
Comments by mmdv26 (page 43)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Charlie Sheen in Detroit
    It took me a while, but I started to like 2.5 Men...and Sheen. In spite of his problems, he probably could have left a salvageable legacy. It sounds like this tour threatens to reduce his positive legacy significantly.
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    14 years ago
    hostess clubs
    How old do you have to be to get in one of these places? I assume no alcohol or sexual contact. Where does it go from there customarily? Do you try to set something up OTC? Sounds like punishment for financially under-performing strippers, LOL!
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    14 years ago
    Least favorite stripper tattoo location?
    @gmd. Good for you! You got the point of it.
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    14 years ago
    Least favorite stripper tattoo location?
    Tat's can be informational. A dancer I've done OTC with has one across the lower part of her back that says, "I've got the clap." That's disturbing, 'cause I forgot to bring a rubber. Another dancer has one between her shoulder blades...and LOL - I don't think she knows it, but the tat artist put it on upside down. It says, "I bite". Obviously some cult reference.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Contaminated Drinks
    For the most part, I think we're over-reacting to dihydrogen monoxide. The only real danger for humans is inhaling it in large concentrations.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Does sex make you sick?
    Are social security disability payments available for sufferers of this syndrome?
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    14 years ago
    2 arrested on sex charges at car wash
    ...and what goes on in other people's car washes.
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    14 years ago
    Asking about OTC
    Some girls do OTC, others don't. Some girls will agree to it the first time they meet you, others take longer. Which is yours? The ones who are part-time escorts will usually let you know that OTC is on the menu very quickly - you don't even have to hint about it. She will initiate the idea with, "we should get together sometime", or something similar. Others, if you ask, may suggest that "we should get to know each other a little better", or if they don't they will tell you flat out they don't fuck strangers. If you've done your TUSCL intel on the club, and you're still not sure if you're at *Chateau de Hoe*, try mumbling, "wow, this would sure be better if we were somewhere else...". Chances are slim that you'll get tossed out. The best kind is one you get to know after a period of time, the chemistry is good, and she is delivering increasingly hot dances. Probably some extras, or even FS ITC. You can be fairly direct about "could we get together outside of here"? and she will likely be eager to take you up on it. These days, I'm OK with FS ITC where available. Takes a lot less time and costs less, too. Doggie style is harder to do.
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    14 years ago
    Police: Woman Hid 54 Bags of Heroin, Money in Her Vagina
    When a dancer pushes your hand away when you try to hide the finger, add "contents of purse in there" to the possible reasons why.
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    14 years ago
    LD Rules By State
    @Leonard313....You didn't go far enough! Another 150 miles to ESL and you could have just started grabbing at her and trying to finger her or just blurt out during the first dance that you'll give her $100 to **ck her...and it would have been way classy. In fact she probably would have blurted it out before you could, stuck your finger in and if you had given her $100 to **ck her, she might have asked if you needed change. Obviously not the kind of clubs you are describing, but they aren't overly ghetto either - can usually get a chubby white girl with a missing tooth for that price.
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    14 years ago
    Elizabeth Taylor - R.I.P.
    I grew up in the 60's; Farrah Fawcett was my generation's Liz Taylor.
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    14 years ago
    Facebook of Sex Ad
    DougS, maybe this site from joker44's reply to another thread today would help you: http://www.tineye.com/ TinEye TinEye is a reverse image search engine. You can submit an image to TinEye to find out where it came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or to find higher resolution versions.
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    14 years ago
    Spies at the Club
    They're not spies, they're girls...being girls. It's genetic. How many of you know a dude like that at work? Retaliation?
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    14 years ago
    Stripper Kicks Back At Strip Clubs Over Illegal Kickbacks
    I didn't know that cosmetology school had a graduate program.
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    14 years ago
    Black Balled at the Club
    I've been in that position of going in when the girl I'm getting extras from isn't there on several occasions. The other girls give me some snarky, "well, (what are you doing here dumbass) Nikki isn't working tonight", bullshit and walk away. Then it's a cat and mouse game for the rest of the evening to see who is going to be the first to break the bond of the "clean dancer sisterhood" and do a dance for me. Depends on a lot of factors, but even the money hungry newbies have been briefed on the potential for retaliation by the sisterhood, and are slow to approach. It takes a while - even more than that night sometimes - but eventually somebody will break out and give me a dance. Usually a very poor dance. Then, next time Nikki works, the drama revs-up among the girls, and it was difficult for me to pick up with her where we left off. I had to demonstrate my renewed devotion to her after I "cheated" on her. An extra $50 usually took care of the re-devotional ceremony. I did this a couple of times with Nikki, and a couple of times with another girl, and it worked out the same both times. A couple of others got fired or quit during this process, so I never got back to dirty dances with them. DougS, I don't have a clue what your pal should do. As long as he gets what he wants for the amount of money he wants to spend...what else is there?
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    14 years ago
    How would you defend strip clubs to a city council?
    Kansas City, Kansas successfully shut down all adult entertainment in the early 90's by having the establishments declared a "public nuisance" by a court. This was after a fairly brief period of raids that netted illegal drugs, and various other illegal activities. As I recall, almost every club's ownership had ancillary charges brought against them including income tax evasion, money laundering, racketeering, bribery of public officials, and illegal parking. Short of the KCK approach, I'm not sure how you could ban a business type that is already in existence without facing a very expensive challenge in the courts - the cost of which might not be a very good use of the taxpayers' dollars.
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    14 years ago
    The girlfriend issue
    I understand the issues you face. I have managed to keep it all in perspective by recognizing that clubbing is my part-time job. Feeling-up girls, having simulated (and sometimes real) sex with them for their benefit is something I am required to do. I am also required to methodically rid myself of unwanted cash...definitely not a pleasant chore. When I leave the club, all of the club stuff is left behind, except for a couple of phone numbers, a few intense memories and the stain on the front of my pants. I am required to show up for this job at least twice a week, and have worked overtime on occasion, but I would never let it get in the way of my family life, my spiritual well-being, my full-time job or my mental health. I'm curious about that blind thing as well...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Grinding LD
    OP: Hey I am kind of new to this strip club thing. I wish I could say that too... OP: I was wondering if any of you go to clubs where there is good 2 way contact and good grinding where the girl might grind you to completion? Yes... OP: How do all of you handle this? It's just part of the deal at a strip club... OP: If you are going to cum do you tell her if she continues to do that you are going to cum? Her entire self worth hinges on her ability to make me cum, so I allow the process to proceed as naturally as it can... OP: Do you think she knows that she is getting you to cum? A dancer once told me, "I can tell when a guy is getting ready to cum because his feet start moving around." So hold your feet still if you want to surprise her. OP: How do you not get this all over your pants or the girl...anybody where (sic) condom or anything? In most cases, you will still be inside your pants when the moment of glory arrives. Your choice: big (or little) mess in trou or raincoat. I knew a dancer who usually got the stallion out of the barn for the big moment. She would be put her hand over the business end presumably to block the shot - I was always so flattered. Rock Chalk!!
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    14 years ago
    Manager interrupting LD to inform dancer she has to go to VIP
    Sorry...TAB has interesting function here... Options: a) stop lap dance right then, and refuse to pay. b) suggest that VIP party's smoke break isn't over; c) get free VIP pass, and sit next to the other party to finish with that dancer at floor rates. Part of the strip club fantasy that you will be respected as a customer.
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    14 years ago
    Manager interrupting LD to inform dancer she has to go to VIP
    Options: a) stop the lap dance right then, and refused to pay. b) suggest that
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    14 years ago
    Investing in Strip Clubs
    I hope Rick's has good lobbyists. With the current wave of strip club *limitations* legislation going on, they will need to make sure that their business model isn't forced to change drastically.
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    14 years ago
    Brooklyn (not NY) IL
    It's a complete cultural experience: food, water, faith and sex.
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    14 years ago
    Strip clubs with elevators
    Bazooka's in KC has an elevator(and an escalator), but the second floor is adult video rentals and arcade - not actually part of the club. I guess if you didn't get a happy ending downstairs....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    In the wind
    Shaved, Trimmed Strip, Natural Patch, or Full & Natural??
    My first experiences "down there" in the early 70's were with magilla gorilla impersonators. Don't want to relive that. Selection #2 is my preference.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I'm planning on seriously cutting back my spending on strip clubs
    For a number of years, I suffered from a $2k/mo habit. During those peak years, any attempt to seriously reduce spending was short-lived and met with a big relapse. I was finally able to reduce my activity (SC + OTC)to a sane level, but it took an economy that significantly reduced my financial resources (home builder) and a HUGE "get honest with myself" thing. Fortunately, my fav club is a juice bar, so alcohol didn't come in to play. The best way to stop spending so much money at SC's is to quit going to SC's, but we all know going *cold turkey* can't be the only way.... So, if you're doing OTC, it may be fairly easy to cut back on that first. Then work on reducing alcohol intake at the club - you may find that is more of the SC *experience* than you realized. Try spending more time at the stage. Limit the number of lappers you get each visit. And finally, go ahead and be a cheapskate. If all this fails, just start over. Good luck!