
Comments by verfolgung (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much do you drop?
    CLUBBER: I give dancers the benefit of the doubt in using mirrors for two things: 1) If they are looking in one direction and they can see if a customer is coming up behind them and 2) If they are turned away from a customer and they want to make sure that their 7" heals aren't knocking over any drinks. Otherwise, your right, and if a dancer looks like she's just checking herself out I get disinterested. Personally, I like to make a lot of eye contact. Sometimes when a dancer is turned away from me and looking into a mirror I'll catch her eye in the reflection.
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    20 years ago
    taking nominations-worst towns for strip clubs
    I would have to add Boston to the list. For a major metropolitan city, this place is lacking when it comes to SCs. The downturn can be traced back to the rezoning of the area known as the "combat zone" in the mid 90's. Now the city really only has 2 establishments. One is fairly classy, and the other one is the definition of "dive". In either place, the local 3 foot rules are strictly enforced. The state of Massachusetts is fairly Puritan, so most residents drive 40 miles south to Providence. It says something when Porland, ME has as many clubs (2) as Boston, and Providence has nearly a dozen.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Well, it looks like the petition isn't getting much support. Personally, I feel there are many who have already left to never return, but that may just be my opinion. Anyway, I still feel this post has merit as a warning for new posters, and hopefully people will read it and understand they don't have to be turnsed away by RL. Thanks for all the feedback so far.
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Looks like RL's back at it again.
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    20 years ago
    Piercing - Love it? hate it?
    For me, piercings are ok if their limited. Ear piecings have never bothered me (unless its one of those big holes). A small stud in the nose or belly is fine. The ones that I find least appealing are the eye lash, lip, tounge & clit piercings, especially when their the bolt type or when she's gone overboard and had muliple piercings everywhere. Stopped by to see one of my favorite dancers the other day. She just decide to KISS and wore a simple white outfit, very little makeup, and no jewelry. Most of the time she had her hair back in a pony tail and would let it down occasionally on stage or during dances. That day she just let her natural beauty shine through, and I have to honestly say she was never more attractive. Forget about jewelry, makeup, tatoos, piercings, etc. The only accessory most dancers need is just a great smile!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    Hey went to visit one of my favorite dancers the other day on her birthday and gave her a $100 shower (well not exactly, maybe a little more or a little less) in a mix of $1's & $2's. It was a blast! Thanks for the idea.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much do you drop?
    Hey Clubber, how are the investigations going?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Sorry for the typo in the topic title.
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Absolutely Shadowcat. Hopefully this thread will help spread the word.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    MOUSE: Who said anything about painful? Alright, I agree with you that there are times when dancers purposely ignore you, but this was not one of them. One of the reasons my favorite dancers like hanging out with me, is because they know I "get it." They know I'm not there to develop a relationship, but rather just to have a good time. I will agree with you that most of the time dancers are aware who's in the club. There have been many times when I thought a place was relatively busy, and would ask a dancer sitting with me if she needed to get up only have her take one look around and tell me that there was no reason to. She would know who were regulars, for herself or other dancers, and could tell if there was anyone who might buy a dance. That was part of the reason why it I found it so amusing that it took so long for my favorite dancer to recognize me. As a follow up to my story ... once she did recognize me, she immediately came over to sit down. It was a fairly quite day so she was able to sit with me for most of the afternoon. If she was really trying to give me the "cold shoulder" in order to teach a lesson, then I don't think that she would have spent the next several hours hanging out with me.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    State Laws
    MistressDevil: Not sure if this will help, but here is how the law is set up in MA. There are several areas that govern SCs. In MA it starts off with Massachusetts General Law, specifically Ch. 138 (Alcholic Liquors) and Ch. 140 (Theatrical Exhibitions). Sections of these chapters deal with the licensing of establishments to exhibit "theatrical performances" or serve alcohol. These sections provide guidelines for allowable adult entertainment in establishments which require these licenses. Furthermore the State General Laws can then be augmented by a local community's zoning board, which would govern the location of the establishment within a community, and/or the local bylaws of the community which may add additional guidlines to the state general law. ----------------------------------- Here is an example of the local by-laws in the community of Billerica, MA. (Notice the reference to the State General Laws): City of Billerica By-Laws - ARTICLE X: ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 1. The following shall apply to premises licensed in accordance with the General Laws, Chapter 138, Alcoholic Liquors, or Chapter 140, Theatrical Exhibitions, Public Amusements, etc., Section 181, Licenses, Fees, Applications, suspension or revocation or 183A, concerts, dances, exhibitions,. Public shows, etc., application, suspension of revocation, rules and regulations. A. No employee of a licensed establishment or other person may mingle with the patrons of the establishment while such person is unclothed or in such attire to expose to public view any portion of the public area, anus, or genitals, or any simulation thereof, nor may a licensed establishment allow any female person to mingle with patrons on the premises while she is appearing in any manner of attire as to expose to public view any portion of the breast below the top of the areola, or any simulation thereof. B. It is forbidden to employ or permit any person in or on the licensed premises to perform any act or acts of sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, flagellation or any sexual acts prohibited by law. C. Employees or entertainers may not engage in touching, caressing, or fondling of the breasts, buttocks or genitals of another. D. The provision of this by-law shall be deemed severable. ---------------------------------------- As you can see this is a no contact community. (SIDE NOTE: The one SC in this town had their liquor license pulled. Guess why!) Hopefully this helps. Best of luck.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Best mileage ever in a club
    SHOTDISC: If your refering to extras, then I will say that I have never gotten extras or gone to a club looking for extras. Even if I had, I would not describe an experience here. It would be like hanging a sign "HEY LE RAID THIS PLACE AND SHUT IT DOWN!"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What's the most creative way you've tipped or been tipped?
    Shadowcat: One of the things I enjoy about this board is that every now and then you can learn something or pick up a good idea. I remember a previous time when you mentioned the whole "candy man" persona. Shortly thereafter I happened to find out what the favorite treat of one of my favorite dancers is, and I started to bring some in for her as an added little tip when I paid for dances. Never got as big a smile and kiss on the cheek when I tipped just money as when I added a little 10 cent candy. Thanks for the idea.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What's the most creative way you've tipped or been tipped?
    Shadowcat: I guess that's why they call you the Candy Man. Your post reminded me of when I once brought in a DVD for a dancer. I actually tipped it to her on stage under her garter. She danced the whole set with in strapped to her thigh, taking other tips around it and then later on she walked around the club with in still in there. Too funny!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Just refreshing the thread before the holiday weekend. Happy fourth of July everyone!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    North Iowa
    What, precisely, is a "10", anyway?
    Much of my definition of a "10" has already been discussed, and is probably closest to what Jpac73 posted. However, I will add these few thoughts ... I don't really believe you can be rated a perfect 10 after one visit. For me perfect beauty can get an 8, but the last few points are qualitative. She might seem like a "10" during your first visit, but you need to come back a few times to make sure. Besides, if you think she's a "10" your probably going back anyway!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Mouse, I started to draft a post which was several paragraphs in length, but then thought the better of it. There's no need to get into a circular discussion, as I realize you are clearly set in your opinions. I would just like to say that following: Are there dancers who look to take advantage of customers? - YES Are there customers who look to take advantage of dancers? - YES Is the primary motivation for SCs and dancers money? - YES Is a SC a practical place for a man to meet a woman to start a realtionship with? - NO That said, I disagree with you that one's SC experience needs to as cold and emtionless as you would have one to believe. Personally, I don't subscribe to the buffet style you would recommend, and believe even from a strictly transactional stand point, having "favorites" has several benefits. I don't believe that ALL interations between customers and dancers have to be about money. Whenever people are involved there is always room for humanity. Lastly, I would like to say that tipping is really a sign of appreciation given to a dancer. Technically, you can visit many no-cover SCs, walk in, see plenty of naked women and leave without spending a dime.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    State Laws
    MistressDEvil: Here is some feedback for you on Ohio State Law. This information comes from the Ohio Revised Code: Title V Townships, Chapter 503 General Provisions, Adult Cabarets - Sec. 503.51 to 503.99 -------------------------------------------------- § 503.53. Duty to obtain permit; prohibitions. If a board of township trustees has adopted a resolution under section 503.52 of the Revised Code: (A) No person shall engage in, conduct or carry on, or permit to be engaged in, conducted or carried on in the unincorporated areas of the township, the operation of an adult cabaret without first having obtained a permit from the board of township trustees as provided in section 503.54 of the Revised Code. (B) No owner or operator of an adult cabaret located in the unincorporated areas of the township shall knowingly do any of the following: (1) Refuse to allow appropriate state or local authorities, including police officers, access to the adult cabaret for any health or safety inspection, or any other inspection conducted to ensure compliance with sections 503.52 to 503.59 of the Revised Code and regulations adopted by the township under sections 503.52 or 503.56 of the Revised Code; (2) Operate during the hours designated as prohibited hours of operation by the board of township trustees; (3) Employ any person under the age of eighteen; (4) Establish or operate an adult cabaret within five hundred feet from the boundaries of a parcel of real estate having situated on it a school, church, library, public playground, or township park. (C) No person employed in an adult cabaret located in the unincorporated area of the township shall knowingly do any of the following in the performance of duties at the adult cabaret: (1) Place his or her hand upon, touch with any part of his or her body, fondle in any manner, or massage the genitals, pubic area, or buttocks of any other person or the breasts of any female or, if the employee is a female, of any other female; (2) Perform, offer, or agree to perform any act that would require the touching of the genitals, pubic area, or buttocks of any other person or the breasts of any female or, if the employee is a female, of any other female; (3) Uncover the genitals, pubic area, or buttocks of any other person or the breasts of any female or, if the employee is a female, of any other female. HISTORY: 145 v H 3. Eff 10-1-93. ----------------------------------------------- I know it's been a while since you posted the questions, but I hope this helps.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    UFCfan: Your question reminded me of an amusing story .... When I visit SC's I try to wear a jacket whenever I can. There are several reasons for this but primarily it's for the extra pockets, which allow me to carry money, breath mints, cell phone, keys, etc. without weighing down my pants pockets. Anyway, earlier this year I left my jacket at home, and I ended carrying my cell phone around the club in my hand. Eventually I carried it to the private dance booth when I went for some QT with my favorite dancer. Well, as one tends to get pre-occupied during a private dance, I lost track of my cell phone. Actually I just forgot about it, and ended up leaving it behind. Luckily my favorite was the next to use the booth and she found the phone sitting where I left it. However, she did't know who it belonged to, so she brought it up to the DJ booth so he could make an annoucement. While waiting for the DJ, she thought maybe the phone belonged to a dancer and that she might be able to figure out the owner by looking at the stored numbers. (Of course this is what she said to me later. I joked with her saying she was just being nosey.) Well now might be a good time to point out that her name begins with an "A". Guess who was the first name listed in the phone book ... that's right, hers! Let's just say whe was a little surprised to be looking at her own name and number. Just then the DJ made the announcement and I remembered what had happened. Once she saw me begin to get up, she brought the phone right over, and we shared a laugh. Most of all she was relieved that it made some sense for her number to be stored in the phone. Although then I had to explain all the other numbers!!! : )
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    UFCfan: My experiences on this topic have varied. The idea that she got your number in order to actually see you outside the club for a normal "date" would be extreamly rare. Anything is possible, it's just not very probable. As Yoda mentioned, the exchange of phone numbers or e-mail addresses is a fairly common way for dancers to help establish regulars and communicate with them.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Spreading American Feminism is destroying industrialized countries
    Holy Shit! You posted an article of over 2,900 words in order to make a point represented in FOUR LINES!!! Regardless, the premise of your argument is extreamly weak.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Thanks for the feedback guys! Here's what actually happened: About 4 weeks ago and NHL stopped by a club I visit on a fairly regular basis. As I mentioned it was a fairly quite Sat. afternoon with about 12 normal customers and about 15-20 dancers on shift. The team was sitting upstairs, about 16 young wealthy guys. How many dancers went over to sit with them? ... TWO!!! I was sitting downstairs at the time, when one of the dancers I know mentioned that they were in the house. Since most of the dancers were kind of down that day over the small crowd and little money, I figured the team would be getting a bunch of attention. NOPE. The top dancers all prefered to hang out and chat with the other customers (some were regulars, but not all of them). One dancer explained how in many cases, the dancers avoid groups such as bachelor parties and the like. Partly because the club allows medium contact, the dancers get intimidated by the idea of being trapped in the middle of a group of guys. She then explained how the hockey team would be even worse than your average group of guys. Yes, they had money, but not likely to be spending a lot of it, or else they would likely expect extras. There was also an amusing comment made about how most of the team was from Canada and, "you know what they do up there." At one point I walked by the team along with one of the dancers. Several players called out for her to come over and sit down and told her how she would be perfect for so and so. She just smiled politely at the group and kept walking. I left that day thinking I witnessed something I wouldn't have expected. Yet, after it was explained from a dancer's perspective how it made perfect sense.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    State Laws
    No problem MistressD. Always glad to be of service.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ludacris Gives Tips On SC Ettiquette
    No I'm sure any veteran of the SC scene already is well aware of these things. Just thought it was amusing. Besides, it's got a little different flava than the Rules of the Road section of this site.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    HEY!!!!! Have you guys noticed RL's threads have expired and the board is currently clear his/her posts? Watch, I've probably jynxed it and tomorrow I'll see the board filled with RL inane banter, but it's great to see an RL free board even for one day.