to try. Because of this, I would occasionally try to go on a day when they weren't there. Didn't keep it secret and experienced no drama over it.
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    2 years ago
    RIP Ray Liotta 1954-2022
    Copland is on Action Max right now. Probably would have clicked by it if not for this discussion.
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    2 years ago
    Bucket List item
    Acabana. Isn't that like the Macarena?
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    2 years ago
    North America
    Biggest wave of Cuban migrants arriving in US since 1980.
    The Cuban dancers I have seen in the Tampa area clubs tend to hang out in packs. That is typically how I identify that they are Cuban because they can have a wide variety of physical characteristics and some don't look Latin. I typically stay away but there is one club in the Tampa area where the Cubans I met offer a wide variety of services in VIP.
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    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    National Hamburger Day - May 28
    Ruth's Cris does have a good burger. There is an Embassy Suites in Birmingham that has a restaurant/bar that is a Ruth's Cris. While nobody would probably go to a Ruth's Cris for a burger, the burger is a cheaper option on the menu when you just want to eat at the hotel bar while you are on a trip. They also have sliders that are pretty good too.
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    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    National Hamburger Day - May 28
    *Meant to say combining a trip to Sams No. 3 with a strip club visit is on my list when I visit Denver.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    National Hamburger Day - May 28
    @crazyjoe. Combining a trip to Shotguns or the former Mile High Saloon (don't know what it's called now), is always on my list when I hit Denver. Just did it last week.
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    2 years ago
    Phoenix Strip Clubs with the most mileage and extras
    Do you really think you will get serious answers with no prior contributions or posting history here?
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    2 years ago
    New York
    Rate this Dance
    The dude that kicked his ass was a former pro football player for the Broncos.
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    2 years ago
    Denver has a lot of hot strippers working there
    While I agree that there can be some great eye candy at Shotguns, the place is a shadow of its former self these days. I was there a few weeks ago and there in the early evening and the place was dead. To your point, however, there were more dancers than guys there. Not sure how the dancers get by in that environment. The price of a single, no-contact, dance has gone up to $35. Last time I got dances there, a "house mom" was manning the area near the lap dance area watching the contact girls were giving and coming over to warn them. Luckily, I found a girl that was a little playful and I've learned over the years how to hide what my hands are doing from prying eyes. Still, like you say, it's expensive and limited fun.
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    2 years ago
    I made friends with numerous bartenders over the years. A current one will text me when his bar is having something like an anniversary party. Another guy would send over girls he thought might be my type. Didn't always get dancers but he would only send over dancers that he thought we're decent people. During the height of Covid when Ubers were hard to come by, I told one I had to wait a very long time after closing and she said she would give me a ride if that happened again. Another had a few annual passes for any Penthouse Club that went for a few hundred bucks. He gave me one as I always tipped him well when I was served by him.
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    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Video Games of Your Youth
    Don't go breaking my heart Motor.
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    2 years ago
    Cowboy hat in the strip club
    If you go to Vegas during the National Rodeo Week in November, you see guys that look like they live in full western gear, including cowboy hat, all over Vegas. I imagine a few hit the clubs and look normal for that time of year. Even their women wear cowboy hat, boots and Wranglers.