
Comments by casualguy (page 51)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    a request for founder about listing places where smoking is permitted
    I was considering breaking down dancers by a rating in general for overall looks, friendliness, and dances. That might get tricky if there's a 10 in the club but she is too busy to dance for you and the other dancers are ranging from 6 to 9 in looks. However these are the kind of things I might be interested in if I was thinking about visiting a club. I guess we can just use averages and explain it in the review.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    That other stripclub site
    I have ignored other sites except when this one was down which is like once in a blue moon now.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What can you tell by the size, shape or thickness of a g-string or thong?
    I don't usually study the g-string too much. I just want to see whatever they're willing to show me. I do wonder why some dancers wear 2 thongs or g-strings when I thought the purpose of a strip club was to show themselves. Maybe in a topless club they are just nervous about showing more than they want to. When I see someone who looks too afraid or is wearing so much that they seem restrictive, I'll just stay away and look for the dancer who looks more carefree and not so nervous. This whole society in my opinion is too restricted and afraid of showing any tits, nipples, or anything in public of the human body. Seeing an image of the human body isn't going to kill anyone unless they're real old with a weak heart. Meanwhile we allow bloody shootings to be shown on tv all the time, drugs, guns, and violence is ok to be shown on tv in the US. However show a female nipple in public or accidently show some nudity in an adult topless club, pull out the mega bucks fines, shut the place down, pass new restrictive laws, the horror of it, when will it ever stop, it's a menace to society. Ok, sarcasm off. I'm trying to point out if anyone reads this that showing the human body is not the menace to society that some make it to be. If someone wanted to make society safer, they should try to cut down the violence on regular tv and in their own towns and cities instead of attacking adult clubs. Guess I got off topic here. I think I need to go back to sleep.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.
    I know religious viewpoints already determined many of the laws we already have on the books but imposing new additional laws because of one groups religious views I am opposed to that. If it's public safety, then the safety issue needs to apply to all public meetings not just strip clubs. Tell the politicians that the 6 foot rule will also apply in the state house and the police will fine them $1,000 each time they violate the law by getting too close to another representative and see how fast this stupid bill gets dropped. PS. I think the bill got set aside for further review so I'm guessing we won't hear too much about it for at least several months. If you live here, I would vote out of office all incumbents in the house of South Carolina unless you know they were against the bill.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Drama--are we getting bitchy like the women?
    I agree some guys here have their moments. Me, I never post that much information on here. Just quick and to the point. Ok, Ok, waiting to hear a lightning bolt strike close outside, don't hear it yet. :) You have to have some free time to post and read things on here so I guess if you got time to post and you can type fast, your posts can get long winded.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Thanks to Founder/TUSCL
    I'll vote for Founder to be the new CEO of Google. Lol, now if I thought that was happening I would go buy Google and wait for the shares to skyrocket as people started noticing and thinking, "hey the site works a lot better now".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Thanks to Founder/TUSCL
    If Google wants to list the best strip club site near the top of their list, it's right here. I don't care for other sites that don't have reliable reviews or list all the clubs in the area or don't have up to date information. Maybe the other strip club sites are paying Google more money. I don't know if it's a lowly paid person at Google who determines where to list a site or what the deal is. Actually I would prefer the strip club discussions to be limited to members who sign in rather than anyone from the public especially politicians who might be looking for a scapegoat to attack.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body ever done a porn star?
    I'm left wondering by "done a porn star" if you mean you got lap dances from her or if you fucked her. I've gotten dances from a few feature entertainers some of whom were announced to be porn stars even though I didn't recognize them. I'm not an expert at all when it comes to porn stars though. I know about a few now but didn't know about any several years ago. One dancer in a small bar was giving me table dances for a while and then she told me she was a porn star one night. I didn't believe her right away. I guess maybe she was but not a big time porn star. I've met a couple of dancers who either said they wanted to be a porn star or go on to do bigger things other than dance. I was concerned that one dancer wanted to make me a porn star as well before we parted ways. I have no idea what she is doing now. One dancer at Platinum Plus Columbia was talking to me one night about an older porn star visiting one night as a feature there. She said you would have to be pretty desperate to want to fuck a porn star. I didn't comment because I know some guys like to fuck any girl who looks good and agrees to it. However you need to take precautions. Actually looking at pictures on the news of hookers who have been arrested, some guys will fuck anything. I've actually talked to a few female porn stars and they gave me the impression they were nice and probably getting a bad rap among some others. Maybe that's normal politics for a dancer to put down a porn star she doesn't care for.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Will the convention at the Columbia Platinum Plus be a bust?
    I haven't checked on this site in a while. I forgot all about the convention. I don't think it will be a bust. I think it will be a breastful. Don't you just hate it when you can't see the dancers because someone put their breast in your face?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What can you tell by the size, shape or thickness of a g-string or thong?
    If you see the g-string flashing with neon lights and it says "STAY OUT" in front and on the back you see "YES, THAT MEANS YOU!" then I would take that as a sign. Or if you see "NO STRAY CATS HERE" "NOT EVEN SHADOWCATS" that might be another sign. Now if you see a bunch of flashing advertisements going by on her g-string, you're no longer in the early 21st century.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    My FICO score is higher than ever. I was wondering if anyone can get above 850 or get bonus points. My score is not 850. I wonder if my smart relatives have a higher score. Their daughter recently won a National Science Foundation award. That seems more impressive to me. I wonder how many dancers will even know what that is? If FICO scores for dancers were based on how well they paid back any money they got from someone in the club, I would say their credit scores must suck big time in general. However I know of some dancers who bought houses so they can't be all bad.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    NO Interest Secured Loans to Your Favorite Strippers?
    Consider any loan to a dancer as a very high risk or like tossing the money down a trash can. You're likely not to get any of it back. If you consider it to be more like a parting gift where the dancer will no longer call you and will avoid contact with you, go for it, reduce the amount if you don't want to give too big of a parting gift. Now if a dancer makes a deal with you for the money to start with, you might get the deal for a while. Enjoy the deal while it lasts. One dancer made a deal with me in exchange for $100 to always give half off on all her dances in the club like forever. She stayed true to her word for 2 years even though she always tried to make up for the half off price by doing more dances. I'll leave loaning money to the bankers. They are good. They'll give you a good deal on a house apparently without checking income for some, let you pay for it for a long time. Then when you get behind, just take the house back. I just found out my FICO credit score the other day. I'm wondering how high can you get your credit score and how high are the highest scores you ever heard?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Be wary of seniors who post here...
    I'll complain about anyone I feel like. Doesn't matter if he's a crazy old coot or if she is a snobby cute dancer. Just think, McCain is older than shadowcat. I'm starting to get the idea that with age you get the attitude that you don't give a damn about political correctness and just state things as you see them. I was talking about how McCain stated we'd be in Iraq for 100 years saying that was a stupid thing to say. Then they explained well it's like we're still in Japan after going to war with them in 1940's. I think part of the problem with age must be expecting everybody else to know what you are talking about. I guess McCain was thinking we'd have a base or two in Iraq years from now rather than a large invasion force. Is this common with age? I'm not sure.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    my quote
    a quote I remember hearing many years ago from a supervisor about the bossman "If he caught on fire, I wouldn't even piss on him to put it out!" a recent quote from a dancer "You Rock!" after I went to tip her on stage with another dancer who had been sitting with me. what worries me are all the trick questions I sometimes hear some dancers ask me such as "Do you like my pussy?", "Do you think I need bigger boobs?" Sometimes it seems like the slightest comment I make even about a dancers outfit and she starts thinking, maybe I need to change it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Shortest Stripclub Stay . . .
    If you don't count a few seconds I drove through a parking lot, that's pretty quick on my part. The club was closed or almost no one was there. I have spent a few seconds in the entrance and decided to leave. One time I spent about 30 seconds in the entrance and was with a recent ex dancer and a female friend of hers both traveling with me. Someone didn't have proper ID but then I heard they wanted to visit some other regular non strip clubs. I think I had more fun partying at the regular clubs. Since we were all out of town and both girls were traveling with me, they kept close tabs on me. I didn't even realize they were worried about me skipping out until one said "ok, no funny business, we all stay together!" I go to strip clubs fairly often but had 2 girls worried I might go home with a girl I just met in a regular club. I wouldn't have done that to them.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Awesome strip club website...
    The idea I had that I originally decided not to post was for the web site to have a section for dancer comments or posts such as when she might be in the club. It would be an impossible task to expect all dancers to update their schedules since some dancers seem to not plan ahead and stick to a rigid schedule unless their regulars visit at that time. A free registration enabling you to see a picture of the dancer and her schedule would be nice, maybe even a little background about where she's from to entice people to the club. I don't expect any of this though. One dancer told me she was working in Myrtle Beach, I just saw her again last night, didn't mind though :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Awesome strip club website...
    I really do not like the idea of having my image broadcast over the internet when I go tip a dancer on stage. Strip clubs may be public places but what we do in our spare time is more like my private life to me since I'm not a political figure or movie star. I guess some people would like a camera in their bedroom as well but not me. I guess a camera would be ok if the dancer didn't mind getting her image broadcast over the internet. I know of a number of dancers who were moonlighting and had other jobs and they would not want any pictures taken.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body out there that remembers how this shit got started?
    I heard things go in circles. I see one now. Prostitution replaced by strip clubs, now with increased attacks on strip clubs we may be just starting to go back. I don't think the same people who want to close down all the strip clubs are going to pay large checks to all the young women who want easier money if they have good looks and no job skills. A large percentage of the US population is in jail and yet the same people want more laws. I think all the religious zealots need to get out of their life is rosy perfect world and wake up to the truth that the US is bankrupt and owes 55 trillion dollars and we need to cut government expenses everywhere we can to get out of debt. Many local governments are in danger of going bankrupt even now or will be soon. Oh, wrong thread, was thinking about the South Carolina politicians thinking it's ok to have new laws that would turn strip clubs into bikini bars. I vaguely remember a local place not far from where I live that used to have some Burlesque. I read that at least. I think showing some leg was considered exciting a long time ago. I guess it still is in Saudi Arabia.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    PP Columbia this weekend?
    The sister club and some other clubs didn't look too bad as far as crowd levels went. I suspect it may have had something to do with some people's payday not being here yet. I've just noticed more people in clubs around the end of the month and sometimes after the 15th but that pay period falls on a Monday this week. I'm not sure how many in South Carolina have similiar pay schedules or if everyone was just tired from the previous weekend when it seemed like everyone went to a strip club (maybe thinking they may not still be here in the future as we know them now??) I hope things don't change.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why is the website so slow?
    It's been a while since I've had any significant speed problems with this site.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You must remember this.
    I still picture a busy strip club and can easily imagine strippers being like sharks moving about a club looking for a kill. Of course not all clubs are the same. Kind of gives new meaning when a dancer says "you smell good" and one even licked me and said "you taste good too".
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking a dancer can you take her picture?
    You can always ask. I believe it may depend on the club, the dancer, the circumstances, and what you intend to do with the pictures. In most clubs I attend, taking a digital photo of topless dancers if you got the camera past the bouncers would be enough to get you thrown out of the club and possibly get your camera taken or have everything erased.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Awesome strip club website...
    I haven't logged on here for the past 2 days. I think you're talking about http://www.theplatinumplus.com/Display-Homepage.html I didn't hear any music. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end or not. The Greenville site doesn't have any food or liquor listed under their menus. The Maine part of the site didn't have any images pop up. I saw the Miami club and noticed there were actually some people in those images. Dancers as well. The Miami club looks as big as the Greenville club but it's not as easy to tell from 2 or 3 pictures. I'll have to ask a dancer I know if I think about later. hmmm, a dancer from Miami was trying to get a dance from me last weekend. She looked pretty good.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Why is the website so slow?
    Zerzan I have asked the same question at times. I'm not sure if it's due to server congestion problems that the Founder is using for his web site or what the problem is. I'm not an expert on the topic. I have high speed DSL and at times I have found this site to be slow. However I usually don't have a problem since I log on at times when the server probably isn't that busy such as late at night. I'm sure it's not busy now at 6 AM.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Any body out there that remembers how this shit got started?
    Shadowcat, how many years ago are you talking about? R U talking about a time before strip clubs? I have no idea since my strip club experiences start in the 90's.