
Comments by verfolgung (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    MUST READ: A STRIPPER discusses FRIENDSHIP with strippers in this quote
    RL: This quote is meaningless without proper context. What was the line of questioning you used to elicit this response? My guess it was one of your BS posts such as "if strippers are your friend they would give you their REAL NAME, REAL PHONE NUMBER, & MEET YOU OUTSIDE THE CLUB FOR FREE" Whether the quote has merit or not, my guess is that this response was pointed more towards YOU than feelings about customers in general.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Here is a quote which mentions strippers' attitude about FRIENDSHIP
    RL: this qoute comes from the "Newbie Rules for Pathetic Lossers" posted by Veracious. Is Veracious a dancer?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    NiceAss Please block the troll threads again
    At first I was in favor of NICEASS blocking certain posts; however, I would not advocate for blocking again unless there is a way to completely stop the posts from appearing at all. The last time NICEASS used Java script to redirect posts it only resulted in RL continuously making re-post after re-post. It ended up filling the board with broken RL threads and pushing other valid discussions off the board. The best policy is just to ignore them. Make your posts, and respond to the discussions which interest you. Think of them like background static and try to tune them out. Please try to avoid letting RL, C&S, KP, etc. get you into a verbal sparring match. They make comments to elicit a response and then feed off the negative energy they create. Ultimately it is up to FOUNDER to take any action, and people should make their case to him/her/them. If FOUNDER believes the board is best served by allowing the presence of the "trolls", than so be it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    MOUSE: You asked, so I will answer... I am in my late 20's. No, I have never hooked up with a woman I have met at a gentlemen's club, and I don't go to clubs with that expectation.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    Last post on this topic... In an answer to your topic question, "No", but they are still a fun place to go and visit.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    MOUSE: Apologies I hit the wrong button I was saying that I tend to disagree with one part of your post - "...90% of men want the same 10% of women, and (vice-versa) 90% of women want the same 10% of men – and the latter 10% of men are not strip club customers." I would challange that none of the final 10% of "desired" men are not strip club customers. This is point of is little significance anyway. However, I completely agree with your last paragraph - "Strip clubbing works as long the customer has strip-club savy, keeps everything in perspective, remains emotionally aloof, and goes for transient entertainment only – DON’T GET INVOLVED EMOTIONALLY WITH THE STRIPPERS. The strippers are there to make MONEY not find friends, boyfriends, or husbands." I feel that a patrons can and should maintain realistic expectations while still being able to have a good time. You can hear stories of how certain customers and dancers made a connection, which may be possible on a case by case basis, but it should not be a general expectation.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    MOUSE: A couple of remarks on your post... I tend to disagree with the following:
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    A quote about CUSTOMERS' LOW SELF ESTEEM apparent written dancer (HAD TO REPOST
    crickets . . . crickets . . .
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Niceass sit down before you read this........
    My general response to this this article is ... yawn. However, my favorite quote from the article is: "...Vallez, who said he was a contract engineer, said he wouldn't welcome nude clubs in his neighborhood, though. "There ought to be a place in the middle of nowhere for these places."..." Hey Vallez, there is a place in the middle of nowhere for these places ... its called KENNEDALE, Texas! The best part is Vallez made this remark after he was cought coming out of a XXX video store - What a hypocrite.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    MOUSE: Thank you for sharing your experience. Your point is well taken. The customer / dancer relationship can be extremely complex and neither party can afford to be naïve about the possible intentions of the other. Thankfully I have never met any of the “mercenary” types you have described, but I am aware they are out there. (Your point on how a dancer meeting someone at a club and how that can affect their view of the relationship potential for that person is interesting. It would be great if some dancers would comment on this area.)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    U-Colo. Allegedly Used Sex to Recruit Athletes
    Unfortunately this type of situation is all too common - especially in big time men's DIV-1 NCAA football and basketball. Not too long ago, the HBO series Real Sports With Bryant Gumble did a piece on a similar situation which took place at the University of Arizona. Even though they may say that they don't explicitly use sex as a recruiting tool, many major college programs have groups of campus "ambassadors" (the specific term can vary from campus to campus) who give tours to the athletes during their campus visits. No surprise, the ambassadors are usually attractive female students. Many athletic departments will admit to intentionally arranging these guided tours; however, they always seem to turn a blind eye or claim ignorance when it comes to the "after parties." Sex sells, especially to 18 year old boys, and coaches know it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are strip clubs the only place to find YOUNG ATTRACTIVE women?
    YODA: It do find it interesting how guys think that just because they can pay for a dancer to strip for them, that it must mean they are more attainable. I would say that gentlemen's clubs, in general, have an advantage over other bars or night clubs when it comes to starting a conversation. It tends to be a little more difficult to call attractive women over to one's table if your sitting in a local bar.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    North Iowa
    BYOB strip clubs: what's your favorite beer?
    Killian's Irish Red, or a bottle of wine. It's always nice to be able to offer what your drinking to a dancer in a BYOB club.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Club Review Ratings
    As was said before, the numerical ratings mean little even if they get averaged out over a large number. I agree with FONDL, its all about if you can find a dancer who is right for you. Otherwise the feedback on dancers is not much use since tastes can vary, and I only really need to find one or two dancers to have a good time. The reviews are most helpful when it comes to background info: bathroom attendent, special promotional times, overall layout. I once wrote a review on a local club where I warned that it was a nice place but you had to walk through a metal detector. Info. like that is what I find useful.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    One of my best friends is a woman. About two months ago, during a conversation, she joked about wanting to become a dancer, so I offered to take her to a gentlemen's club for her to see what it was all about. She had a great time! In fact, we've been back a few times since. She's not a lesbian, but does appreciate the beauty of the female form. My friend no longer wants to be a dancers, but like, MISTRESSDEVIL, she likes watching the dancers to see if she can pick up a few "pointers" for her own personal use. In general I have no problem with women in a club as long as they are there to have a good time. What I dislike, are seeing women who go to clubs to impress their boyfriends and then spend the night giving dirty looks to the dancers. Otherwise, anyone who wants to join in the fun should be welcome.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    I posted earlier in this discussion about taking a female friend with me to a club. Before going in I explained how dancers might hesitate to approach us at first until they figured out if 1) if we were a couple or not and 2) if she was going to be a good customer or woman who was going to spend the night giving dancers dirty looks. No matter what your gender the best way to break the ice is simple - tip early and offen! As soon as she started tipping dancers on stage it immediately became a lot easier for dancers to approach our table, and she even got a private dance. Now when we go back my friend even has a few favorites.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What more (or less) do you want from a strip club ?
    BRANDYELISE: You are absolutely correct about the "dancing" or the lack there of. There are two places I would consider local clubs where I am from. One club is like a small neighborhood bar with very few frills (no private dance area, no champagne room, no pool tables, etc.) and the other is a very large well appointed "high end" club with wood finnish, lounge chairs, leather sofas, and several different levels of VIP rooms. The funny thing is the "high end" club has NO POLES. It has a huge raised theatre like stage, a long cat walk, several satellite stages, but not one pole. An entire night is nothing but watching women walk and pose. Management does not even allow dancers to floor dance. On the other hand, the other club, has two poles on its small main stage, and poles on the two table-top satellite stages. The women at this club get to show off their athleticisim, their dancing, and know how to put on a show! Even if it is not likely that I will get a private dance, I certainly appreciate dancers who provide great performances, and I am sure to tip them extra when they are on stage.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What does the average dancer make?
    Even an individual dancer at a given club will have variations in what she makes depending on what shifts during the week she works. Another variable, if the club allows it, is how many girls happen to just show up. I once visited one of my favorite clubs at my typical time on a Sat. afternoon and saw over 40 dancers working when normally I'm used to seeing 20-25. One of the regular Sat. afternoon dancers explained the influx, and was not happy about losing $$ because about 20 extra girls decided to show up during her shift.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Most Dancers are insecure and nasty acting people!
    When I first started going to clubs I was always aware that dancers had to put up with a lot of s*#t from customers and from management. What I didn't realize was how much dancers had to put up with from other dancers (ie theft, jealousy, etc.). I happen to agree with PINHEAD in that it is not "most" dancers, but the worst ones are the ones that seem stick out in your memory and make it seem like more than it really is.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why do Pathetic Trolls like Romantic Lover have to hide behind a handle?
    Hey DUSTY, you're right. I actually find it humorous to watch RL howl at the moon when no one posts on his/her threads. Yes RL is irritating, and sometimes all you want to do is lash out with a response, but this is just what this lunatic wants. Nothing anyone says will change this person's opinions while responding only adds fuel to the fire. I've seen numorous people post to Founder asking for RL to be banned, and nothing has happened. THE ONLY WAY TO GET RID OF RL IS TO IGNORE ALL OF HIS/HER POSTS. (Earlier this year WISEGUY, or someone else, posted a challenge to ignore RL. Many people said they would accept the challenge and it seemed to work for a little while. Just like RL keeps bringing back the same comments over and over, someone should try to keep the challenge active on the board. This way new users as well as those who don't visit the board on a regular basis can be aware of the challenge and not fall into the trap of responding to RL. Just a thought.)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    MITRESSDEVIL: Under the Links section of this site you will find a list of sites listed under Dancer Resources. Click on the link for stripper-faq.org where you will find a site created by a former dancer and she address several issues including how to get started in clubs. She really doesn't say much about getting over nerves to provide private dances; however, she does say that she will respond to e-mails. You may find this resource helpful. Goodluck!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    MISTRESSDEVIL: Sorry for the confusion. In regards to getting dances as a customer, you should only do what you want to do. You shouldn't feel that you have to get private dances. When my friend gets private dances, she usually only gets them from dancers who approach her, and will not go up to a dancer to ask for one. She does this to avoid getting a dance from someone who might not be comfortable dancing for a woman. Also like most guys, she likes to first talk and get to know a dancer a little bit. Then when she goes for a dance, much of the time is spent talking with the dancer and obseriving how she moves (while she takes mental notes). Many dancers will gladly dance for couples. Instead of just watching a dance, you may want to get a dance with your man. If you enjoy it, than maybe the next time you'll fly solo.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What is the best strip club city in the U.S.A.?
    OK I'm curious. I admit that I have not been to these other places, but when I first saw this thread, I thought the obvious answer would be Vegas. Why is this NOT the case?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Cut the chase: How do you get the best bang for your buck?
    My personal opinion is that you have to establish yourself as a regular. There are things you can do to maximize your fun even if you only visit clubs once in while, but generally it takes a little time to truly get the most out of one's time at a club. (BTW Regular - just means that when you walk in, the people who you want to recognize you, do. Not every dancer, waitress or bartender needs to know who you are, and you don't have to go on a weekly basis to become a regular.) The biggest key is what YODA said and "don't be an asshole." If you show up enough at a place you will become considered a regular; however, there can be three kinds of regulars - the kind that will start to get treated like a VIP, the kind that will never really see a difference in how they are treated, and the kind that will be avoided and start to get treated worse than the average guy who walks in off the street. If you're an asshole - you can forget about getting any special treatment without having to dump a whole lot a $$$ to buy it. In addition to not being an asshole, there are several little tricks I like to use to distinguish myself, but I can't give away all my trade secrets.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Staff at clubs,
    LE: Law Enforcement