
Comments by Mouse (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    To anyone: What made you start stripping?
    Strippers are WORKING girls.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper is GIVING her MONEY to her ABUSIVE BOYFRIEND, do you SPEND MONEY
    Superdude has the right attitude - go to strip clubs to buy R-rated entertainment and expect nothing more.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    We need a new name for this
    How about "friendly provider."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Some strippers are evil, a menace to society
    Casualguy, I agree with your comments. Customers need to recognize the difference between being played and a real relationship - and act accordingly.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Some strippers are evil, a menace to society
    Strippers tend not to trust customers, and I don't blame them. Just look around within the club, do you trust all those strange other guys that you see in the strip club - I wouldn't. Have you noticed how strip-club customers often don't talk to each other and hardly look at each other (i.e., unless they come in together). It seems that many customers want to be invisible to other customers, who knows one might be somebody who will recognize you someplace where you shouldn't be - but, this adds a little spice to the experience.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Anyone looking for a RELATIONSHIP with a stripper which DOES NOT INVOLVE SEX?
    Yoda, this relationship you describe must be very unusual, even in your vast strip-club experience. 99% of the customers are not going to succeed in establishing a relationship with a stripper outside the club; customers should not get their hopes up. In fact, to strippers, customers often appear foolish when they try too hard. This position has been expressed before on this Board by strippers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Anyone looking for a RELATIONSHIP with a stripper which DOES NOT INVOLVE SEX?
    Yoda, I've been fine, and I assume likewise for you. In regards to the topic, I believe what you say about your friendship with your former ATF - you've always seemed forthright to me. Yet, in my experience any real relationship is very unusual between strippers and customers, and I would not like to give the impression to neophytes that such relationships are common, or to be expected. I view strippers as working girls, and when I have had realistic expectations, my stripper-client relationships go much better. I've been told many times by the girls that they appreciate clients that understand the "business" - they actually feel less threatened and begin to relax more. And, when they relax, mileage improves.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Anyone looking for a RELATIONSHIP with a stripper which DOES NOT INVOLVE SEX?
    Shadowcat, your story doesn't sound like "shit" to me; sounds like fun. Way to go.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Neglected Reasons Strippers Won't Date Customers
    Do you want to know what strippers are thinking? Read Toplessdancers post above - straight from the horse's mouth. I have no reason to disbelieve her, and nor should you.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Is it Ever Wrong For A Stripper to Lie?
    Davids, when a customer VOLUNTARILY walks into a strip club and BUYS lap dances from women, who would otherwise have nothing to do with him outside, he should have (or soon get) a clear idea that THE FLATTERY IS BULLSHIT (hustle); and, for this, he should hold no grudges against the WORKING GIRLS. This is true - as long as the fantasy hustle stays within the strip club! Unfortunately, some strippers will take their fantasy hustle outside the strip club, hoping to take their customer (now a victim) for big bucks, especially big bucks without the house tip-out tax. Some strippers will hustle outside, others know better not to. So far as I’m concerned, the "rules" are different outside the strip club, because outside the fantasy hustle becomes a scam – that is, fraud, illegal, and actionable. BUT, it is important to emphasize that strip clubs are voluntary – not mandatory – and, it’s up to the customer to get-a-grip on reality and look out for themselves. The alternative is to become a VICTIM. (It is often said that there are no victims just volunteers.) Don’t volunteer to become a victim.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Much Money do Strippers Spend Anyway?
    Toplessdancer, thanks for your honesty!
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    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    Davids, Kyle1111 makes a good point - if you're to criticize strippers, then you must criticize strip-club customers. Davids, you must be a strip-club customer - quid pro quo - correct! Granted strippers are "working girls," wherein the strip club experience includes the "fantasy." I doubt, if you, or anyone else is going to change that - besides strip clubs are optional. As long as the strip-club fantasy stays within the strip-club walls, I have no trouble with it - in fact, I believe strip clubs provide a postive dimension to society. In fact, I'm glad there are attactive women willing to do it; otherwise, many average men would never have intimate contact with such women. However, problems develop when perfidious strippers take their so-called fantasy outside the strip club in attempts to scam the unwary lovelorn customers out of their hard-earned money. Strippers provide entertainment for money, not because customers are attractive to them. Customers should not get too wrapped-up in strippers, but always maintain a healthy emotional distance.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Get REAL Yoda and FONDL! Strippers are not your average girls - they are cut from the more libertine minded women in our culture. This doesn't make them better or worse than other women. Morality is relative to the culture, and what's culturally accepted in the USA is always changing - actually becoming more libertine in my opinion. There seems to be no shortage of women ready to join the adult entertainment business. What's important for strip-club customers is that they keep a clear head, know the score, and stay out of trouble. Strip clubs are for entertainment - all bought and paid for. Leave it at that!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    Davids, when you think of it, isn't ECONOMICs simply the movement of goods or money between people, while keeping them busy (employed) and hopefully happy. In this regard, strip clubs contribute to the overall economy - what's the harm. My activity in strip clubs has not caused me harm, but I've indulged with moderation and keep the "working girls" at an emotional distance. I always made certain I knew what I was going to get for my money, and made these "working girls" earn their pay - a clear-cut fee for services client/provider relationship. The strippers I've seen outside the strip club received no compensation - they had to like me for me. If they wanted outside payment, they got dumped ASAP and I moved on to another girl. The adult sex entertainment industry is as old as mankind. It must be serving some function, otherwise it would have disappeared long ago. You and I will not change it, but we can partake in it with knowledge, maturity, and realistic expections.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Yoda, your comment "B" above is most interesting. You indicate you know the difference between how men and women think. I'd like to read your views in this regard. Please share. What are the differences?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    Yoda, you're being unfair to Davids. I read his posts differently than you. Davids may have great insight into human nature, including women. For me, Davids is arguing the morality of the so-called fantasy, which often includes flattery, disingenuous flirtation, and "misrepresentation" of the truth. You and I have accepted it as an expected component of the strip club business - we've developed an immunity. But, customers still question the righteousness of it. I can understand Davids' concern.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    FONDL, we could also discuss the immorality of misleading sales pitches from whatever source - car dealer or stripper. Just because a behavior is widespread doesn't make it moral and/or acceptable. Slavery used to be widespread - correct.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Yoda, you boast of your in-depth knowledge of women (and men), attempting to discredit Davids’ position. Yet, when challenged to display some of your self-professed mental prowess, you shrink away. This makes me suspicious that your rodomontade has no basis in fact. Prove me wrong!
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    20 years ago
    Yoda is Indeed The Master
    Yoda, I believe most posting here (including you, David's, and I) would agree that there are, indeed, some differences in how men and women think. Likewise, there are many similarities. In fact, I submit that men and women actually think more alike than differently – that is, both being Homo sapiens Be that as it may, I think the main topic of this thread is the sundry disingenuous beguiling behaviors of strippers as they solicit clients within (and sometimes outside) the strip club – admittedly behaviors that also occur in other aspects of our culture, such as politics, insurance, used car sales, etc. Just because these practices permeate our culture does not make it OK. Personally, I believe honesty is the best policy and wish lying was eliminated completely in our culture. Not to worry, I won’t hold my breath. Since I go to strip clubs to enjoy the sights, sounds, touches, and conversation, I’m not upset when a stripper lies to me. Why should I care; I’m not buying honesty. I’m buying a hassle-free, R-rated, sexual experience.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote (apparently by a stripper) that you might be interested in
    Angeline, in what city do you dance?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Fundamental Problem With Strippers
    FONDL, like I've frequently said, within the club I expect to be fed lines of BS and more BS - all intended to hustle my business. I'd do the same, if I were a stripper. BUT, I would never take my act outside the club, and I'd play within the club rules. Stripping is risk business, and the rules are designed to protect strippers and customers. I've had ATFs that never lied to me or led-me-on inside or outside the club, others have shown less integrity. I spend my time and money with the former and avoid the latter like the plague. Stripper don't have to lie to be successful, just decent, friendly, and (of course) beautiful.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    The Whole "Culture" is Sick
    No doubt that money is the main motivator for strippers - as it is for the vast majority of workers. I wouldn't do my job, if I wasn't getting paid. An attractive women with the right attitude and background can make big bucks stripping. Clearly, not all women are capable of stripping for a living, either because of lack of beauty, personal preferences, and/or interpersonal skills. All the latter are needed to succeed as a stripper. Why not just leave it at that? The stripper business is not that complicated, but know what your doing as a customer.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why Do Strippers Do What They Do?
    Davids, why is this such an issue for you? There must be a story behind it. Would you be willing to share it with us?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    where did everyone go?????
    Happy Hollidays. Nice to see you posting. How's business been?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strip Clubs Offer a Useful Service To Society!
    Yoda, you're right. A humanitarian award only if the stripper is dancing for free. Yet, I do know of strippers who have made a point of dancing for some severely crippled and even retarded guys (who were otherwise extremely nice wonderful men) when they could have danced for younger attractive men paying the same price. Some top strippers are in very high demand and could spend all their time with only the "best" customers, if they chose. Also, I apologize, because my comments were patronizing regarding cripples, but it was not my intent. I wanted to praise some of the good deeds strippers perform, and why stripping should not be curtailed - rather encouraged a bit in our society. Johnnylingo, I agree that strippers allow young men to gain some invaluable experience and confidence. But, it is somewhat of a hollow experience, since their attention is based on money - not charm. Only experience with women in the REAL world will lead to ultimate success. Only by working your charms in the real world will you know if they really work. Good luck.