This seems to be a trend lately... it recently happened to me and also happened to a fellow TUSCL "lurker" (a reader but non poster) that I know at the same club. Has this happened to anyone else?
I've been seeing my CF since August (about a month ITC, then strictly OTC - her suggestion). She hints that we are "dating," and though I'd like it if it were true, at this point I consider it SS. Anyhow, I knew my CF was not going to be in the club last week, and also knew there was another dancer at the club that I wanted to get to know so figured it was a good time for that. I stopped in the club, and blindly staggered to the bar (its always frickin' dark in there when you enter during the day). I took a stool at the bar and felt fingernails from a dancer on my back, who continued to sit next to me. NOT the girl I was lookin' for, but we started talkin'.
At this point - keep in mind I've been in the club for a total of about 5 min - I get a text from my CF. She says that someone told her I was at her job, cheatin' on her. WTF?! She followed-up with a phone call, probably in an effort to "catch me." CF and I were together so little ITC that I didn't think anyone could put her and I together in order to make a report like that...
Similar thing happened to my buddy, on Fri night... same club - different shift. His girl also considers them to be "dating".
Are these girls actually leaving instructions for their friends to let them know if "their guy" comes into the club?!
Yes, this type of stuff has happened to me too. I've gone into clubs specifically during a time when my CF's were not there and low and behold, I get a text asking me why I was there. I've also had a dancer at a club I was in tell me that she just texted her friend (a dancer that I had spent time with on a previous visit) that I was in the club that night. It didn't seem malicious, just bragging to her friend since she got my money that night and not the other dancer.
JackO: With the particular CF in in question, no, I'm not paying for OTC. After three visits w/her ITC, she told me that she didn't want to spend time w/me ITC and that we she wanted to see me OTC. She also said that she didn't want money involved. We've OTCed several times since then and she has not looked for money. Admittedly, I have bought lunch on each occasion, and paid for a new phone (her old one broke, but I look at that as for me, as it assists in my communications with her). On one of our "dates," we had dual pedicures, for which I also paid.
See, not paying for it *sounds* good, until shit like this happens. Sure, it's illegal, but I kinda prefer paying for it explicitly; it reminds everyone involved of the exact nature of the relationship. I'm not looking for a girlfriend, but if *you* are, it sounds like you found one. At least she fucks you, so that's a plus.
doug, believe it, those chicks talk among each other about customers, boyfriends, men in general, so i'm not surprised that a spy outed you. also, if you are seeing her otc for lunch, dates, sex, etc without actually paying her for the sex it's easy to see why she considers your visit to her club when she's not working as cheating on her.
My CF is quite popular at the club, so I'm thinking the other girls are only more than willing to "take her down a peg or two" whenever they get a chance. I denied it initially, but I AM going to have to 'fess up. Just haven't had a chance, yet.
Women constantly amaze me. My dancer favs always know when I've been in the club and whom I had dances from, because their friends among the dancers and waitresses and bar tenders report my activities to them. They feel this is perfectly okay. And even worse, they try to make me feel guilty, just as if they were wives or SO's. Girls, I'm not cheating on you when I get a blow job from somebody else.
It's down right crazy. I'm accused of cheating on my CF if I'm in the club without her (whether I am getting dances or not, apparently), but it's ok for her to give dozens of guys dances every day? To ME, that is a similar comparison, though we all know it would never fly as an argument with a dancer!
Perhaps she really *does* think you're her boyfriend, in the commonly accepted usage of the word? Her reaction is at least understandable if that's the case. The question then becomes, is that what *you* want?
GMD: Yes, I would be good with that, but at this point, I don't see things getting serious like they did with my ATF. I was ready to leave my life (and something that rhymes with that). But then again, it's only been a few months. (I was in love w/my ATF with our first kiss - STILL the hottest kiss I've even experienced)
Getting back to the spy thing. I think there ought to be some sort of professional courtesy or professional ettiquette involved. Kind'a like the way a nurse can't talk about their patients to anyone, or a bank teller can't talk about a client's bank account, etc.
Makes me wonder how many other girls at the clubs I frequent know about who I've OTCed with, past preset or future...
To each his own, I guess. I have a wife who gives me all the emotional support I need, so I don't see the need for a girlfriend, and I'm not sure I'd want most of the strippers I've met, including my ATF, as girlfriends anyway. As enthusiastic and nice as she was, she had lots of issues.
If you're going to be a traditional BF/SO though, you're gonna have to either live and deal with her exclusivity expectation, or make it clear that's not part of the arrangement.
As many have already stated - If you're not paying for it and she thinks you are dating (bf/gf) on top of it all. Then her fellow co-workers and friends (the sisterhood) are going to rat you out for sure. I currently have a free OTC going on with a girl at a club and I know better than to step foot inside there.
GMD> I agree that sometimes it's just easier, less complicated, and/or cheaper in the long run to just pay for it. That way no one has the right to tell you what you can or can't do.
DougS> Is the CV free OTC upset that your in her club trying to pay her fellow co-workers for what she is giving you for free?
Had a similar situation, but the dancer was the enforcer herself. When I got a lapper from another girl, she came over later and laughingly asked if I was "cheating" on her. I didn't know that there was a code. I think she would have cut the other girl if she would have needed to, and the other girls knew it.
I suppose it is similar to going to a restaurant and sitting at a table and then getting up and moving to another table for dessert. Would the second waitress get the tip or would the first? Would the first one get pissed that you were putting yourself in the position to give the whole tip to the second waitress? Probably. In a strip club, there are no zones for the tables, each dancer covers the whole club. And there is never any final "bill" to pay, it is like a tab that they periodically cash out but carry over from visit to visit.
last comment?? are you paying for OTC/dating?
Yes, their networks are very tight.
also, if you are seeing her otc for lunch, dates, sex, etc without actually paying her for the sex it's easy to see why she considers your visit to her club when she's not working as cheating on her.
How many of you know a dude like that at work? Retaliation?
Getting back to the spy thing. I think there ought to be some sort of professional courtesy or professional ettiquette involved. Kind'a like the way a nurse can't talk about their patients to anyone, or a bank teller can't talk about a client's bank account, etc.
Makes me wonder how many other girls at the clubs I frequent know about who I've OTCed with, past preset or future...
If you're going to be a traditional BF/SO though, you're gonna have to either live and deal with her exclusivity expectation, or make it clear that's not part of the arrangement.
Paying for it is so much simpler... :)
As many have already stated - If you're not paying for it and she thinks you are dating (bf/gf) on top of it all. Then her fellow co-workers and friends (the sisterhood) are going to rat you out for sure. I currently have a free OTC going on with a girl at a club and I know better than to step foot inside there.
GMD> I agree that sometimes it's just easier, less complicated, and/or cheaper in the long run to just pay for it. That way no one has the right to tell you what you can or can't do.
DougS> Is the CV free OTC upset that your in her club trying to pay her fellow co-workers for what she is giving you for free?
I suppose it is similar to going to a restaurant and sitting at a table and then getting up and moving to another table for dessert. Would the second waitress get the tip or would the first? Would the first one get pissed that you were putting yourself in the position to give the whole tip to the second waitress? Probably. In a strip club, there are no zones for the tables, each dancer covers the whole club. And there is never any final "bill" to pay, it is like a tab that they periodically cash out but carry over from visit to visit.