
Comments by verfolgung (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    All or nothing ?
    When visiting one club I go to on a regular basis there is only one dancer who I get dances from. However, since I typically visit during a slow time, I do know most of the other dancers and I regularly tip a few of them during their stage sets. If I happen to show up when my favorite isn't there, I would still hang out for a little while and tip the stage. On a normal afternoon about 70% of the $$ I walk in with would end up with my favorite dancer, so I would still spend the same amount on the other things and just leave with a heavier wallet than usual.
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    20 years ago
    Single mothers
    It might make for an interesting topic of conversation, but it would not influence how I tip one way or another. I would certainly not look down on a woman who is dancing to support her family.
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    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Just refreshing the thread. Have a great weekend everyone. Try not to spend too much time indoors!
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    20 years ago
    You Know Your'e A Regular When....
    Dancers commonly ask you for your advice before they buy outfits from another dancer
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    20 years ago
    You Know Your'e A Regular When....
    When it's the birthday of one of the dancers you get offered a piece of the cake.
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    20 years ago
    You Know Your'e A Regular When....
    Only the new girls comes over to ask if you want a dance. Everyone else already knows who you'll get dances from and when you'll get them.
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    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: This one falls under the catagory of naive rather than embarassing... One of the first clubs I visited was in Vegas, where the rules are about a liberal as they get. Unfortuntely I didn't know that not all clubs or parts of the county are created equally, so with unrealistic expectations I made my next club visit in a no-contact state. I ended up dropping $300 for a champagne room to watch a dancer strike poses three feet in front of me for 30 minutes. It was no fault of the dancer, but I quickly learned my lesson.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    Wanted to make a post regarding the original theme of the thread... Not sure if you guys mean a one time tip or if tips over the course of a stage set count. It's pretty common for me to tip my fav dancers $5, and have that become $20 over a four-song set. This past Saturday I THINK I tipped my ATF about $40 during her set. (I hate the fact that dancers have to deal with jerks and a-holes, but I have to admit there are times when a good guy can benefit from their presence.) My ATF works in a contact club where dancers commonly come over the tip rail during their stage sets. Before going on stage she noticed a customer who she wanted to avoid but knew he would try to approach her while she was on stage. The solution...I would simply keep tipping her so she could dance the entire 15 min set just for me. In addition to one customer, there were about 10 other guys from a bachelor party who were also wating for her to leave me. We could hear them talking to each other wondering who the hell I was, and why she wasn't moving to other customers. We just laughed to ourselves as I held her close. In the end, she got to avoid an unwanted customer, and I got to feel like a big shot. Like I said when I started this post, I think I ended up tipping about $40 in a mix of $5's, $2's and $1's, but I wasn't really keeping track...GOOD TIMES!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    All or nothing ?
    FONDL: Wanted to respond to some of the things you said in previous posts. You're absolutely right about becoming accepted by a dancer's friends. There are so many benefits when this happens: 1) You know who to believe if someone tells you that your favorite is not there that day, 2)they'll let your favorite know you've arrived if she's in the dressing room or another part of the club, 3) If your favorite is busy, her friends will come over and keep you company without expecting you to buy a dance from them, 4) (here's my favorite) they'll give you little tips like favorite candy, flower, etc. if you want to do something a little special for your ATF. The list goes on an on, but it is a really cool dynamic when it happens. I also agree with getting spoiled by a favorite. When I'm sitting with one of my favorite dancers, that fact that there are other partially naked or nude woman about is almost forgotten. When I first started visiting clubs I was hopping to discover a kind of "shang-gri-la" - a place filled with a number of attractive dancers there for your choosing. Now I've realized that I no longer really visit clubs as much as I visit individual dancers, and even though I've tipped new faces on stage it's been a long time since I've gotten a dance from someone new.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers here?
    EVILCYN (and all other dancers): Please don't judge us all by a few haters. A lot of garbage gets generated by a few posters, but I don't think it is representative of how the majority of us feel. Most of us enjoy going to clubs, enjoy meeting the women there, and enjoy hearing dancer's responses on this board.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    All or nothing ?
    YODA: Good advice. Here's a funny story along those lines... Around Nov of last year I started visiting a club where there were two dancers who I would go and see. One day the topic of birtdays came up, and one dancer said her B-day had recently past in Sept. while the other one's B-day was coming up in Dec. So about a month later I showed up with a small gift for the December birthday girl. Shortly thereafter they were both trying to convince me that I must have heard wrong or not remembered that the other dancer was really born in January. Yeah right, nice try ladies. (They were fun to hang out with, but I've since moved on.)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    All or nothing ?
    I would say that it is interesting when you get to a point with a dancer when they start to trust you and start to reveal the truth about themselves. I can remember when one of my favorite dancers started to let her guard down and let some things slip out as she told stories about herself. When I picked up on some contradictions, she was actually impressed by how much I remebered from previous conversations. It atually made her feel special to know someone was paying attention. When her friends stop by and make references to the things she genarally tells customers, I just nod my head and play dumb as if I don't know the real truth.
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    20 years ago
    All or nothing ?
    Hey TGG: Is that anything like the rule of 3?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: I've actually never seen a ramdom bidding war. Sometimes a friend and I will go into a club and take seats at opposite sides of the stage. When there is a dancer who we both know we'll play along and create a bidding war. It makes the dancers I've known feel good to be in the middle of guys bidding to get her attention. -------------------- It's funny you mention your favorite doing 4 song sets as special treatment. Most of my favorite dancers can't wait to get off stage. They try to skip as many stage sets as possible and would probably tip the DJ to reduce their number of songs if they could.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    I'd hate to see this thread expire. It's one of the only ligitimate discussions on the board. Anyone else have any stories to share?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: Its likely just based on a dancer's personal preference. Some dancer's may prefer stage dancing to giving private dances, while others prefer the opposite. I'm not sure how the money compares between stage sets and giving private dances. I've always just assumed that private dances were more lucrative and less stressful than having to go customer to customer collecting $1's. Most of the dancers I know, even if they really enjoy performing on stage, see their stage sets as an opportunity to scout for potential private dances rather then their primary source of income. I have one favorite who goes to great lengths to minimize her on-stage time. It's actually kind of amusing to watch her avoid having to go on stage. The one thing I've observed with all the dancers I've gotten to know, is that none of them like to go up for their final set. The worst is when a dancer is conviced that she's performed her last stage set and then the club switches to multiple dancer sets or starts to use its satellite stages which makes the dancer go up 2-3 more times before the end of her shift.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    YODA: Good point. I've been to several Mass clubs where the only $$ being tipped is at the stage because most customers feel the table dances are pointless. I guess I forgot this, since the only MA clubs I visit are the few exceptions where a table dance is a least somewhat interesting.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: Hey, I'm from MA as well. When visiting a club for the first time it might be difficult walking into an empty place. However, when visiting one of my favorites I honestly wouldn't mind if I was the only person there. It's usually fairly quite when I normally visit anyway.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: If she's just hanging out in the back, why doesn't she come out and sit with you? That's the biggest reason why I like to go when it not crowded because it gives my favorite dancers and I a chance to socialize.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: OK now I get you. I thought your fav just came out for stage sets then dissappeared. Thought that sounded a bit strange. (Sorry, I didn't get your hint. I'll have to think about it a little more.) YODA: Yeah, the diffence from club to club in MA is interesting. Some places you can't even had a tip to the dancer, just lay it on the stage or tip rail, while others you can place a tip in a dancer's garter, and in other places the dancers will make contact with you. Unfortunately nothing comes close to comparing with RI, so I guess I'll have to keep spending $$ on gas.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: I had to re-read my own reviews! I only visited there once, but she was clearly a house feature. How many times do you think she's been asked, "Are those fake or real?" They seem too good to be true, and yet do seem natural. If you know, fill me in!
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: Maybe I'll re-visit someday and find out. I stopped in with two buddies the day of the AFC championship game. Our plan was to leave about 15 min before kick off in order to get back to my friend's place in time for the game. Just as we were getting ready to leave, she took the stage and stopped us in our tracks. WOW! After seeing her, how could you pass up an opportunity for a dance? Lets just say I had to buy the 3 Games to Glory DVD in order to find out what happened in the first qtr.! Enjoy those slow Sundays...Memorial Day is just around the corner.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: Your story about the guy slamming down the $1 cracked me up. HOWEVER, lets not get carried away with the "Best Looking Favorite" award just yet. Of the 100's of dancers I've had the pleasure of seeing, she's certainly in the top 5, but I know of a few lovely ladies who could challenge for that crown. Ultimately, it dosen't matter if we disagree. It's all good, and if she's your favorite, that's all that matters.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Largest on stage tip.
    PINHEAD: BTW was she your old #1 Fav who has since left the bldg. or your new #1? Man, because if she was previously your #2, I'd like to meet your old #1. (Now that you've had me reminiscing for most of this afternoon...As I think back, your right about her. She did kind of appear out of nowhere when she took the stage that day.)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where some customers, who post here, have their heads buried!
    MOUSE: Not sure if that person would want to open their eyes; however, I doubt its sound proof, and I sure one could speak. It would be a little muffled but not impossible. BTW, what does this have to do with SC?