
Comments by Mouse (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Yoda, what you say is so correct - that is, while in the club strippers are working girls. They are there to make money, and their REAL relationships are outside in their private lives. Too many guys try to seduce and befriend these women, and when they try so hard they end-up falling just as hard. Long ago, I quit going to strip clubs for friends or girl friends. I go to strip clubs with the same attitude and expectations as when I read and/or look-at a copy of Penthouse magazine - both are R-rated experiences, bought and paid for, and nothing else. Except it's 3D in the strip club, and you can talk to the ladies. Like the strippers, my REAL personal relationships are outside the club and in my private life.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Good for you Yoda, you seem to be able to keep an emotional distance from the strippers. Keeping that perspective and maintaining control is important in a strip club. I quit worrying about certain strippers paying attention to me when I walk in long ago.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    UFCfan, why would a 34 y/o married man go to a strip club? You must have a young wife - that is, relatively close in age to the strippers. If you must go to strip clubs, please be careful; because, you may not be in as much control of your emotions as you may think. Maintain a clear grasp on reality and keep an emotional distance from those ladies. Some will look out for you, but others won't. The inveterate mercenaries (examples in every club) just want your money and couldn't care less about your emotional well being.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Yoday, I can see why older guys (i.e., over 45 y/o) go to strip clubs - they find their access to young women much reduced, maybe even nil. But, a 34 y/o "young" married man! - is there trouble with the marriage? There are TONS of young women available to young men! And, it's essentially FREE!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Yoda, I talking about meeting and seducing young women in the real world. Most young ladies, if they're not attached and they like you, will fuck you after only a few dates, often on the first date. Why go to a strip club for a dry hump, when you can get a wet hump for next to nothing? UFCfan, I can understand your points, and with the right mind set, I believe it's possible to enjoy a strippers without getting emotionally involved with them. But, somehow it seems to me that a customer "dry humping" a gorgeous 10 stripper will change how he "views" his 5 or 6 wife. If his wife is already a 10, why whould he be paying for the same thing in a strip club? It doesn't make sense to me. Help me understand.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    UCFan and Yoda, thanks for your replies. I undertand your points. Nonetheless, I was reading the last thread on this Board and came across one of "Customer's" old posts - a post, I believe is quite relevant to our discussion. It merits reposting and rereading, because I agree it. Maybe both of you will like it as well? Here it is. "Many customers do have viable and stable relationships with women outside strip clubs. For these men, dancers offer some variety - A BIT OF SPICEY TABOO A TRANSGRESSIVE EXPERIENCE! - which is both safe and convenient (although expensive). Unfortunately, conflicts develop, when some customers grow attached, demand too much, get rejected, feel cheated, and become disappointed and bitter. Dancers are limited in what they can offer customers. Dancers can’t be everything to everybody all the time. Customers should maintain a healthy attitude, have realistic expectations, and remain emotionally distant from these “objects of their desire.” Yet, sometimes this is “easier said than done." Keeping a healthy attitude and remaining emotionally distant from the dancers is fairly easy -- as long as you are not too amenable to their charms! Nonetheless, you may develop a "favorite" relationship, wherein maintaining immunity to her charms is essentially impossible. Ol' Mother Nature has a way of "kicking your arrogant ass" when she feels like it, and you may become a Regular In Love (RIL) whether you like it or not. My condolences go-out to the customer when this happens, because the odds are overwhelming that the dancer only wants his money, not his heart. In this event the customer must find the strength to walk away, and find a new favorite or a new club. However, should you (a customer) become a Regular in Love, don’t expect to be coddled by the dancer. As you become “mushy” and more demanding, she will sense it (dancers are good at this, because it’s happened many times before) and become repelled by you. Why? It’s because your aggressive tone and demeanor are needy, intimidating, and even repugnant. Moreover, your condition places you into the category of potential stalker -- something she wants no part of! If you've fallen for a nice and ethical dancer with abundant interpersonal skills (e.g., Celeste), you’re lucky, because she will likely handle your feelings with compassion and let you down easy. But, if the dancer is not a nice person, but instead a self-absorbed and heartless mercenary, you will get summarily dumped and/or fleeced of your money without any regard to your feelings! Conflict, hurt, and bitterness can result, when you realize you’ve been made a VICTIM. Thus, when this happens, you must be ready to take care of yourself. The best defense is – get informed and don’t let it happen in the first place! In strip clubs (from the get go) EXPECT NOTHING and ASK FOR NOTHING -- except what you negotiate for money and that’s never love or friendship! It’s good practice to buy dances from many different dancers working at many different clubs. Never put too much emphasis on any one dancer. Finally (and this is the hardest part), if you begin liking one dancer too much, MOVE ON quickly. In ninety-nine percent (99%) of these cases, there's no romantic future with the dancer – SHE JUST WANTS YOUR MONEY AND ALREADY HAS A SIGNIFICANT OTHER – no matter what she has told you. If you can’t handle your emotions, don’t go to strip clubs -- find a new hobby. Strip clubs are not for the weak minded or faint hearted. Dancers are there to make money, not provide a dating service for lovelorn men."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Verfolgung, everybody posting here seems "set" in their opinions. Infact, I've never seen much "movement" by any poster. From what you just posted, we may be closer in opinion regarding SCs than you may think. Indeed, you seem to have things under control, and basically, that's what I'm advocating.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    Yoda, it's nice to see that other customers have had similar experiences and formed similar opinions - this tends to reinforce certain conclusions. However, when a poster disagrees, it helps one reconsider your own opinions and/or positions on various issues. Besides, the Board is another form of entertainment, and it's sometimes stimulating to swap stories and...barbs. Some people over react though; they shouldn't - it's not the big a deal.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    UFCfan, just wait - time will answer your question. Let us know what happens. Strippers are human beings with human desires, like you. I've met strippers outside the club, but building a relationship is an uphill struggle - you must win their trust. Moreover, strippers are women who have no trouble findings boyfriends, hence the competition is fierce. Yet, if you are serious about building a real relationship with a stripper, refuse to pay her for her time outside the club and don't help with rent, car payments, etc. Keep the money out of the relationship, and you will know what she is really "serious" about. You can't buy love with money or compliments - she's got to like you for you!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Great story and informative - THANKS!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Well said Superdude.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    WG has a way of fucking up threads.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Absence really does make the heart grow fonder
    I'm convinced that the successful strippers can compartmentalize their private life from their work life - men at work are customers, men at home are friends, boyfriends, husbands, etc. Jpac73, don't delude yourself, to this stripper, you're 100% customer - an income source. If your starting to like her in that "special" way - it's the wrong way to like a stripper. Move on and stay gone until you get you emotions under control - there's no future with that stripper.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Yoda, I just thought it might be an interesting article for you older guys. Strippers are always telling me about how the older guys are constantly hitting on them for outside dates - these clueless older guys continually get mocked behind their backs by the strippers. Pitiful but true.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Yoda, I wonder why the older guys (i.e., say more than 10 years senior to the strippers) don't stop hitting on the dancers. I know of a few strippers going out with younger customers - and taking these young guys seriously as potential boyfriends. But, I've never heard of an older guy pulling off a real date. When the strippers do go outside the clubs with the older guys, it's for the money. With this observations, please know, I'm not saying older guys shouldn't go to strip clubs and buy dances from young strippers. I'm saying just keep a grip on reality.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    I guess I wasn't really a Friend aftrer all
    That's right - you get what you pay for in a strip club. Don't expect more.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    SirCharles, I don't expect to "fix" anybody. Besides, you seem to have a tight grip on reality and don't need my advice. Yet, some older guys continue to foolishly ask these young strippers out; I guess it doesn't bother them they are being scorned behind their backs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Yoda, I agree with your points - money changes the equation. My point here is to have a clear understanding of the reality of these situations. Indeed, having a tight grip on reality is good policy for LIFE in general. What someone (like Fondl) does with that reality is their business.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Speak for yourself Fondl.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Jenna Jameson on her strip club days
    I'm not surprised. I've been told numerous times by strippers that the "other" strippers were men haters. Although I believed these claims in part, I feel that many strippers, after a time, become "customer" haters, not necessarily men haters. And, even then, I don't think they hate all customers. Stripping is like any business, some customers are good, some are bad.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Fondl, it seems to me you are the one trying to impress your version of reality on everyone else. You state, "Let's face it, none of us has any idea what reality is." How do you know this? - you can't. Maybe we should refer to you as Mr. Fondl Dogma?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    So you older guys want a young stripper - read this!
    Humm...Kyle111, some people living in Oklahoma City might consider the USA a terrorist state.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    New TUSCL web format
    I agree - the old was more user friendly.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Any customer overheard a stripper RIDICULING him when she thought he didn't hear
    I know it is very common for strippers to redicule customers, especially those dupped by their flirtatious GFE fantasy. Customers should go to strip clubs to BUY an R-rated sexual experience, and expect nothing else. It is rare for a customer, especially older customers, to develop a REAL relationship with a stripper. In a strip club you get what you pay for, and customers who think otherwise are deluding themselves.