
Comments by casualguy (page 73)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a favorite that is hard to recognize?
    Haha, very funny. The favorite I'm talking about seems to have a habit of coming at me from behind me or from a direction I'm not looking. She also has long hair that seems to get in her face. I'll have to get her to let me look at her in brighter light so I can remember something other than a dimly lit face. I don't have trouble remembering anyone else. Well not anyone that has been routinely dancing for me.
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    17 years ago
    Share and Share Alike
    I would have loved to share an ATF and then talk about if she was doing the same things during the lap dance as she was for me. Maybe even pick out a spot on the other side of the lap dance room so I didn't have to wonder if she was watching me like I found out she did once or twice. If I ever get a new ATF, I'll remember to pay attention to where she's at in case she wants to spy on me. I mean I'm a nice guy, I don't know why someone would think I'm up to no good. An ATF is just that, a big time favorite, it's not like we're married or anything.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta has a new ordinace starting next week
    I don't think the drinking age should have ever increased past the age of 18. If you can go fight a war and die for your country at 18, you should have a right to drink a beer as well. I don't believe parents should be prosecuted when they give alcohol to those who are 18 and over either. However enough people went along with the new laws and now you're effectively considered not a full grown adult until you're 21 now. But it's ok to do almost everything else. We're putting adults in jail now for giving beer to those who had been adults several years ago and arresting others who aren't 21 yet. But they can go die for us. I say it sucks and people should try to change it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is there anyone out there like me. Just one favorite club???
    I usually prefer one club or another. I currently have two favorite clubs. I believe it's the dancers that make a club. If they are making you happy and the prices they charge you feel are somewhat reasonable, why would you want to change? I actually have a circle I might say of a few extra clubs I like. I think some dancers seem to grow on you. It's either a great acting job or something else but it's nice when a hot dancer who is dancing for you seems to be getting turned on by something you are doing. I think it just means you're horny if you get turned on by the first girl who sits down with you. Those supplements I've been taking must have some side effects. I didn't even think the dancer looked that great. Unless it was just because she was doing a good job warming me up by saying she wanted to molest me. As a little question about PP in Columbia, do they let you leave in the evening and come back later without recharging for admission?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Advice from the stripper?
    I was thinking no but then I remembered several years ago I mentioned to a dancer I was thinking about wearing contacts instead of glasses. The dancer I told encouraged me and said that would be a great idea. Plus I was really tired of dancers taking my glasses off and rubbing their tits on them. That only smears them up and you can't see anything. I don't know if I listened to any advice but I've had a few tips, suggestions, or encouraging words I may have acted upon. Oh, I remember one dancer suggested what type of underwear I should wear. I didn't listen but I did experiment one time. I'm remembering things. One time I asked a dancer what clubs were good in the area, not strip clubs. I checked out one of the clubs she mentioned. A few months later, just by coincidence, she spotted me in there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    I work days, but I'm often busy in the evenings or tired and don't want to travel over an hour to visit a club. I probably would go more often if there was a good one just a few miles away.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you hire your ATF to work for you?
    I don't currently have an ATF but if I was hiring and a former ATF applied, I would treat her equally based on all the information I knew. If I thought she might be a good worker and cared about customers, that might be a plus in her favor. If I thought she used drugs in the past or had poor work ethics, I would be leery of hiring her. I'd consider it my duty to hire the best possible employee or at least someone close to being the best match for the company and someone who can do the job. Lots of times I believe, it's not a question if you can do the job but a question of how well you fit the company and will get along with everyone. Well after someone screens out those who aren't qualified to do the job.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Strippers' worst nightmare :(
    Well it's been a few weeks since the last time I saw any of my favorites. I visited the strip clubs in that time too. Won't be going to the same ones now as much anymore so there's even less chance they will see me. The club wasn't even as crowded as normal. I'm saving money that I had originally intended to spend. There are a lot of other things I could spend it on though. I do know where one favorite is at and she will be back in December I believe. I'm not calling her anymore though. In my situation, I will not be visiting the club as much any more and could stop. If other regulars are doing the same thing, if the favorites took a month or two off, they may find an empty club when they come back. I think it's already happening at least in one club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    DougS's marriage is over.
    It's only been 3 1/2 years? I was thinking you were divorced a lot longer than that. Sometimes you may never know when a breakup will occur. I had one in-law take a trip to Antarctica for 6 months and he met someone and got divorced. I could tell you more but then I would have to kill you (something I heard him say before, a good conversation killer).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Skipping the dance - sending money directly to the dancer?
    If you're worried about germs, a strip club is not a place anyone wants to visit. People visit the restroom all the time and don't wash their hands. I think uuck, but a number of guys don't want to pay money to some bathroom attendant just to wash their hands. Some people don't bother even if it's free. Some people put money in their mouth when tipping dancers, no telling where that dollar bill has been. Then during a dance, a dancer may stick her tongue in your ear or elsewhere, that tongue could have been in many places. She could be all sweaty and/or have some guy just rubbing his hands on her from another dance she just did. Germs are all over the place. By the way I didn't think david had a problem with germs but was simply being a bit sarcastic about what he read on the pink site. I don't bother reading anything there. I will occasionally put money in my mouth when tipping a dancer, however I like using a clean looking bill (I heard paper money isn't that bad). Actually just drinking the ice out of vending machines or possibly even fast food restaurants may be dirtier water than found in some toilets. I read many ice vending machines have not been cleaned and the water found in toilet water is cleaner in many cases. I just figure my body is in a constant state of war with the germs etc. trying to invade. I try to help by washing my hands and avoiding bad practices but I'm not living in fear.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    I'll leave it up to everyone else to freak out the dancers and then they can come talk to me or do some lap dances.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    I might have done a couple of things that were slightly risky. I remember on Mt. Rainier in Washington State, I got some pics of some mountain climbers and thought it was funny when my older brother said everyone up at the 10,000 ft elevation was staring at us. They were all dressed up in moutain climbing gear, spikes, boots, rope etc. We were wearing regular walking shoes, shorts and t-shirt walking up on the glaciers. We only had 4,000 feet left to reach the summit but it got a lot steeper. We decided to go off the trail and look for the ice caves after that. It did look pretty dangerous up on that mountain in some spots. I saw someone sliding down a big section of one glacier. Then someone shouted out, "DON'T DO THAT!" They had about 100 feet left before it reached a cliff though. The dropoff was only around 5,000 feet. I guess trained mountain climbers are a cautious group.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    Often times, the dancer I'm talking to might be crazy as well. I remember one time I was talking about Nascar and the fastest I've ever driven. We had some race tracks in the area I lived in. The dancer said she's gone about 155 on a certain type of motorcycle. That topped anything I said. I agreed with her when she said that was dangerous. She reminded of my younger brother when he talked about rock climbing up a cliff in the mountains using only his bare hands and no rope. He said it started raining and got real dangerous. When he said that, I just knew it meant he almost slipped and died.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word...
    I was remembering when I was around 27 and my ATF was about 19 years old. Then I was remembering when I was 18 or 19, someone in their late 20's or 8 or 9 years older than me seemed a lot older at that age. After all at the young age of 18, nine years is half of your entire life. I thought the dancer probably felt the same way since she acted like I was a lot older than her even though I didn't look that old. This was over 10 years ago. I can talk about things like it just happened and take different perspectives. I guess not everyone is used to my way of thinking or I didn't clarify it enough.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Your Nipples - - - - Not the dancer's nipples
    Well it looks like I'm the oddball in the group posting here. I may have seen too much fetal development pics. We all start with the same template as a fetus. I believe the genes help control the release of hormones to make us either develop into male or female starting with the same template. I think the male type of brain develops based on these hormones and the genitals typically develop corresponding to the same type of brain. In women, the clit is the same basic structure that developed into the head of the penis in men. I'm guessing most posters here already know this information but if anyone that can't find the US on a map reads this, I doubt they know.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Academy awards nominations for the best lines by a stripper and the winner IS?
    Oh, just thought of another. A dancer I never met before comes up to me and instead of saying wanna dance asks me: 6. Do you wanna blowjob or have sex? Obviously I was a bit surprised by that line and asked her where she would do that, she says, "oh we can do it right here if you want" (yeah right, right in the open in front of the bouncers and a big crowd) Then she goes on and says, or you can settle for just some plain old lap dances if you want to go back to the lap dance room. Only one time in my life have I had a dancer use line #6 instead of "wanna dance?"
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Academy awards nominations for the best lines by a stripper and the winner IS?
    or maybe 5. I don't understand how you could not be married.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Academy awards nominations for the best lines by a stripper and the winner IS?
    Oh, one more from a drama queen I had slept with the drama queen the previous weekend and just spent 30 to 60 minutes talking to a pretty blonde dancer and got a few lap dances. As soon as I left the dance room, the drama queen runs up to me and angrily shouts: 4. SO ARE YOU SLEEPING WITH HER TOO? I can just be thankful the music was loud.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Academy awards nominations for the best lines by a stripper and the winner IS?
    I'm a regular and tell an ATF I'm moving and just said goodbye. She looks sad and says 1. I'm in love with you. or another dancer 2. I really like you better than all the guys I know and that's really saying something because I've been with a lot of guys. (Actually she said something a bit more stronger but I toned it down.) or a dancer who's in my car and thinks of this line to try to scam me 3. There's another dancer at the club who you know, she's one of my friends, she doesn't have the 100 bucks to pay off her dealer and he's really going to mess her up tonight if she doesn't pay. You can give me the money or not, up to you. (I didn't give her any money, trying to scam me she was, got rid of her)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    Strip clubs get rather boring for me unless there's always a hot girl showing her stuff and that is not the case where I live. Of course other girls can strike up a conversation or keep you busy and often do in my case. I used to enjoy a good video or arcade game in the strip clubs but I don't see that anymore in the clubs I visit. For me that would provide an entertaining break while there wasn't much I wanted to see or I wanted to take a break from the normal strip club scene. I also enjoy the way a few beers seems to create a slow motion affect on everything but I can still think and move fast. Got a lot of high scores on arcade games that way. However if I had more than a few beers, I went downhill rather fast and became clumsy and slower. I think I actually halucinated one time due to lack of sleep and did see everything in slow motion. The major problem I had though was that my muscles were moving in slow motion too even though my mind was racing. That was weird because it lasted as long as I stayed awake. Ok, I'll stop rambling.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    I call an addiction something that is causing trouble in your life. For instance playing Ever crack err I mean Everquest -an online addictive game I read about, as much as possible while ignoring the spouse, family, friends, etc. and losing sleep and affecting your performance on the job as well. Doing something so much that you don't have enough money to pay your bills because you spent too much on your addiction. I read there is actually some kind of widows club for spouses of online game addicts. I read those are endless games that keep going on and on. I remember and really enjoyed getting into a new pc game but I always finished them after a week or so. I would go to work, then go home, eat, then get on the pc and play and play. Go to sleep, work, go home,eat, then play. Come the weekend if I hadn't finished it yet, I might stay up all night and into the morning. Catch a few hours, then get back on. Occasionally I might wonder think about satisfying a strong hunger pain from not eating. I'd take a minute break, hunt for something in the fridge, then eat it up and continue. Then I usually finished the game. Now that's what I call a fun addiction. I never tried Ever crack or other everlasting online games because I didn't think I had the time for them and didn't want to be that hooked. I once used to play a board game called Axis and Allies with a couple of friends Friday night, all night Saturday night, and part of the day on Sunday. You know you're really into it if you're playing a game in a garage with the temperature below freezing all night long. Someone's wife once said if we were into our work that much, we'd be millionaires.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How Many of You think strip clubbing is an Addiction?
    I have a lot of competing addictions. Strip clubs, watching sci-fi, surfing the internet and reading different things, I used to be addicted to bicycling several hours each week and would also play golf. You just can't do everything. Lately it seems like I'm spending more and more time researching investments and trading opportunities. That seems like it could be fun and profitable at the same time. As somebody else said, I'm probably lucky there's not a good strip club down the road from me or I'd probably be stopping by a lot more instead of driving to one an hour or farther away once every week or two. Of course if my relatives visit or they have something going on, I spend time with them instead of going to the strip clubs. If I only visit a strip club 2 or 3 times a month, that's not that unusual. I once used to read books a lot before personal computers became common and I could afford one. Maybe addiction is too harsh a word. I call it a fun hobby. An addiction sounds like something that is causing trouble in your life and I don't think visiting strip clubs is causing me any trouble. It might be costing me a bit but that's what money is for. If a meteor hit the Earth next year and killed all of us, I would not regret the money I spent or the fun I had. I guess for myself, I would like to maximize the amount of entertainment and fun in my life within reasonable costs.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever wonder sometimes, how you became a friend of a dancer instead of a customer
    In my case I visited the club earlier than normal when it was pretty dead. In just a short amount of time, it seemed like the club got packed when it's usually not. I did buy 3 table side dances and bought her a drink so I wasn't exactly stiffing her. It might seem funny that when I first arrived, I asked someone when stage dancing would start. The girl at the door said she thought it might start in 30 minutes or so. The first one up, the dancer I was talking to. It would have been ok with me if it had been someone else or if the stage dancing started later.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Can you freak a stripper out? A funny story.
    Maybe if I tried hard enough. Of course I think it's more amusing to be sitting quietly in a club and hear the dancers say "oh good, you look like a normal guy, there are a bunch of weirdos in here tonight."
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Running into ATF OTC unintentionally
    I don't know if this counts or not but I had one ATF at one club. I thought she was super hot. She quit working at the club. In the span of a few weeks, I accidently ran into her working at 2 other clubs and another time working as a Hooters girl and she was my waitress.