What I'm Not Pretty Enough For You?
One of my least favorite questions by dancers. And, 99% of the time that is exactly why I don't wish to buy a dance. The first time it happened I was honest and said that I was looking for a prettier dancer. WRONG move. :( She didn't look fragile, but it hurt her feelings and made her angry. Another time I said you just aren't my type. That went over as well as looking for a prettier dancer. I answered the way I would like a dancer or woman to answer me. If I ask why, then I'd like to receive an honest answer.
To be cold perhaps answering honestly is the best policy because then hopefully they won't ask other customers that same question unless they are willing to hear the truth. OTH, I don't like to see people get upset over nothing. (I calmed one dancer down by asking do you find me attractive? She shook her head NO. I said see we are even! :) )
I still remember this one dancer telling me beauty wins over brains again. She was funny and intelligent and was man crazy. She'd offered me free dances until the club got busier (not interested). Then she offered a free OTC with her sister. I said your sister for free? She says she is free and her sister doesn't need to be involved. My choice.
There have been those times though when the dancer will persist using whatever stripper shit line works best for her. It's at these times that rather than be rude, I'll come back with customer shit along the lines of:
"Darlin, I'm afraid if you took me back there for a lap dance I'd never come out alive. I'm thinking you be may be a bit too much for me too handle and I just need to sit here a while and gather my strength. If I feel up to it, I'll let you know-- and thanks for the offer, really"...
Kind of a compliment and a rejection all rolled into one...
The I'm not ready line came after No thank you resulted in her wanting to know why. (I appreciate knowing why someone isn't interested, btw.) She wasn't unattractive, but she didn't cause my heart to race either.
Actually, the 99% isn't completely correct. Sometimes the dancer is wearing too much clothing and it is difficult to tell if her body will look as hot as her face.
BTW, I think it's sweet that you care about our feelings!
The club is sometimes loud, but if not I thought about answering with a question. Like: Why would you think that? Do you think customers are focused on looks? Or maybe a statement that doesn't answer her question. Like: That is an odd question to ask. I only get dances from regulars (I was told this is a very bad answer and then the dancer left in a huff).
I'd rather not add to the coarsening of dancers. It is sad to see and that is another reason that I am concerned about how they feel.
Since I don't like to hurt feelings, my normal declination of LD offers is, "I'm not ready" or "Maybe later". I prefer the first response, as the second response give the dancer 'hopes' of later.
The situation I don't like is when a dancer comes over to my table and just 'plops her butt on down' without asking if I would like company. I consider that an 'infringement' on my privacy, kind of, altough it is a public club.
OTH, dancers have to make a living, so they are usually required to ask for LDs and/or ask us if we would like company. It's part of their job. You'll find that each club usually have their "pushy" dancers.
I wouldn't worry to much about hurting a dancers' feelings, I'm sure they'll get over it, and even maybe learn to change their approach or questions.
As far as "I'm not pretty enough for you?" I have answered yes to that. It didn't seem to be the answer she wanted.
Sometimes, a girl will ask me for a dance and I may be luke warm to the idea. Maybe she's almost what I'm looking for, but not quite (I AM pretty damned picky in what I like and don't like), so I may add "check back with me later, though, okay?" to my canned response. That way, if I don't see anyone that matches my ideals, she may be a good second choice.
Another approach that I haven't used, but might try sometime, was hinted at earlier. By being a bit more honest, and saying something like "I'm sorry, but I have a really specific look that I am looking for, here's $10 ... if you see a girl that has [list of characteristics that you like], please send her my way". I don't think that would be insulting to her, and she might just find the perfect girl for you. Anyone try a line like that before?
Nine times out of 10, I don't have to worry about these questions. Usually, I'm either there to see a dancer with whom I'd pre-arranged a "meeting", or I'm not in the club at all. It's MUCH simpler that way.
As for leaving your options open, saying "no thanks" works every bit as well as "maybe later". She's asking if you want a dance *now*, not an hour from now. There's nothing to prevent you from changing your mind and deciding you want a dance from her later. I've done it many times.
Also, when I say maybe later I'm not shy at all about approaching her later and asking for a dance.
This one dancer got angry with me as I was leaving because I told her maybe later. She accused me of lying to her and that I should be man enough just to say No Thanks. I explained to her that she actually was a maybe later. So she wanted to know how that got turned into NO dance. I pointed to a favorite and said she pretty much beat the hell out of me. :)
It would be nice if everyone was polite and didn't want to argue etc. etc. but I guess that's the nature of the business in the bigger clubs with a lot of constantly changing dancers and customers.
Sat down at the bar and was joined by the girl I had actually come in to see. I mentioned what had just happened and her response was simple--"the fastest way to get rid of an unwanted dancer, she said, is to tell her you are out of money"...No truer words have ever been spoken.
Actually I remember at least 2 times a dancer wasn't concerned about money. One time it was a new dancer who just came up and said wanna dance? She didn't stay and talk for too long though so I think she must have been fibbing. I don't know what was wrong with the other dancer. She was really determined to get me alone with her. I did not like getting my chair pulled 50 ft across the club (had wheels on it) before getting it stopped. She wasn't my type and I wasn't very attracted to her.
I did like one dancer who liked to just sit in my lap for 30 to 40 minutes at a time. She also talked me into giving her back rubs on occasion. The best way to avoid other dancers is to have a dancer you know already sitting on your lap. Unless she has friends but they just visit and chat with her usually.
That excuse would certainly never work for me either in any club where the girls know me---lol.
I would think though that as a general proposition if you are in a club where you weren't known, telling the offending dancer that you are broke is certainly not going to encourage her to spend time with you- certainly if she is there to make money.
It eventually ended badly as these things often do. But I'm thankful to her because she's the reason I met my ATF. If I hadn't met her that day I probably wouldn't have become a regular at that club, and I wouldn't have been there several months later when my ATF started working there. Everything happens for a reason.
That wouldn't slow most of these girls down one iota.