
The issue of truth

Sunday, July 6, 2008 6:23 AM
[view link] Since I've been called a liar by multiple parties including whether I'm even in fact a member of the bar - that issue can easily be resolved. Although under no circumstances can I have my actual identity revealed on this forum or anywhere else on the internet in regard to these matters, since (presumptively) FOUNDER knows my identity and by merely 1. conducting a search using my first and last name on the DC BAR web site cited above 2. taking my home address (which he has) and finding my publicly listed home phone number 3. comparing that phone number to the provided phone number on the DC bar web site - he can verify they in fact precisely match and he can also verify I've been a member of that particular bar for (for example) "more than 15 years" since the listing gives the precise DC bar admission date. Alternatively (or as further corroboration) he can simply use my personal email address provided on the DC bar (searched) listing site (different than my [view link] email address) and send me an email using that email address - which I will then respond back to him. I'm not sure whether he would do this, but he has my permission to provide this simple "yes or no" verification, and to verify I've been a member of that bar for more than 15 years - because frankly I'm tired of being called a liar.


  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Enough BS to qualify as a lawyer/attorney member of s bar. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I doubt founder will do it and worse someone of high intelligence might count on that----hope that I'm wrong, btw. I would love to see you vindicated. :) BTW, I like your posts regardless of verisimilitude and in fact lack thereof in certain respects makes them all the more provoking. Best wishes, :)
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    If I could offer any advice to David9999 it would be to forget about David9999 completely, let some time pass, and start over with a new handle. Next time around, just stick to the issues and forget all about any attempts at self-justification or self-aggrandizement. Just OHO (One Humble Opinion) I do admire David9999 for persistence but not for the pathetic and ongoing attempts to prove "something" about himself. Who really cares?
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Actually, I hate to say it but *I* do care----now. The reason I care is that one poster made logical point after logical point AND it is very tempting to play connect the dots to arrive at a logical conclusion. This is where conspiracy theorists, and most people for that matter, can easily get lead astray, imo. A maxim?: just because it seems logical doesn't make it true; just because it seems illogical doesn't make it false.
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    Anyone see an email contact number for [view link] that I can reference?. To speed things up, as soon as I see it posted I will source an email to [view link] from the email address precisely matching the email listed listed on my information on the DC Bar site.
    16 years ago
    As I've said here before, we're all liars. IMO, anyone who frequents strip clubs regularly has almost certainly told friends, co-workers, or family that they were going somewhere else on occasion. This site is for entertainment purposes only, anyone expecting truthfulness should go elsewhere. And frankly, who cares.
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    Fondl since you (now very conveniently) don't "care" then either STFU or please stop calling everyone liars.
  • David9999
    16 years ago
    "I doubt founder will do it and worse someone of high intelligence might count on that" Apparently then I cannot win no matter what 1. I'm requesting first that FOUNDER (as a matter of courtesy) to make the cross check -which literally would take a few minutes 2. Alternatively, if poster Chi-town lawyer is reading this, please put a post on this thread, and (as a backup) I will figure out a way to relay the necessary info to you - to provide the same cross check.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi David9999, Well, imo, you have made an ernst effort going so far as to post a new thread to Founder's attention. And, Founder as such might actually help you out. He seems extremely easy going. Good luck, but regardless I hope you continue posting interesting subjects. Even this has, imo, become interesting; normally I wouldn't care about the veracity of a poster because people do have privacy concerns. Heck, I'm fairly bottom rung on the social scale and I have anonymity concerns and those concerns may not seem rational to others, but those others might be singing a very different tune if they had my experiences. Freedom of speech---for example? don't make me laugh. :(
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    What do you want to win? For us to accept you as an attorney? I believe it but I damn sure would not want you representing me in any court. My divorce attorney was a member of a 5 man law firm that does all of the legal work for the city that I live in. I have from time to time called him for some legal information. He has always responded professionally. He even redid my will at no charge. My ex wife's attorney was a drunk. In and out of rehab. I even had to take a friend as a witness to deliver a note to his office asking why she had not yet signed the final papers. I have no college degree but at the age of 66 and having worked for the same company for over 41 years my salary is in 6 digits. My son never graduated from high school but at 31 years is making $65K a year as a LAN administrater in charge of security for a Fortune 500 company. My point is that there are over educated idiots out there and you appear to be one.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Sounded nutty, but perhaps someone can verify or debunk it. This relatively young man was working for one of the Big 3 auto manufacturers---not that many years ago. He claimed to have earned over $100,000 parking cars thanks to his Union connections. America is so corrupt it is easy for me to believe, but on the other hand perhaps employee wage information of this type is public information . . . just need the right person to dig out the facts. Oh, the relatively young man thought he was grossly underpaid and that his employer was stealing his time. :) At least he had the right attitude-----he LOVED Walmart and America-----I asked what about buying American made? He laughed and said on his small salary?! Over $100,000 to park cars and that is a small salary----like I said he has the right attitude. :)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    OK, already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is founder going to allow truth to win out? Anyway, if truth does perchance win out the claim may be made that David9999 merely used his super cool brother's or father's or uncle's identity information when registering. This is another problem with some conspiracy theorists, and many others, almost NO amount of proof is sufficient to the doubters. David9999 may unfortunately be condemned forever as pimply faced 15 year old boy with an over-active imagination, a bad hairdo, and a surly case of James Bond wannabeism. :,(,,,,,,,
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hmmm . . . maybe founder could contact David9999 at his law office. :) OH NO, founder is NOW part of the conspiracy if he perchance confirms the truth. Dang, this is one tough pimply faced 15 year old. :) With this macho he ought waste his time hunting warm blooded females . . . and getting into the stripclubs should be a piece of cake for this wizard of deception. :) And, is there any doubt he'll get all the FREE he wants . . .
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