Unwanted contact - assault or not ?

avatar for The Cat's Meow
The Cat's Meow
I would like to hear just from the men on this one please. Thanks.

Let's say a dancer in a contact club is giving a dance and the customer tries to touch her breasts even though it against the rules and the law. The dancer stops him and tells him it is not allowed. Moments later the customer goes for her breasts again and this time she is unable to stop him. In your opinion did the customer sexualy assualt the dancer ? If so does she have the right to use physical force to get away ?


last comment
avatar for WiseGuy
21 years ago
"Sexual Assault and Rape - The definition of "sexual assault" includes rape, child sexual abuse, incest and other sexual acts that are physical and non-consensual, forced, manipulated, and/or coerced. Special acts of sexual assault can take such forms as unwanted touching of one's intimate parts, such as a sexual organ, buttocks or breasts; forced kissing; or bodily penetration. Strictly speaking, such actions are illegal."

I think it also applies within the stipulations of your city ordinances and laws which the customer is legally obligated to abide by. The key point is when the dancer "stops him and tells him it is not allowed" and as long as the dancer doesn't show a pattern of allowing it sometimes with various customers then she isn't inviting those actions. The dancer has a right to use reasonable measures to protect herself. Just my opinion.
avatar for TopGunGlen
21 years ago
Yes, it is assault, especially since the dancer warned him after the first time. This jackass needs to be shown the door and banned from the club! No one should put up with rude grabby customers, no matter how much money the customer has...
avatar for jtmad
21 years ago
The clubs that I have been to are pretty proactive about protecting their dancers. I have seen guys get one warning, and than get shown the door by management if behavior continues. I don't think it would come down to using force to get away, as the bouncers would be all over the jerk before it got that far.
Before the dance, ask her what her rules are. Stay within the rules and you will usually have no problems.
Posters: Please check your spelling("strait" for "straight"!) Some of it makes you look like a 3rd grader!
avatar for verfolgung
21 years ago
Customers who use inappropriate behavior including contact, solicitations, or exposure should be subject to removal.

In your example, she was kind enough to give him a warning (not required, but sometimes it can be an accident and the warning will set the customer strait), so on the second attempt she has every right to leave the situation.

Now use of force to get away? If it was needed and she felt threatened, sure. However, if she can remove herself without it, then she should try to do so and let the bouncers take care it.

Lastly, your question on assault. Do I feel she would have a case? Yes. Just because a woman is a dancer does not mean she should be taken advantage of.

SIDE NOTE: Because of the possibility of situations like this, I know some dancers who collect their tip first, before the dance - especially from customers who are new to them.
avatar for komey1970
21 years ago
The sancer has the right to use force to get away. She should also notify a bouncer to have the guy escorted out. The owner could possibly be notified so that he can tell the doorpeople not to let the person in.
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