Update on TUSCL_Brother and gridget

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Talked to Bro last week and got a letter from him a couple of days ago. Nothing really new. His dad, 97, took a fall and had to be taken to the emergency room. He will be OK. Bro will not be back on line until after the 1st of the year.I am guessing that he will be using a new nick name but jack joint and "Mr Happy" are house hold words.

I have not been able to get hold of gridget.I don't know if she is still in the hospital or has fucked up her cell service again.I know she has financial problems. Workers Comp does not pay well. I will keep trying every day.And if needed, send her some money. This one deserves help.


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avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I wish her well. Same to others and happy Thanksgiving.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I second what casualguy says.
fyi: workers comp income benefits equal 70 percent of your average weekly wage.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I finally got a hold of gridget. She is in good spirits. They are going to do a another surgery on Dec 8. That will be #18. She said that her finances were OK.I talked to her about the dancer that wants $500 for FS.(she was shocked) She did not tell me to for it but recommended staying away from another. I do not know if I will be able to spend time with her in Dec. But that is more important to me than FS with the other. Stay tuned.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Thanks for the updates. Let them know they're in my prayers. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I just talked to gridget again. This is going to court for mal practice. The accident happened way back on May 17. She has been on workers comp since.61.1 of normal salary.She has had to miss classes that would have up graded her to full paramedic. $15,000/yr. Ok she is not a dancer any more, except for me.Maybe not even that. Some things are too personal. She is in good spirits and hopes to join me next month.No she is NOT getting married.
avatar for clubsblue0303
15 years ago
SC - God speed to Gridget and you. Hope she has a full recovery. As for Bro, I hope we see him back on line again.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

A double negative? She is getting married?
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
Clubber, not getting married.She knows all about SS and was surprised that she was even remembered after 2 years. I was trying to clear that up.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I'm not surprised that some people have good memories in strip clubs. I've had dancers remember me from many years ago to my surprise. The last dancer who claimed she knew me finally ended up telling me she remembered the very first time she saw me. Weird.
Good luck to all who need it.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I talked to Bro tonight. Nothing really new, now does not expect to get back on line on TUSCL until after Jan 1st.HarryDave, You nasty fucker. He will write me next week.

Gridget was skedualed for surgery today.I want to give her a few days before I call her. She will be zonked for a few days. These are friends.
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