Offbeat Sense of Humor

avatar for DougS
A few recent posts in a recent thread, prompted this topic.

Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it was sounding like several people on this board had what they considered to be an offbeat sense of humor. I definitely have a sense of humor that sometimes takes people offguard. I don't notice it that much because most of the people that I work with share the same opinions of what is funny. However, when first getting to know someone - especially it seems true with dancers - they don't always catch my humor. Maybe it's more an age difference, I don't know.

I think I'm a witty guy... making wise-cracks kind'a like "Hawkeye" Pierce of M*A*S*H fame. I'm into puns and "plays on words", etc. I also am into "British" humor, being a huge Monty Python fan. I'm not a big joke teller (I hear a great joke, then I'll be damned if I can remember it later), but am more of a one-liner, type of guy.

I've found that most everyone that I've run into in my profession (the IT field) shares a very similar sense of humor, and interestingly, it seems like a very high percentage of us are pretty damned funny. (or maybe it's just that we are all geeky and THINK we are funny)

Could it be that those of us that are into strip clubs could also share a similar sense of humor?


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avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
happylap - Thanks for the compliment. If you go back and read some of my 2006 reviews, especially when I was on an extensive road trip in Texas and Oklahoma, you'll find a few there. I didn't have a G.P.S. back then, so I spent a lot of time using TUSCL's directions and my scent for pussy! Now with my G.P.S., I don't waste valuable lapping time, but Mr Happy doesn't get a chance to recuperate much! :-)
avatar for happylap
18 years ago

I just read several of your recent reviews and I thought they were pretty funny. I like your style. I wasn't laughing out loud but it was a lot more interesting reading than a lot of reviews.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
I think sometimes a hot chick says, "He has a great sense of humor" and what she means is, "He makes me laugh." I'm sure the two are related, but I know a lot of guys who are pleasant to be around, and appreciate a joke -- at their own expense or not -- but aren't pro-active about making OTHER people laugh. They're good at enjoying humor. That, to me, means "great sense of humor." But they're not necessarily the class clowns, or the Robin Williams in the room going hell-bent-for-leather to desperately please everyone around.
avatar for ThisOldManPlayed1
18 years ago
I don't know about OFFBEAT sense of humor, but I like adding some humor to my reviews, as I have had in the past. I tried putting some humor in my last few reviews, to make it a more pleasent read. Hope it works. I'd like to see more reviewers add some humor to theirs.

After all, we're all ceatures of habit, both women and men, and you can ALWAYS find some type of humor in a strip club!
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
I thought having a sense of humor meant an attitude of not taking yourself too seriously rather than telling jokes or witty one-liners.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
18 years ago
People find me verbally "fast" and "quite intelligent" but sometimes they also think "You're not having any fun" or say something like "I'm sorry you're bored." I'm always surprised at these comments. So I don't exactly know what my sense of humor is like. I made my hair stylist laugh a lot today, but that's her job. (Kind of like a stripper. She's partly paid to approve of me, make me feel like more of a man.) She's damned hot. Wish I could find me a woman like that. :) Then I noticed (looking at my haircut in the salon's ubiquitous mirrors, of course) that my face didn't really change much. I smiled, or smiled harder, or REALLY smiled, and it all just looked like I was crinkled up a bit. I frowned. It looked like a crinkled up smile. I smiled, frowned, gasped, winced, played hookie, danced my toungue through my eyesockets, and really, nothing on my face changed.

Lucky I'm not a movie actor. Unless I got parts as "inscrutable" and "hard to read" villains, I guess. :P
avatar for shadowcat
18 years ago
There is humor at the office, humor at weddings, humor in the court room, humore in the military and of course humor in a strip club. The time and place dictate what will work. My pet peeve when it comes to telling jokes is when the teller starts with "I want to tell you a joke." Have you ever heard a comedian say that? Good joke tellers start with something like "Did you hear about the priest and Rabi?" or "I read that Paris Hilton got special privileges while in jail". And then tell them the "STORY", like you are passing on intelligent information. Then hit them with the gag line. This is not hard to do. Just watch paid comedians.
avatar for chandler
18 years ago
IMO all humor is offbeat. If it's on beat, or doesn't catch people off-guard, it usually isn't very funny.
avatar for Clubber
18 years ago
I was in the same field, and share your affinity for Monty Python, and your style of humor. However, I don't think it has anything to do with clubs.
avatar for driver01
18 years ago
Does funny looking count? If so, I'm hilarious--lol.
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