Here is a quote which mentions strippers' attitude about FRIENDSHIP
".....Strippers deal with dozens of men everyday - they're experts at the stripper game!! The bottom-line is that they are not interested in you as a friend or boyfriend. YOURE ONLY AN INCOME SOURCE. Don't put strippers on a pedestal. The more a customer worships and idolizes a stripper, the more the stripper will think he's a FOOL and mock him behind his back. Indeed THE CUSTOMER WHO FALLS FOR THIS CRAP IS LETTING HIS NEEDINESS, LUST ("ENGORGED DICK & ISCHEMIC DYSFUNCTIONAL BRAIN") AND OVER-INFLATED EGO OVERPOWER HIS GOOD SENSE. ANy customer who allows himself to become a CHUMP deserves to be fleeced-especially if he has read these rules......"
Is Veracious a dancer?