
Elizabeth Taylor - R.I.P.

Sunday, March 27, 2011 11:01 PM
For a kid growing up in the 50s and reaching puberty in the early 60s Elizabeth Taylor was right up there in my juvenile teen-age jerk-off fantasies. Her sweltering sex appeal tormented me for a few agonizing years until I immersed my energies in work. I am glad those fantasies are still dancing around in my brain. Those incredible violet eyes! That magnificent bosom! Sigh..................... Anybody else share those feelings about the great Elizabeth Taylor?


  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    I grew up in the 60's; Farrah Fawcett was my generation's Liz Taylor.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    When I think of Liz, I am reminded of when back in 64 or 65, I was stationed in Japan. A bunch of us went into to Tokyo to see the "uncut" version of Cleopatra with Japanese sub titles. In one scence she is seen lying on a massage table bare ass naked on her stomach. That was boner material back in those days.
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Art, are you back in North America yet? Have you decided which cities to visit before getting back to work?
  • nengneng
    13 years ago
    who is the counterpart for kids in the 80s? Britney Spears? Paris Hilton? BTW, I don't think Elizabeth Taylor is the most typical American beauty (though she IS gorgeous), since she is not blonde.
    13 years ago
    neng, I believe Spears and Hilton were barely fertilized embryoes in the '80s. Madonna flaunted a great deal early on. Christie Brinkley got a lot of pub back then. "Baywatch" arrived late in the decade and with it Pamela Anderson.
  • Knightline
    13 years ago
    I remember a story from one of Mickey Mantle's books. He and Billy Martin were in a NYC club and noticed Liz at a nearby table. Billy said "wow - look at those eyes!" Mickey replied, in typical Mantle fashion "Look at those tits!!".
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    No, farmerart. I agree Liz Taylor was stunningly beautiful, but I got my first raging hard-on watching "Cat Ballou" with Jane Fonda. I know many people here hate Jane Fonda, but she was damn fine when she was young. I met her in person once, HOLY SHIT!!
  • jackoff
    13 years ago
    vincemichaels > Thanks for bringing back a great memory "Cat Ballou" she was mean and evil through and through. The other movie she got my stick to rise in was Barbarella (spelling?)
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Elizabeth Taylor. "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." Wow!
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I wonder if any strippers will try the Cleopatra look hairstyle.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Was that Liz or a body double going nude in "Reflections in a Golden Eye?" Today, we have Christina Henderson from "Mad Men."
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