T V Shows You Miss

I miss Jay Leno

This morning I saw a few clips on YouTube of Jay Walking.

I miss that as well as his funny news paper adds and article titles


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avatar for Huntsman
2 yrs ago

Seinfeld, Cheers and some of the half hour sitcoms. The writing was generally good and the characters were funny.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago


avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

Peaky Blinders (just watched the finale)

Seinfeld and Cheers were good

24 was awesome


The X-Files


Warrior...though this one is allegedly coming back for a third season. This show is bad ass. It was on Cinemax, now HBO Max. Producers of Banshee + Bruce Lee's daughter = killer fight scenes.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Deadwood was fantastic.

Also, Breaking Bad.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

I have watched all of Breaking Bad, Dexter, and Walking Dead several times.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

@mark - firefly with Nathan Fillion? If so, we may have found something we agree on. Serenity was a decent conclusion to Fox botching the airing and cancellation of the show.

CMI - Breaking Bad had a great conclusion so I wouldn’t call it missed. Plus, we also go El Camino and Better Call Saul, which picked up after a slow start.

Deadwood - poor finish, but the movies helped put a good ending on it.

Agree on Warrior. That show is badass.

avatar for MajorBoobage
2 yrs ago

With Hulu, Prime, and other streaming services, I don't miss shows much because I re-watch them whenever I want. But I cannot find NewsRadio or WKRP anywhere, and would very much like to relive those shows. Also, two shows I watched regularly when they were on, that both ended on cliffhangers that I wish could have been resolved: Alf and My Name Is Earl.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Barney Miller. Soap.

avatar for rattdog
2 yrs ago

friday the 13th tales from the crypt beavis n butthead sopranos

avatar for magicrat
2 yrs ago

WKRP has an issue with the record labels and the music played on the which is why you don't see it in reruns.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Dexter and Walking Dead are also among my fav TV shows. But, with the cold breath of Death on the back of my neck, I don't feel I have time to watch the same shows twice. Also miss Red Dwarf. Some episodes of Walking Dead in later seasons feel padded. To much character introspection, to few plot points.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

The Man Show Two and a Half Men ( with Charlie Sheen )

avatar for mike710
2 yrs ago

Can't say I watched The Man Show a lot but loved the "girls on trampolines" segment. Probably could never do something like that on TV these days. However, I had a big surprise a week or so ago when I saw Blazing Saddles come up on a cable movie channel. Thought I would never see that aired again.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Dark Angel ( with a young Jessica Alba ) Dark Matter Life ( the Zen Detective series )

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

I see "The walking Dead" mentioned a couple of times. It was filmed at Raleigh Studios Senoia GA, about 15 miles from me. Now that the series has ended the homes that were used in filming are now up for sale starting at 700K.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Two old television shows that ran for one season only; has anyone seen The Prisoner or Men Behaving badly.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

I guess I don’t really miss any old TV shows. One can find about anything on the streaming services now.

I general I do wish the networks would show some creativity and come up with a decent sitcom. Probably haven’t had one since Big Bang Theory (early years)

I know reality shows are cheap but I don’t like them. And quit with recycling known commodities. Are we gonna have a CSI or NCIS in every city

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

A.L.F. , The Golden Girls, Fact of Life… just kidding.


Miami Vice

The original Magnum PI


avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

"In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team."

avatar for Lockjaw
2 yrs ago

Baywatch Jerry Springer

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

There’s a lot of TV I still gotta catch up on. Hell I’m still stuck on Walker Texas Ranger I’ll catch up one of these days

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

I did enjoy Star Trek:TNG. That ambient engine sound put me to sleep fucking quick. They just needed some proper T&A on that show

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

I think those Klingon sister bitches were the closest we got

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Yeah - I used to like Leno a lot (I also like watching his current show Jay Leno's Garage) - i used to like watching Colbert till he became a political-shithead and haven't watched him since the woke-virus broke-out - makes me wonder if Leno would have been forced to also go-woke if he was still around (probably so).

The older I got (currently 52) the less TV shows I enjoyed watching - off the top of my head two shows I used to really like back-in-the-day were Cheers, and Wings.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

"Two old television shows that ran for one season only; has anyone seen The Prisoner or Men Behaving badly."

The Prisoner was great. I also liked another British import from around the same time, The Avengers.

A more recent series which I miss is Burn Notice. My all-time favorite stripper looked like the Fiona character in that series.

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

10+ years ago I got rid of all regular TV due to the damn commercials. Presently my TV needs come from Netflix and Hulu/STARZ. The one sitcom I miss is "Married with children". I really had the hots for Christina Applegate. I could watch reruns of it but I don't.

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

I watch all episodes every 5 years or so. It's a great show. Al Bundy is richer than most Americans these days lol

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

Since I can stream almost any old show I want, I miss shows like “The Sports Reporters” and “Mike & Mike” on ESPN. Two shows that were decent before ESPN got all woke and political.

Better yet, The Sports Reporters were a rip off of a local Chicago cable show called “The Sports Writers on TV” which aired in the late 80’s early 90’s

Some legendary Chicago sports writers appeared

Bill Jauss Bill Gleason Ben Bentley Rick Telander

Were the primary regulars

avatar for datinman
2 yrs ago

I miss the Netflix Marvel Daredevil and Punisher series.

All time favorite Brit comedy was Fawlty Towers.

avatar for londonguy
2 yrs ago

Little Britain USA. So funny but it would never be aired nowadays. Watch the clips on YouTube if you need a good laugh

avatar for mike710
2 yrs ago

^I used to enjoy Benny Hill and I was very young watching such adult comedy.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

When I was in college Benny Hill and Dave Allen aired back to back on Sunday nights.

Benny Hill was all the buzz among the college students but I thought Dave Allen was funnier

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

I agree with Miami Vice and Married with Children, also Seinfeld.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

“All time favorite Brit comedy was Fawlty Towers.“

Amazing that they only made 12 episodes.

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