For many customers (actually the vast majority) this is very likely true. Young, thin, and beautiful women are in very short supply (indeed, our society has become obese [and diabetic]), and the attractive ones can't be stretched-out to serve the needs of all men. Our society of men is currently fixated on the "Playboy bunny fantasy," a fantasy which will never happen to the vast majority of men – that is, 90% of men want the same 10% of women, and (vice-versa) 90% of women want the same 10% of men – and the latter 10% of men are not strip club customers.
Strip clubs offer an opportunity for these lovelorn (and fantasy-starved) men to engage the company of a young attractive female. Strip clubs also allow older men – BORED WITH THEIR SEX-STARVED [semi-dead] MARRIAGES – to spice-up their mundane life by engaging with another female with little risk of detection or threat to their marriage. They fear the financial losses and emotional turmoil associated with keeping a mistress, often leading to divorce – OH!! THE SUFFERING OF SEEING YOUR LIFE SAVINGS DEPART (UGH!!). Strip-club business would drop if American married men could safely take-on a mistress as a socially acceptable means for copping with their wives degenerating looks and waning (postmenopausal) sexual needs.
Strip clubbing works as long the customer has strip-club savy, keeps everything in perspective, remains emotionally aloof, and goes for transient entertainment only – DON’T GET INVOLVED EMOTIONALLY WITH THE STRIPPERS. The strippers are there to make MONEY not find friends, boyfriends, or husbands.
last commentIt takes two to make a relationship work, so blaming the woman entirely, be she a stripper or a homemaker, is turning a blind eye to yourself. My wife has always known I check out the clubs from time to time. A long lasting relationship is always a work in progress. Clubs are for fun and eye candy, don't go searching for a lifelong love (although it does happen)...
I never go into a strip club looking for anything other than a pleasant evening. But I have gotten together with a few dancers outside the club after having gotten to know them really well over a long period of time. One of them has become my closest friend. And I agree that there are just as many mercenaries outside of clubs as there are inside. And they're pretty easy to spot.
Unbelievable. Yoda can actaully make sense. Men save your money. Stripclub regulars are people who don't have a life. Visit a stripclub to see how good and sexy girls can be and then go find one that doesn't work in a stripclub. Unless you just want to use a dancer for sex.
I doubt that "90% of men" have become so shallow that physical perfection is all that matters.
Slickwille, Brent, Yoda and FONDL are right. Girls in or outside the club, its all the same. We have all had relationships go bad. At some point in those failed relationships, we all thought of those women as quailifing for a loser type and they thought of us as something similar, LOL. Yoda and verfolgung are so right about some guys being so confused. Last month my girl told me how one guy was so enamored that when the club closed and she left for the dressing room, he jumped up and tackled her. She fought him off as he was confessing his love being agitated that she would'nt come home with him that night.
It all goes back to what everyone has said before. Its the fantasy of being able to obtain a stripper. When he offers his phone number, and she takes it, his fantasy stays alive. A lot of the guys have reality/rejection issues and get pissed off if the girls dont take it.
I've met and dated 5 dancers. Even had one move in with me. Yes, I probably qualify for the 90%/10% rule above. None of the relationships worked out, for the same reasons that cause any other relationship to fail. There are as many sharks outside the clubs as inside. But we're sitting ducks in a club.
I married a stripper, so it isn't all bunk, but my wife talks about the mercenary types all the time. there are a few in a club, not an entire club full, and most likely they will be very unpopular with the ladies because they have a tendency to be very snotty.
It's so amazing that a guy will buy a $20 lap dance and then ask a dancer for her phone number and EXPECT to get it. I have favs come back to me at the bar with their hands full of business cards after a few hours of making the rounds - most of the time, the cards go in the trash behind the bar. I'm not saying dancers never date customers, that would be naive, but stripclubs are not a dating service as some guys seem to think they are. The majority of these girls have boyfriends or husbands waiting for them at home.
Yoda, you get any phone numbers? How were you working the meeting?
YODA: It do find it interesting how guys think that just because they can pay for a dancer to strip for them, that it must mean they are more attainable.
I would say that gentlemen's clubs, in general, have an advantage over other bars or night clubs when it comes to starting a conversation. It tends to be a little more difficult to call attractive women over to one's table if your sitting in a local bar.
I just spent a week working a national sales meeting for a very large pharmaceutical company and let me tell you, young, beautiful women are NOT in short supply outside of the strip club industry. For some reason, some guys think dancers are easier to get than girls in regular clubs or other social situations.
MOUSE: Thank you for sharing your experience.
Your point is well taken. The customer / dancer relationship can be extremely complex and neither party can afford to be naïve about the possible intentions of the other.
Thankfully I have never met any of the “mercenary” types you have described, but I am aware they are out there.
(Your point on how a dancer meeting someone at a club and how that can affect their view of the relationship potential for that person is interesting. It would be great if some dancers would comment on this area.)
Mouse, I think you overstate the case. A lot of men are very happy with their marriages, but they travel on business all the time and are often lonely for companionship. (Note how many reviewers post reviews of clubs all over the country.) Strip clubs are one way to fill this need. The men who are unhappy with their marriages are out in bars trying to pick up women. Or hiring escorts.
MOUSE: A couple of remarks on your post...
I tend to disagree with the following:
MOUSE: Apologies I hit the wrong button
I was saying that I tend to disagree with one part of your post - "...90% of men want the same 10% of women, and (vice-versa) 90% of women want the same 10% of men – and the latter 10% of men are not strip club customers." I would challange that none of the final 10% of "desired" men are not strip club customers. This is point of is little significance anyway.
However, I completely agree with your last paragraph -
"Strip clubbing works as long the customer has strip-club savy, keeps everything in perspective, remains emotionally aloof, and goes for transient entertainment only – DON’T GET INVOLVED EMOTIONALLY WITH THE STRIPPERS. The strippers are there to make MONEY not find friends, boyfriends, or husbands."
I feel that a patrons can and should maintain realistic expectations while still being able to have a good time. You can hear stories of how certain customers and dancers made a connection, which may be possible on a case by case basis, but it should not be a general expectation.
Last post on this topic...
In an answer to your topic question, "No", but they are still a fun place to go and visit.
verfolgung, I hope I'm not being to nosy, but how old are you? Have you hooked-up with strippers you had met frist in the strip club? If so, would you be willing to share some of the details?
I disagree with the generalizations but do agree that strip clubs provide a sort of escape party fantasy atmosphere away from other places. I disagree (at least in my area) that the girls are really that much better looking than the general population. In fact if someone came out with a better fantasy escape environment that was more fun than strip clubs, I would go there instead. Maybe a sort of video arcade immersion like the holodeck version seen in the Star Trek shows. There just aren't too many places left where you can drink beer and immerse yourself in fantasy such as racing, shooting, etc. action video entertainment.
FONDL, if you're happy in your marriage, why are you feeling lonely? When out-of-town, why not call your wife for some TLC? Buying conversation and companionship - is that realllly satisfying? You're paying for "false words" - it's all act without real substance. Knowing the truth, how is that fulfilling?
MOUSE: You asked, so I will answer...
I am in my late 20's. No, I have never hooked up with a woman I have met at a gentlemen's club, and I don't go to clubs with that expectation.
Mouse, I usually hang out in the non-glitzy neighborhood bar type places. My experience is that you can meet girls who are more friendly, open and "real" than in the glitzy places. I'm not looking for a fantasy, I just want some friendly conversation and enjoy the nudity as well. Going out to dinner alone gets to be pretty boring. People in bars aren't interested in me because I'm older and married. I've found that strip clubs can sometimes be fun places to hang out. I don't go very often but once in awhile I enjoy it. And it doesn't usually cost any more than going to a good restaurant.
verfolgung, thanks for your honest answer. Let me share now. Actually, I have had minor dates with girls I've met in strip clubs working as strippers - in fact, they were the dancers I had been buying lap dances from. Maybe, it was just bad luck, but in every case it didn't work out, and my relationship with them ended, even inside the club.
verfolgung, thanks for your honest answer; let me share now. Actually, I have had minor dates with girls I've met in strip clubs working as strippers - in fact, they were the dancers I had been buying lap dances from and had gradually developed a “relationship” – or, at least, I thought initially there was a “relationship.” Maybe, it was just bad luck, but in every case “things” didn't work out, and my “relationship” (i.e., actually my delusions) with them ended, even inside the club. Some were reasonably nice women and others were out-right meretricious mercenaries (i.e., customer-eating white sharks – assholes [Ugh!!]).
Those in the first category either failed to keep my interest (i.e., not my type), or they wanted to save me from going to strip clubs. Truthfully, some of the nicer girls thought I had serious deficiencies, because I was “buying” female companionship. They wanted to cure me of my strip clubbing disease. (Please know that some strippers consider customers bona fide losers – in dire need of help! Also, many don't want to hook-up with a man who intially meets them naked and giving lap dances - they are ashamed of their job and don't want a man who would tolerate them in these positions. Hypocritical and strange, but true.)
The mercenaries wanted nothing but money for their time outside – that is, there were moonlighting in their own “strip club” female companionship business (on the side escorts) where they don’t have to tip-out to club owners. These girls would try to get into your head by insinuating romance, fleece you of your money (after you in the lovelorn emotional state), and dump you when your wallet was empty. But, good for me and bad for them, I picked-up on their scam early and never lost a dime to one of these sharks. Nonetheless, the meretricious mercenaries are scary people and leave you with a very bad taste in you mouth. Customers should know that these con artists frequent strip clubs, learn to recognize their modus operandi, and avoid them like the plague!
Mousy, thanks for finally opening up and revealing where your bitterness here comes from. It looks like to me that you have rejection issues.