Some dancers actually think the customers are stupid

I am not bashing on all stripper/dancers but there are some that will come up with any kind of story to either get money from you or to not spend their money. This one dancer asked me the other night would I buy her a shot I said okay. When we got up to the bar she was like could you buy "my girl" one too. She stated when her "girl" is offered a drink she usually asks the guy to buy two drinks so her girlfriend can have one as well. I said I will buy one drink but I am not buyin two. She kept trying to convince me to get to shots but I wasn't moving. She finally said "Well I will put $5dollars with it as well. I said fine. Now I am not a cheap skate I just don't liked to be duped or played for a fool. I go to the strip clubs to get a lapdance or table dance and do a little drinking. If I have gotten 1 or 2dance from you don't try to make me spend more money by buying your 2or 3drinks. If she wants to get her "drink on" do it at her expense not mine. I do not go to the clubs to spend money so you can get drunk. what am I getting out of it?? Nothing
last commentI agree. It was out of line for that dancer to ask for a drink for her friend. Also guys ASKING a dancer to but YOU a drink is a bad idea if you want to have a good customer-dancer relationship. Would you ASK your waitress at Outback to buy you dinner entree or dessert ? No ? Then don't ask a dancer to buy you things at her workplace either.
JP: That dancer was trash, plain and simple. No woman worth spending time or money on would take that approach. I wouldn't have bought either of them a shot.
MICKEYBUSH: I don't agree that JPAC73 was being cheep. Buying a dancer a drink is one thing, which he agreed to do, but to than have that dancer try to get another one for her friend crossed the line. Dancers should realize that tactics like that only hurt them in the long run.
JP--my class ring means nothing special. I was amused that she scanned me that closely and made the false conclusion that it equalled enough money to take care of her.
jpac73, I'll have to agree with your exeriences with the dancers' drinks. You don't have to buy the drinks or shots for her friend. She asked that for herself. I feel dancers should respect good patrons and mind some manners.
These kinds of situations happened to me many times. Besides that, they ask many times a dollar for her to tip her friend(s). I always tip the dancers while they dance on the stage and/or after they danced on the stage while making their "tip walks".
Dancers ask us to by drinks. Many times, they are gone most of the time and drops by to have sips and saying "excuse me, I'll be back", and so on......... What a BS!!!!!!!
I had one of my ATF tell me if you really want to know whether a dancer really likes you ask her to buy YOU a drink. If she says no or makes up some kind of excuse then you know she isn't being real. All I am asking is that dancers need to treat the customers like they are human beings not a ATM. I have really respected kind gestures from some dancers. It doesn't have to be any thing big. One dancer sitting with me was eating some hot wings and asked me did I want some I told her no, but thanks for offering me some. I had bought a shot for one dancer(whom I liked). I asked her out of curiosity how did it taste and she poured half of it in another shot glass so I could taste it. There was another incident where a dancer was eating some lifesaver candy she offered me some some of it. The point I am trying to make is these are instance where the dancer is treating you with respect and like a human being. This really wins points with me if a dancer treats me kindly and with respect. I will more than likely look for her again when I go back.
Superdude what does your class ring have to do with you having a good job??? There are plenty of people with college degrees but can't find work in their major so they are working at the Mall or Burgerking somewhere.
Last night a dancer said she wanted me to buy a dance from her so she could talk to me about being her SugarDaddy. I declined the honor. (Do I look that stupid?) She said she saw my class ring and knew I had a good job.
First of all, maybe I should have clarified this but the girl wasn't hanging out with me. I had already gotten a few tabldance from her. Matter of fact after she got her shots, she got up and left the bar which tells me she doesn't have much class. If I really like the girl yeah I will buy her a drink but don't turn around right after you have finish the first one and ask for another drink again. I go strictly for the dances and she should be happy I got a dance for her and not try to pressure me into buying drinks. I also want to point out other little things that are annoying. This one place has one of those little prize machines like you see at the fair. You put your money in and try to guide the little handle so that you can pick up your prize such as a CD etc... Yeah it might not cost but a dollar to play the game but it is still a waste of money. I gave the girl a dollar and she didn't even win the prize, I thought later that I was a fool for giving away money so she could play that game. If you want to blow your moeny at the stripclub and not get anything in return like a dance then that is your perogative but I refused to be anybody's fool.
Well, I just think you're cheap. Seriously, hanging out and doing some shots with strippers is a time honored tradition. Personally, I always thought it was somewhat classy of a stripper to hang our with customers when they don't have to and drink bar drinks. Especially if they are in a situation where it's not a comission drink place and not part of the hustle.
But think about it, it is kind of decent for a dancer to hang out and just have a drink when you could be out snagging dances.
I don't see the problem.