We all want to bang the hot bartender, none of us do, but a good relationship with a bartender can be helpful. I did a room the other night at Desires with one of the hotter, yet less fun dancers at Desires. Extras are fun, extras don't matter to me, full contact dances with pretty dancers are fun, extras don't matter to me. Sat with the dancer a bit and the bartender (we'll call her Wendy) served us drinks. We then went to the CR where I was treated to 15 minutes with the dancer, whose reputation indicated would be just ok and it was wild. Way beyond what my peers here, at the club and my own stage tipping experiences would leave anyone to believe. We enjoyed one for the road before I left and chatted. She asked if I had fun and I told her a million times more than I expected. She laughed and told me I had good "references" from the bartender, that she liked us (bartender and I) being on a first name basis, that the bartender knew my wife's name and that the bartender told her that in her 5+ years here I had always treated the ladies with decency and respect. Increased my mileage dramatically.
Anywho, bartender support is helpful. So is dancer support. Many months ago (also at Desire), I had a smoking hot, relatively new dancer come out of the dressing room and come up to me directly on a busy night. She introduced herself and we chatted for a while, and then she asked about VIP. So, as we walked in to VIP, I noted that she seemed to come to me without even looking around the room. She replied, "I asked around. People said nice things."
Could've been horseshit, but I don't think it was.
Whether the payoff is subtle or overt, it's better than alienating them.
Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.
“A good reputation is more valuable than money.”
~ Publilius Syrus
You project so much it’s hard to lake you seriously LULZ
OTOH if you are a regular that consistently buys drinks and tips, and doesn't cause trouble, many bartenders are nice to you and will have your back.
Another thread where dickless Icee just takes an opposite opinion just to stir drama.
I definitely saw the bartender (different one) who knows me as a good tipper, give me an extra shot of vodka on my last trip.
Tipping all the staff makes you a mark not a vip.
Strip clubs have a pecking order. You gain nothing paying the bottom end
Tetradon. The point js to be liked by dancers. Not people they look down on. And never trust club intelligence from bartenders. It's all based on which girls tip them and which dont do it much.
Bouncers aren't liked coz they enforce rules based on how much girls tip them. That affects whose side they take when it comes to problems. Etc. They're seen as bottom feeders.
Bartenders are purely motivated by how much girls tip or don't tip them.
Would you tip a money sweeper? Would you trust Intel from a bathroom troll?
You're there for yhe girls.
Waitresses are good to tip though. Especially when you help a girl with her drink quotas
Lay off the booze
As for the subject of the thread, I've never regretted tipping and chatting up the bartenders. Two in particular have directed promising girls in my direction, and warned me off of others as wastes of time, similar to skibum's "It's not just the Red Sox that look good on paper" comment. In one instance, a dancer who was a flat "no" later came back and said "maybe I spoke too quickly." Turns out, the bartender had told her I was a "good guy", which in strip club parlance means "spends money."
Anectdote: Bipolar and me were known to be exclusive VIPs. She heard about me dancing with another girl on her no-show day off and half-seriously scolded me for it before our next dance. After the dance I saw her crying to security. Thor came over to me and repeated her false inappropriate biting (or whatever) accusation.
I was a SC bouncer for years BITD, and if a PL made a dancer cry he'd be out on his face without discussion.
But I casually knew Thor and always offered him cart/vape hits when I walked by.
I told him it was a nice, no drama dance, and asked him to watch the tape.
Proven innocent, Thor admonished Bipolar saying 'You looked perfectly happy leaving the VIP'.
Busted, she stormed off to the dressing room.
There's a joke in there somewhere about putting the cart before the hoes but I'll pass.
I haven't committed suicide. I don't steal. I'm not lying here. And smoking weed with a girl and having sex isn't drugging and raping her.
Lay off the whiskey. Find a new hobby other than trolling me all day
Ishmael what was the very generous offer you made? Everything is perspective, to some people that could mean $1000+ to others it could just mean $400...
Anyway arent drinks at clubs massively overpriced
In my experience dancers don't like cheap tippers. Period. Oh and they don't like pimps. Several of my faves would not work nights because pimps would be more likely to show up and harass them.
And out here in Portland, the bartender is often the backup manager and "boss" over the strippers. And sometimes the club owner will tend the bar.
I'm counting on it.
I don't tip dancers I'm not interested in, and some dancers avoid me cuz they're not interested.
No big deal.
Welcome to SC 101.
Pretending to be afraid of pimps is something hoes do with middle aged to older white tricks to make themselves look more trustworthy to them. Meanwhile they....
Dg. They avoid you for a reason though. It's not a good reputation.
And no, the strippers I've talked to about pimps we're randoms and faves. Some of them knew I wasn't giving them any business. They simply don't like pimps because a pimp harasses them and teys to control them. Again, it's not that complicated. Oh, and they never feared a pimp. They just don't want to be around them. Period.
Meanwhile there are pimp wannabes that are pretending that a junkie stripper whore is in "love" with them...lulz...🤭🤡
Talking about harassing pimps and cheap tippers is just small talk. No need to make it a fantasy because it does nothing for a PL's ego.
You're only privy to the fantasy you're paying for. Everyone in the club sees themselves as hustlers and they all see customers as marks.
You can believe what you want but you look at it from the outside in
But keep your delusions going. 🤭🤡
^^^Are you sure about this? Are you sure you're not the delusional one?
Here's a past thread from a supposed pimp:…
And in the OP, the pimp talks about being lied to. Here it is verbatim:
"But then came the lies. She started fucking other guys for coke. And she ended up with a broke ass bum wannabe pimp junkie.
She called me controlling and obsessive for finding everything out and wanting her to come back to me.
When I found out she denied everything. Now 4 months later she still denies it."
^^^clearly said whore was lying to her "pimp"!!! 🤭🤡😂😂😂
The context is in black and white. Quoted by you directly.
Stop being such a butthurt little bitch. If you don't like it, you shouldn't post so much bullshit. 🤭🤡
Again, stop being such a butthurt little bitch. If you don't like it, you shouldn't post so much bullshit. 🤭🤡
For the record I've banged exactly 2 (in 40 years). Both were out of the blue and suprising, as they'd spent some time watching my antics as the stoned male slut regular (lulz).
Carry on. Time to monger.
1. Sometimes bartenders give me a round for free
2. I had a bartender who would regularly give me top-shelf liquor and charge me the bottom shelf price. LOVED HER
3. A hot chick to shoot the shit with while I was waiting for my CF to come out, and/or watching the rotation to see who might be interested in
Linda Ronstadt - You're No Good - 2016 School of Rock AllStars Team 6…
Your mom is calling you, another 14 hours stint Longview to El Paso.
Linda Ronstadt - You're No Good - 2016 School of Rock AllStars Team 6…
One night (pre-COVID) I was sitting at the bar chatting with a bartender I'd talked to several times before. She asked me why I hadn't gotten any dances or VIP yet. I answered that the only two dancers I was interested in were both sitting with guys and I wasn't going to try to barge in. So, the bartender told me "Hold on." She walked up to one of the dancers and whispered into her ear. As club staff, and as a woman, that's something she could do without bruising egos. Anyway, she came back to the bar and told me that she'd let the dancer know that she had options.
The dancer disengaged with the customer about 5 minutes later, and came directly to me. We chatted for a while, drinks were ordered, and we went to VIP, which was wonderful. And so was the other VIPs we had after that as well as the OTC. So, in that instance, being on friendly and familiar terms with a bartender led directly to me having several good nights. And if the dancer tipped out that bartender extra for bird-dogging me to her, I'm 100% fine with that.
I'd hope I your bouncer days you'd know which dancers were drama queens or maybe ask why they were crying before the customer gets shown the door.
Another guy would send over girls he thought might be my type. Didn't always get dancers but he would only send over dancers that he thought we're decent people.
During the height of Covid when Ubers were hard to come by, I told one I had to wait a very long time after closing and she said she would give me a ride if that happened again.
Another had a few annual passes for any Penthouse Club that went for a few hundred bucks. He gave me one as I always tipped him well when I was served by him.