
Dumber than dumber. A true story.

Atlanta suburb
Monday I went into my favorite club at 2:00 P.M. At 10:00, I was getting ready to leave, when a cute, petite, next door, Barbie girl sat down and started up a conversation. After some polite conversation (not pushy), she asked it I wanted to get a lap dance. I explained that I had been in the club since 2:00 and needed to leave. She then counted on her fingers and said "Wow, you have been in here for 7 hours".

Last night I was telling this story to chandlers namesake. She asked me the dancers name. I didn't remember (only that she was from Charleston SC. She asked if it was P---- something or other. I still could not remember. Then she described her to a tee. "Yes that was her". She said "I knew it, the minute you told me about counting with her fingers". This is sad...


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I have to ask myself which is the worst position to find one's self in? Not knowing simple mathmatics, but being able to learn? Or suffering presenile dementia, an early stage of alzheimers?

    Shadowcat, in case this is over your head, you got the shit end of the stick on this one pal.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    I am forced to agree with Parodyman. I often count on my fingers for one reason or another. BIG DEAL (well maybe i am dumber than dumb - let others be the judge.)
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    This reminds of this young adorable new dancer. She did everything right and was a very pleasing conversationalist. I bought 12 dances and attempted to give her $60 ($5 X 12 dances) and she says NO, you gave me an extra $20. I said how many dances do you think you gave me? She starts counting on her fingers and proudly says 12! :) I say EXACTLY! She says the dances are $5 so the total is $40 and she knows because at the end of each song she just adds $5 and the last song made it $40. I started to show her using my fingers :) and she says she really doesn't like math and just wants $40.

    I thank her and tell her she needs to work on her math cause it is going to cost her a lot of $$$$$$$$!!! She shakes her head and thanks me. She goes and tells another dancer what happened and learned that $5 X 12 = $60.

    Next time, I bought $80 worth of dances ($5 X 16 dances) and I hate to say it, but I was hoping her math skills were still off by $20. Not a chance! She says 16 dances at $5 a dance is $80. I quizzed her on few other similar math problems and she was quick!!! I commented on her super improved math and she says Yes, losing $20 got her real interested in learning math and it was EASY to learn. She was still sweet as ever and even thanked me for telling her how not knowing math was going to cost her $$$$$$$$!!!

    Sometimes people just need a real incentive to learn.
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    Years ago I tutored the child next door in math. His parents don't have any patience and the child was definitely slow. Worse, he knew he was slow making him want to give up all together. At the same time he desperately wanted to be competitive with his classmates who had NO problems with simple math.

    OUCH!!!----That child was super slow!!! :( I didn't give up or get impatient and told him it would just take hours and hours and hours of hard work, but hard work will yield positive results guaranteed!!! :) He asks what is guaranteed? I say it means you are going to be good in math; very good! I got him to believe and he kept working very hard and finally BOOM like the lights went on somewhere he understood math and could even do almost all of it in his head. I was teaching him to solve the problem first in his head and then try and work out the steps the teacher wanted to see. He says to me this is too easy; I'm not going to need your help anymore. :) That was wonderful to hear. :)
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Was talking to one stripper about the upcoming election: Obama vs McCain. She insisted it was Obama versus Clinton. I said no it's Obama vs McCain. She asked me who McCain was(!). I told her he was the Republican candidate. She said it couldn't be McCain because there had already been Republican presidents for the last two terms, so it had to be a Democrat this time.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I hate when a customer says "what are you?" I know they mean nationality but its just sounds so stupid. So I usually say some smart ass comment like Im Swedish(Im tan with dark hair and eyes.)
    And they laugh. One guy asked me what I was and I said Im a martian...he looks me square in the eyes and goes oh yeah thats by Brasil I have family there. HUH??
  • carteblanche
    16 years ago
    wondergirl5, could you please describe yourself and rate yourself on scale of 1-10
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    Hmmm, to some extent it might be a little unfair to ask a girl to rank her own looks, it kind of puts her on the spot. But having met wondergrl in person I would say she's quite beautiful, rather petite. But she definitely does not look Swedish.
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    LOL oh brother
  • wondergrl5
    16 years ago
    I look like Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie ;)
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Good one, WG.
  • mr.munchie
    16 years ago
    She is short, BIG tits (real), dark hair, tanned, super soft skin, very cute and a 12!
  • ClevelandTom
    16 years ago
    In talking to one dancer, I mentioned how nice she looked. She made a comment about her boobs to which I said, "I have to admit, you have the best boobs I've seen. . . you are the leader in the clubhouse. She responded. Thanks. . . where's the clubhouse?
  • Book Guy
    16 years ago
    I do count on my fingers. But when I do, I seldom get basic sub-ten arithmetic wrong. I believe the point of the story -- DUMB BUTT -- was that the difference between 2 and 10 was not the amount she quoted, but rather a different amount; NOT -- STUPID ASS -- that she had to use her fingers, whatever her final tally.

    Some real jerks in this thread.

    And if you don't feel like this post of mine is directed at you then it probably isn't. He at whom I fling my invective obviously deserves it.

  • chi_sam
    16 years ago
    I can't believe there are umm... one, two, three, four, five, wait... six, seven, eight, um... nine... ten. Umm...Uhh... Two-hundred? replies to this dumb post!
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    "I can't believe there are umm... one, two, three, four, five, wait... six, seven, eight, um... nine... ten. Umm...Uhh... Two-hundred? replies to this dumb post!"

    I know what you mean chi-sam. Shadowcat frequently posts with the intent of belittling some stripper. He has women issues. This explains why his wife dumped him and he has taken up with clubber.
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