What's the biggest one-shot on stage tip you've ever seen or given ? The club i go to is a laid back neighborhood type, so not too many high rollers. Just an occasional out of town drunk tourist that's feeling like a big shot, will drop a $20 on the stage. I imagine it's alot different at the upscale big city joints.
Hey went to visit one of my favorite dancers the other day on her birthday and gave her a $100 shower (well not exactly, maybe a little more or a little less) in a mix of $1's & $2's. It was a blast! Thanks for the idea.
As a feature and adult film star I've been fortunate to receive $100 bills which I didn't notice til after my show! My favorite thing is the 'showering of $$$' which is more for effect than amount. Get 20-50 ones and throw them from balcony above stage or 'deal the bills like a deck of cards'! It's fun at really exciting for everyone and you will get a lot of attention! Usually comped drink by manager and a hord of girls hugging you. Have fun.
As a feature and adult film star I've been fortunate to receive $100 bills which I didn't notice til after my show! My favorite thing is the 'showering of $$$' which is more for effect than amount. Get 20-50 ones and throw them from balcony above stage or 'deal the bills like a deck of cards'! It's fun at really exciting for everyone and you will get a lot of attention! Usually comped drink by manager and a hord of girls hugging you. Have fun.
As a feature and adult film star I've been fortunate to receive $100 bills which I didn't notice til after my show! My favorite thing is the 'showering of $$$' which is more for effect than amount. Get 20-50 ones and through them from balcony above stage or 'deal the bills like a deck of cards'! It's fun at really exciting for everyone and you will get a lot of attention! Usually comped drink by manager and a hord of girls hugging you. Have fun.
This thread has taken a couple of twists and turns already, so in the interest of keeping a good discussion going here's another...
Instead of the Laergest On Stage Tip, what is the most creative way you've ever given or received a tip?
I was sitting with a dancer the other day when her friend took the stage. As long as the club is cool with it, I'll take the dancer to the stage with me to tip her friend. Anyway, while her friend was on the other side of the stage we folded some $1's into an X O X O X O pattern laid out on the tip rail in front of us. Unfortunately it was a no contact club, so the dancer I was sitting with got the benefits, but it was fun to watch!
TCM: Meeeooowwwww! What's up with football players? My favorite dancer just told me a story about how a Patriot once cascaded $500 on her while she was on stage. Her back was turned and she was one the floor, so she didn't see who it was. After she got off stage he sent the waitress over three times with $100 bills in order to get her to come over and talk to him.
(BTW: I like all the stories of bithday showers. I have a favorite dancer with a B-day coming up and I may use the idea!)
me and my friends used to try to one-up each other..i once dropped 500 dollars in crisp twentys...i felt like the shit for the first two minutes..but yeah ill never do that again
I was sitting with a dancer and she had to go on stage. She asked me to wait for a dance until after her stage set. She went on stage and just when she removed her top a guy threw what must of been 100 $1 bills into the air and they rained down on her. She continued the set as if nothing strange had happened. The othe guys sitting around the stage also felt obligated to contribute. When she finished and sat down with me for the dance it took her two songs just to stack and count the money and not all of the bills were ones.
This wasn’t embarrassing to me, rather to the dancer. We (the customers) were told by the DJ that this was her first time dancing and it was her 18th birthday. Seems like dancers have a lot of birthdays. My guess is just to generate more tips. Anyway, back to the dancer. She had just started her second set, and she must have just started her period. Her white bikini bottoms started to show the blood. When she was told, she ran off in tears. It was rather sad, and I never saw her again.
You know this discussion never really got much feedback from any dancers. If your out there, how about sharing stories about the largest on-stage tips you've been given.
That happened to me once. But I didn't really get hurt. I got hit more by the side of her foot than the heel. But the next time I went to that place, I rode my motorcycle, sat in the same seat by the stage, and set my helmet on the floor. When the dancer who kicked me before came on stage, I grabbed my helmet and put it on. She laughed so hard she just about peed her pants. None of the other customers knew what was going on.
Vflung: the funny thing is, I was hangin out later with a dancer that suggested that he tell his wife that he went to strip club and got kicked in the head by a dancer, and when she didn't believe him, he can then say he tripped and fell into a car door (or something) I'm just glad it wasn't me. (I'm not a good liar) and when I think of the number of times I sat in that same chair, Whew!!!!!!!
PINHEAD: Speaking of explainations, thought you might appreciate this one...
A married man was having an affair. One day, he went over to the house of his mistress where they made passionate love all afternoon. Exhausted from the wild sex, they fell asleep and awoke at around 8 p.m. As the man threw on his clothes, he told the woman to take his shoes outside and rub them through the grass and dirt. Mystified, she nonetheless complied and he slipped into his shoes and drove home. "Where have you been?" demanded his wife when he entered the house. "Darling," replied the man, "I can't lie to you. I've been having an affair. I been having sex all afternoon with my mistress. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until eight o'clock." The wife glanced down at his shoes and said, "You lying bastard! You've been playing golf!"
I saw a guy get accidentally kicked in the head by a dancers platform shoe the other night. He was a bloody mess. (you know how head wounds can be. they look alot worse than the really are) Turns out he was married. Not sure what his explanation was when he got home.
V, the old #1 was very special indeed. Quite the beauty, a great performer and an attitude that wouldn't quit. The complete package. But I think I've found an adequate replacement.
PINHEAD: BTW was she your old #1 Fav who has since left the bldg. or your new #1? Man, because if she was previously your #2, I'd like to meet your old #1.
(Now that you've had me reminiscing for most of this afternoon...As I think back, your right about her. She did kind of appear out of nowhere when she took the stage that day.)
PINHEAD: Your story about the guy slamming down the $1 cracked me up. HOWEVER, lets not get carried away with the "Best Looking Favorite" award just yet. Of the 100's of dancers I've had the pleasure of seeing, she's certainly in the top 5, but I know of a few lovely ladies who could challenge for that crown. Ultimately, it dosen't matter if we disagree. It's all good, and if she's your favorite, that's all that matters.
Vflung: I'm almost glad the weather was so crappy this spring. My golfing buddies are beginning to wonder where I've been. Meanwhile, my pool game as improved dramatically!!! If there's a contest for best lookin fav, I win!!
PINHEAD: Maybe I'll re-visit someday and find out.
I stopped in with two buddies the day of the AFC championship game. Our plan was to leave about 15 min before kick off in order to get back to my friend's place in time for the game. Just as we were getting ready to leave, she took the stage and stopped us in our tracks. WOW! After seeing her, how could you pass up an opportunity for a dance? Lets just say I had to buy the 3 Games to Glory DVD in order to find out what happened in the first qtr.!
Enjoy those slow Sundays...Memorial Day is just around the corner.
Score one for Vflung. I've posted on this board before that her surgeon should get some kind of congressional medal or nobel prize. I'm a sucker for absolute flawless beauty.
Take your time vflung, you'll figure it out. Back to tipping, last night I had the couch around the stage all to myself, when 3 older guys (late 40's to 50) came in and sat down next to me. The guy next to me slams down on the stage (with authority) a $1 bill. Very impressive indeed. It was the way that he did that cracked me up.
PINHEAD: I had to re-read my own reviews! I only visited there once, but she was clearly a house feature. How many times do you think she's been asked, "Are those fake or real?" They seem too good to be true, and yet do seem natural. If you know, fill me in!
PINHEAD: OK now I get you. I thought your fav just came out for stage sets then dissappeared. Thought that sounded a bit strange. (Sorry, I didn't get your hint. I'll have to think about it a little more.)
YODA: Yeah, the diffence from club to club in MA is interesting. Some places you can't even had a tip to the dancer, just lay it on the stage or tip rail, while others you can place a tip in a dancer's garter, and in other places the dancers will make contact with you. Unfortunately nothing comes close to comparing with RI, so I guess I'll have to keep spending $$ on gas.
Verfolgung: It sounds like youve managed to find the few Mass clubs where a private dance is actualy worth investing in. It's interesting how some towns seem to accept clubs pushing the envelope a bit while others won't even allow a hug between dancer and customer.
Vflng: When I walk in and she's not around, I don't send for her, I just hang out until she comes on stage. We usually hook up once she knows I'm there.
PINHEAD: If she's just hanging out in the back, why doesn't she come out and sit with you? That's the biggest reason why I like to go when it not crowded because it gives my favorite dancers and I a chance to socialize.
verfolgung: I usually plan to visit me fav during the more quiet hours (fri/sat nite just doesn't do it for me anymore) But a few sundays ago, it was almost too slow. my fav usually hides behind the scene until it's time to come on stage, and sitting through 3 sets seemed to take forever. I sometimes like it when it's slow when I first arrive, but then gradually picks up. It can be interesting to observe the transformation of energy.
PINHEAD: Hey, I'm from MA as well. When visiting a club for the first time it might be difficult walking into an empty place. However, when visiting one of my favorites I honestly wouldn't mind if I was the only person there. It's usually fairly quite when I normally visit anyway.
YODA: Good point. I've been to several Mass clubs where the only $$ being tipped is at the stage because most customers feel the table dances are pointless. I guess I forgot this, since the only MA clubs I visit are the few exceptions where a table dance is a least somewhat interesting.
I've seen it both ways. In S. Florida (most clubs), the private dances are more lucrative. Usually, it seems, the dancers use the stage to encourage private dances, and many customers tip them well on stage to acknowledge that they would like a private session. I will always tip extra, on stage, a dancer that I wish to take to the private area. Some clubs have little tipping on the stage, but those, the dancer circulates after her set asking for tips. Of the dancers I’ve known personally, I would say it is about an even split as to which they prefer, stage or private.
Let's say there are 10 guys around a stage. If the dancer does 3 tunes, and they all tip $2 per song, that's $60 for 3 songs. It's a bit more work than 3 private dances, but on a Fri or Sat nite, there is usually more than 10 guys tipping more than $2. I can see where I dancer can be anxious to end her set if the place is real quiet, but aside from that, I'm sure they're willing to stick around, put on a show, and maybe entice a guy for a private dance or 2. By the way vflng, I'm from Ma, so that may explain my way of thinking. Also, I like it when the club is laid back and quiet, but is there anything worse than when there are like 2 or 3 customers in the place ?
In most Mass. Clubs dancers make the majority of thier money on stage. Private dances are non-contact and most guys spend their money at the stage. In RI clubs dancers can make $20 in four minutes doing a single private dance.
PINHEAD: Its likely just based on a dancer's personal preference. Some dancer's may prefer stage dancing to giving private dances, while others prefer the opposite.
I'm not sure how the money compares between stage sets and giving private dances. I've always just assumed that private dances were more lucrative and less stressful than having to go customer to customer collecting $1's. Most of the dancers I know, even if they really enjoy performing on stage, see their stage sets as an opportunity to scout for potential private dances rather then their primary source of income.
I have one favorite who goes to great lengths to minimize her on-stage time. It's actually kind of amusing to watch her avoid having to go on stage.
The one thing I've observed with all the dancers I've gotten to know, is that none of them like to go up for their final set. The worst is when a dancer is conviced that she's performed her last stage set and then the club switches to multiple dancer sets or starts to use its satellite stages which makes the dancer go up 2-3 more times before the end of her shift.
Verfolgung: Isn't that why they're there ? Or would they rather do private dances than a stage show? I'm guessing that, on average, they do better per song on the stage than a private dance. (It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong)
On my first visit to a club after this thread started, I'm sitting next to a guy who drops a $20 on the stage. My fav was dancing, so it worked out great. (at first she thought I put it down, but I told her). She comes around during the 2nd tune, and he throws down another $20. Once again, it worked out great because it kept her on our side of the stage for alot longer. I was hoping that a bidding war would start. Has anyone ever seen that ? When opposite sides of the stage start tipping more and more to get the dancer to stay on their side of the stage. It can be pretty funny. On another note: how does a dancer arrange to dance for 4 songs, while all the others get only 3. Is it a management deal, or does she just tip the DJ more at the end of the night ?My fav always has 4 song sets, but she's the only one.
PINHEAD: I've actually never seen a ramdom bidding war. Sometimes a friend and I will go into a club and take seats at opposite sides of the stage. When there is a dancer who we both know we'll play along and create a bidding war. It makes the dancers I've known feel good to be in the middle of guys bidding to get her attention.
It's funny you mention your favorite doing 4 song sets as special treatment. Most of my favorite dancers can't wait to get off stage. They try to skip as many stage sets as possible and would probably tip the DJ to reduce their number of songs if they could.
on my 2nd trip to a topless club, there was a dancer working that was dating a friend of mine. still being wet behind the ears I was terrified because I thought someone would find out I had been to a topless club. plus I felt bad about seeing my buddy's girlfriend naked. LOL
to make matters worse while she was sitting at our table I introduced her to the guy I went with and used her real name. How was a 19 year old country boy with a fake ID supposed to know topless dancers didn't use their real name?
Pinhead, in real life, I have actually known an Autumn, and the local high school recently had a sports star named Peaches, so it is possible it's actually their real name. Not likely, but possible.
verfolgung: Been there, done that. Probably in the same club! It's a good feeling to rescue a damsel in distress from some idiot who has lost all blood flow to his brain. You're right, these morons make us nice guys look good!
Wanted to make a post regarding the original theme of the thread...
Not sure if you guys mean a one time tip or if tips over the course of a stage set count. It's pretty common for me to tip my fav dancers $5, and have that become $20 over a four-song set.
This past Saturday I THINK I tipped my ATF about $40 during her set. (I hate the fact that dancers have to deal with jerks and a-holes, but I have to admit there are times when a good guy can benefit from their presence.) My ATF works in a contact club where dancers commonly come over the tip rail during their stage sets. Before going on stage she noticed a customer who she wanted to avoid but knew he would try to approach her while she was on stage. The solution...I would simply keep tipping her so she could dance the entire 15 min set just for me. In addition to one customer, there were about 10 other guys from a bachelor party who were also wating for her to leave me. We could hear them talking to each other wondering who the hell I was, and why she wasn't moving to other customers. We just laughed to ourselves as I held her close. In the end, she got to avoid an unwanted customer, and I got to feel like a big shot. Like I said when I started this post, I think I ended up tipping about $40 in a mix of $5's, $2's and $1's, but I wasn't really keeping track...GOOD TIMES!
PINHEAD: This one falls under the catagory of naive rather than embarassing...
One of the first clubs I visited was in Vegas, where the rules are about a liberal as they get. Unfortuntely I didn't know that not all clubs or parts of the county are created equally, so with unrealistic expectations I made my next club visit in a no-contact state. I ended up dropping $300 for a champagne room to watch a dancer strike poses three feet in front of me for 30 minutes. It was no fault of the dancer, but I quickly learned my lesson.
I was at a club in Salt Lake City when an NBA player literaly threw (you weren't allowed to hand cash to the dancer) 100's of dollars at a dancer. My questimate was close to $1000.
I once gave $20 to a dancer, but that was back before I knew you could ask the waitress to give you a bunch of ones. I wasn't exactly a genius then. I once went up to the stage and saw a $50 bill on the stage.
I've seen $100 and $50 dollar bills up on stage, on occasion. Myself, a twenty is a big tip for a stage dancer, but have done it a few times over the years, $10 more often. It really depends on my wallet, my mood, and of course, the lady herself!
I'd have to say nowadays a $20 is rare for me, most often a $10 for someone who catches my eye. I've seen a few ladies tuck a $20 in the g-string to encourage guys
My new fav plays the greatest music during her stage show, and I always follow it up with a couple of private deances. The Problem ? The next dancer always seems to play the worst music. Ya know, the head pounding heavy metal crap. kind of spoils the mood. I'd like to offer the next dancer $20 to play something good. What'ya think ?
It's worth a shot. Music is a key to setting the mood. I used to tip a dj to play "Sexual Healing" and "My sacrifice" back to back during my saturday afternoon ATF visits. He did it once by accident, my ATF really got into those songs for some reason so I did my best to re-create the vibe on every visit. My ATF is long since retired but, to this day, every time I hear those songs I can feel her breath on my ear....ooopps, gotta go!
DandyDan, that's pretty good. I'm not sure if it's worth starting a new thread, or if we should just keep this one going. Does anyone else have honest,naive and/or embarrasing moments during the early days of your clubbing ?
Years ago, when amateur night actually featured amateurs; I had a drunken girl trip over her shoes, fall of the stage and land in my lap. You would think that would be stimulating but, believe me, when there's a naked drunk girl on yourlap, flailing her arms and you’re in a no-contact club, fear and embarrassment are the motivating emotions.
This is tough to admit, but what the hell. My first time in a club, most of the girls had pretty normal names, like: Tabitha, Kaitlin, Amanda, etc, but then there were a few like: Autumn and Peaches, and I remember thinking Peaches is a pretty strange name. I finally figured it out, but the fact that it wasn't immediately was pretty embarrassing.
A couple of weeks ago I saw a guy walk up to the stage while his fav was dancing and launch $100 in brand new one dollar bills up in the air so they showered down on her. She started doing the breast stroke (what else). The club manager had to bring her a bucket to put it in. The girl is a fav of mine and the customer is a very cool older gent who throws all kinds of money at her and never asks her to take her clothes off. It was a feel-good moment for the whole club. The most I've ever tipped is was a $50 bill but it was a loooooong time ago. I did it while the girl was still dressed just to see her reaction. It was worth it.
last commentInstead of the Laergest On Stage Tip, what is the most creative way you've ever given or received a tip?
I was sitting with a dancer the other day when her friend took the stage. As long as the club is cool with it, I'll take the dancer to the stage with me to tip her friend. Anyway, while her friend was on the other side of the stage we folded some $1's into an X O X O X O pattern laid out on the tip rail in front of us. Unfortunately it was a no contact club, so the dancer I was sitting with got the benefits, but it was fun to watch!
(BTW: I like all the stories of bithday showers. I have a favorite dancer with a B-day coming up and I may use the idea!)
You know this discussion never really got much feedback from any dancers. If your out there, how about sharing stories about the largest on-stage tips you've been given.
I'm just glad it wasn't me. (I'm not a good liar) and when I think of the number of times I sat in that same chair, Whew!!!!!!!
A married man was having an affair. One day, he went over to the house of his mistress where they made passionate love all afternoon. Exhausted from the wild sex, they fell asleep and awoke at around 8 p.m. As the man threw on his clothes, he told the woman to take his shoes outside and rub them through the grass and dirt. Mystified, she nonetheless complied and he slipped into his shoes and drove home.
"Where have you been?" demanded his wife when he entered the house.
"Darling," replied the man, "I can't lie to you. I've been having an affair. I been having sex all afternoon with my mistress. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until eight o'clock."
The wife glanced down at his shoes and said, "You lying bastard! You've been playing golf!"
(Now that you've had me reminiscing for most of this afternoon...As I think back, your right about her. She did kind of appear out of nowhere when she took the stage that day.)
I stopped in with two buddies the day of the AFC championship game. Our plan was to leave about 15 min before kick off in order to get back to my friend's place in time for the game. Just as we were getting ready to leave, she took the stage and stopped us in our tracks. WOW! After seeing her, how could you pass up an opportunity for a dance? Lets just say I had to buy the 3 Games to Glory DVD in order to find out what happened in the first qtr.!
Enjoy those slow Sundays...Memorial Day is just around the corner.
Back to tipping, last night I had the couch around the stage all to myself, when 3 older guys (late 40's to 50)
came in and sat down next to me. The guy next to me slams down on the stage (with authority) a $1 bill. Very impressive indeed. It was the way that he did that cracked me up.
YODA: Yeah, the diffence from club to club in MA is interesting. Some places you can't even had a tip to the dancer, just lay it on the stage or tip rail, while others you can place a tip in a dancer's garter, and in other places the dancers will make contact with you. Unfortunately nothing comes close to comparing with RI, so I guess I'll have to keep spending $$ on gas.
By the way vflng, I'm from Ma, so that may explain my way of thinking. Also, I like it when the club is laid back and quiet, but is there anything worse than when there are like 2 or 3 customers in the place ?
I'm not sure how the money compares between stage sets and giving private dances. I've always just assumed that private dances were more lucrative and less stressful than having to go customer to customer collecting $1's. Most of the dancers I know, even if they really enjoy performing on stage, see their stage sets as an opportunity to scout for potential private dances rather then their primary source of income.
I have one favorite who goes to great lengths to minimize her on-stage time. It's actually kind of amusing to watch her avoid having to go on stage.
The one thing I've observed with all the dancers I've gotten to know, is that none of them like to go up for their final set. The worst is when a dancer is conviced that she's performed her last stage set and then the club switches to multiple dancer sets or starts to use its satellite stages which makes the dancer go up 2-3 more times before the end of her shift.
My fav was dancing, so it worked out great. (at first she thought I put it down, but I told her). She comes around during the 2nd tune, and he throws down another $20. Once again, it worked out great because it kept her on our side of the stage for alot longer. I was hoping that a bidding war would start. Has anyone ever seen that ? When opposite sides of the stage start tipping more and more to get the dancer to stay on their side of the stage. It can be pretty funny.
On another note: how does a dancer arrange to dance for 4 songs, while all the others get only 3. Is it a management deal, or does she just tip the DJ more at the end of the night ?My fav always has 4 song sets, but she's the only one.
It's funny you mention your favorite doing 4 song sets as special treatment. Most of my favorite dancers can't wait to get off stage. They try to skip as many stage sets as possible and would probably tip the DJ to reduce their number of songs if they could.
to make matters worse while she was sitting at our table I introduced her to the guy I went with and used her real name. How was a 19 year old country boy with a fake ID supposed to know topless dancers didn't use their real name?
Not sure if you guys mean a one time tip or if tips over the course of a stage set count. It's pretty common for me to tip my fav dancers $5, and have that become $20 over a four-song set.
This past Saturday I THINK I tipped my ATF about $40 during her set. (I hate the fact that dancers have to deal with jerks and a-holes, but I have to admit there are times when a good guy can benefit from their presence.) My ATF works in a contact club where dancers commonly come over the tip rail during their stage sets. Before going on stage she noticed a customer who she wanted to avoid but knew he would try to approach her while she was on stage. The solution...I would simply keep tipping her so she could dance the entire 15 min set just for me. In addition to one customer, there were about 10 other guys from a bachelor party who were also wating for her to leave me. We could hear them talking to each other wondering who the hell I was, and why she wasn't moving to other customers. We just laughed to ourselves as I held her close. In the end, she got to avoid an unwanted customer, and I got to feel like a big shot. Like I said when I started this post, I think I ended up tipping about $40 in a mix of $5's, $2's and $1's, but I wasn't really keeping track...GOOD TIMES!
One of the first clubs I visited was in Vegas, where the rules are about a liberal as they get. Unfortuntely I didn't know that not all clubs or parts of the county are created equally, so with unrealistic expectations I made my next club visit in a no-contact state. I ended up dropping $300 for a champagne room to watch a dancer strike poses three feet in front of me for 30 minutes. It was no fault of the dancer, but I quickly learned my lesson.