
Comments by casualguy (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Your New Year's SC Resolutions
    About the same for me. I might have one. If a dancer just doesn't get a joke I tell her, I'll give up trying to explain it and try to change the subject.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do I have a strip club and/or sex addiction?
    I once played a board game with a couple of friends just about every weekend during very late hours for about 2 years in a row. We even played in an unheated garage in the winter time. Was that an addiction? Maybe. I just called it fun. I didn't let my hobby interfere with anything else. It wasn't costing me any money either. It just cost me most of my free time during the weekend. I believe somewhere sometime I replaced one addictive hobby with another. At one time I had to balance addictions between online computer games and strip clubs. Other guys in those online games sometimes stated that their girlfriend told them it was either them or the game and I heard at least one guy say that he wasn't going to give up the game.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do I have a strip club and/or sex addiction?
    You may have an addiction. However you can ask yourself what many of us here have asked. What would we rather be doing differently? Would you be happier if you were off playing golf instead of strip clubs? Would you be happier dating some strange girl every week instead of seeing your normal favorites? Would you rather be married and not going to any strip clubs? Would you rather stay home and be engrossed in an online fantasy or real time strategy game? If you need the money and/or it's negatively affecting other things in your life like your family, job, etc. then you may have a more serious problem. Of course this is all free advice and you get what you pay for.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone with special facebook pages?
    Some of my relatives are on facebook I've heard, so I would want to make sure they don't know I'm on there if some of the people on my friends list are exotic dancers. hmmm, I never really did much of a people search on there.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ebony & Ivory
    Based upon how aggressive some black dancers were with me in the past, I would be worried about a whole lot of aggressive dancers teaming up on me. I prefer blondes anyway though so I'm not really interested.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Wisconsin sisters enter plea to avoid jail in penis gluing case
    3 tennis balls? I think this is a time when I don't want to know why. There are a lot of crazy people out there. I put bondage right up there with the feet fetish. I just don't get it. However if I see a good looking female with blood dripping off her fangs, I think that looks sexy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I spend less than $100 total at the first two clubs, then it depends at the last club. In the last few weeks, I haven't spent anything. Looks like I'm going to need my savings to buy a new pc. The other day when I went to use windows restore function, the date listed was 1899. It would not let me restore anything from 1899 however. I do like the way the AI seems to be learning in one offline game. Although that is creepy because it's not supposed to be doing that. Today when I checked, somehow my restore function is working again.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How long does it take you, and do you finish every time?
    I may have a mental block plus alcohol making the possibility of getting off in a strip club to be zilch as far as I'm concerned. I don't go looking for extras so all I usually get is some casual grinding. I don't think extras are available when clubs are busy when I visit. I'm definitely not getting off from casual lap dance grinding. I have to be relaxed more than anything and I'm definitely not relaxed in most strip clubs. Some alcohol may help me relax a little bit in the strip clubs but too much and parts of me feel a little bit numb and my sex drive takes a plunge too. For some reason though, a little bit of alcohol does seem to make me feel better the next day. From my experiences in sports bars, to get the highest scores on the arcade machines which included something like Daytona 500 and/or some other car racing games along with some pistol style shooters, I had to drink about 4 beers to get the highest score. After that and everything started to go downhill back towards normal driving. The cops in the commercials always say alcohol impairs you so I wonder if that's normal for my driving skills and shooting skills to get a lot better after drinking a few beers. I actually feel an energy boost with just a few beers. Is that normal?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Anyone ever been kicked out of a SC?
    Maybe a dancer told me to stand up and then pulled me towards her. That happened a few times. I thought they needed to cut that out before making threats to customers. Suffice it to say, if you don't feel welcome in a club or are worried about bouncers threatening you for minor reasons, there are other clubs to visit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Anyone ever been kicked out of a SC?
    I found a quiet spot at the back of the club one evening far away from everyone except for one bouncer over in the corner. I had tipped a few dancers unlike most of the other patrons in the club. The bouncer comes up to me and threatens me saying if it was up to him, he would have kicked me out. My great crime? Something about leaning over the edge of the stage. I thought about asking to see the manager about what I did wrong but was getting too mad and just left. Didn't ever visit that club again for a long time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Anyone ever been kicked out of a SC?
    I had a new waitress with a bitchy attitude noticing I had an empty beer bottle but didn't want a drink. After only 15 minutes or so she started coming around kept asking and then said, these tables are reserved for drinking customers, etc. etc. I was a regular drinker in that club and at that time one of the bigger drinkers. I was a bit ticked off at her. I usually drink a few beers in the first hour or two I'm at the club and then cut myself off to make sure I'm sober when I leave not drinking long before their last call. In the situation above instead of blowing up, I went and got a beer myself after she left and sat at a different table that she wasn't serving. Then I subsequently ordered beer from a different waitress. I was a regular there too so I never ordered any drinks from her as long as she worked there. She noticed too that she ticked me off. I made it her loss.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever have a stripper shock you with knowledge, intelligence, common sense?
    I'm not shocked when I meet a smart or intelligent dancer. However I was surprised when I met one dancer years ago who was dancing but claimed she already had a pretty good college degree. Basically money was good and tax free for a dancer years ago, especially for a hot dancer. That money is not supposed to be tax free but it wasn't easily detected or enforced. Dancers have to claim an income anyway if they want to get a house and mortgage and then they start paying taxes.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is Having a Favorite Cheating?
    It might be a good idea to discuss what is cheating before you get married. If she says you can go screw as many strippers and others as much as you want but if I see you confiding in her, that's cheating. Then you'll have your answer. I like this definition of cheating better than the old way.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat's alcohol arrest.
    Thanks for sharing. I was wondering too. Let me see if I have the correct story though. You fell down some steps and got some minor scratches. Instead of offering a bandaid, the hotel management acted in the extreme and caused you further suffering and anguish as a result of their actions. This was the Embassy Suites wasn't it? I don't plan to ever stay there. Thanks for the warning though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers to be hit hard by healthcare bill's new taxes on tanning and boob jobs
    I got a letter stating my healthcare insurance costs would be going up over 21 percent next year. Family plans are going up over 30 to 40 percent. This is with the cheaper private insurance. Government plans will likely need bigger tax increases to keep up.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strippers to be hit hard by healthcare bill's new taxes on tanning and boob jobs
    The government will save money. It's called tax increases. Raise your taxes you pay and they claim it as savings. Apparently not everyone understood how Obama was going to save us money. I'm afraid he wants the government to save money when it comes to energy costs next. Either that or the rumour I heard about creating a one world government ruled by the rich and elite was true (Copenhagen) and they are working on putting us into so much debt that we will be forced to comply. Technically the US is already bankrupt using some Alan Greenspan and somebody else I forgot method of accounting. Our government is just printing money and attempting to borrow and spend like there's no tomorrow. The typical method of tax increase here. Raise the taxes on the rich first. Then share the burden and raise taxes on the middle class and then the poor. The method for saving on Healthcare might be, fine everyone $1000 if they don't have it and promise subsidies for the poor. Then later due to budget cuts, cut back on those subsidies. If you hear a politician say he's going to take your money, believe it. If he says he's going to give you money, don't believe him.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I guess it's as safe as all the other guys that were there before you.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas at the SC?
    I haven't been to a strip club in weeks due to getting ready for Christmas early and lots of relatives visiting. Now that Christmas is here, I finally get peace and quiet. I'm resting and relaxing. That is before I start a plan for world domination. Ha ha. :) ...PC games I've had for a long time and haven't played in a long time. Plus researching whether I want an I-phone, blackberry or whatever wireless internet device and costs with each. I want a secure connection and cheapest cost. Apparently I will have to get a voice plan too. It would be my first cell phone. I enjoyed people not being able to contact me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother and gridget.
    Well I wish them well. I forgot what caused Gridget's injuries. It is very possible that she danced for me many years ago. I believe I've forgotten more dancers than I ever will be able to remember. Most of them look good when they take off their clothes though. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever thought about therapy?
    You may have a point though about social interaction if you spend so much time in strip clubs that you end up going out with strippers instead of with normal girls.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Ever thought about therapy?
    Happy Holidays. If it makes you feel better you could have things a whole lot worse. You could have gotten married to a bitch. No sex, no money left over after she spends it all, constant arguments, and not enough money to get a divorce and debt you have trouble from getting away from with your wife's constant spending. This isn't me but it does remind me of some others. They would probably say you have it good. At least you have your freedom to do what you want to do. Single people can feel grateful for their freedom even if some feel like they are in a rut.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have a Merry Christmas
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I already visited with my relatives and have Christmas pretty much over with, except doing some research and shopping for myself. Now I get to enjoy time off from work. I like that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    foxy boxing
    Are actual dancers doing the boxing? It doesn't really sound that sexy but I guess you have to see it to know it. The sister club in Greenville had a boxing ring still up in the club one weekend but I didn't know why.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What do you guys do with Christmas presents you don't care for or know you won't
    Thanks for the comments. Good news, on one expensive gift my brother told my other relative I might not use it but once in the next few years and that someone might steal it out of my garage before I ever used it. They returned it and gave cash. I was happy and they were happy to see me happy. I was glad too because I mentioned that I found the same item online for $50 cheaper than what they paid. I mistakely thought they found it on sale and paid the cheaper price. I didn't realize local stores routinely marked up store prices above the online price but you could order online and pay the cheaper price and just pick it up at the store. I guess it depends on the store. I still have one gift that I don't know how much it's worth.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What do you guys do with Christmas presents you don't care for or know you won't
    hmmm, maybe I can exchange it for something I want at one store. The other piece of crap maybe I'll see how much money one of my other relatives can get out of it on E-bay or craig's list. I'm planning on giving my relative what I requested if she gave me something, money. I never heard anyone complain about getting money.