
Comments by casualguy (page 72)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just where is the cut off point?
    I don't like posting anything that could get myself or the local club in trouble. Imagine what the public reaction might be if your post was known by the general public or read on the evening news as a description for that particular strip club. Are you trying to get it shut down or are you angry with it? Then by all means go and talk about all kinds of sexual activity and make it sound real. However that's what the disclaimer on this site is all about. If you're getting really good treatment at a club but it's only from one dancer because she knows you from elsewhere, I wouldn't judge the entire club based on how she performs either.
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    17 years ago
    How to have fun on the budget. Your definition.
    My idea of a budget, you decide how much cash you're willing to spend. You then leave with x amount of dollars in cash in your wallet. You spend it all if you're having a great night and make sure you have the cash before buying anything. You refuse to use any ATM or credit card inside a strip club unless you accidently overspent which should never happen. How to watch your spending? Only accept dance deals that sound pretty darn good. Hot girl plus decent price on two for one with high mileage sounds like a good deal. Avoid dancers who want lots of money to start with even if they come back with a lower price. Just say no, no, no to those dancers whenever you see them. Just imagine they are asking instead of "wanna dance?" "can I steal your money?"
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    17 years ago
    Blackmail, can it happen?
    I remember one dancer must have asked me a question and I told her that I hadn't told a soul anything about her. One night when she was a bit ticked off about something, she threatened to call or stop by and tell everyone I knew that me and her had something going on. That wasn't true. That got a great laugh from me though. I could just imagine all the guys asking me who the hot girl was and I didn't want to become office gossip. Seems to be difficult at times to avoid anyway though for some coworkers.
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    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    I once met a dancer at PP in Columbia who knew about this web site. I don't remember why we were talking about it. I would have liked to have stop by PP in Columbia this past week since I was driving by on the interstate one day but my schedule was too busy. Oh well, PP clubs are my local clubs when I get time free.
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    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    I can understand a dancer liking it when she asks for something and she gets it. Especially considering a few times when a dancer has sat down at my table without me inviting her too and then she asks for a drink and I tell her something like I'd rather not right now. When you aren't willing to spend any money on a dancer, I've heard a couple tell me it makes them feel like trash. I guess they occasionally take that risk when they sit down at random at a guy's table. I might not be trying to send a message at all but simply don't want to buy any drinks and save my money for tips and dances. Of course if you gave into all the demands of some dancers, you might end up married in Vegas.
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    17 years ago
    DJ with a personal touch and a sense of humor.
    Maybe I'm too suspicious. If I hear a dancer comment on the size of something I think she's up to something. Maybe she thinks she's boosting someones ego and she'll get more lap dances. It can get annoying if a dancer keeps saying how big something is as well. Considering I think most dancers are lying at least half the time, hearing something like that just makes me wonder what is she up to? I'm thinking though who really cares? Just do a good lap dance.
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    17 years ago
    DJ with a personal touch and a sense of humor.
    I was going to say if you found a nice DJ, that's great for you. Some DJ's I hear keep running their mouth a lot when you want to hear the music or play the music so loud your ears hurt. As far as the song you mentioned goes, I heard it years ago a number of times. I thought it was amusing. I don't know why someone would need to watch out for it. With a description as small as 2.5, it makes me think the old guy hasn't been aroused at all by the dancers and they don't know a thing. One of these days he might take viagra and surprise them all. I don't know, I tend to believe dancers are lying most of the time anyway so you can't necessarily believe a word they say.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does you ATF read our discussions?
    I don't currently have an ATF and about the only time I have mentioned this site, I usually hear something like "what's tuscul?, never heard of it" I'm lucky if I'm talking about the internet if the dancer has heard of youtube.com and I'm talking about a funny video I saw there. After a while of hearing comments like this, you give up. One dancer had her own website but after I looked at it, I almost wish I didn't know about it. I thought better of her before I visited her site and saw where she was apparently trying to get into the porn business selling DVD's. Apparently it's a lot harder for me to fantasize about a dancer if I think she's already in the porn business. Definitely not your girl next door type.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    That can be a turn on if she's spending her time talking to you for free (with the expectation of getting some lap dances though so maybe not free) but she also gives you two for ones since you're a regular. I guess if you spent an hour with her, got several lap dances, and spent only 60 to 80 dollars, that might be a turn on knowing other people were willing to spend a whole lot more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    One of my past favorites once told she made $4000 in one week at the beach when the golfers were visiting the club. I was impressed by that sum. I think she was too or she wouldn't have told me.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Turn-on or turn-off?
    One dancer told me she only made 60 dollars the previous night on a Friday. She was spending quite a bit of time talking to me and I think she was going to try to get some dances from some other people. She looked good so I did buy one or two ten dollar table dances. The last time I saw her, her car had broken down but she had borrowed a car from a friend. I got the impression I was making a whole lot more money than her but she still wanted to sit and talk with me. If a dancer told me she had made a ton of money already, I probably would start thinking she charges too much for me and just stay away from her. I don't usually care to discuss dancer finances but if she just casually mentions it, I don't mind.
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    17 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Anyone been to St. Maarten Recently? Please read
    Sounds terrible. I don't mind if dancers stay home when they are sick. I don't want to get sick. Same goes for people working in the restaurants.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    I had no clue why a dancer I just met would be telling me that info. However the one thought that just crossed my mind was that she was just clearing the air of that little bit of info in case things progressed between me and her a whole lot more than I ever thought about especially when I just met her. She did say she wanted to molest me and seemed a lot more interested in me than most dancers. However that may not be fair to the other dancers since she was sitting with me for a while and occasionally trying to sell me on the idea of a more private setting.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guess the percentage, dancer over 21, has a kid what percentage do you think?
    I think telling someone you have kids is a bit of a turnoff as far as thinking about getting involved with a dancer away from a club. It may not help any fantasies if you had some either. I don't really know of too many guys who want to raise somebody elses kids. However if you just wanted to know if she went all the way, having kids might be a good indicator. I had one dancer I did not know tell me she had a kid and I would have never suspected. It just made it seem like most dancers past the age of 21 seem to have at least one kid.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Meeting Dancers' Needs . . . Is it important?
    It appears girls will be like that on occasion. I was looking at some pizza one night in the strip club. Another pretty dancer who I wasn't that familiar with was looking too and asked me "would you mind buying me a piece of pizza?" She probably expected the no thanks answer. Instead I said "ok" I bought some for myself as well. I kept seeing her smile at me and she made a comment "there are some nice guys in this club". I was thinking I wouldn't get that much smiling from many of the dancers if I tipped them a two dollar bill while they were dancing on stage. Yet she seemed impressed I bought her food. It was only 2.50 for a piece of pizza. I don't typically get that many smiles when I tip a new dancer on stage.
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    17 years ago
    I Miss The Little Goof Ball <sigh>
    Apparently she didn't realize looks may not be important to sexual arousal in females but looks are important to males. Males are visually stimulated unlike females. I think most females only use looks to get an idea of how well someone might provide for them and I read they aren't typically turned on just by looks alone like guys are. I could be wrong but that's what I read and it seems to be true from what I observed so far. I have noticed females do seem to get turned on visually looking at a certain part of the male anatomy but overall I still think not.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What would Atlanta or Raleigh do if they ran out of water?
    As far as the situation in the wildfire area, it's just my opinion but if the fire season is going to last 2 months longer now on average due to global warming, it seems like it might be helpful not to layoff the firefighters until later. I read many firefighters were recently let go. I read they typically only work during the summer months anyway. However I also read some are being recalled back from their layoff. Then I also heard for the last 100 years, the policy of don't let the smaller fires burn and just put them out has made the current situation worse in the entire west. It doesn't help when people build in the middle of the woods and firefighters try to put out those fires to protect the buildings. People not evacuating also means firefighters are busy trying to save lives when the wind changes unexpectedly rather than trying to put out the fires. I heard over a million people have evacuated and I certainly wouldn't want it on my head that I stayed and forced some firefighter to make an effort to save my life while he could have saved someone's house instead. It's bad in the west and shaping up to be bad in the southeast.
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    17 years ago
    What would Atlanta or Raleigh do if they ran out of water?
    Actually this could end up being like Katrina II unless a bunch of rain comes. I read many lakes in Georgia and I believe South Carolina are ok except the ones controlled by the Army Corps who have been letting the water go out. Apparently in the Atlanta area, I read the corps accidenlty released over a billion gallons of water lowering the lake reservoir for Atlanta by 3 feet. I read there was some endangered species of mollusk they wanted to preserve. That water would have provided over 120 additional days of drinking water. It did rain some. Before the rain, I heard Atlanta only had around 80 days left. I'm reading about lakes not controlled by the corps are ok which makes me think this could be another case of severe mismanagement by our government and a disaster in the making especially if most businesses in Atlanta etc. have to start shutting down due to lack of water. I guess this story isn't of much concern to those on the west coast currently involved in the wildfire disaster. I didn't intend it to be though. I think this story will have a national impact if it sinks the economy in the south with water rationing and businesses getting shut down en mass if drinking water becomes scarce. However we still have 2 or 3 months in the bigger cities. The corps doesn't control my local lake reservoir, no problem where I live at.
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    17 years ago
    What would Atlanta or Raleigh do if they ran out of water?
    For anyone not from the area or whomever doesn't know about the extreme drought, I have been hearing reports that both cities only have around 80 days of water left. Maybe the pipes can be extended farther out into the reservoirs to add to that. That would really suck to buy a half million to million dollar home on the lake in Atlanta and have the value drop in half due to living next to a mud pit now.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Define ATF
    I think of ATF as your favorite dancer within a certain time period of maybe a year up to a few years and she is one to remember. I disagree with the assessment that a dancer has reached the ATF level when your spending lots of money on her. Typically with me, I seem to spend less money on ATF's and seem to spend more time with them away from the club and not so much as a customer. I don't know, maybe I like the dancer better if I turn them into a girlfriend type of experience and they stop charging me money as well. However there may be a tricky line there if you still see her as a dancer but she starts seeing you as a possible boyfriend. That probably explains some emotional outbursts from different ATF's at times. For instance I stopped by my first ATF's house one evening just to say hi because I happened to be interviewing for a job in her town. She sounded excited and said if I moved there, she could come over to my house everyday and dance for me. I got nervous and was thinking no way could I afford to pay her every single day. However she didn't say anything about money. hmmm, every single day, now that I think about that, it sounds like she wanted to move in with me. I wasn't ready to go there.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a favorite that is hard to recognize?
    I guess it's hard to spot someone when you aren't looking at them and you suddenly hear a hi from behind you or beside you while you are distracted looking elsewhere. The last time I was sitting down and she sat in my lap but the light was real dim and her hair was obscuring her face. She looked like any one of a number of dancers. I thought I must have gotten a dance from her in the past though for her to act so friendly. Some dancers tend to look like others and it can be hard to tell the difference in dim light. She's the only dancer that I know of that has a different outfit on every single time I see her.
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    17 years ago
    Thought triggers
    For my first ATF, it's a movie or two that reminds me. I think I still haven't watched the movie she was wanting to go watch with me. One of these years, I might see it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What annoys ME the most!!!
    I may be the opposite. I enjoy talking to a dancer on occasion but I don't really care too much to talk about the same story a week or two later when I see her again. Maybe the same subject material if it's interesting but not necessarily the same exact story I told. I remember one dancer was going on a week or two later telling everyone who would listen about a story I told her and that was a week or two later. I thought that was a bit too much. I wasn't going to tell her any more stories along that subject. I usually forget what I talked about after a week. Actually I thought it was helpful to talk to someone I barely know (such as a dancer) and then forget about whatever I talked about. That backfires if the dancer not only remembers but seems to be able to remember every single thing I tell her. Maybe it depends if the dancer is drinking or not. Some dancers have an excellent memory and others couldn't care less what you were talking about.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Would you hire your ATF to work for you?
    I don't know, it depends on the job. If you want to bring customers into the store, a jiggling breast might be a big lure. However if she's working in a manufacturing plant and everyone stops working to look at her because she is very pretty, you might have a problem. I actually heard a story along those lines. Last night I talked to a dancer who just learned AutoCad. I knew something about it and asked her how long it took to learn. She said usually 4 years but she got it complete in only 2 years. There is a real possibility I could run into her in the workplace. Probably a remote chance since she lives in a different city.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I think I'm psychic. Accepting donations now for translation. I'll give you guys a freebie. The original poster said he was having trouble with his wife after taking his wife to the club and his wife read an autographed pic of him and a slutty stripper that read "Wow, best time I ever had! Cum again anytime." It didn't help when their waitress asked "you're usual drink?" or when the taxi cab driver said "Wow, you picked up a real slutty one this time John!"