Shortest Stripclub Stay . . .

avatar for jablake
I got woken up last night by my neighbor. He needed a flash light and pry bar and help unloading a junk vehicle. The trucker was trying to get an extra $10 complaining a few times that Tulahomma (sp), TN was long way away and that it was dangerous. Well, all it took was the $10 reference and I was thinking strip clubs. :)

I wanted to go to Angels, but had been earlier in the day and they got some problems including the owner wanting to slow the business. Even with that I didn't want to deal with NO parking so I went to The Trap-----I will never learn. :( It was just a little after midnight and surprisingly there were a lot of cars. Open the door and it is packed. A really good crowd. I start looking around for attractive women and it is ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly, ugly. If you like LARGE women (it is like they raided Angels' largest dancers), then this is your club. One of the dancers looked to be over 55 and in fact most 55 year old women look a lot better than her, imo. (she had worked at the club more than 20 years earlier--she refreshed my memory on an earlier visit). I watched almost one full song where a big lady was making her implants jump---left, right, left, right. I'd had enough. Best thing was that I didn't even spend $1, but did lose about 3 minutes in the club--a short stay, but too long at that.

I think the customers were happy so The Trap must be doing something right.

I was thinking about heading out to Black Gold (I haven't been since it was last a hetero club (gays were supposed to save the community financially and morally), but there are just too many police in that area and it was late. Maybe next time it will be Black Gold first----I don't expect much. Their prices were always very high and the club always empty on my visits years earlier.


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avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I've walked in, walked out, for grand total time of less than ten seconds, on many occasions at Bourbon Street strip clubs. "Just lookin' 'round, thanks."
avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
If you don't count a few seconds I drove through a parking lot, that's pretty quick on my part. The club was closed or almost no one was there. I have spent a few seconds in the entrance and decided to leave. One time I spent about 30 seconds in the entrance and was with a recent ex dancer and a female friend of hers both traveling with me. Someone didn't have proper ID but then I heard they wanted to visit some other regular non strip clubs. I think I had more fun partying at the regular clubs. Since we were all out of town and both girls were traveling with me, they kept close tabs on me. I didn't even realize they were worried about me skipping out until one said "ok, no funny business, we all stay together!" I go to strip clubs fairly often but had 2 girls worried I might go home with a girl I just met in a regular club. I wouldn't have done that to them.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Shortest for me is just the "look around", when I was actually looking for someone. Other than that, I'll sit for one beer.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Yep, I've done the 3 minute and under visit either looking for someone who wasn't there or just not getting a good fun vibe from the place.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
Keeders Show Bar Reviews
Reviewed By: JayADay Send Private Message to JayADay Read JayADay's blog Rating: 3 Friday, December 7, 2007
I walked in and the place was empty except for two strippers and the bartender. One black and one white, both were sub-par. I quickly realized I didn't want to see them naked and left without so much as a drink.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
Usually, I stick around to get a drink, so even if a club is horrible, I've had stays of about 10 minutes. But back when I was going to college in Illinois, a college buddy of mine from Rockford, IL wanted to show me some of the clubs up there, and while a couple of them were all right, one was clearly bad. We took one step in, looked at the grotesquely obese dancer on stage, and walked right out.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago
If the club is low cost or at least has a pleasant vibe, then I'll usually stick around. It seems like the type of dancers I like are inclined to hide in the back or come in mid way thru a shift. Too much ugly just drove me away and if not weakness for alliteration, then I might have a different thread title.

Sickening Sights Shoo Stripclubber . . .

Oh well, I'm not too good at the alliteration game and besides it is supposed to low prose.
avatar for Ironcat
17 years ago
I will always stay at least 30 minutes and sip one drink to see if the club full of ugly dancers gets any better (maybe the good looking ones are all in the back giving great LDs). My shortest stay was on the other side of the spectrum, just as I entered I was approached by a gal who was a solid 10, with whom I had had a great experience on earlier visits. She rocked my world in three songs and I was good to go (probably 15 minutes). I didn't even bother to by a drink. Unfortunately she has quit the business.
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
Walk in walk out.
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
Mine happened just this last Saturdaym, in fact twice. I was in Dallas for a couple of days and went in 2 clubs Friday night and 4 more on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday afternoon I had 4 hours to burn and also needed a late lunch. My first stop was the Dallas Spearmint Rhino. The parking lot was empty and so was the club, no cover so I did the walk in look around and walk out. I was there maybe 2 minutes, very dissapointing. I spent about 30 to 45 minutes at another club before trying the Fare. $ 10.00 cover downstairs and $ 30.00 cover upstairs and $ 35.00 total if you go into the downstairs to look around and then want to go upstairs. While listening to the girl tell me my cover options an overweight black girl with braces on her teeth grabbed me from behind and promised nirvana upstairs, I took one look at her and high tailed it out the door.
avatar for Slothrop
17 years ago
I was driving around late at night, not as aware as I might have was a Tuesday night. Dropped in at my favorite strip club, parked in the lot, walked in the door and was about to pay admission when the doorman asked me, "Are you a cabbie?"

Why would he be asking me that question? Took about a second. I looked over and saw naked male dancers in front of a big crowd of drunken women customers. Ladies night, every Tuesday night.

Not into it. I quickly left and got out of that parking lot in record time.
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