
Banning parody man...

Atlanta suburb
Some have suggested that he be banned from this board because of his personal attacks on me and others. Founder is against it. Let the shit fly. I am the only one that has ever been banned from this board. I got into it with founder and he had the final say. I lost credits and the membership lost every thing that mentioned shadowcat. Times have changed. Founder and me have reconciled. I respect him as the owner of this site and he in return has reinstated me. Just ignore the fucker.


  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Oh right Mr. Shadowcat - all 180 (or however many) solemnly promise to click the "ignore" button for parodyman. Repeat after me: "I do solemly promise..." Problem solved. SIMPLE
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    I suggested on another tread thad parodyman is a serial antagonist based on the few times I have actually read his comments. As I stated, on many boards this would be cause for banning. I am a new guy here, relative to many, so my opinion does not carry much weight.

    But, I am not the only one who has found the board much more enjoyable without having to read parodymans insistent insults to shadowcat, which are usually barbed with profanity and would be classified as "flaiming" by many.

    Of course, I have a second theory. parodyman is actually Shadowcat trying to punch up the board and generate more interest. Yeah, thats it. And "scat" is married to Morgan Fairchild.
  • njscfan
    16 years ago
    The idea of banning someone from this site for flaming other posters is silly. Many people have done it, including Shadowcat. We'd ban half the members if we did that.

    It's true that parodyman's attacks on shadowcat have an almost obsessive quality to them. And if shadowcat were a weaker personality, I would probably feel more sorry for him, and think something should be done. But the truth, as we all know, is that shadowcat probably wears the attacks with a certain pride. Honestly, the almost knee jerk reactive quality of the attacks turn them into a reflection on parodyman, not shadowcat.

    Plus -- and I am just being honest here -- I find many of parodyman's attacks to be funny. He can be very nasty, but his nastiness is often quite humorous, because he has a very sharp wit. I frequently find myself involuntarily laughing when I read his posts. I probably wouldn't find the posts as funny if I were the constant target of his attacks, but they are funny nonetheless. The discussion board would be a somewhat less funny place if he were banned.

    I think banning should be reserved for people who do things like post private information about other members, or who engage in similar harassing behavior. If person X were to post the private details of the life of person Y, for example, that would warrant the possibility of a banning. Likewise, if one person were to send messages threatening another person. But merely hurling insults at one another -- c'mon, most of us can take that, and surely shadowcat can give as good as he gets.

    And I will not be placing parodyman on "ignore." Too often his posts are funny and insightful, and I enjoy reading them.
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    Again, I am a "newby" here. I was lucky to read a post that pointed out the ignore feature very early on in my membership. I don't have the history many (most in my estimation, based on what I have read) have with TUSCL or either parodyman or Shadowcat. My first impression was that parodyman was a "flaimer" who would not last long. I feel that many, many others who have not been so lucky as to find the ignore button may just give up on this board and reduce greatly the information available here.

    I recognize your deliberate slander towards "scat" over some seemingly trivial information he supposedly revealed that only the small inner circle of TUSCL could have seen as revealing priveledged information.

    If TUSCL wants to continue as a "good old boys" club, then it should continue as is and allow members to be directly insulted by other members. If TUSCL want to grow into a real discussion board that has broad membership beyound the "180 or so", then some announcement and inforcement of rules would make it a better place for us all.

    Either way, parodyman does reduce the effectiveness of the discussion board by taking every attempt to turn it into a diatribe against another member.

    Simple rules could make the board a better place. I challange Founder to establish such rules and inforce them in the future. P-man could chose to live by the rules or not, and the rest of us could enjoy the board without the constant BULLSHIT!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I heard that parodyman--> is RomanticLover, davids, Kyle, and jarblake all rolled into one!
  • CarolinaWanderer
    16 years ago
    Bobbyl, you are on to something. There are only four of us on this board, you, me, njscfan and sybil!
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "I heard that parodyman--> is RomanticLover, davids, Kyle, and jarblake all rolled into one!"

    Someone is being forgotten. He got banned by founder because he kept posting how old and pathetic TUSCLERS were and nothing else.

    Of course, I'm 100% opposed to banning members.

  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat wasn't the only one to get banned. RL and davids were banned a long time ago. Maybe they came back as parodyman but he/she hasn't revealed that information.

    Personally harassing others on the internet is illegal but I don't believe anyone here has been prosecuted. I don't know though, maybe the Department of Homeland Secure Strip Clubs should be notified that parodyman may be a threat to dirty old men everywhere .

    Just kidding.
  • jester214
    16 years ago
    I think he should be banned, his attacks go beyond mocking shadowcat, they encourage disruptions which ruin perfectly good topics.
  • snowtime
    16 years ago
    Parody man is obviously obsessed with making negative comments about Shadowcat. He sometimes posts reasonable comments but they are obscured by his personal attacks. While I find his comments annoying, I have not as yet chosen to put him on "ignore". If we/founder choose to ban him we start going down a slippery slope. I am opposed to any form of censorship so unless his posts are libelous I would prefer to tolerate them even though they are usually annoying. We have the opportunity to ignore or not respond to his statements. I have been here long enough to remember similar problems with "Davids/RL". After a while he was not getting any reponse to most of his posts and they seemed to appear less often. I suspect these current rants will disappear after time as well.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    Unless someone posts so much spam that they make the board inoperable, I don't see a need to ban them. I mean come on, think of the irony here: A strip club discussion board being pro-censorship?

    Now that being said, parodyman--> is a completely useless little POS on the level of MisterGay, in fact.

    I don't find his attacks humorous or enlightening. Once in every 20 posts or so, he will try and post something as if he were a calm, mature human being. But I can guarantee you he lives for his lame, inane, idiotic attacks. The rare calm posts are just his angle to get a sympathizer or two so that it's not a complete no-brainer whether to ban him or not.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    The hell of it is that I can't remember what I said to piss him off so badly. I must have really hit a nerve. I still do not advocate banning. I have been there. I can dish out whatever he says. I appreciate the support from the rest of you.
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    SC: You probably didn't say anything that he has any basis to attack you on. He is just an idiot who lives to for his inane flaming. It doesn't even have to make sense to him, probably.

    My guess is that you said something like "a black taxi driver drove me to the strip club", and his enfeebled little mind interpreted that as you being "racist" otherwise why even mention the taxi driver was black? Something stupid like that.

    Look parody is clearly short a few marbles, just put the little bitch on ignore and forget him for ever and ever.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Shadowcat and the misguided fools who follow his every word have made themselves clear. Whiney bitches who like to dish it out but can't take it in kind.

    I bet a lot of you are expecting me to crucify the old man, bobbyl, and carolinawanderer. I'm not. I'll just let their idiocy stand on it's own.

    This thread was obviously started with the intention of provoking a certain response. Sorry to disappoint you.

    If the Founder wanted to ban me he would have. As for those of you who do not like or cannot handle what I write please use the ignore function.

    Those of you who replied to this thread with something positive, thank you. Nice to see that not everyone just blindly follows the herd.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Who is the herd?

    The "herd" in this case is whoever doesn't agree with or support P-man. As far as who is promulgating "idiocy" the record speaks for itself.

    At first I found P-man's single-minded insults very annoying. Just like a lot of "upright citizens" find what goes on inside strip clubs annoying or worse. After while, my attitude changed, and now I agree with njscfan. Although extremely childish, they are sometimes amusing (IMHO), and no one is hurt by them.

    The good news is, both Parodyman and Shadowcat advocate the same thing -- if you don't want to read his stupid single-minded insults just put him on "Ignore". For better or worse I'll keep reading whatever he - as well as the rest of you - has to say. Don't want to miss any of the Soap Opera.

  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    A daily dose of ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman makes me enjoy my normalcy.

    I, for one, will not use the ignore button on him. That is reserved for the truly mental.
  • motorhead
    16 years ago

    I think you are referring to ClifBar. Yes, he was banned also. I fogot him (how could I ???) and I think shadowcat must have forgot about him too.

    I think davids and ClifBar were the same person, but I never thought that ClifBar and Romantic Lover were the same person.

    I remember the thread - founder and ClifBar traded jabs back and forth, ClifBar dared founder to ban him, so he did. I think you have to get into it with founder to banned, and I don't believe parodyman has done that.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi david120,

    ClifBar. I think Shadowcat accused me of being him as well. :)

  • carteblanche
    16 years ago
    Who is RomanticLover and what did he do to get banned?
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    david120: "I think you have to get into it with founder to banned, and I don't believe parodyman has done that."

    That's another of parody's bad traits. He knows exactly whose ass he has to kiss and is willing to do it. Then he acts like the big tough guy to others. He's truly a gutless little POS.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    Here is a shining example of what I mean by one of the herd.

    Bobbyl (who I have never even spoken to) writes: "That's another of parody's bad traits. He knows exactly whose ass he has to kiss and is willing to do it. Then he acts like the big tough guy to others. He's truly a gutless little POS."

    My response to him: Bobbyl you are a small man with a small intellect and are of no consequence to me. I have no need to defend what I write to the likes of you. If you can muster up some intelligence maybe I will speak to you. Otherwise PLEASE make use of the ignore feature. You obviously lack the social skills to handle a dissenting opinion. After someone explains what this means to you, put me on ignore and go away.
  • Shekitout
    16 years ago
    I assumed that Shadowcat had parodyman on 'ignore' otherwise there would have been more responses to his attacks but perhaps not. I do think that the old adage if you ignore something long enough it will go away can apply to parodyman. Just ignore him-not neccesarily by using the ignore feature-just don't pay any attention to him. Eventually the game will lose its fun and he'll go away! Problem solved.
    BTW, parodyman, how can you deduce someone's physique by merely reading their posts? Ex: you say Bobblyl is "...a small man...". Do you have some special skill that allows you to do that?
    16 years ago
    I use the "ignore" feature for the immature people who make vicious personal attacks on others here. For people whose posts rarely interest me, I just don't bother reading them.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    A good common sense approach, but you will miss some really funny posts. But each to their own.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    In reference to "small man", I was talking about his mental capacity. Why do you choose to relate my comment, which was not directed to you, to Bobbyl's physical size? You must spend a great deal of your free time thinking of him to defend him so agressively. Perhaps you are repressing some feelings that make you uncomfortable?
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    Well if you think that parodymans attacks on me are funny, laugh it up. Next time it might be you.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    Remember the kids saying about sticks and stones? Who gives a flying fuck what any flamer says here? And yes, I've been "attacked" by ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman, and I still laugh at his ineptitude!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    I don't find parody funny in the least. parody's "humor" is usually the equivalent of "Yeah, one time I smelled my own fart and it was really gross." I mean you read his stuff and the only funny thing about it is how warped and infantile his "mind" is.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    Thank God we all don't have the same likes and dislikes! What a boring world it would be!
  • BobbyI
    16 years ago
    clubber: thank god this board has an "ignore" feature designed precisely to filter out idiots like parody.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Either it is sour grapes or Bobbyl & clubber are cohabitating.
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