
Comments by verfolgung

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Sex Addicts in Stripclubs
    Need a little more clarification to answer: 1) Sex Addict? Is he looking to have sex with all the dancers or particular dancers, or does he just seem to want to be around dancers all the time? 2) Do you feel he's a danger to you? Has he done or said things, or does he just look a certain way? 3)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    KAMRYNSTAR: I agree with highlander, and most of the time RL's posts are just BS unworthy of wasting any time over. However, the post you reference takes his typical rabble to a new disturbing level.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    As a newbie, is it better to be Alone or in a Group?
    Thanks for all the great feedback.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Looking for some advise on shoes to pass along...
    Thanks Kamryn. I'll Pass along your advice. Anyone else? I'm sure all of your ideas will be appreciated.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    KAMRYN: Did you see what RL posted on the Centerfolds, Houston chat today 1/12/04: "DANCERS need to be put in BLENDERS!" This person is sick! Just plain sick!
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    KATRYN: I truly hope that "shock value" is the motivation. Granted, I am fairly new to this site, but up until recently RL's comments seemed to illustrate jaded perspective, while recent posts have crossed a new line seemingly advocating violence. Its sick, its demented, and its uncalled for.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    RL has stooped to a new low....read on...
    Apologies...I meant to address KAMRYN not KATRYN
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Looking for some advise on shoes to pass along...
    DUSTY: How cool is this! Foreplay.com posts their address at the bottom of their site, and they are literally located around the corner from where I work. Never knew they were there, and it took someone from the midwest to point them out. Looks like they could be useful place to know about. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Looking for some advise on shoes to pass along...
    FONDL: Thanks for the feedback. I agree that she would not need the shoes to be sexy, but I think she truly prefers to dance with them. The thing is that whenever she does loose one, especially if it flys out into the crowd, she has to finnish her set with bare feet. Once she's lost one, she basically has to take off the other. DUSTY: Great suggestion. I think I'll give it a try.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Looking for some advise on shoes to pass along...
    TOPLESSDANCER: You're right, I can see how it might be a little creepy for someone to bring in a catalog, but I don't think it should be a problem. I've known this dancer for a while and am a trusted regular for her. When ever I visit her club she always comes over and spends as much time with me as she can, and I've gotten to know her pretty well. It doesn't happen all the time, but if she takes the stage 5 times during the course of a night, there's usually one time when a she looses a shoe. The whole shoe thing has kind of become a running joke. To be honest, I'm not totally sure another pair of shoes will solve the problem, but I like the idea of making a thoughtful gesture.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I am a lurker lol
    TOPLESSDANCER: Thanks for joining the discussion and especially having the courage to post responses speak openly. As for CS & RL, some feel that they make their posts simply to elicit a response, and most feel it is just better to ignore them. Please don't let the "haters" discourage you from posting. Thanks again.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    As a newbie, is it better to be Alone or in a Group?
    Thanks again to everyone for all the great feedback. I used to feel at a disadvantage whenever I visited a new club on my own. Thanks for providing some perspective on how individuals vs. groups can be viewed.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    who are you??
    TOPLESSDANCER: You asked, so here you go... When did you start visiting SC? On my 26th BD When did you start dancing?(dancers only) N/A What is your favorite club? Have many, click on my name to see my profile Who is your favorite dancer? WOW, hard to choose one, but I would say Autumn, I won't say at which club ;) What would your dream dancer look like? THIS COULD TAKE A WHILE! Long dark hair - soft to the touch, deep dark eyes, bright engaging smile, soft lips, soft skin - prefer no tatoos & min piercings, lean but athletic build, long legs, natural breasts - not too big or too small, & a heart-shaped bumm. Other things I notice in a dancer is the arch of her back, and when she tosses her hair to one side shows her neck and shoulders (No I'm not a vampire, but I do think a women's neck is sexy.) Are you a club regular? Yes. Visit at least one per week, and rotate through so I visit the same club at least 2-3 times in a two week period. Would you rather have good coversation or a kick ass lapdance? As you mentioned, its best when you can have both! You can tend to find places to get decent grind, but the women I visit regularly have great personalities, can hold a conversation, and have dreams and aspirations outside of the club. Would you ever date a dancer? Of course, but I realize the likelyhood is minimal & I don't visit clubs with that expectation. The more likely scenario would be if I met a woman outside of a club & then latter found out she was an exotic dancer, than I would have no problem with that. Do you drink? Only rarely and not much when I do. Pretty much just at weddings and other celebrations. Do you smoke? No. The funny thing is, other than going to a club, I try to avoid smoke as much as possible. Do you do drugs? Never have, never will Do you attend neighborhood clubs of big city clubs? I have seen good & bad examples of each. Ultimately, its the women that make the club and will be the reason I keep coming back. Would you ever talk to a STRIPPER who has been FUCKED for MONEY! HA, HA, HA - Nice touch.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I was on a business trip with my boss and a couple of other business associates. During dinner conversation it was discovered that it was my 26th birthday. I basically became the excuse for a group of middle aged married men to go out and have some fun - I was even the designated driver. Anyway, my first club experience was great and any preconcieved notions I had for never going to a club before, were quickly corrected. Since then, I have been to several clubs in my area and when I travel. The best part is, I am no longer surprised when I meet beautiful women who are also beautiful people.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    Respect is a two way street. I as a customer always try to be respectful to dancers until I am given a reason to not be. I can certainly understand that it can sometimes take a little time for a dancer to confirm that I am not just another jerk with unrealistic expectations, just as I need a little time to feel out that a dancer is not just trying to hustle me. Over time that mutual respect can turn into a trust where the dancer will know that I will behave accordingly and treat her like a lady, while I can trust that she won't treat me like an ATM. The other night I was visiting club and a dancer who I have known for a while. As is typical, when I came in about my regular time, she came right over to greet me and sit with me. (She likes sitting with me because I respect the idea that she's there to work. She knows I appreciate the time she spends with me, but that she is free to get up and do what she needs to do.) She sat with me most of the night getting up to perform on stage and occasionally to work the crowd. One time she got up to give a private dance, which at this club is not in a private room but on couches which line the back wall. At one point I noticed her dash from the couch, and get a bouncer to have the guy removed. After a brief stop in the dressing room she came back over to sit with me. She was clearly upset and explained that the guy keept trying to touch her (the club is located in an area with no contact rules)and kept trying to offer her money for extras. Than she let me know that she appreciated how I always treated her with "respect." Later on, after things calmed down, she offered me a private dance. It was absolutely one of the best dances I had ever had at that club and she took the local rules to the limits. Afterwards she gave me a big hug, a kiss on the cheek, and said "thank you for being such a gentleman." O.K. so the moral of that story was be respectful and you will be treated in kind and appreciated.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    I've generally had decent luck in going to clubs. There are the usual little things, but nothing worth getting bent out of shape over. Life's to short. Just for the sake of discussion, here is a list of some minor things which I find humorous more than anything: - Dancers who come up and ask if you want a dance without a smile, without any enthusiasm, and without any intension of sitting down for a moment. - Dancers who come up to you without any acknowledgement and just start giving you a cabaret, table dance or a stevie, when your just sitting at a table off stage, and then expect a tip. Worse is when they continue and your clearly not interested, and then they expect another tip. - Once tipped a dancer I was just getting to know $5 dollars when she was on stage. She danced in front of me for another few seconds and then lifted her g-sting for another tip. (Cool thing was she later apologized, and explained that she didn't know the first tip was a $5. She made it up to me later!) - Once was at a club during the afternoon. It wasn't very busy. I was sitting at a table with my drink, but I decided to go sit at the tip rail for a set with one of my favorite dancers. Now when I'm alone at a club I am usually willing to share a seat at the table I'm at, but when I got back a couple took my table and moved my drink to the bar counter. (It's not so bad, because I could picture someone else listing: "when a customer tries to save their seat with a drink while they go somewhere else.") - On the same line of thought as the last one. Again I was alone and trying to save a seat, I left a drink while going to the tip rail, and the waitress clears it off the table. I loose the table and the drink! (Yeah, I know. I should just take the drink with me from now on.) - One time in a men's room I was washing my hands and a guy was leaving behind me and joked, "You know you wouldn't have to do that if you didn't piss all over your hands." (I know he was just re-using an old joke.) I was not offended, but the club I was at allowed contact, and I thought it was disrespectful to the dancers he planed to go out and meet. - Granted the club was busy. One night I was sitting at small table for two and the practically the whole time I was there I had the pleasure of being accompanied by one of my favorite dancers at the club. Then as soon as she got up to perform a set on stage a bouncer seated another customer in her seat. I tried to protest, but the bouncer explained that the customer having a seat was more important than the dancer. On some level I could understand that, but I was still PO'd. That's it for now.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    Oh, I thought of a couple more... - Here's one from the catagoy of "It sucks when it happens to you, but it's cool when it happens for you." Was once visiting a club for the first time and I took a seat at the tip rail. I place a $2 tip on the rail, and the dancer comes over to dance in front of me, but the whole time she's looking and winking at a guy sitting at a table behind me. Obviously he was a regular and I was new, but this was discouraging as far as prospects for getting private dances late. (Now, as hinted above, I have also been in the situation of the regular sitting back...man is it cool to be in that position!) - Once made a return visit to a club I had not been to in a while. The place was a little distant from where I live, but I happened to be in the area. Knowing I was going to stop in I starting thinking of a beautiful woman I had the pleasure of meeting there before. I walked into the club full of anticipation, but was disappointed when I didn't see her. I sat for a little while hoping she would appear, and eventually struck up a conversation with another dancer. I asked if she knew the girl I was looking for, and she said, "yes" but did not think that she was working that day. She was cute and when she offered me a private dance I took her up on offer. As I came out of the private dance room, who was on stage, but the dancer I was originally hoping to see. Alright. That's it for me. I hope you were able to have a laugh at my expense, but I would just like to say all of these times have been completely out weighted by the great times I've had and great people I've met in the clubs I've visited.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    KINGPIN: You are such a hypocrite! You start your comment off by asking Dusty to name the club she dances at, while you have refused to even provide some basic information on the club you own. (Maybe you do, maybe you don't. If it is in Detroit, it is too far away for me to care about anyway.) As far as the rest of what you have to say, I will grant you that some of it may be true in GENERAL; however, it is not a factual representation of EVERY dancer or EVERY club goer in EVERY club. Do you feel that general sterotypes of club owners accurately describe you? Bottom line is you live in a world where only those who share your point of view are right, and everyone else is wrong. There is no sense in having a debate or discussion with you becuase instead of making valid arguments you always revert to the least common demoninator and spew personal insults. Dusty, don't feel the need to reply to this shit. It clearly does not deserve to be honored with a response. My gues is anything you post will just get manipulated and twisted by this sad individual who would rather judge people based on generalities instead of taking the time to get to know the individual.
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    21 years ago
    To: Dusty
    KINGPIN: I don't know Dusty, and I am certainly not trying to protect her. My guess is she would neither ask for, nor need my help. If she decides to respond to this, more power to her. My opinion is it will be a futile exercise. How exactly is she supposed to "convince" you that you are wrong? It seems the only answer you will accept is an admission that you are right, and any truthful denial would fall on deaf ears. Worse yet, it will get twisted and minipulated further. I find it laughible that you expect responses while continuing to dodge questions yourself. You are a small minded person perferring to rely on generalities, with only the ability to spew insults rather than construct a decent argument.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    What's the most disrespectful thing ?
    DUSTY: How about adding people who have never met you, know nothing about you, and post on internet discussion boards that you and other dancers are "prostitutes." ;)
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    A Challenge!
    Great idea. Are we going to eventually add others to the challenge (ie C&S, RL, etc.)? Just a thought.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I am a lurker lol
    DUSTY & NA: On the topic of being picky. Sure I would say that I am picky. When I go to a club, there are certain things I look for. Now, I tend to be an active tipper to most dancers on stage, and I believe that most dancers who have the courage to get up on stage deserve at least something; however, some dancers will certainly be tipped more and some less. In regards to private dances, here is where I can be really "picky", and I usually only get them from one or two dancers. Sometimes I will leave a club without getting any because I haven't found what I'm looking for. Basically it boils down to the idea that I like to meet beautiful women who are beautiful people, and I enjoy a great conversation with some "get to know ya" time. On the flip side, the types of dancers who I gravitate towards also tend to be "picky" and deserve to be so. They are looking for gentlemen who have a healthy attitude, have realistic expectations, will treat them like a lady, and will tip them well for excellent service. When I find these dancers & they find me it makes for a great time. [PS: DUSTY, please do not feel the need to reply to the KP post above. He seems to enjoy knowing that he can agitate people, and you certainly don't need to defend yourself to him or his kind.]
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    YODA & FONDL: At least you had the old days to experience and remember. I always hear stories from guys in my office about how "business" used to be done. What happened? I feel like I missed the train on this one.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Let's talk about respect
    JIMJAZZ: You're right. From what I have read on this thread and the other asking to discuss examples of disrespect, it seems most of the time the customers' complaints tend to be monetary or emotional, while the dancers' complaints' are weighted towards the physical. In some limited cases I may have felt annoyed, cheated, or inconvenienced, but I have never felt assaulted (especially since I behave myself). The dancers just seem to have a lot more to deal with from many more directions - customers, magmt. & other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Adult entertainment center keeps low profile in Stoughton
    NICESASS: I was glad to read the article you posted on this site. This is pretty much my "local" club and one of only two clubs in MA I continue to visit on a regular basis. It is not as upscale as the Foxy in Brockton, and has more of a "neighborhood bar" type feel to it. The discussion board for the club on this site is dead, so in a way this club is really a hidden gem. Click on my name if you would like to read my review on this club or others in New England. Niceass, this article acutually has a pretty good description of Alex's. Maybe you could post a scaled-down version under the club's review section.