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joined Jan 2003last seen Nov 2008

Discussions started by niceass

Comments made by niceass

discussion comment
21 years ago
avatar for niceass
What Will C & S accomplish?
ell I guess that clears up a number of questions about you, C&S.
discussion comment
21 years ago
avatar for niceass
Woman, ex-boss dating after harassment suit
Yet more proof that feminist phobias make bad law. I think it's generally accepted that a substantial percentage of sex harrassment claims are opportunistic or vindictive, but this is a new twist on an old game.
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21 years ago
avatar for JimJazz
Message for NiceAss
<table cellpadding="8" border=5 bordercolor="#000000"><tr><td bgcolor="#dedede"> <div style="font-size:14pt;font-family:times new roman; font weight:500;text-align:justify"><span style="float:left;font-size:75pt;color:#990000;font-weight:900;filter:Glow(Color='#000000', Strength='20')">O</span>ur Lord, God Almighty, we beseech thee: free us this noxious plague known as FUNDAMENTALIST Christians. For they reek havoc and destruction and bring desolation upon us. For they are niether true Christians nor followers of righteousness, but the brownshirted agents of Satan and his fallen angels. For they, like the wolf in sheep's clothes, appropriated and subrogated thine holy word and name. For they hath stolen the Bible and fashioned it into a club with which to beat others over the head. For they are desended from Cardinal Richelieu and the inquistion and seek to return us to medieval intolerance and ignorance. For they ignore that we are all God's children, but instead call people vermin. For they are vindictive flamers and receive pleasure from spite. For they are narrow minded and insist that "there can be only one dominant view" enforced by the government upon all people. For they lie to school children and endoctinate them in creation science. For they control children by fear and ignorance which make them weaks adults unable to deal with the world. For they condition boys against sex that some are so shamed that they never have fulfilling adult relationships.<p>Those wise amoung us see through their insidious guille. We pray to thee, Lord give us strength and wisdom that we may manage the many snares they have set for us. O! Lord, save us from the evil of their rigid, judgemental ways. Amen</div></td></tr></table>
discussion comment
21 years ago
avatar for JimJazz
Message for NiceAss
JimJazz, I'd very much like to. However, I don't want to risk Mouse calling me a fascist again. I think he's of the grasshopper mice variety. They can be formidable when they get they're hackles up. So, I'll write a prayer for C&S, instead.
discussion comment
21 years ago
avatar for tom_pb
Dancer earnings during holiday weeks
The three day holidays are either feast or famine, depending on the day and the club. I remember on labor day week in a neighborhood club with regular customers. The dancers were all complaining that they they made about of quarter of normal week because everyone had vacationed. It seemed to effect that club severely in particular.