
Comments by verfolgung (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Order in the court!!
    PINHEAD: Your story reminded me of this... A guy walks into a post office one day to see a middle-aged, balding man standing at the counter methodically placing "Love" stamps on bright pink envelopes with hearts all over them. He then takes out a perfume bottle and starts spraying scent all over them. His curiosity gets the better of him and he goes up to the balding man and asks him what he's doing. "I'm sending out 1,000 Valentine's Day cards signed, 'Guess who?'" "But why?" asks the man. "I'm a divorce lawyer."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: Speaking of explainations, thought you might appreciate this one... A married man was having an affair. One day, he went over to the house of his mistress where they made passionate love all afternoon. Exhausted from the wild sex, they fell asleep and awoke at around 8 p.m. As the man threw on his clothes, he told the woman to take his shoes outside and rub them through the grass and dirt. Mystified, she nonetheless complied and he slipped into his shoes and drove home. "Where have you been?" demanded his wife when he entered the house. "Darling," replied the man, "I can't lie to you. I've been having an affair. I been having sex all afternoon with my mistress. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until eight o'clock." The wife glanced down at his shoes and said, "You lying bastard! You've been playing golf!"
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    the word pimp and the real meaning
    DEMAUPHIA: To be honest, I didn't want to respond to your previous thread becuase I thought it was simply ludicrous. I can somewhat understand where your coming from now that you've explained your position a little further. However, you seem like an intelligent person. Surely you could have realized how most people would interpret your post. If all you really meant to do was suggest some dancers could use some help with their finances, why not just ask people if they thought dancers could use a manager? It now seems like you were just creating a opportunity to start dialog on pimping.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Order in the court!!
    PINHEAD: Random garble? Are your serious? I completely offended by your ignorance! Just kidding. No, its not just garble - there's actually a meaning behind it. I acutally once met a dancer who posted on the same discussion board as me. When we traded screen names, she immediately figured out what it meant, and I thought I was being clever. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    PINHEAD: Ouch, I wouldn't go as far to call mickey as bad as RL. BTW, why not just type up a quick review and get an extesion?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How do you get a customer to buy a dance?
    OK, I should have qaulified my question a little more. What lines or approaches have you used or experienced without including promises or suggestions for illegal activity or extras? Basically, what works to sell a dance - and just a dance? Thanks for the feedback so far. Please keep it coming.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers' Drinks - A Rip-Off??!!
    FUNSEEKER: Sure, I've seen this happen many times before. Especially if its busy. Buying a dancer a drink is a nice gesture, but remember they are still there working. I often buy drinks for my favorite dancers. However, sometimes I buy a dancer a drink for sitting down and having a conversation, rather than just walking up to me and asking, "wanna dance?" I use it as a gesture to say, "thanks", even though I'm not going to get a dance. Then I don't care if she takes the drink away with her. My guess is you're buying drinks in order to get a dancer to spend some extra time with you. In that case, there are certainly some things to consider... Are you a regular, or does she know you yet? If your not a regular, does she have a reason to think you (or the group you may be with) are going to be spending a lot of money on her? Remember, especially if its busy, each moment a dancer spends with you, she's giving up an opportunity to make money from other customers. If you're like me, and not a high roller, as you become a regular (as long as your not a jerk) and a dancer becomes more comfortable being around you, the rules will begin to change. There are certain customers who dancers will choose to spend their down time with. Usually it's someone she thinks is a good guy who respects that she's there working.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    SQUID: Not that I'm coming to Mouse's defense (I'm sure he neither needs nor wants my help in any way), but what does GPA have to do with anything? Are you still in college or something? I think for most of us our school days are long in the past, and if your not still is school why are you still dwelling on GPA?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers' Drinks - A Rip-Off??!!
    CLUBBER: ... nor should it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Strange happening
    CLUBBER: Did she say it to you or another dancer? I generally like to operate with the understanding that I won't get jealous if one of my favorite dancers is with another customer, and she shouldn't get jealous if I'm with another dancer. This is what clubs should be about - neither party taking things too seriously.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers' Drinks - A Rip-Off??!!
    FUNSEEKER: Glad to help. This Sunday I showed up around 2PM to visit one of my favorite dancers. She knew, per my normal routine, that I was likely going to be hanging around until the end of her shift at 7PM. (Now when I walk in the door, all a dancer can count on making from me is about $50 or enough to cover tip out, so if she spent the day with me she'd esentially net $0. However, because I'm there a dancer knows any other dances she can get are profit.) For the first few hours it was pretty much touch and go. She would stop by to check in on me, but then dash off. Sometimes one of her friends would keep me company, so, as I said before, I would buy them a drink as a courtesy knowing I wasn't going to get any dances. After a few hours my favorite dancer was satisfied with what she made for the day and spent the rest of her shift (except for stage sets) hanging out with me - about three hours. We had a lot of fun and plenty of laughs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Clients bringing food.
    IDLESTRIPPER: If you know the guy, and would like a treat, than enjoy. If you're hesitant, better to be safe than sorry. I certainly would not think your reaction was wrong if you politely declined the offer. On occasion, I've brought in a favorite candy of one of my favorite dancers; however, I think she's known me long enough to not have to worry. I know of one place where a very popular dancer works. She's always seems to have several regulars around. The place has no kitchen and no liquor license - it's esentially a juice bar. Every Sat. night around 10PM one her regulars brings in a bag of fast food, and they sit and eat together in the back of the club. I thought it was strange the first time I saw it, but now its just normal. I bet there are several other guys who wish they had thought of the idea.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    Again, just trying to keep a good thread going... You know this discussion never really got much feedback from any dancers. If your out there, how about sharing stories about the largest on-stage tips you've been given.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Clients bringing food.
    Actually I just impressed the clubs around you folks are allowing people to bring outside food in.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How do you get a customer to buy a dance?
    Thanks for all the great feedback everyone.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    TCM: Meeeooowwwww! What's up with football players? My favorite dancer just told me a story about how a Patriot once cascaded $500 on her while she was on stage. Her back was turned and she was one the floor, so she didn't see who it was. After she got off stage he sent the waitress over three times with $100 bills in order to get her to come over and talk to him. (BTW: I like all the stories of bithday showers. I have a favorite dancer with a B-day coming up and I may use the idea!)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much do you drop?
    It depends on the girl and the club. I usually stop by from 2 to 7, sometimes longer and other times shorter. One place I visit on a regular basis always seems to run around $300 - $350. At another place, I'll visit for the same length of time and would have a hard time spending $150. If I'm visiting a place for the first time, usually $100 is a good enough limit to find out if I want to come back or not.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why some Reviews are So Short?
    I agree with Passenger, some people are genuinely trying to help out fellow clubbers, while others seem like they are just trying to maintain a free ride.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Simultaneous dances from 2 girls at the same time - rip off or twice the fun?
    Never done it, so I'm not sure. Those of you who have, was it at a contact club or a non-contact club? I was once at a club in vegas and on my way out back I saw a guy with two dancers sprawled out on top of him. I have to admit it looked like fun, but a $100 for three songs with one dancer was enough for me.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much is negotiable?
    When ever I'm in a new club I always ask the dancer what the local rules are. Prices, contact, etc. along with what the various options are. If I'm interested in a dance, I rarely haggle with the quoted rate. One of my favorite dancers and I always seem to play a little game with each other. There's an ongoing circle: she treats me great so I buy a bunch of dances and she continues to treat me great. We always seem to loose track of the number of dances I've gotten, but because I get so many from her, she always says that I owe her for less than she's done. I also tip extra for the dances I do pay for, so she rarely looses out in the long run anyway.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much do you drop?
    Shot girls, raffles, premium drinks for "the lady", and any other gimmick the club uses, I try to avoid and save the $$ for why I'm there - the Dancers.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How do you get a customer to buy a dance?
    I was sitting in a club yesterday afternoon (Memorial Day) and it was pretty dead. I had been hanging out for a couple of hours and had yet to feel compelled to get a dance. Around 6:00 a dancer showed up for the night shift - man, she was a bundle of energy. She came over and sat down with me and we had the typical "get to know ya" conversation, but throughout it she was all energy and smiles. She completely brightened by day, and I could help but to start smiling as well. Eventually she leaned towards me and with a wink and a smile asked, "Alright, how should we have fun tonight?" I just thought this was a creative way to ask for a dance and it completely fit her personality. I ahd planned on leaving at 7:00, but before I knew it it was 9:00.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers' Drinks - A Rip-Off??!!
    FS: It seems like this dancer/drink issue is big one for you. Does this happen regularly to you, or did one dancer really tick you off?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    This thread has taken a couple of twists and turns already, so in the interest of keeping a good discussion going here's another... Instead of the Laergest On Stage Tip, what is the most creative way you've ever given or received a tip? I was sitting with a dancer the other day when her friend took the stage. As long as the club is cool with it, I'll take the dancer to the stage with me to tip her friend. Anyway, while her friend was on the other side of the stage we folded some $1's into an X O X O X O pattern laid out on the tip rail in front of us. Unfortunately it was a no contact club, so the dancer I was sitting with got the benefits, but it was fun to watch!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers' Drinks - A Rip-Off??!!
    FUNSEEKER: Maybe it's time to find a new club or socialize with different dancers. Personally, I've never been asked by a dancer to buy a drink. You'd probably like one place I visit, Platinum Plus up in Portland, ME. Not sure if its just a local rule, but the dancers are actully not allowed to ask for dances while they have a drink in their hand. If a dancer is carrying a drink then she's considered to be on break. She can hang out with customers but not ask for any dances. ------------------------ If I'm sitting in a new place and a dancer comes over and sits for a while, than I'll offer to buy a drink. In my mind, I'm not trying to get her to sit longer but to show appreciation for time already spent. Usually it's because I don't intend to get a dance, so when a waitress comes by or when she pops the question I'll say something like, "Thanks for spending some time. I think I'm all set as far as getting a dance, but I would be happy to buy you a drink if you like." Sometimes they will politely decline and move on to another customer, while other times they'll accept and sit for a little longer. Since in a way she's already earned the drink, I wouldn't mind if she took it with her, but this is actually fairly rare in my experience. Now, when I'm at a club visiting one of my favorites, I'll sometimes order a drink and have it waiting for her. Yes, there may be times when she only stops by to check on me and take a quick sip, but in the long run, even if she's getting up occasionally, she'll end up sitting with me for most of the day. If I'm hanging out for 4-5 hours, I don't expect my favorite dancers to sit with me continuously - I respect that they're working. (On a side note: One place I visit charges a premium for customers to buy drinks. A drink which might cost me $8 costs the dancer only $2. My favorite dancer at this place never lets me buy drinks, even for myself. She sets herself and me up at the dancer's rate knowing that whatever I save on drinks, I'll probably end up tipping back to her throughout the day.)