
Hand washing

South Carolina
Friday, June 4, 2004 5:08 PM
If a dancer lets you stick your finger in her pussy, should you wash your hands after you leave the dance area? If a dancer fondles your bare package, should she wash her hands too? If a dancer wants to jack you off in the dance area should she supply a condom or just let the juice fly? If a dancer will give you a blow job in the dance area, should she swallow if it's bareback or just let it fly? Or should she use a condom? If a dancer will let you fuck her in the dance area, should you use a condom or go bareback?


  • Shekitout
    20 years ago
    Maybe the club should be handiwipes or something like that in the bathroom.
  • TopGunGlen
    20 years ago
    Not just clubs, but airports are bad places for bad germs. I use a clear hand sanitizer, like an alcohol gel, then wipe off the excess with a paper towel. My doctor said it can help keep you from catching the cold, flu, etc. It would probably help with the other stuff too...
  • verfolgung
    20 years ago
    Nah, I never use TP to dry my hands or grab the door. It's too friable. If the place only has a blow dryer, then I'll grab a couple of cocktail napkins from the bar. : )
  • Shekitout
    20 years ago
    Strip club installed automatic hand dryers so now there's no paper towels. Guess you could use toilet tissue to grab the door handle. Along with safe sex, let's practice safe hand washing.
  • verfolgung
    20 years ago
    SHEKITOUT: I once worked in a hospital with strict hand washing procedures. Many times I still follow them. For instance, if there is a towel dispenser, I will discharge some towel first, then wash my hands, then rip off the pre-exposed towel. I then use the towel to discharge and further towel needed. Finally I discharge a towel for use in grabbing the door knob. Usually the waste bucket is by the door and one can dispose of the last towel while holding the door open with your foot before exiting.
  • Shekitout
    20 years ago
    I wash my hands before & after contact but most guys don't wash after bathroom visits which I don't understand. Of course if you wash your hands & then have to open the door by using your hands, you've defeated the washing purpose. A foot button would be a nice touch. Saw on TV once a bathroom which had no doors-you went down an entrance way then into the action area, did your business, then you had automatic soap dispensers, faucets and dryers so no surfaces had to be touched except your zipper and your fun tool!
  • verfolgung
    20 years ago
    SHEKITOUT: Your asking about all those things above, and now your worried about the bathroom door knob? I was once in the men's room at a contact club. While I was washing my hands, a guy was leaving without washing and used the old line, "You know you wouldn't have to wash your hands if you didn't piss all over yourself." Just then I wondered who he was going to be getting dances from later. Since it was a contact club, I sort of hoped that he wasn't there to see and of my favorites. I'm sure guys leave all the time without washing their hands, which is fine if THEY want to be unsanitary, but don't you think it's kind of disrespectful to then go out and put your hands all over someone?
  • Shekitout
    20 years ago
    I notice a lot of guys leave the bathroom without washing their hands. Disgusting! Should they put condoms on the bathroom door knobs?
  • verfolgung
    20 years ago
    Let's see ... YES, YES, CONDOM, CONDOM, CONDOM. Then go check yourself into a clinic, because use of a condom will not necessarily protect you from STD's. However, if your doing these things you probably don't care anyway.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    If you are into all of this stuff, take a small pack of wet-wipes with you. Don't trust the dancer.
  • evilcyn
    20 years ago
    Let's see, if your fingers are in her pussy, how many other fingers have been there just in a night ???? I can't figure out why you would want your fingers in a high traffic zone like that anyway !!!!!
  • Clubber
    20 years ago
    Two words... Safe sex!
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