I visited a new club a few weeks ago (by the way, NOT the one I most recently reviewed). Shortly after entering the club and getting my drink, I walked up to the stage and tipped a cute dancer. When she finished, she immediately came up to me. She chatted with me for a few minutes then left without asking me for a dance. About 10 minutes later, she approached me again -- she still didn't ask me for dance, but said: "Are you a cop...you look like a cop?" Then she left, never to return again.
I thought that was an odd question in a strip club. I have never been asked that question, even in clubs known for offering extras. I have been asked that question on the occasional visit to a MP -- but that is to be expected.
Later in the evening, I had dances with other girls and the dances were in done in a large room lacking any privacy so I don't think any extras were being provided. Was she afraid of a drug bust? I am still somewhat baffled by the question.
Insecure girls ask, "Are you a cop?" when there's a lull in the conversation. They're trying to make sure they can cheat the rules with impunity. But if they had a bit of street-smarts they'd know that the question is pointless -- someone who is a cop on a sting can simply answer "no"; someone who is NOT a cop on a sting is likely to also answer "no"; and even if the guy answers "yes" and still wants an illegal service, it doesn't do the girl any good to know he's a cop. Asking informs her of nothing. Most girls know that by the time they've danced for a few months.
I was asked this question by two dancers at a club in San Diego a couple of years ago. The club had recently been busted and all of the dancers were a little nervous. FYI, a dancer doesn't have to do that much "extra" to get busted if the heat is on in a certain area. Rubbing on a guy's crotch can be enough in some places. I agree with Book Guy to a certain degree. The answer to the question is irrelevant but it's the oldest question in the book for women working in the sex industry. Many of them think they can tell if a guy is lying or not when he answers.
Just kidding, but back when I was young and fit and had a propensity for short haircuts, a moustache and aviator sunglasses (it was the '80's give me a break) I was regularly assumed to be a cop. The Glock in my shoulder holster didn't help either.
I'm envious, no dancer ever seems to ask me this. I wonder if it's some way I act or they can tell when I tip them on stage. I don't know, maybe they have a pic of me back stage saying "definitely not a cop". I remember one club many years ago, the dancers would tell me when vise walked into the club. I wondered "how do they know?"
A short course, they have the same swagger and vibe as criminals and thugs, but are more clean cut and have a certian reserve or respect for authority the thugs don't. I can't describe it, but I can usually spot it.
There are some undercover dudes who can stay in character and not tip off an average stripper. But I agree with AN, usually Vice is pretty clear-cut -- it continually amazes me at how bad members of the "authority patrol" are, at understanding that their little group doesn't behave the way the rest of the world does. I guess that's why they signed up to be cops in the first place ...
The only time a stripper asked me if I was a cop, it was because of the shoes I was wearing - big, shiny, black oxfords. I've been in clubs when there was a rumor going around among the dancers that vice was in the house. How does that get started without identifying which guys are vice? It could be a paranoid dancer high on drugs who sees suspicion in everybody who looks at her.
I was in PP in Memphis more than once when Vice was in there. It was quite a silly little scene, and you can read about it in my reviews. Suddenly the DJ announces something like "there are piggies in blankets now available at the kitchen" and the lights go up in the lap-dance room and all the girls who aren't caught getting ticketed disappear and put on less revealing clothing -- lingerie-style wraps or bathrobes, or street clothes if they haven't got that -- and won't sit in your lap. A half hour later, the DJ says something else in code and everything goes back to normal.
That is, until the most recent raid, when they got shut down for good. But that's a different issue.
Every time I was in there during a Vice visit, all the Vice dudes were self-evident. But I wouldn't have known about dudes who were under-cover on previous visits, and I might have even sat next to one getting an illegal lap dance at some time and never found out. But during an out-and-out ticketing session, the cops were prototypical -- mildly more burly than average, with wider shoulders; wearing classic cop shoes (black oxfords or brown; lace-up); many Mike Ditka haircuts and goatees; strutting walks, fat chests, self-important attitudes.
I know that officers do a difficult job, keeping our streets safer than they would be without cops. But really, why does every single one of them whom I've EVER met have to be such a Gino about it?
BG: I am repeating this incident for about the 5th time, in case you didn't see it before. About 6 years ago, I was in the Memphis PP during a bust. There were 5 of them. Dressed like bikers. They made a sweep of the main room and then headed for the couch room. At that instant I had no idea of what was going on. They pulled the curtains closed and then the DJ announced that the VIP room was temporarily closed and drinks were 2 for ones untill it reopened. The club really started to clear out. I guess most of the guys thought that, that was it for the night. I stayed because I was from out of town and was talking to great looking girl and having a good time just doing that.
The VIP room was closed for 90 minutes. Every dancer and customer back there got cited.30 Minutes after they left, I met Angel. She was cute, petite and friendly. She was wearing a little pink dress. What you would expect a fairy to wear. We talked and then I agreed to do a 2 for $40. We went to the VIP room. Only one other couple in there. She asked "What are your rules?" I replied, "I don't have any. What are yours?" She said "I don't have any either". Do you know what was under that little pink dress? Absoutely nothing but bare pussy. We went through the 2 songs groping each other everywhere. I agreed to another 2 for $40. Her hand went into my pants and she started to give me a bare handed hand job. She continued on song 2 and they I asked if her hand wasn't getting tired. She replied "yes" and then her head went into my lap. She sucked. I blew. No spitting and no tip asked for. All I could think of was the fact that I had just gotten a BBBJ an hour after the vice squad had busted the place.
8 or 9 months ago my former ATF, who had split with her husband and was in the process of getting divorced. (a bitter custody battle over their 2 Yo son). She told me that she suspected a recent customer of being a private detective. He was asking too many really personal questions. She presumed to get the goods on her. Then he asked for a private dance. She agreed but in her words, gave him the worst dance she ever given anyone. All air.
I was a COP once, in the Army then Shelby County Sheriff's Department, but not anymore.
david120 - I've been asked before if I were a COP when visiting strip clubs. COPS don't have any particular looks. I have always believe that if a dancer asks me if I am a COP, she is paranoid of getting busted for doing dirty deeds in the club or heard rumors that the club was being investigated.
Most of the clubs where I've spent a lot of time frequently had cops in uniform visit the club regularly. I think management encouraged them to do so to help keep the peace, since they didn't have bouncers. And the cops were probably happy to do so, looking at naked girls beats giving out speeding tickets. Some of the girls were friends with them, as was the manager.
I think I once spotted an attractive blonde female cop driving a patrol car. I probably wouldn't recognize her as a cop on the street if she was in street clothes.
I seldom find that the female cops whom I notice in regular life are very attractive. Generally they're built like softball players -- VERY wide from the waist down -- although they may be quite muscular. The women who are built like ballerinas seldom go into law enforcement, IME ...
last commentJust kidding, but back when I was young and fit and had a propensity for short haircuts, a moustache and aviator sunglasses (it was the '80's give me a break) I was regularly assumed to be a cop. The Glock in my shoulder holster didn't help either.
Just kidding.
It was a sig P232 in an ankle holster.
That is, until the most recent raid, when they got shut down for good. But that's a different issue.
Every time I was in there during a Vice visit, all the Vice dudes were self-evident. But I wouldn't have known about dudes who were under-cover on previous visits, and I might have even sat next to one getting an illegal lap dance at some time and never found out. But during an out-and-out ticketing session, the cops were prototypical -- mildly more burly than average, with wider shoulders; wearing classic cop shoes (black oxfords or brown; lace-up); many Mike Ditka haircuts and goatees; strutting walks, fat chests, self-important attitudes.
I know that officers do a difficult job, keeping our streets safer than they would be without cops. But really, why does every single one of them whom I've EVER met have to be such a Gino about it?
The VIP room was closed for 90 minutes. Every dancer and customer back there got cited.30 Minutes after they left, I met Angel. She was cute, petite and friendly. She was wearing a little pink dress. What you would expect a fairy to wear. We talked and then I agreed to do a 2 for $40. We went to the VIP room. Only one other couple in there. She asked "What are your rules?" I replied, "I don't have any. What are yours?" She said "I don't have any either". Do you know what was under that little pink dress? Absoutely nothing but bare pussy. We went through the 2 songs groping each other everywhere. I agreed to another 2 for $40. Her hand went into my pants and she started to give me a bare handed hand job. She continued on song 2 and they I asked if her hand wasn't getting tired. She replied "yes" and then her head went into my lap. She sucked. I blew. No spitting and no tip asked for. All I could think of was the fact that I had just gotten a BBBJ an hour after the vice squad had busted the place.
8 or 9 months ago my former ATF, who had split with her husband and was in the process of getting divorced. (a bitter custody battle over their 2 Yo son). She told me that she suspected a recent customer of being a private detective. He was asking too many really personal questions. She presumed to get the goods on her. Then he asked for a private dance. She agreed but in her words, gave him the worst dance she ever given anyone. All air.
david120 - I've been asked before if I were a COP when visiting strip clubs. COPS don't have any particular looks. I have always believe that if a dancer asks me if I am a COP, she is paranoid of getting busted for doing dirty deeds in the club or heard rumors that the club was being investigated.