
Comments by casualguy (page 50)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    seroprevalence ---- Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) . . .
    Someone asked why would inflation numbers be massaged? Maybe I missed what you were talking about. Taking the question literally, this article here spells out why. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=59409 The above link details why US inflation numbers are massaged. Now if you think our government only reports the straight truth, that sounds pretty amusing to me. :) Actually no it doesn't because that means you're just one of the sheeple our government can manipulate with ease.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    memorial day weekend
    I have old memories of being stuck in a traffic jam for over 2 hours going to Myrtle Beach on a holiday. Then getting stuck in a traffic jam one night at 1 AM on a major divided highway in between North Myrtle and Myrtle beach. I told myself never again am I going to visit this place on a major holiday.
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    memorial day weekend
    I like the Masters at Myrtle Beach just because if you don't like one or two dancers, well there are usually like 5 or 6 others on stage at one time. I don't know if they have 100 or 150 dancers working on a single day but it is a lot. The Crazy Horse in North Myrtle Beach usually has some nice looking dancers there but smaller numbers but it also seems less hectic if you like that. As far as lap dances go, I prefer the dances closer to home in Greenville and Columbia. At least 2 dancers at the Masters are familiar with me.
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    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    memorial day weekend
    I just met a dancer from Myrtle Beach last night. She said the club I was in sure beat Myrtle Beach. I was thinking things must have gone downhill a lot for nude dancing in Mytle Beach. That's too bad I thought. However the typical clubs that aren't too busy in Myrtle Beach like Derrier's might be busier. At the Masters you may have trouble finding a seat again when it's busy. However there might be a few people cutting down on travel and vacations with the financial conditions of most people getting worse. The Crazy Horse might be another good club to visit but it will probably fill up earlier. I don't like visiting clubs when they are packed so I prefer less crowded times if possible.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    To sum up, if management offends you at a club and the manager won't curb it, leave the club for good and never return. If someone at a club commited a crime against you, report it and see if anyone gets prosecuted, fined, or fired. If someone says a stupid remark, ignore it, they could be high on drugs or temporarily insane and it doesn't do much good arguing with an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    As far as a little bit of hassle from a few dancers, they are temporary and passing through in my opinion. I don't usually remember anything the temporary girls do or say for that long. If one dancer calls you a fat ass, just call her a fat ass back. No big deal in my opinion or call her something else and tell this to another dancer who will actually agree. I don't sweat the small stuff. This thread I thought was about the management staff treating a customer badly. I treat that differently. I don't consider dancers to be part of the management staff. They are independent contractors I believe in most cases and pay to work there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    Apparently several people in society seem to never learn that bullying and name calling some people does result in violence. We see it in our schools and in other places. The people take it for a while but then they may strike back and then it makes headlines. I suppose a lot of the bullying and name calling is done not because of the person they are attacking but because of some inferior trait of the person doing it. They need to put down someone to feel better than they are. Human nature seems to be fight or flee or today, come back to fight when your numbers are better. As far as someone coming after you, I will go right back after them if I believe I am right and they are wrong. I'll have the law on my side as well if I'm right. Of course long before that time, I would have stopped visiting that club so the easiest course may be to stop visiting a club if you're afraid of the DJ. I like staying invisible but I'm not afraid to talk to a manager of a club or chain and quietly tell them about their DJ even if the DJ never knows why he was fired. He can get fired for some other reason and never know the real reason. Managers can be clever and hide your identity. Many DJ's are a bit obnoxious anyway so I'd blow it off or not visit if someone had you pissed off. My experience with a stripper who picked my pocket (true story) was that talking to the manager about the problem in his club worked to my benefit and to the manager's benefit. The dancer didn't even know who turned her in. That was obvious because I ran into her in other clubs and she was friendly to me. As far as DJ's go, I prefer not to talk to them too much since many seem to think in my opinion that they need to sound outlandish and get attention making fun of things. I don't know how much they get paid but it's probably not a high paying job so they probably overhear a lot of crap about them all the time from customers in a club and never say anything about it. Things like the DJ talks too much, etc, etc. etc. Trying to please everyone in a crowd seems impossible so someone will likely always be upset at the DJ. However if most people are and the club is lot emptier as a result, then the DJ will be the manager's problem.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the strip club review list, comments, possible changes Founder could make?
    Oh well, I will stop bothering to offer too many more suggestions if I feel like I'm being ignored.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the strip club review list, comments, possible changes Founder could make?
    The option doesn't stay selected when you log back in. I routinely clear my history so if that is how that is determined, I will always have to click on that. I guess everyone likes to look at the review snippets or doesn't bother to comment in the discussion thread here. For me as a member, either I want to see the whole review instead of just a snippet or not at all. I thought a default when you sign in to hide the snippets was an obvious.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    girl from a local club in miami weve been dating she wants to move in ??????
    So you want to marry her? If you do then by all means let her move in and take over your life. I prefer to be free. I wouldn't even want a wife to be that possessive. Of course if you enjoy the possibility of having a cut throat wife that would go after any girl who even looked at you the wrong way, you may have it made. I do know of some people who have a girl live with them for a while. Sometimes arguments break out and then the girl leaves. Typically people will leave a situation they don't want to be in I believe. Of course my advise may only be as good as what I'm charging and my advise is free.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    A little bit of name calling is rude and I would speak to the manager and his manager about the situation if that doesn't remedy it. Firing the DJ or getting an apology would be appropriate as well as from the bartender. If that doesn't work bad mouth the whole club and don't visit anymore.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    FAT ASS Comment, Would it Cause To Stop Going to the Club?
    I'm taller than many bouncers in the clubs I visit. I heard that I can intimidate people without even realizing it so it's no surprise I've never heard a comment like that. If I did I'm not sure if I would blow it off or get even. Getting fired for making stupid ass rude comments or threatened to be fired seems more appropriate. However if he doesn't get fired then you could feel free to fire back comments about the Clumsy ass DJ who can't even walk a straight line without hitting customers and falling down. If he seemed to be saying the comment in a joking kind of way, I might leave it at that and forget about it. I really prefer to avoid anything physical or getting that angry. I still have memories of going berserk as a young kid and hearing stories of how I hit the other kids so hard (in self defense) that I knocked out some of their teeth and sent them to the hospital. I don't really want everyone to be afraid of me because I remember as a little kid how that feels. However back then at one time I had no choice because 8 to 10 kids ganged up on me so I wasn't pulling any punches. I only got a chance to hit about half of them, the others ran away too quickly. I think after I was first kicked, I hit 3 or 4 while they were all in the air getting ready to do more kicks or punches. I can move fast while they seem to be in slow motion. What worries me is that it felt good not holding back. However I don't want to go to jail for killing anyone because I hit them that hard now that I'm older and bigger. So I've kept a tight lid on my anger.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What pisses me off. And you?
    Met to say I ran into that one tick you off situation in the last few months but the dancer had a nice way out without making the situation awkward between us.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What pisses me off. And you?
    By the way, I ran into the dancer just sat down, then the rude waitress butted in asking for drinks and I said no immediately. The dancer had a quick and nice comeback that let me talk to her for a while without worrying about it. She waited for the waitress to leave and smiled as she said "good job, I didn't want a drink from her!" Then we continued talking for a while.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What pisses me off. And you?
    You agree to let a dancer you've never seen or met before sit down at your table. Before you get hardly a word out, a waitress comes over and says "would you like to buy the dancer a drink?" Ticks me off a bit. I will typically say no because that's the way I react to rude people which I think a waitress like that is. Then, however the dancer gets left in a awkward position of thinking either you're a cheapskate or you're not really interested in her. That ticks me off the waitress would want to do that to the customers. The other situation is you pay for a drink and find out after one minute of talking that you're not interested in the dancer but just spent $10 to $15 for nothing. You've been scammed by the waitress. The other thing that pisses me off are those who want to impose their religious values on strip clubs or on me in general because their religion tells them that we shouldn't be doing something. The next time someone does that, I wish their houses and offices became superhaunted. I don't believe smoking is healthy or good for people but I don't try to get a new law passed making cigarettes illegal drugs punishable by several years or jail or a huge multi-thousand dollar fine for being in violation. Yet the same people will try to impose a distance rule or some other crap on lap dances and other restrictions while you're in a strip club because they feel something is wrong about guys enjoying scantily clad girls when they aren't married.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to pay your strip club tab...
    Trying to cash a $360 billion dollar check at a bank sounds like the most moronic thing I have heard of in a while. Even a personal check written by Bill Gates would bounce. Just goes to show that it costs a lot of money to be that stupid. Make up a stupid story and lie to the police, write fake checks, etc. and then you'll pay thousands of dollars.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    first time invitation
    I had one dancer that expected to be paid by the hour but she never told me until I said goodbye. Made me mad. Then she got mad when I refused to pay her anything. Then she resorted to crying. I had plenty of cash and finally relented making her happy but then I was still upset at her especially when she had agreed to go out with me without telling me she wanted any money. If I had gotten something out of the encounter I probably wouldn't have been so upset at her but she deceived me pretty good. I was brand new to strip clubs at the time myself. I do wonder if vice girls ever work in the clubs. I do remember seeing one hot looking police girl driving a car one day.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    first time invitation
    It can happen right away but I would be wary that if a dancer wants to meet up with you right away, the chances are good that she is just looking to make money from the encounters with you even if she's not telling you that right away. If she doesn't want money but just a date, hey you just found the one in a million, that's like winning the lottery. You probably have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than you do of finding a dancer in a club who wants to hook up with you outside the club and not get money from you. However many people do get struck by lightning every year.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How quickly do you forget dancers that routinely danced for you?
    I might think some were making it up but they remember details I haven't given them. Besides if the dancer still looks good and she wants to hook up, we already have something to talk about. I'm trying to figure out how much she knows about me. Now I do remember several years ago when I was in college, I got stopped within a few days by 2 or 3 girls at different times saying they remembered me. I thought they were making it up. I couldn't totally discount it though because I went to a sorority party one night and drank a whole lot. I do remember there were a lot of females there and not too many guys. I can't remember who took me there or even why I was there though. I think drinking beer makes me forget faster.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How quickly do you forget dancers that routinely danced for you?
    I met to imply it can be good if a hot dancer remembers you. The weirdest situation for me happened a couple of years ago when a dancer from where I lived at 11 years ago spotted me in a local club and started going into details about me. She even told me there was a picture of me in one club I didn't even know about (I was there during the grand opening) and they put lots of pics under the glass at the bar. It seems weird to not remember anything about someone. Have you run into this?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Asking You for a lap dance, what techiques are there?
    12) Give you a freebie, if you don't like it then you don't pay I never trusted this line. I figure the dancer will be pissed if I say I didn't like it. I rarely hear it. evilcyn has the technique down that often gets me. A dancer sits on my lap and starts to warm me up. I've noticed this can get habit forming for some dancers and my lap seems to be a place to take a break from walking around a club. Either way works for me, the dancer either wants to warm me up or wants to take a break. I'm good with that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Something new has been added to TUSCL...
    I noticed it yesterday and submitted a review for a club I hadn't done one for. Apparently the total is the sum of the 3 ratings you give but I'm not 100 percent certain yet without looking at it more.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    bye y'all
    Aw darn, just when I started posting again. Ok, see you later.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.
    I got a feeling that South Carolina if full of outlaws, even among the police force, lol. :) Of course if no one knows is that like asking if no one heard the tree fall in the forest, does it even matter? Why should our politicians make laws if it doesn't matter? I don't think it matters if someone plays a game of cards in South Carolina or if they get closer than 6 feet to a dancer. Do lap dances matter? Only for those visiting a club unless a politician is thinking about his wife doing a dance in his bedroom and thinks she should never do that again. Then he should immediately propose a bill to ban wives from dancing in the bedroom. Then when the politician shows how he is wasting taxpayer money on frivolous issues, the people can vote him out of politics.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    I thought this thread was about "how many times have you heard this line before?" and I was going to say I can't even remember now. However my memory I fear is awful. I got a dance the other night and didn't even remember it was the same dancer who introduced herself to me the previous weekend. Then she said she used to dance for me regularly at another club and that had to be in the last 10 years. I wonder if she dyed her hair a different color. Anyway this thread is on a different subject so I'll just say be SAFE, use protection. The other guys she's sleeping with later that day might appreciate it. Not including others during the week.