Have you ever purposely visited a club on a night when your fave was not there?
District of Columbia
I did once. She only worked weekends. I really wanted to explore the club on a weeknight, since I hadn't previously done so. One of her colleagues ratted me out to her. It resulted in an uncomfortable (to me) text exchange. But there were no long-term repercussions.
"It resulted in an uncomfortable (to me) text exchange. But there were no long-term repercussions.
(tuscl search bipolar and thor. she's still stung about that one.)
Since then I've been a free agent.
CFs know they're guaranteed dances- as long as they get to me first.
If I'm going to their club on their night off, I text that I'm planning on going, but I'd rather chill with them OTC.
Ball's in their court.
You're a customer. You get to shop around. Communication with your fav(s) is important. That doesn't mean they won't cause drama, but at least they'll know they can't try the guilt line on you.
"But there were no long-term repercussions."
If the money stays on that's usually the way it goes.
I don't understand you supposedly grown men being intimidated by a little girl in their underwear.
I usually establish the tone pretty early on in our relationship or whatever you wanna call the arrangement. We set expectations early on about that sort of stuff. More importantly, I don't become favorites with girls who are clingy like that.
I'm not a frequent enough visitor for other girls to know I even have a CF so no chance of girls 'ratting me out'. And even then, my CF isn't the kind to get all mad if I get dances with someone else if she's not there. If she is there, she just wants her set of dances with me before I try out others. I can't be mad at that. She gives me high quality dances that I usually don't get from others, but there are a few times where she has been matched.
Unless it's a big tiddy bartender that is more fun to chase
As hot as she was, which was very, she wasn't discreet. Not at all, and besides other customers constantly asking me how much I was paying the other dancers were basically assuming they had no chance at my money. So I get to talking with Courtney and buy her a drink, then ask for dances. She looks confused and says "you know I don't do dances like Bambi right?" I told her not to worry about that and I was good with whatever she was comfortable with. Nothing spectacular in the mileage department, but she gave some pretty nice dances.
Stripper hoes rush out to see me and hug me whenever I come in lulz
At extras club where I am vip went on one nite after her shift. I met a 20 yo girl who wanted hi to vip. She dark haired in white bikini. We agreed in $250. I pounded her mish on divan got off really good while talking dirty to her / covered of course. She loved it wanted meet regular on Wednesday evenings. Did that a few weeks with her. She also good riding cg style.
She said she had bf but he did not know she danced at club and did extras. She said she hoped it not bother me. I said no prob makes me cum harder. She laughed said “I know. I love sneaking around fuking somebody different.” She then went on to say she loved getting different dick that it was like a calling. She said her normal sex urge required multiple men.
Sometimes it works out great, if the preferred talent is working, but sometimes it was a real drag and a short visit.
I know I will have a great time with my CF, so that is how I usually roll.
But, at times, I like a little variety!