
Dancer Leaves Club After Saying She'll Be Right Back . . .

I paid for most of the dances and then asked if she had change. She says NO, but I'll be right back. Before you know it I catch her as she is driving out of the parking lot. I figure she'll ask me for the money next time she sees me so it is nothing to worry about or maybe she just gave me some free dances, which she does from time to time. She is the owner's favorite dancer. She is my buddy's favorite dancer. I love spending money on her. :) The only negative is she works whenever so it can be difficult to do business with her.

Two days later and lucky me runs into her again. She is very happy to see me as always. We had some nice small talk and I bought some dances and she threw in a couple extra and that was that. Never did learn why she took off in such a rush and decided better not to pry since if it was share material I think she would have done so during the small talk.

That is one dancer who really adds a lot of value to my life.


  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I would consider it a problem to have to pay a middleman. The fewer unnecessary people involved the better. I like to deal with the girl directly, and if I don't feel I can trust her I'm probably not interested in getting dances from her to begin with.
  • jablake
    17 years ago

    Yes, I go from my negative experience and then generalize because that is now how I see it working. Glad to hear it works at your club. :)

  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    Think you're overstating the problem a bit here, jablake. Prices, for VIP in particular, are better than at other area clubs. If I pay cash for dances, my girl is given her money in cash by management...no tax issue there. And she has found ways to give me a number of free dances--although I admit it's a bit harder than under other circumstances.

    Agreed, there is no perfect system. But that used by my ATF's club does eliminate dancer rip-offs.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    To me this looks like the cure is worse than the ailment. I've been to clubs like that and the prices are higher, the dancer is forced to pay taxes (I think they should pay anyway, but I'd rather it be her decision), no free dances, and no buying on the spur. Of course, other clubs may handle it differently. I'd really try and avoid a club like that, but who knows perhaps most customer like that setup.

  • imnumnutz
    17 years ago
    I've learned the hard way, GFE or no GFE, never ever trust a dancer when it comes to money. We have a club in my town where this is never a problem becuase you never pay the dancer, you pay the management and they then pay dancer. there is never any "I'll be right back" b.s., although you are welcome to tip the dancer if you wish.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi DandyDan,

    The bartender (cash register woman) gets busy and is also slow--meaning there can be a good wait. The dancer should prepare by having change, but for whatever reason it doesn't usually work like that.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    BTW, I thought she was going to the dressing room to scrounge up some change which would have been much smarter than waiting for the bartender.

  • jablake
    17 years ago
    Hi Jpac73,

    I would like to fall deep for this woman, but she isn't around consistently; and she has very high value to other men.

    If she was a regular woman, then I'd steer clear. One moment the woman at the bookstore or grocery or restaurant is just a friendly person that is fun to talk with and is nice to look at, then BANG!!!!! A relationship has started and then she'll be talking children or moving in or marriage.

    The strip club for me is all about the GFE, which is difficult to buy (at least, I've found it difficult). GFE isn't about BJ FS or anything hardcore--hardcore seems to be much easier work for working women. GFE means that her acting or personality are so good that I see her as a sweet girlfriend. Every once in a blue moon the dancer is not acting (bad news), actually real bad news. Sometimes the personality is genuine i.e. the same whether she is working or not, that is nice, very nice.

  • DandyDan
    17 years ago
    Frankly, I don't know how or why that would happen. They can get change from the cash register guy and usually, they ask if I need change, and get it if necessary.
  • Jpac73
    17 years ago
    jablake there is something wrong in your life if a dancer has to add "value" to your everday living. You are fallen to deep over this woman.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I always tell myself to bring the proper change, but I stick to it for maybe 10 visits and then forget. At the moment I don't recall being ripped off, by a dancer do to the change issue. But, a damn old lady bartender stole $15 at some rat hole club in the panhandle. That ain't really the issue. I should come prepared.

  • shadowcat
    17 years ago
    No, That has never happened to me because I never need change. I never take any bill larger than a $20. Now I have had strippers promise to meet me OTC for paid sex and then they back doored me. You learn.
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Mons Venus in Tampa has a simple formula-- each girl (and on many nights there's 100-125 girls) pays the house $42(last time I heard) per shift to dance- that's it-- no house cut per song or add ons. Guys pay $20 to enter(and there are more guys in there than you can count with a line at the door on many nights.

    The only other expense for the dancers is they have to feed the jukebox when they get up on stage-NO DJ- at $1 per song and the jukebox is never silent from 12noon to 5am every day. But there are 5-7 dancers on stage at all times so this expense is minimal for the girl.

    The building is old, small and unimpressive but the owner-Joe Redner- is making a killing-do the math. Beautiful women, relatively low expenses for the dancers, low overhead for the owner and a packed house.
  • jablake
    17 years ago
    I had the privilege of visiting the Mons when it was a run down hole (20 years?). FANTASTIC!!! :) This really hot girl was trying to get a customer to eat her out on stage, but although he wanted to it seemed like his brain got the best of him. A grandma dancer with titties to her knees was throwing herself at me for a long time she got a $1 out of me and was none to pleased. The waitress was surly and demanding. I don't remember a cover and all the prices seemed cheap and girls were completely slutty. :) I didn't want to leave. My one and only visit to the Mons. :(

    I was on my way to visiting a friend and his girlfriend was so pissed that he sent me there instead of to her friends. He had a difficult time convincing her that I wanted women without any morals; even moreso once she met me. She was a sweet person--but, high price and morals.

  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Redner may have low overhead for the business brick-and-mortar, but his legal fees are probably astounding. He and Luke Loirot try to "lead the pack" in "defending our civil liberties," so he claims such things as paying all customer legal fees in the event of tickets and citations, etc.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Mons Venus in Tampa is a great institution -- the McDonald's of lap-dance parlors; you go in, pay your bucks, get an absolutely no-frills experience, very reliable but not too nutritious. Then you leave, wallet lighter, a little less healthy. I think I stuck a "Mons Buck" glow-in-the-dark drink token doubloon thingie into my time capsule back in 2000, to be unearthed in 2050. :)

    But I also think Redner and Mons are just one type of strip-club experience. The high-pressure non-intimate utterly mechanical interaction is great because the girls are super-hot. And the chance to find someone who will do OTC or meet you just as a "civilian" is high because there's such a very high percentage of women turning over at that location. But you can't rely on anything being "personal" or "interpersonal" there ... ever.
  • driver01
    17 years ago
    Not sure what your definition of "personal" or "interpersonal" is. I will say though that some of us aren't looking for the extras in the club type of experience (I've had them, don't get me wrong--lol) if that's what you're alluding to. I have on ongoing thing with one of the dancers here(for the last 1 and a half years)- she is amazing and very "personal" and/or "interpersonal" or whatever you want to call it- all off campus, of course.

    But I do agree with you that if you are looking for something OTHER than a seemingly limitless supply of gorgeous totally nude girls grinding and climbing all over you while your hands roam everywhere but the kitty, then maybe Mons isn't for you...lol.

  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Driver: though the "extras" service is something I do look for sometimes (and I think that because there are SO MANY different girls, therefore a girl can be found at Mons, who is willing; though she will have to go OUT of club to provide it), I was talking about the "luvvy duvvy" when I used the term "interpersonal." Meaning, a lot of cuddle-up and talk time, a lot of "getting to know" one another, buying drinks for one another and getting comfortable talking about sports, or cars, or the weather, etc.. Mons is on the low end, in providing that type of activity. Mons is a direct get-a-lap-dance-and-move-on experience.
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