stripper names?

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men: would you rather strippers use real names (ie: Annie, Tanya, Shannon) or fantasy names (ie: Candy, Roxy, Lexus)?


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avatar for chandler
18 years ago
I don't care whether strippers use their real names, but I prefer real sounding fake names over fantasy fake names. Candy, Roxy and Lexis are fine, since I've known plenty of girls named Candice, Roxanne or Alexis. I've yet to meet a Passion, Temptation or Star in the real world, so they're kind of hard to say with a straight face. But it's really no big deal. I usually forget their names and just remember their looks.
avatar for jablake
18 years ago
I feel flattered that she told her me real name the first time. I paid her to bid on some property for me (after I'd known her a couple years) and I needed to check her IDs and fill out the pre-bidding forms for her. Of course, maybe her IDs were fake. :)
avatar for driver01
18 years ago
I met a smokin hot dancer once whose stage name was the proverbial "Candy"...After a few dances and a few more $$'s, she shared her "real name" which was Adriana. The next time I saw Candy(about a month later), I could tell she remembered me but clearly did not remember what we talked about. So after a few dances and a few more $$'s, she shared her "real name" which was now Anna.

I played along. Came back about 2 months later. Same scenario with "Candy"...a few dances- a few more $$'s and now her "real name" was Aleya. I was in town for 3 days this trip and made it a point to go back the very next night. "Candy" was SO HAPPY to see me again. After several dances and a few more $$'s I said to her something like, "Now that we are much better acquainted and you know my real name is DRIVER01, what's your name...her answer? Oh, I use my real name to dance--it's
avatar for blaze_n_hot
18 years ago
"Sooner or later most dancers end up telling you their real names anyway so what's the point of using a fake name? "

You mean, sooner or later most dancers end up telling you another fake name! ;)
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I prefer real names. Sooner or later most dancers end up telling you their real names anyway so what's the point of using a fake name?
avatar for jablake
18 years ago
I was asking all the dancers where Audry was--they never heard of her! You could set your clock by her and she missed at least a few days. After running out of dancers to ask, I figured the bartender had to know. He never heard of her! It shocked me that they didn't know this regular dancer.

I see her a week later and complain that nobody knew who she was and she looked perplexed. Turns out she almost never used her real name at work and I had forgotten she had a stage name.

avatar for jablake
18 years ago
I like real names, but it doesn't make much difference unless she is the type of dancer who 1) keeps regular hours and 2) is interested in repeat customers and 3) is a person who I would make a trip for if I know the odds are very good she'll be there.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Dark Chocolate. Smooth Excitement. Passionate Envy.

The two-worders really get me ...
avatar for driver01
18 years ago

I don't know-- girl's gotta have a first and last name, right?
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Two-worders? Must be a southern thing. Like Thelma Lou.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
I prefer real names and there are many dancers that use their real names. I have found 3 reasons for the use of stage names. The one I hear most is, "My real name is not sexy enough". In the movie "Show girls", the manager of the strip club asks the new dancer what her name is? She replies, Penny. He replies nobody wants to fuck a Penny. Your stage name will be Heather. I know the real names of many dancers. Hope, Diane, Ratchel, Sharon. All sexy enough for me. I do know an Erna and I don't blame her for choosing a stage name.It is a little hectic sometimes to know a dancer by 2 names. ITC, I usually go with the stage name when I am talking about another dancer. Who knows who by what name? If I am talking to one of my favorites and know both of her names, I usually call her by a 3rd name. A pet name. Some dancers change their stage names as often as they change outfits.

Second reason is for security paranoia. Stupid reason. Nobody is going to stalk you by knowing your real first name. I'm John. Come and find me. lol.

Third reason is that another dancer is using her real first name as a stage name. Can't have 2 dancers working at the same time with the same name. It's not supposed to happen but the last time I was at my favorite club it did. There were 2 dancers using the same name. One was one of my favorites. We were sitting together when the DJ announced that the next dancer would be V------. My favorite says, "Shit, which one of us up next".

I have a stage name too. Whenever a dancer new to me askes my name, I always reply "Baby. It must be because that is what the other girls all call me."
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Actually, strippers never know when a stalker could be a very real problem, so not broadcasting their real names makes a lot of sense. It's only stupid if they believe that alone protects them being stalked. The other main reason - related to Shadowcat's first reason - is that a stage name helps them to adopt a separate persona at work, then leave it behind when they go home and resume their regular lives.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
Chandler: I agree. I adopt a stage name in clubs, too. I tell everyone I am such-and-so rather than so-and-such, and this (strangely) does help me to perform a type of "mask" or disjunction between my "real" and "club" selves. Makes it "safer" but also more uninhibited for me.
avatar for evilcyn
18 years ago
I use to use a stage name, and now that I don't, I realize that it kinda helped me get into my dancing persona a little bit easier...
I use to use J.J., so guys never questioned to much if it was my real name or not..
avatar for DandyDan
18 years ago
Of course, I prefer real names. I don't know why anyone would prefer a fake stripper name. But sometimes their stripper name is much better. I wrote about a dancer whose real name is Chastity once who goes by Sugar. Who would you go for, Sugar or Chastity? I think anyone would go for Sugar. I also know one who goes by Barbie who literally looks like a Barbie doll, only her real name is Rosanne. That name literally conjures up a fat comedian. I also knew one whose real name was Josephine. What's glamorous about that?
avatar for danapdg69
18 years ago
To quote Big Willy "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Blaze-n-hot, I know some girls do that. But I've known lots of dancers who told me (and presumably ever other customer) her real name and it actually was her real name. My ATF never bothered to have a stage name at all, she only used her real name because she was from the area and figured half the customers knew who she was anyway. I think the young new girls are more likely to be open about personal details than are than the more seasoned pros. Which may be one reason I like the young ones better.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I should add that I don't much care whether a girl uses a fake name or not if I'm just spending one evening with her. But if I start to become her regular, at some point I'll expect to be treated a little better than a one-time customer. It's that trust thingy - giving me a real name is an indication of increased trust. It's also a good marketing gimmick.
avatar for jimmyblong
18 years ago
Its funny that no one on this sight uses their real name either. Whenever dancers ask me my name I make up something on the spot but I tell that it just my stage name. Usually gets a smile from them.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
I prefer to know a dancer's real name. In my experience, a dancer that uses her real name on stage is USALLY a dancer that isn't full of Stripper Shit. I also dislike those stripper names that are so obviously not a real name; names like Poison, Juicy, Horny. (actually, I never heard any girl use Horny as a stage name, but THAT I might actually like... I mean, if a girl comes up to me and says "Hi, I'm Horny!", I'm pretty sure she will get my full attention).

I don't want to call a girl some name that's going to make me feel silly saying, you know? I think it also ruins the fantasy, as well. Makes it seem too fake, even though we know it IS fake, it just seems to rub our noses in it, when her name is "Delightful" or some other obvious stage name.

Incidentally, my prev-ATF has used two stage names that I know of, plus her real name, which is a pain when I speak of her to fellow clubbers... I never know what to call her, so I'm usualy stuck in that mode of listing all three names...

On the other hand, my ATF uses her real name on stage... I like that.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
BTW, >>I<< use my real name on this board, but I HAVE been entertaining some thoughts of going to a "board" name. If Founder could move all of my posts and reviews over to a new nickname, I'd probably do it in a heartbeat. It wasn't the brightest move to use my real name here.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
Once I became a regular with my ATF and visited her fairly often, I got to know her friends, who sometimes stopped by our table to talk to her while she was sitting with me. They often called each other by their real names and when they talked about some of the other girls they used real names too. As a result I knew the real names of many of the dancers there. I think that's pretty common, for dancers to call other dancers by their real names in front of regular customers, almost like they don't really think of regulars as customers anymore. So what's the point of the fake names when many of the regulars know their real names? It's always struck me as somewhat silly.

I've always used my real name in clubs. But never on the internet. I'm thinking of registering on another site on a totally different subject but they ask for your real name and that makes me a little uncomfortable - I don't really care to do that but I hate to lie too. Any advice there? How do others handle that? This board is different because they don't ask for a real name.
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
DougS: don't be paranoid. You are not a stripper. I am John. Big deal. shadowcat is more fun. I once had a stripper post my whole real name and address on the club message board. She must have stolen this information from my ATF. I am still alive and well. However, If you really want to change, I know that founder will do it for you. I know of 3 cases where he has done it.
avatar for motorhead
18 years ago
When I became a member, I thought I would only read the reviews....never thought I would post on this board, so I used my real first name. Like Doug, I too thought I should change my nickname, but I guess shadowcat convinced me - no big deal.

My ATF was a waitress at the club before she started dancing. So that is the reason she dances under her real name. Everyone knew her as "Mary" so she didn't want to change to a stripper name when she began dancing.

The first time I danced with a certain girl at one of favorite clubs, she introduced herself. (Not a stripper-type name at all) When I saw her several weeks later, I was sitting at a table with another dancer and that dancer referred to her by her stripper name. I had no idea who she was talking about. An odd twist -- I only knew her real name and a fellow dancer only knew her stage name. (This is a club without a DJ so it's hard to learn names). Talk about a reversal of roles.

avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Sure, stage names are silly. So is stripping, lap dancing and practically anything else that makes a strip club what it is. Take away the silly parts, and there wouldn't be any reason to go.
avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
Any sexy and unique name is a good name. I just don't care for stripper names that sound like a car or some drug. That doesn't seem sexy to me. And I'm glad most dancers aren't upset when I have trouble remembering their name. I'll remember the names of dancers I go out with but if I just met a dancer or just see her around a club, I may have forgotten her name.

I encountered a waitress the other night who used to dance for me. She asked if I remembered her and I said "oh yes, I remember you." There was a good reason for that. However I did not remember her name. When she told me without asking if I knew it, I suddenly remembered. She is using the same name now as she was when dancing so it may be her real name. Maybe I'll ask her why she isn't dancing anymore.
avatar for jablake
18 years ago

Eburnean Ecdysiast

Ebony Ecdysiast

avatar for jablake
18 years ago

Ecdyosis - arousal from removing one's clothes in front of others

Ecdyosis Ecdysiast
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I used to know an Angel dancing in a club and that was her real nickname, people actually called her that outside the club - she even had a tatoo of an angel. I also once knew a dancing Tasha, turned out it was her real name too. You never know.

I should be more explicit about what I mean by a girl using her real name. I'm talking first name only. I don't recommend giving out last names but I don't see the point of having a fake first name, that's silly.

As Chandler says, it's all silly, but there is silliness that has a purpose and that which has no purpose. Fake first names fall into the latter category IMO, they contribute nothing to the SC experience, at least not for me.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
Whether you appreciate it or not, you can be sure that if strippers had to always go by their real names, fewer girls would do it and the ones who reluctantly went along with it would be more inhibited.
avatar for DandyDan
18 years ago
I can certainly agree with you on that, Chandler. Just to throw out another example from my personal experience, the latest girl to reveal her real name to me is a lady named Sandy who goes by Fantasy. I'm sure anyone prefers Fantasy to Sandy. And I don't even think Sandy would be a bad name to have as a dancer, unlike Josephine. It's all about image. And frankly, I bet Sandy doesn't like how men perceive Sandy, although she probably does like how they perceive Fantasy. Fantasy can do things Sandy can't even dream about. Fantasy can get the guys Sandy can't.

On the other hand, I've known several who use their real name. My ATF always used her middle name, which I always thought strange, although the story is simply there was already someone using her real first name at her first club, so she just used her middle instead, so long as there wasn't always someone using it at the club she was at.
avatar for FONDL
18 years ago
I think some dancers like to pretend that they're someone else in the club, just like a lot of customers do. That makes it OK for Fantasy to do things that Sandy would never do.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
FONDL, that's what I said upthread, and what I mean when I say stage names serve a purpose we benefit from whether we like them or not. Same for making dancers feel it protects their privacy, however misguided that may be.

BTW, Fantasy is exactly the kind of unreal stage name I don't care for. I like girl-next-door names like Sandy or even Josephine (Josie) a lot better. However, it doesn't matter enough to turn me off from a hot babe going by Fantasy.....or to turn me on to a plain girl going by Sandy.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Totally understand that a girl needs to hide her identity, especially if she's stripping in her hometown. I like real names because it makes me feel more intimate with her. But I am a foolish romantic...
avatar for motorhead
18 years ago
The internet might be changing the concept of stripper anonymity. I am personally aware of several dancers that have web pages on "Myspace". Like many of their non-stripper peers, creating a myspace account is very popular now. They probably thought they would not easily be discovered, but if you happen to find a myspace page with a stripper, you can often find many of her fellow dancers on her "friends" list. True, they normally don't have last names, but their picture and real first name are there for the whole world to see. Maybe they just don't care if their real first name is out there for the whole world to know, but I wonder if they realize that the internet is not as anonymous as they thought when they created their page.
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