
Comments by arbeeguy (page 18)

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    16 years ago
    Rivergirls in Louisville, KY
    I'm a little confused - help me out. Len55 asks this question of us, but Len55 posted two reviews of Rivergirls in October and December 2007. Both rather positive. Assuming the postings are authentic, I wouldn't mind stopping by for a visit.... But why the question? Two different questions actually. In answer to the first question, "I have not" and in answer to the second question "I have no idea"
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    16 years ago
    better than google?
    I DO NOT UNDERSTAND There are four posts between Shadowcat's and mine. Yet, Parodyman has not denounced Shadowcat. What the H**L is going on here.
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    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    Dudester, I am a former professor, and I would give you a grade of 100% on the above three observations. Seldom do I read a post I agree with everything said but this one is three out of three. Especially item 3 about Paris Hilton. She is one of the most misunderestimated celebrities.
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    16 years ago
    First Amendment Protects: Strippers? Photographers? Anyone? Or?
    JABLAKE: I don't think that our USA status as number one drug user in the world is because we have more problems with reality than other countries. I think it is because we have more discretionary cash floating around than other countries. As for trusting a cop and not trusting a judge, it may depend on the situation. During the civil rights revolution, where blacks started getting their rights to go through the front door, eat at the lunch counter, vote in elections, live in a decent house, etc., we saw plenty of examples of bad cops and good judges. But I agree, in certain other situations you are better off to hope for a break from the cop than from the judge.
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    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    Although I love Jay Leno, I am seldom awake when his show comes on. I was lucky last night, though. I got to see the Paris Hilton video that Bobbyl so kindly gives us the link to. It is well worth watching. It could become a classic. What does this have to do with TUSCL? Beats me. But I love it anyway. I highly recommend the video, even though (IMHO) it is G-rated. GOOD FOR PARIS HILTON AND HER SCRIPT WRITERS
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    16 years ago
    Strippers as Sexual Surrogates?
    Is anyone besides Jab, Club, and me still reading this thread? This is QUITE a thread. THANK YOU, GUYS. A thread like this more than makes up for the Parodyman rant and the Njscfan sermon. I had never heard of Kathy Willets, but the Wikipedia entry on her and her husband and their career trajectory WAS A HOOT. Never would have known about that if I hadn't read this thread. Now for my little contribution: FAKE AFFECTION is what it is all about. There is a famous saying, one variation of which is, "The key to success is sincerity. Once you learn how to fake that, ya got it made." And that is the truth. I think fake affection can be practiced to the point that for all practical purposes it IS THE REAL THING. I think well executed fake affection is what holds a lot of marriages together and helps both partners survive the rigors of reality.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    Parodyman, you crack me up. I am finally convinced you have a crush on Shadowcat. Talk about wanting attention -- WOW
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    16 years ago
    Anyone seen this b4???
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    16 years ago
    The News Isn't All Bad...
    I think Chitown is right - the local LE is technically obligated to enforce state laws -- BUT ... there are plenty of examples where local jurisdictions decided to just not enforce or "lightly enforce" certain laws, and the state authorities decide it is easier to look the other way. From what I have heard about Providence RI, that may be an example. Enforce laws against prostitution on the sidewalk, but look the other way about what happens behind close doors with mutual consent. Laws againsthomesexual behavior were "un-enforced" for decades in this manner.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    "Did you miss me?"
    The correct answer is always "No I didn't miss you but I sure missed your pussy"
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    16 years ago
    Young Strippers
    Casualguy - I think it is about ITC activities. That's where the majority of us focus the majority of our stripper-time. I am currently friendly with five girls in two clubs. All exclusively ITC. Two of the girls are in their thirties. Of these two, one of them blows all other four girls away as far as being fun to talk to and get dances from. I just posted a review on her and the club. Of the three younger girls, two are only 19. The 19 year olds are a lot of fun to hang out with but let's face it they are pretty immature. I think for an older guy like me, it is difficult to maintain rapport with an eighteen year old. The dollar bills and five dollar bills help, but the 19 year-olds actually believe they have to obey the club rules, and that is a definite bummer. Older girls are definitely more likely to bend or break the rules.
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    16 years ago
    Angels . . .
    Worthless dollar? What the hell does that mean? Last time I checked the strippers still loved the dollar bills.
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    16 years ago
    Game Over . . .
    A variation of Jablake's gem as quoted by BobbyL -- "There is no such thing as a free lunch" If you disagree, just stop and think about it for a little while. You will probably change your mind.
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    16 years ago
    What did you do when she took matters into her own hands?
    Agree with CarolinaWanderer - we LIKE it when they take matters into their own hands. OF COURSE. We should get Founder to add that to the Strip Club Description. Booze (yes/no) Private dances (yes/no) Dancers are encouraged to take matters into their own hands (yes/no). This could help stimulate the business and also of course THE BUSINESS - LOL - ROLF - yah yah
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    16 years ago
    why strippers can be bad at business.
    Jablake: off message again. (i doubt that many of us really care about your problems with your neighbor or the courts. Hell we all have problems with SOMEBODY.) Let's hear more about poor STRIPPER business behavior. There is plenty of it out there. Maybe we could even hear a story or two about an astute stripclubber that helped a stripper IMPROVE HER BUSINESS. Strippers that spend w-a-a-a-y too much time (1) with regulars or (2) in the dressing room -- are obviously NOT running their BUSINESS properly. Likewise strippers that promise a customer they "will be back in five minutes" and then never show up. (It is a business, not a job. The waitresses and bouncers and janitors have JOBS.) The strippers need to be running little tiny businesses and need to understand the basics of Business 101. Of course if they are there just to do drugs or hang out with friends, that's another matter entirely. I'm not talking about them gals.
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    16 years ago
    Ethnic groups as dancers
    I have found that I can kid around with black or brown girls easier than MOST white girls. It is racial stereotyping, I am afraid, but I normally expect a good looking white girl to be an ice princess, but a good looking black girl - I figure she is there to make money and please the customer. So because of my own built-in expectations more than their actual behavior, I lean towards the color. Especially if they are CUTE.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    Two examples of what can happen when a stripper gets drunk: 1. (copied from a fellow TUSCLer's year-old review) D*****y would swear she would never do anything naughty but catch her late and after she had too much liquor in her and she could be a lot of fun. I often had DATY and and several HJs from her and one memorable saturday night in 2003 when she was so drunk she could hardly walk up the steps to the dance area, got a BJ. 2. Back in the 90s I was in the long-since-closed Chris's Tap. There was a hot girl named Stephanie. I had had some good but not outrageous dances from her before. This time, she was so eager for a private dance, she specified "NO money before, during, or after the dance" She was happy to have my fingers in her pussy (very rare for that club), and gave me a nice HJ to completion. She held her liquor very well but she was well lit-up. Never did figure out why she didn't want money. Perhaps this was her last day as a stripper because I don't recall ever seeing her again.
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    16 years ago
    What did you do when she took matters into her own hands?
    Two different questions. To answer the title question -- I relax, enjoy it, and try to return the favor if she will let me. To answer the simple yes-no in the discusion box -- well YES, of course. This ain't rocket science, guys.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper: I must have been drunk.
    I have a suggestion for Shadowcat, the Original Poster who started this thread. Work with two different screen names. When you want an interesting discussion on a topic, use the "other" one. When you want to see the thread quickly degenerate into an amusing but silly series of rants and diatribes, use "Shadowcat": Parodyman will jump in with "his usual stuff" and we're off to the races !!! Notice that NOBODY after Shadowcat's OP(including me) has posted on the original topic, which is (I think) about the behavior of strippers who have had too much to drink. But hey -- I realize this suggestion is not much different than pissing into the wind. For one thing, if Shadowcat actually took my suggestion to heart, I would never know it !!!
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    16 years ago
    Now 73 and still find it fascinating. First experience was around age 15 when I snuck into a carnival tent to watch the hootchie-cootchie show. Pretty stimulating for a 15 year old. My two favorite club visits are my first Mons Venus in the 80s, and Vic's Place, a couple of years ago. Two clubs could not be more different than these two.
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    16 years ago
    I would go with the Honda. Harleys are not as reliable.
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    16 years ago
    Can't we all just get along?
    SuperDude - wow, so it was worse 3-4 years ago? I only started reading this board about a year ago. I will have to visit the Archives.
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    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    Hey Leo100 -- Turns out you created a very interesting thread, Man. Are you still following it? Now ya oughta give us a followup commentary, from the OP viewpoint. To Jablake and Book Guy -- you both write very well. Have either of you ever done free lance writing in the "regular market"? (Lots of magazines publish articles - airline magazines for example. Takes a strong interest and talent. I think both of you have the talent.
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    16 years ago
    #3 US Club, Hot Lap Dance Club busted for prostitution. 19 arrested.
    Posted on the Daily News website by "aLady" on Jul 20, 2008 at 11:18:55 PM : A lot of dancers DID stand up for themselves. including myself. of course there were some people who did not speak up about their feelings - just like in EVERY workplace: there are always people who do not tell the boss off to their face: only behind closed doors. people always have reasons for not speaking up: scared to lose job, have kids, wussy, etc. there were staff meetings on a regular basis - during which dancers & staff expressed their thoughts about the club's policies, scheduling, customers, tip-outs, decor, etc. i danced at this club. i can tell you: 98% of what is being said in media is mis-information. dancers were of various lifestyles - such as: college students, wall street workers, mothers, dental hygienists, fashion models, broadway performers, **** stars, activists, immigrants, professional dancers, artists, health counselors, legal aids, and many others. and just like EVERY workplace there were workers who looked for freebies through escapades with the management.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sweet Advice Received From Strippers . . .
    not only is "Hy" not a simple word, it's not a word at all.