
Comments by verfolgung (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Hand washing
    Let's see ... YES, YES, CONDOM, CONDOM, CONDOM. Then go check yourself into a clinic, because use of a condom will not necessarily protect you from STD's. However, if your doing these things you probably don't care anyway.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What would make a good lapdance song??
    I agree with SKYWATCH-99. Also, "Naughty Girl" by Beyonce. A couple of months ago, when the song first started being played, one of my favorite dancers danced and sang along to this song. We were in a no-contact club, but she still got really close and streched the rules to the limit. Everytime I hear it played on the radio I see her moving to the music (which is good, or I would likely otherwise be sick from hearing all the time). In general I like anything that can the dancers can move too, especially a good booty shaking song.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Some dancers actually think the customers are stupid
    MICKEYBUSH: I don't agree that JPAC73 was being cheep. Buying a dancer a drink is one thing, which he agreed to do, but to than have that dancer try to get another one for her friend crossed the line. Dancers should realize that tactics like that only hurt them in the long run.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Long Lap Dance Songs Last!!!!??
    I've actually experienced variations from DJ to DJ at the same club. One place I dancer I used to visit worked Tues, Fri & Sat, and the only time I would stop by was on Tues. The DJ on those nights seemed to play songs which lasted. I've also noticed songs vary by how crowded a place is. If it's really busy, sometimes the songs will get cut short a little to keep things moving. In a way, this is one of the reasons why I prefer to visit during off-peak times.
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    20 years ago
    Music must have energy
    Hey angelicasin, you mentioned two of my favorite clubs in the northeast. As far as consistant on-stage performances Platinum Plus up in Maine is one of the best. From my experience this club has the most number of dancers who actually "dance" one stage. Most of the other clubs in New England, where all-nude (MA) or contact (RI) is the primary attraction, have dancers who pretty much just walk and pose while on stage - even if the music is good. The girls at Platinum do a great job getting one's pulse pumping.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ideal Dancers
    MISTRESSDEVIL: I'm game. Here are my top ten, in no particular order (except the last): 1) Hair - Long and soft to the touch. Prefer brunet to blonde and strait to curly. Love how the way a woman wears her hair effects how she appears (i.e. sporty, shy, silly or sultry). Love it when my favorite dancer wears her hair down and brushed it against me or drapes it over me. Also enjoy women toss their hair from one side or the other. 2) Eyes - Deep and dark. I love to make lots of eye contact and all of my favorite dancers are comfortable making eye contact. I've actually found that many dancers avoid making a lot of eye contact - preferring to just stare in the mirrors or off into space while assuming the customers are just looking at other things. There are so many things you can read into a person's eyes. (Side Note - Once knew a dancer named Azure with blue/grey eyes. What a perfect name for her.) 3)Smile - Bright and beautiful. I've seen so many attractive dancers where a smile would make all the difference in the world. On the other hand, I've seen dancers with great smiles who always seemed to have a spotlight on them, even in the darkest of clubs you can always seem to find them. 4) Skin - Soft to the touch (if contact is allowed). My ATF has skin like silk. Just to caress her drives me crazy. Prefer minimal makeup, piercings and tattoos. 5) Back - Long sexy. Love to let my eyes (or my finger tips, if allowed) follow the curve a woman’s back from her shoulders down to the dimple in her lower back. A sexy back makes me want to give massages or dream of caressing her as I hold her close. 6) Breasts (You knew we were getting here eventually) - Natural. Enough said. 7) Hips and Bum - Round and firm. Heart shaped! Love to watch a dancer who can pop her booty. 8) Legs - Long, sleek, smooth, silky and toned. 9) Dancing - I enjoy seeing women who can really dance, and show off their skills and athleticism. I'll tip a dancer just for doing cool pole tricks. High energy or slow and sensual, it’s all good. 10) Personality, wit, humor, intelligence, professionalism & respect - The best for last! To be honest, I spend more time hanging out and talking than getting dances. The dancers I go back to see on a regular basis are an absolute pleasure to converse with and spend time with. They respect their customers and they respect themselves. In many ways the old saying is true in that looks attract but personality is what keeps you coming back.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What would make a good lapdance song??
    I've given this question some extra thought, and what I've come to realize is that many times songs which are great for stage performances many not be preferable for getting a lapdance. When a dancer is on stage, I love energetic, fast-past, beat pumping, booty shaking music. However, when I'm getting a private dance I have to admit slow and sensual is great. Speaking of stage music, I was once sitting at a satellite stage in a club up here in the northeast. Now, the dancer on the main stage gets to choose the music and she came out with country. It worked for her, but the three other dancers were visably annoyed and one yelled out, "B#%*@h!" I actually found it kind of amusing.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Unwanted contact - assault or not ?
    Customers who use inappropriate behavior including contact, solicitations, or exposure should be subject to removal. In your example, she was kind enough to give him a warning (not required, but sometimes it can be an accident and the warning will set the customer strait), so on the second attempt she has every right to leave the situation. Now use of force to get away? If it was needed and she felt threatened, sure. However, if she can remove herself without it, then she should try to do so and let the bouncers take care it. Lastly, your question on assault. Do I feel she would have a case? Yes. Just because a woman is a dancer does not mean she should be taken advantage of. SIDE NOTE: Because of the possibility of situations like this, I know some dancers who collect their tip first, before the dance - especially from customers who are new to them.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Simultaneous dances from 2 girls at the same time - rip off or twice the fun?
    Here's something not quite the same but cool none the less... The other day my ATF was telling me how she used work in tandem with another girl and sell dances to two guys who came in pairs. They each would start a dance with one guy and then switch in the middle of the dance. This way the guys got to experience two dancers for the price of one, and then he could get an extra dance, if he so desired, from the dancer of his choice. (The only problem would be if they both wanted the same dancer, but that was rare.) They were both very attractive but one was especially known for her booty while the other had an amazing chest. Unfortunatly, the performances they did in the semi-private booths became so popular that they started drawing attention from the stages. The club ended up banning them from doing the routine outside of the private champagne rooms. Even so, this might be a cool thing to try to set up if your visiting a club with a friend, or it might be new technique for some other dancers out there to try.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    Hey Angelica, what region of the county do you feature?
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    20 years ago
    Sex Addicts in Stripclubs
    Sorry hit the wrong button... 3) Is he particularly into you? (If not, I would just ignore him.) 4) Does this sex addict seem like he could turn out to be a stalker? I've seen many dancers handle different customers in different ways. Somtimes they will just ignore the customer. Sometimes they will lie or make up stories about how they are too busy to see them, and overall try to make themselves less appealing to that customer. Other times, they will still do dances for the customer, feeling that alternative is safer than getting them angry. If it really seems dangerous, then the dancer should talk to the club management and have the customer banned.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Hand washing
    SHEKITOUT: Your asking about all those things above, and now your worried about the bathroom door knob? I was once in the men's room at a contact club. While I was washing my hands, a guy was leaving without washing and used the old line, "You know you wouldn't have to wash your hands if you didn't piss all over yourself." Just then I wondered who he was going to be getting dances from later. Since it was a contact club, I sort of hoped that he wasn't there to see and of my favorites. I'm sure guys leave all the time without washing their hands, which is fine if THEY want to be unsanitary, but don't you think it's kind of disrespectful to then go out and put your hands all over someone?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Long Lap Dance Songs Last!!!!??
    I have to admit I've timed songs before. Earlier this year a club I frequent regularly increased their prices for private dances to $30 per dance ($10 to club, $20 to the dancer), and for champage rooms to $130 for 15 min ($30 to the club, $100 to the dancer). Before the price increases I rarely did champagne rooms, but after the increase I decided to do a little research. The songs ended up averaging out at about 3 min each. Since a 15 min champagne room was the same equivalent of 5 dances, but $20 dollars cheaper where do you think I started going. Bonuses are I get a free drink (which I usually give to the dancer), the dancer still makes the same money - $100 (Plus I'll sometimes throw in the $20 I saved as an added tip.), and its more private. So yes, I admit that I have timed songs before.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ideal Dancers
    Man I knew I forgot something! Jpac73 was right about fragrance. Now I'm single, so I don't have to worry about going home with the scent of another woman's perfume on my cloths, but I understand that other guys might have to be careful in the scent department. When I visit a dancer I usually hang out with her till the end of her shift, say till 7PM, and I usally get most of my dances at the end of my visit. Some dancers will go add a little extra perfume since they know I'll be their last dance of the day. The other day my ATF was wearing a fragrance which really got to me. She said it was Heavenly, and all I could think was how appropriate.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Hey everyone, thanks for your feedback thus far. In a way, I expected that the 1st Amendment was going to be brought up, but I was hoping this thread would not get turned away from the original intent and into a debate on free speech. Here's my take: Freedom a speech is not absolute, and there are several exceptions. The actual amendment reads, "Congress shall make no laws...abridging feedom of speech..." The intent is to stop the government from enacting certain laws. We are not in a public square, but on a member's only discussion board. If one is not a registered member, then they are not allowed to make a post. This is not censorship. What the petition is calling for is for Founder to consider revoking RL's membership because of the overwhelming voice of the other members of the site. If this petition gets enough support, hopefully Founder will make that consideration. I don't mind if people continue to debate the 1st amendment; however, please try to comment on whether you agree or dissagree with the topic. That way we can see if there is a case for an RL ban or not. Thanks again.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Hand washing
    SHEKITOUT: I once worked in a hospital with strict hand washing procedures. Many times I still follow them. For instance, if there is a towel dispenser, I will discharge some towel first, then wash my hands, then rip off the pre-exposed towel. I then use the towel to discharge and further towel needed. Finally I discharge a towel for use in grabbing the door knob. Usually the waste bucket is by the door and one can dispose of the last towel while holding the door open with your foot before exiting.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    why do you really go to a stripclub?
    To answer this question, I'll give you a little background on myself. For starters, I will say that I am single and in my 20's. I have several female friends, including my best friend (who btw, enjoys going to SCs w/ me), but most of my guy friends from college have moved away and/or gotten married. I rarely drink alcohol, don't smoke, and don't do any drugs. Lastly, I was once in a relationship for 6 years. The first time I ever went to a club was when some friends dragged me out for my B-day. It was after college and after my relationship had ended. Once I went for the first time, I realized how different it was from all the misconceptions I had. Basically it boils down to these reasons: 1) COMFORT: When other friends aren't available, I've found it's easier for me to go alone and have a sprite at a SC than at local bar or club. 2) TIME: It's easier to start a conversation with a beautiful woman at a SC. I've found that it's actually fairly easy to make friendships once people have the chance to get to know each other, and I freely admit that many of the dancer's I've become friends with, would probably not have given me the time of day if I had met them under any other circumstance. In a normal club, things are much more immediate and there is rarely an opportunity to get to know someone. 3) STRAIGHT FORWARD: The itentions of the women in a SC are clear and open - YOU'RE IN A STRIP CLUB! There are just as many vultures in normal bar or club, but it may be harder to read what people are really after. 4) NO COMMITMENT: If you don't want to become friends with a dancer, but still wish stop by occasionally to see her, you can create a customer relationship with no strings attached. It might be several weeks between visits, and when you stop by, she'll smile, and be "happy" to see you. You don't have to call her, and she won't ask or really care where you've been. 5) REALNESS: In this sense, I don't mean the fantasy of it all, but that there is an actual person as opposed to an image on a computer, video screen or page in a magazine. 6) PRACTICE: Lastly, since I'm not in a relationship right now, I find going to SCs allows me to maintain certain skills. For example, in a contact club, I can practice how to caress or massage a women. I can try new things, and if I mess up, it's not a real big deal. Anyway, those are my reasons.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    When do you know your addicted to stripclubs
    I think I knew I was addicted when I was going to three to four places in a week and sometimes multiple places in one night. Chris Rock had an HBO special earlier this year where he did a bit, "Everybody's got a friend who's addicted to stip clubs!" All of my friends immediately thought of me. Personally, I feel as long as your having a good time, keeping things in perspective, and maintaining financial control then it's all good. Once one starts to take things too seriously, or it becomes a financial burden then they should reconsider their actions. This goes for most things in life. Heck, this could just as easily apply to someone who's addicted to golf!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Opinion changer or not? You discover your new girlfriend is a stripper.
    Sure, I have had several thoughts on the matter and how I think I think it would effect me; However, there are so many things to consider, that it would be difficult to really give an honest answer. If it should actually ever happen to me, I'll let you know.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    South Carolina
    Hand washing
    Nah, I never use TP to dry my hands or grab the door. It's too friable. If the place only has a blow dryer, then I'll grab a couple of cocktail napkins from the bar. : )
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why did you first go to a strip club and how old were you?
    I basically started this story on another thread, but here it is... I was in my mid 20's, and had never been to a SC before. Never really had the need to go, and was filled with misconceptions. During dinner, while on a business trip up on Portland, ME, it came up that it was my B-day. My boss and the two other gentlemen we were with said we should find a way to celebrate. One of out clients was from out of town, so after dinner the plan was to show him around the area, and wouldn't you know we eventually ended up pulling into the parking lot of Platinum Plus. To be honest, it was actually kind of pathetic. My B-day became the excuse for three middle-aged married guys to have a night out. In fact, I ended up being the designated driver. Luckily, my first experience was in one of the classiest clubs in New England. Too be honest, I spent most of the night watching a Sox game on the big screen, but I could tell right away that most of what I had heard or believed about SCs was not entirely true. The experience was almost ruined when the guys decided to get me a dance, but the dancer they chose was not my type at all. I think she knew it was first dance, and could tell I wasn't really into it. Later on, I figured I'd give it one more shot when I saw a dancer who really caught my eye. WOW! To this day, I would have to say that was one of the better dances I ever had, and was probably the reason I became hooked. The funny thing is, I've never been able to find that dancer again. I've been back there several times, and am now friendly with several of the dancers, but no one remembers her. Oh well, maybe its better that way. Well, that's my story.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Looks like RL is at it again. BTW - I forgot to warn the new posters, that when you reply you also give RL material to work with. You may be lashing out at him/her, but RL will take some part of your post and re-post it completely out of context as a quote from a dancer. When you read quotes posted by RL, try to remember it was most likey from a post directed at RL.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why did you first go to a strip club and how old were you?
    YODA: Something tells me that it really wouldn't have mattered what season it was. If it was in the middle of summer your story sould have been, "so we went over to the 'stripper' part to grab a beer and cool off." Just a hunch. : )
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much do you drop?
    Hey Clubber, one of the ways I complement certain dancers is I tell them they're the reason the club can get away with the ATM surcharge. Speaking of ATM's I once knew dancer who told me this story. It seems that when she started working, she was young and naive (not stupid just naive), and ATM's had just started popping up everywhere including the clubs. She never used them, since she did not have an account with a debit card, but she obviously knew where to point guys who were short of tip money. The thing was, she always told them where they could find the "MTA" machine. Since she never used them herself, the only time she saw the one in the club was when she was looking in the club mirrors. She just got used to seeing "MTA", so that's what she thought they were called. It wasn't until one of her friends overheard her trying to give directions to a confused customer, that they made her walk up to it. When ever anybody asks her where they can find the ATM it makes her laugh inside.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you tell mgmt/dancers that you are going to put a review on TUSCL?
    A couple of people have figured out who I am, and we make posts to each other on the discussion boards. Mostly it's anonymous. Personally, it's no big deal to me. I post my honest opinions and share my experiences, but I have never done anything illegal to worry about.