A dancer I like wants to meet outside. For couple of hours she is quoting 1K. She is 23, and really hot. Is 1K is too much? What would be your ideal rate for couple of hours?
Pay what you think the experience is worth to you. Pay what you can afford. We all live in different areas and shop in different places. Whatever market you're in is going to have its own rate.
if you really feel the need to be with her for 2 hours then cut the price in half. not sure why you would need 2 hours but if that's how you feel then so be it. but anyway if it's an hour 300 max, but start at 200 to gauge her reaction. if she wants a regular and she's sorta into you she'll jump at that 200-300 tag.
Opened the forum in the morning. Another extras shit discussion. Anyway, don’t negotiate. Meet her, spend 2 hours and in the end give only 400. Says that’s good money. She still will meet you next time by negotiating for 600. So, play a trick. It will work bro.
^ So says the guy who hates extras (but has openly asked about extras: https://tuscl.net/discussion.p… ) and changes his profile name every 10 minutes for his own personal giggles. So, I'll assume that you posted the worst possible advice for OTC because you know it'll stir up a fight.
Anyway, $500/hour isn't a crazy expensive rate, but it's a bit expensive. Don't be afraid to politely ask for a modestly lower rate. She won't be surprised or insulted. If she says 'no,' then you've got a decision to make.
I never tell another man how to spend his money. All I can say is that it's not something I would do.
Growing up dirt poor and now as an employer, I've never lost sight of the value of money, regardless of how well I do in any given year. So I always look at these things through both reasonability and sustainability filters and by either measure this doesn't really pass muster for me.
Re: reasonableness, she wants more for a bit o' ass than many people make in a solid week of work. Now of course adult entertainers should rightly want a premium for what they do, but when it gets that untethered to the real world then the principle of the damned thing kicks in for me. I'm a good night for most gals, especially those who I pay both ITC and OTC, but I have zero interest in being tonight's winning lottery ticket.
Also, how sustainable is $1k a pop for OTC meets? One of the big benefits of making a new OTC connection is the ability to repeat if you like her. Only you know the answer to this, but I suspect that most people wouldn't be able to see a girl routinely at that price point.
Again, to each his own. Have fun and all, but keep your wits about you in the process.
If she is gorgeous, and GFE; then 1k for 3 hours is a very nice price if it is all in the bedroom. 1k for 2 hours and you can start shopping the escort sites for exactly your preference. Also, if you two do click and that 1k turns into an overnight where you get one more in the next morning; then you've hit the jackpot. Ultimately, it is your decision on how to spend your money.
Be patient if possible. Chill with her ITC a few times. Give your brain a chance to catch up with your hormones. Watch her play the other PLs. If you use a motel, buy the cheapest room with a bed possible. You may have to eat the cost when she balks on the original agreement. (Don't worry, her house is almost always dirtier/messier. Especially when they have kids.) Also never, never pay in advance. The second she gets the money her entire facade usually disappears.
Personally, I'll go 500 for a sleepover (and her also dealing with my morning wood). If she doesn't like 300 for the first time, tell her the offer's always good, and just deal with her ITC for now. But again, it's your money.
I used to pay a grand for the experience. Then I learned I didn't need to spend that much. I've done OTC in several different cities and states. And while there is a variance between cities, I would say $1000 is definitely above market. And especially just for a couple of hours. My exception on OTC is bascaiily a paid date. Meet for dinner or drinks, send the evening together. And it's not out of the question for the girl to spend the night with me.
But did I spend $1000 for some girls a few years ago, yes I did. I think the normal range now is $400-600. If they are charging. you more, that means they really dont' want to do it. But if you are willing to pay that, they will hold their nose and go thru with it.
In my learning curve (which I am still very much learning) if she's drop dead gorgeous she could be worth it at that price. Speaking for myself.., I would want to have a very complete natural experience with a beautiful girl at that rate overnite.
A stripper was doing laps across the river. On one bank a scorpion asked for a ride to the other side. The stripper said 'No, you'll sting me'. 'Why would I do that? We'd both drown', said the scorpion. The stripper saw the logic and agreed. Halfway across, the stripper pulled-out a switchblade, cut off the scorpion's stinger, and stole his wallet. Gasping his last breaths, the scorpion said, ' Why did you do that? I promised not to sting you'. 'Sorry', she replied, 'I'm a stripper. It's in my nature'.
"For couple of hours she is quoting 1K. She is 23, and really hot. Is 1K is too much? What would be your ideal rate for couple of hours?"
A bunch of random points. I am going to talk about what's right for ME, for the experience I personally want -- yours may differ, and that's okay! Anyway:
1. I don't know which of you brought up "couple of hours". If you brought it up, it's a stupid mistake you shouldn't repeat. If she brought it up, it means she's a stripper who has a profession escort like OTC model. IMO this is "worst of all worlds", escort professionalism plus stripper flakiness. This by itself gets me walking, 100% of the time. IME the surefire way to be disappointed with OTC, is to engage with an escort-like stripper.
2. There are lots and lots of guys spending less than $1k for OTC (without a pre-set time limit). That doesn't mean that she isn't able to get that price -- she's hot, and if she values high payment over volume, she may well be getting that. That doesn't mean you have to pay it. There's a good chance you can get a girl that's just as hot, who doesn't have an escort-like by-the-hour pricing model, for half as much. Of course, if you easily have the $$$ and are fine with an escort experience, sure, go for it. But it won't be hard to find a better non-escorty experience for far less.
At this point, getting anything but a crack whore for $300 is delusional in this area. I imagine most big cities with high cost of living it's the same. The $300 days are long gone, alas.
There are two kinds of people in the world: A. Sex is good with only a small, select number of people (maybe as few as one or zero at any given time), and borderline traumatic with anyone else. B. Sex is perhaps really good with select individuals, but OK with most people of one's gender preference (if any).
Through some combination of nature and nurture, B's are more common among men than among women.
B's are most suited to sex work. They are able to entertain more PLs without it taking an emotional toll. They tend to ask for a lower $ number, because they thus entertain more PLs, and make more total $ over time. But they may still ask for high $ if they are particularly popular.
A's as sex workers ask for a high $ number because they couldn't stand doing high volume anyway. It's hard for them to completely hid how much they'd rather be somewhere else, unless the PL is low empathy.
And, since people are people, most are on a continuum between a full A and a full B.
I think its a lot for these days. Pretty covid I'd say 1k would be a decent rate for a girl in a major city. I know girls who were asking 2k minimum and getting it.
Now a days in Vegas you're seeing girls offering $400 all nighters...
If she's charging 1k it means she sees you as a mark and doesn't think much of you physically.
If you've agree to it or have spent a decent amount on her in the club. And now want to haggle with her you'll just make her see you as a bigger mark and not feel bad about eventually fucking you over.
If you can afford it go for it. If you can't sustain the spending then find a cheaper hooker.
She seem to have many rules as well. She said no kissing, not too much cuddle, she brings the condom. Order food from her favorite expensive restaurant, room in a 3 star and above, top shelf liquor of her choice. Actually, it comes to 1600 range, which little above for my budget. But her hotness is tempting.
If you aren't getting GFE 1k is too much; I don't care how hot she is. Plus no GFE is leaning towards me agreeing with a few other posters that she isn't into you/ you turn her off/ you disgust her, but you are a mark that has deep enough pockets that she thinks she can stomach the "couple hours".
whoa!! wait a minute. what the fuck? rules? in addition to 1 grand you have to fork out for some more extra shit? i'd also be very leery about that bringing her own condom - she could have that bag all riddled with holes ya know.
what level of hottness is this girl at? could you name a celebrity that she resembles just to give us all here an idea to gauge? prime kate upton? 80's hair band groupie? one of the current queens of onlyfans?
Since she'd prolly sleaze out of the OTC sex anyway, that's 64 PDs for the same mileage (assuming she even gives a decent grind ITC). But let her know you're still interested by counter-offering a taco bell dollar burrito and a warm beer in the back seat of your car.
Not to compare her with any celebrity. But she may be somewhat like iskraa lawrencee style.But still I am getting half of the people commenting as 1K worth it and remaining half as not worth it.
^ OP a scumbag to try 1.5 k OTC with a dancer. Better go to Sheri’s ranch in nevada, you get high class girls for that price. Strip club OTC must be not more than 500. You said, no GFE, then what tha f..Karen you? Move on to next
i'm into figuring out some girls come up with the self-inflated numbers that they charge. not sure how far i am with this theory but i'll lay it out there. his fave i'm 90% sure most likely has one of those onlyfans accounts. now to me this all makes sense regarding her prices and rules. those are her base minimums to OTC with average dudes.
with onlyfans that girl will get lots of DM's. and some of those DM's are going to be sent by members of such organizations as NBA, MLB, and NFL. in addition there are also the rappers - once a few of them notice they too will be hitting send.
Very simple. 1.5 k is insanely stupid amount for OTC. If you don’t get that then go pay do whatever you want. Kind advise is work with another girl, frequent club more and gain her confidence. Then easy to negotiate. But anything above 500, is flushing money in toilet.
There's no way anyone but you can know if it's worth it to you.
Sometimes, when you ask someone if they like doughnuts, potato chips, etc., they'll say "I'll eat em if they're there". The best sex workers think of PLs kindof like that. As long as we are considerate, affectionate and stay inside their boundaries, while we won't be great nut material to them, they can get some enjoyment as well as the $ with us. But typically they are not the ones who charge the highest rates or are magazine pretty.
No one can tell you if it's worth it. You have to decide that on your own. People can tell you what's common, but its highly dependent on area and circumstance.
Most of the advice on here isn't bad, with the notable exception of the guy who told you to agree to 1k and then only pay 400. Don't do that. If you don't understand how that's asking for trouble, you shouldn't be thinking about OTC at all because you're just not ready to consider the angles.
Around here, $500-600 will get you an afternoon or evening with many 8+'s in many clubs. Being a known quantity, and being open to off-prime scheduling, and that number drops pretty considerably. I've found girls asking for more than that really just don't want to do it and aren't going to be any fun anyway. I don't know how the rules thing came up, but for me that's a big item of concern. If she's coming out unprompted saying no kissing, limited cuddling she's probably going to have a bunch of other limitations. It's not going to be fun for either of you if she feels like you're pushing her boundaries the entire time and you feel like you have to ask for permission for everything. Now, if you started out saying you mostly wanted to kiss and cuddle and that was her response, it's a little less of a red flag about boundaries but you're still in a bad spot since she doesn't want to do what you do. She brings the condom thing I find odd too. There are some legit concerns there, but they go both ways. I'd have no issue if she had a condom, but if she refused mine I'd be suspicious. If the two parties can't even trust each other to not sabotage a condom I'd say they're better of not having sex. It's not gonna be good.
Trying not to be judgemental about the girls looks, but around here girls with that body type are super common. 1k IMO is premium pricing. I wouldn't be paying a premium for average, especially average with boundaries that don't line up with my expectations. I'd find someone else.
OP, dont pay up front. Check eros and tryst listings in your area. 1k an hour is what extremely hot escorts, pornstars and former pornstars and playboy models charge. You said she’s hot but is she as hot as those kinds of girls. Also if shes doing overnight somewhere around what she could make stripping that night is a fair amount so around $500 tops. If it’s just for one hour it should be $300 tops...
Someone said pay her 40% of the agreed upon amount at the end and say “that’s a really good price,” lol, that is a great way to get no girl in a club in your whole city to talk to you ever again. Wow.
I don’t have experience of hiring an escort, or trying to get a stripper to meet me OTC, but I do dance in a club (if you haven’t heard), and I do get propositioned for OTC. You have to understand what the earning potential is for a stripper in a shift, without having to have sex with someone, or the risks that accompany sex…and that will tell you why she is asking $1000.
To me, the extra requests she has are a deal killer though, no kissing, you have to buy dinner and alcohol etc. I would pass on that personally. Once you agree to the $1000 (or $1600) price tag, you are probably going to want another round(s), and she is going to insist on the same terms.
If comparing a $200 30 min grind VIP ITC vs 30 min of oral/penetration OTC, anything over $200 (and closer to $125 after the club's cut) is a ho tip vs a stripper tip. I'll round it to $150. The rest of the hour spent together is just fluff. Strippers often spend over 30 min chilling for free with a PL before a VIP. So $300/hour OTC is already twice what they would make ITC for a VIP.
Plus they don't have to: Spend hours on make-up. Pay a stage fee. Tip anyone out. Deal with fines. Deal with humiliation from management/staff. Deal with dancer drama. Or deal with a bunch of PLs wasting her time/insulting her.
Just a different perspective using per hour instead of per date. I mean, sticking a dick in her OTC is ultimately the only difference in that half-hour of activity. (And if you can already do that ITC, then why bother paying more?)
I had a session with a escort, who told me I wasn't allowed to touch her with my hands. Only my dick. The first time you are entertained by an sex worker, you always have to be ready for it to be a complete waste of time and money. That's a consideration when considering how much is too much. For FS, the best chances of not wasting your money is if she has lots of good reviews on https://www.theeroticreview.co… .
Soooo I meet a few girls for otc in your neck of the woods on the reg. For 2-3 hours of FS everything included $1000-1500 is a good number. Chicago prices are high if you want the best. If you want some 6-7.5 range stuff it can be half that.
OP: Given the upfront rules I would guess she'll be very mechanical and rushed. She may not let you go down on her or even touch you or allow much touching of her.
You would have to gauge that on how she treats you ITC. Given the cost and rules, I would pass. There's just too many other options.
How often do strippers make $1000 in a shift? That would be a very Good Friday or saturday no? On average they may make $300-$500 those nights? A weeknight average even less...?
Yeah we know, it's your turn to covet the corncob, DIPSHIT! The real facts are you have to way overpay 3s and 4s that everyone else gets for free because of your charming personality and lack of game.
Lol dipshitscrub, unlike you who always projects your gloryhole dreams from I-10 in Eloy on others I have never been anywhere near one nor am I fat or old but I wouldn't expect a moron that 'built', for lack of a better word, his reputation here up to '150' ignores to understand anything except how to position your mouth at said hole for ultimate suction.
- $1,000 is a lot. Also, some of these girls end up being a disappointment. If she's awesome, it's probably worth it once. If she's not, or is just mediocre, it's an expensive lesson. Regardless, I can't imagine she'll be great for 2 hours. I'd ask her for a shorter time for a smaller amount.
- You can assess the market price in your city by looking at the sites eros, tryst, and the sites that promote actual porn stars. That will tell you what the market rates are (and they really vary based on the girl's personal opinion of herself, and how much she doesn't want to do it).
- However, with these sites, you have to be careful with the pictures. Some girls will use pictures of a look alike so they can't be personally identified. WIth real pictures, you also don't know if they've put on weight since the pictures were taken, so you may want to ask for a picture from today, which will probably piss them off. Two of my favorite porn stars, named Jesse Jane and Maddy O'Reilly, used to look great on film, and use those pictures in their ads, and they both put on 30+ pounds since the pictures were taken. One of the great things about meeting a girl in a strip club is that you get to see all of what she looks like.
- If the girl is hot, remember that there are other buyers with ridiculous money, so some of these girls are used to getting $1,000 handbags or shoes from some guys who give it to them for no specific act
- If you think she's the hottest girl you've ever seen (or even in the last few years), you should probably do it once, because you'd hate to be on your deathbed with $1,000 in the bank and think you hadn't done it
Imo, even those girls getting $1000 free, will still provide fs for much less. There are girls who get huge tips of hundreds from a 30 min vip, but will still do full service for that amount. It all comes down to the guy... clearly if they can get money off a guy for minimal work, they don’t need to offer more
Some of these pornstars etc are stil active like lauren Phillips, miss raquel, rose monroe, jenna starr etc. i wonder if instead of paying the full amount up front, if you can for example pay $100 to start; then $100 every 10 minutes for the hour? So you aren’t putting down $500 right away which risks the provider scamming you or providing subpar service since they already got the money.
Some of the traveling escorts with minimal reviews unfortunately turn out to be scammers
last commentAnyway, $500/hour isn't a crazy expensive rate, but it's a bit expensive. Don't be afraid to politely ask for a modestly lower rate. She won't be surprised or insulted. If she says 'no,' then you've got a decision to make.
Growing up dirt poor and now as an employer, I've never lost sight of the value of money, regardless of how well I do in any given year. So I always look at these things through both reasonability and sustainability filters and by either measure this doesn't really pass muster for me.
Re: reasonableness, she wants more for a bit o' ass than many people make in a solid week of work. Now of course adult entertainers should rightly want a premium for what they do, but when it gets that untethered to the real world then the principle of the damned thing kicks in for me. I'm a good night for most gals, especially those who I pay both ITC and OTC, but I have zero interest in being tonight's winning lottery ticket.
Also, how sustainable is $1k a pop for OTC meets? One of the big benefits of making a new OTC connection is the ability to repeat if you like her. Only you know the answer to this, but I suspect that most people wouldn't be able to see a girl routinely at that price point.
Again, to each his own. Have fun and all, but keep your wits about you in the process.
Also, to address your primary point head on, you can find plenty of attractive girls doing it for far less than $1k.
Be patient if possible. Chill with her ITC a few times. Give your brain a chance to catch up with your hormones. Watch her play the other PLs.
If you use a motel, buy the cheapest room with a bed possible. You may have to eat the cost when she balks on the original agreement. (Don't worry, her house is almost always dirtier/messier. Especially when they have kids.)
Also never, never pay in advance. The second she gets the money her entire facade usually disappears.
Personally, I'll go 500 for a sleepover (and her also dealing with my morning wood).
If she doesn't like 300 for the first time, tell her the offer's always good, and just deal with her ITC for now.
But again, it's your money.
But did I spend $1000 for some girls a few years ago, yes I did. I think the normal range now is $400-600. If they are charging. you more, that means they really dont' want to do it. But if you are willing to pay that, they will hold their nose and go thru with it.
Don't keep anything out in the open that you can't afford to lose.
They're always ten moves ahead of you, and it's second nature for them to pounce on ROB opportunities.
(P.S., Don't let this stuff derail your enjoyment. Your defenses will also become second nature with experience.)
A stripper was doing laps across the river. On one bank a scorpion asked for a ride to the other side.
The stripper said 'No, you'll sting me'. 'Why would I do that? We'd both drown', said the scorpion. The stripper saw the logic and agreed.
Halfway across, the stripper pulled-out a switchblade, cut off the scorpion's stinger, and stole his wallet.
Gasping his last breaths, the scorpion said, ' Why did you do that? I promised not to sting you'.
'Sorry', she replied, 'I'm a stripper. It's in my nature'.
A bunch of random points. I am going to talk about what's right for ME, for the experience I personally want -- yours may differ, and that's okay! Anyway:
1. I don't know which of you brought up "couple of hours". If you brought it up, it's a stupid mistake you shouldn't repeat. If she brought it up, it means she's a stripper who has a profession escort like OTC model. IMO this is "worst of all worlds", escort professionalism plus stripper flakiness. This by itself gets me walking, 100% of the time. IME the surefire way to be disappointed with OTC, is to engage with an escort-like stripper.
2. There are lots and lots of guys spending less than $1k for OTC (without a pre-set time limit). That doesn't mean that she isn't able to get that price -- she's hot, and if she values high payment over volume, she may well be getting that. That doesn't mean you have to pay it. There's a good chance you can get a girl that's just as hot, who doesn't have an escort-like by-the-hour pricing model, for half as much. Of course, if you easily have the $$$ and are fine with an escort experience, sure, go for it. But it won't be hard to find a better non-escorty experience for far less.
A. Sex is good with only a small, select number of people (maybe as few as one or zero at any given time), and borderline traumatic with anyone else.
B. Sex is perhaps really good with select individuals, but OK with most people of one's gender preference (if any).
Through some combination of nature and nurture, B's are more common among men than among women.
B's are most suited to sex work. They are able to entertain more PLs without it taking an emotional toll. They tend to ask for a lower $ number, because they thus entertain more PLs, and make more total $ over time. But they may still ask for high $ if they are particularly popular.
A's as sex workers ask for a high $ number because they couldn't stand doing high volume anyway. It's hard for them to completely hid how much they'd rather be somewhere else, unless the PL is low empathy.
And, since people are people, most are on a continuum between a full A and a full B.
Now a days in Vegas you're seeing girls offering $400 all nighters...
If she's charging 1k it means she sees you as a mark and doesn't think much of you physically.
If you've agree to it or have spent a decent amount on her in the club. And now want to haggle with her you'll just make her see you as a bigger mark and not feel bad about eventually fucking you over.
If you can afford it go for it. If you can't sustain the spending then find a cheaper hooker.
what level of hottness is this girl at? could you name a celebrity that she resembles just to give us all here an idea to gauge? prime kate upton? 80's hair band groupie? one of the current queens of onlyfans?
But let her know you're still interested by counter-offering a taco bell dollar burrito and a warm beer in the back seat of your car.
For a truly hot female, not your typical STG escort, I don’t think $1000 is unreasonable but it’s gotta be a GFE with DFK and going down on her
I wouldn't give Iscra Lawrence a pity stage tip, but now I understand.
She's charging by the pound.
i'm into figuring out some girls come up with the self-inflated numbers that they charge. not sure how far i am with this theory but i'll lay it out there. his fave i'm 90% sure most likely has one of those onlyfans accounts. now to me this all makes sense regarding her prices and rules. those are her base minimums to OTC with average dudes.
with onlyfans that girl will get lots of DM's. and some of those DM's are going to be sent by members of such organizations as NBA, MLB, and NFL. in addition there are also the rappers - once a few of them notice they too will be hitting send.
so you still want to fuck around with that girl?
Sometimes, when you ask someone if they like doughnuts, potato chips, etc., they'll say "I'll eat em if they're there". The best sex workers think of PLs kindof like that. As long as we are considerate, affectionate and stay inside their boundaries, while we won't be great nut material to them, they can get some enjoyment as well as the $ with us. But typically they are not the ones who charge the highest rates or are magazine pretty.
Most of the advice on here isn't bad, with the notable exception of the guy who told you to agree to 1k and then only pay 400. Don't do that. If you don't understand how that's asking for trouble, you shouldn't be thinking about OTC at all because you're just not ready to consider the angles.
Around here, $500-600 will get you an afternoon or evening with many 8+'s in many clubs. Being a known quantity, and being open to off-prime scheduling, and that number drops pretty considerably. I've found girls asking for more than that really just don't want to do it and aren't going to be any fun anyway. I don't know how the rules thing came up, but for me that's a big item of concern. If she's coming out unprompted saying no kissing, limited cuddling she's probably going to have a bunch of other limitations. It's not going to be fun for either of you if she feels like you're pushing her boundaries the entire time and you feel like you have to ask for permission for everything. Now, if you started out saying you mostly wanted to kiss and cuddle and that was her response, it's a little less of a red flag about boundaries but you're still in a bad spot since she doesn't want to do what you do. She brings the condom thing I find odd too. There are some legit concerns there, but they go both ways. I'd have no issue if she had a condom, but if she refused mine I'd be suspicious. If the two parties can't even trust each other to not sabotage a condom I'd say they're better of not having sex. It's not gonna be good.
Trying not to be judgemental about the girls looks, but around here girls with that body type are super common. 1k IMO is premium pricing. I wouldn't be paying a premium for average, especially average with boundaries that don't line up with my expectations. I'd find someone else.
Someone said pay her 40% of the agreed upon amount at the end and say “that’s a really good price,” lol, that is a great way to get no girl in a club in your whole city to talk to you ever again. Wow.
I don’t have experience of hiring an escort, or trying to get a stripper to meet me OTC, but I do dance in a club (if you haven’t heard), and I do get propositioned for OTC. You have to understand what the earning potential is for a stripper in a shift, without having to have sex with someone, or the risks that accompany sex…and that will tell you why she is asking $1000.
To me, the extra requests she has are a deal killer though, no kissing, you have to buy dinner and alcohol etc. I would pass on that personally. Once you agree to the $1000 (or $1600) price tag, you are probably going to want another round(s), and she is going to insist on the same terms.
Wish you best of luck ❤️
The rest of the hour spent together is just fluff. Strippers often spend over 30 min chilling for free with a PL before a VIP.
So $300/hour OTC is already twice what they would make ITC for a VIP.
Plus they don't have to:
Spend hours on make-up.
Pay a stage fee.
Tip anyone out.
Deal with fines.
Deal with humiliation from management/staff.
Deal with dancer drama.
Or deal with a bunch of PLs wasting her time/insulting her.
Just a different perspective using per hour instead of per date.
I mean, sticking a dick in her OTC is ultimately the only difference in that half-hour of activity. (And if you can already do that ITC, then why bother paying more?)
You would have to gauge that on how she treats you ITC. Given the cost and rules, I would pass. There's just too many other options.
Yeah we know, it's your turn to covet the corncob, DIPSHIT!
The real facts are you have to way overpay 3s and 4s that everyone else gets for free because of your charming personality and lack of game.
So tell us dipshit, do you spit or swallow?
- $1,000 is a lot. Also, some of these girls end up being a disappointment. If she's awesome, it's probably worth it once. If she's not, or is just mediocre, it's an expensive lesson. Regardless, I can't imagine she'll be great for 2 hours. I'd ask her for a shorter time for a smaller amount.
- You can assess the market price in your city by looking at the sites eros, tryst, and the sites that promote actual porn stars. That will tell you what the market rates are (and they really vary based on the girl's personal opinion of herself, and how much she doesn't want to do it).
- However, with these sites, you have to be careful with the pictures. Some girls will use pictures of a look alike so they can't be personally identified. WIth real pictures, you also don't know if they've put on weight since the pictures were taken, so you may want to ask for a picture from today, which will probably piss them off. Two of my favorite porn stars, named Jesse Jane and Maddy O'Reilly, used to look great on film, and use those pictures in their ads, and they both put on 30+ pounds since the pictures were taken. One of the great things about meeting a girl in a strip club is that you get to see all of what she looks like.
- If the girl is hot, remember that there are other buyers with ridiculous money, so some of these girls are used to getting $1,000 handbags or shoes from some guys who give it to them for no specific act
- If you think she's the hottest girl you've ever seen (or even in the last few years), you should probably do it once, because you'd hate to be on your deathbed with $1,000 in the bank and think you hadn't done it
Imo, even those girls getting $1000 free, will still provide fs for much less. There are girls who get huge tips of hundreds from a 30 min vip, but will still do full service for that amount. It all comes down to the guy... clearly if they can get money off a guy for minimal work, they don’t need to offer more
Some of these pornstars etc are stil active like lauren Phillips, miss raquel, rose monroe, jenna starr etc.
i wonder if instead of paying the full amount up front, if you can for example pay $100 to start; then $100 every 10 minutes for the hour? So you aren’t putting down $500 right away which risks the provider scamming you or providing subpar service since they already got the money.
Some of the traveling escorts with minimal reviews unfortunately turn out to be scammers