
Comments by casualguy (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You must remember this.
    General rules for avoiding rip offs. Check to make sure you have your wallet and your cash if you didn't spend it all after a dance. Always ask for dance prices ahead of time from each dancer unless the club has a very strict fixed dance price (typical where a bouncer takes a cut out of every dance you get). If you're like me and want to limit your spending, bring a set amount of cash and check how much you have if you don't remember before getting a dance, then tell the dancers you are out of cash if you run low. Don't use ATM's or credit cards. Don't get any more dances if you are running low on cash.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You must remember this.
    Some pretty good sharks (dancers) will make lots of eye contact, listen to all your stories, act very interested in you, and give you compliments. Nothing wrong with any of that. Do you believe it? Enjoy it while in the club, after you leave just remember she didn't stay that long with you after you paid her did she? She's there to make money not to be your friend away from the club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You must remember this.
    I'll just say grabbing or taking money out of someone's hand when they aren't giving it to you or taking it out of their pocket is called stealing. Attacking someone in return could be called aggravated assault or assault and battery depending upon how bad you beat them up. I think most people have the sense not to steal or to physically attack others even though we may have done that as little kids. As grown adults there are a lot bigger penalties for acting like a little kid. Ok, we can get back to the rip off alerts. I'm probably lucky I didn't get arrested for beating up a few bullies who assaulted me first when I was younger. One good thing to think about in strip clubs, some guys may think of females as the weaker sex, however in a strip club, think of them as sharks and you are the prey. They want your money, free drinks, etc. It's up to you to negotiate or get what you want among the sharks who want to take a bite out of you. There may be a few non aggressive sharks in a strip club and if you like one of them, then you may have to seek her out or wait for the more aggressive sharks to pass you by and she finally sees an opening to pounce.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How do you know you've been visiting strip clubs a lot?
    I have another. 4. You remember when one waitress and the door girl used to dance for you as dancers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Talk about hot dancers???
    Hope she has a full recovery.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Be careful in your OTC relationships with strippers.
    I have been around the age of the dancers I have visited away from the clubs. The first dancer I did pay her for some more private dances. I was brand new to strip clubs and she was new to dancing. I didn't know that this was unusual at the time. After a few disagreements over a year or two we seem to become more friends than dancer and customer. I even stopped by her house a few times just to visit. She once called me up and asked if I wanted to go see a movie. Another dancer was 2 years older than me but I was in my 20's. She came after me. She invited me to go along after she got off from work to get a bite to eat. I believe we each paid for our own meals. I took her home afterwards. I was hanging out with her after work on a regular basis for a while (not paying her anything). I can't remember what she did one time that got me upset but I broke it off with her and never called her again. I never gave her my phone number so that was that. Another dancer I met told me straight up she didn't want to do any dating or any of that stuff. She just wanted one thing. I thought I could live with that. Until in the club I noticed she acted like we were in some kind of relationship watching me like a hawk and even getting mad if I spent too much time with other dancers. Then she started telling me how much she liked me. I was thinking "what is she thinking about?" I was going to break things off with her but she made that very difficult. Until one day I don't know if I said something or what but she suddenly disappeared. I didn't bother to call her though. Time went by. I can't remember other possible dancers I may have seen outside the club. Well I do remember another but she really was a one night stand flying out to Arizona the next day. That was another dancer that asked me to see her later. Isn't it funny early on how often you will agree to see dancers later but as you get older you start saying no thanks? At least that has been my experience.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Is the posted time not adjusted for Daylight saving time?
    Currently 3:02 AM here. I fell asleep earlier but now I'm awake again.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    Last post here, I would like to say I think it's a huge waste of taxpayer money for a city or state to pay police to enforce all these restrictions on strip clubs some feel they need to enact into law. It's not like the people in strip clubs are only 14 years. They are grown consenting adults.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    In the end, the bible thumpers drive against strip clubs will only increase the amount of sex, drugs, and prostitution going on. I believe that is more likely to happen when you get in a one on one situation with a desperate person and you don't have a public setting to deter illegal activity anymore. It's probably just a matter of time before a number of restrictions start applying to churches as well since our bigger government is not defending the constitution anymore in my opinion. If nobody else is safe from oppressive laws, churches won't be either.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ohio Cubs after the No-Touch Law
    That's an idea, if the bible thumpers want to ban all strip clubs, the rest of the nation resorts to finding the bible thumpers wives online since we won't have strip clubs to entertain us anymore. I see a number of ads for married wives and others online without even trying to look. It's just that I didn't necessarily want to get in a sexual relationship with every single female I meet but if it comes to that because we can't go out and party anymore in a public setting and have to do everything in private, then I guess the bible thumpers will get what they ask for. By the way, I've met at least 2 dancers from Ohio in the last 2 months. They both were nice and looked pretty good too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you ever asked a dancer if she files taxes or not?
    In response to parodyman, I don't think it's rude to post a thread discussion on the internet. Anyone is free to answer or not, that's not rude in my opinion. I was doing my taxes the other day and thought this might be a good topic of interest to some. By the way help spread the word if you know of any retirees, vets, or others that might have at least $3,000 in income they can go to irs.gov and see if they qualify for a tax rebate. They will need to file some basic tax information though to get the rebate. A number of tax preparers might be able to help as well.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    What club has the most expensive lap dances in the nation?
    I forgot about a nude club in the area charges $40 a song except they run a two for one special every hour. I never even considered paying that price so I forgot about it.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Have you ever asked a dancer if she files taxes or not?
    Files a tax return that is.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Know any strippers that took a breast augmentation deduction?
    Lol, if I knew the dancer, I could say to her, "Yeah, just think about that big income tax refund you can get back!" Just being funny, since if you're getting a big refund back it just means you made a big interest free loan to uncle sam.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Know any strippers that took a breast augmentation deduction?
    Actually shadowcat did hear about some reporting taxes so that they could buy a house. To qualify for a mortgage at least in the Carolinas, the banks in this part of the nation did require income requirements before loaning money to people to buy houses. I heard shadowcat said one dancer reported $60,000 and then had to pay taxes on all of that. I wonder how many dancers would have just rented instead?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Know any strippers that took a breast augmentation deduction?
    I did all my taxes manually without software and without paying Bill Gates a big chunk of change to either spend 200 bucks on new software or several hundred for a new pc. It was just as fast as the computer I thought if not faster. My State taxes only took me 39 minutes and I was checking everything carefully. If I hadn't itemized and then read all about the AMT tax and how it's going to be lower for 2008, I would have been done even quicker. Apparently the AMT exemption increased for the tax year 2007 but for 2008 tax year it's going to drop to $33,500 or something. However just because you make more than 33,000 doesn't mean you will have to pay an AMT tax, you have to do a calculation and it appears I will still be making not enough money to worry about it. I expect our taxes will be going up no matter who is president next year.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A favorite stripper of mine just moved to Utah. "UTAH"!!!
    Maybe she's married and her husband wanted to move. Maybe she has family there. Maybe she doesn't want anyone touching her at all. Is Utah where the Mormons are located? It might have been interesting to hear if she was planning on dancing there or why she was moving there. She may not stay long.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    I'm glad their appears to be some sensible people. My comments for what I think about Rep Garry Smith aren't fit for print along with those who support this bill. I will say that maybe one day even if it's after he's dead, he and his friends or supporters will get to enjoy or rather suffer some of the things they tried to do to others. If the golden rule works in reverse. It sounds like they deserve it. There may not be justice in life but I think there is justice after death. May they and everyone else live a long life. The afterlife is for eternity. Of course they probably believe they have a space reserved in some place better as if they are guaranteed. That's actually funny. Sorry if I'm ranting again. I just woke up after sleeping through tornadoes, hail, and thunder. It was just so peaceful I couldn't sleep anymore.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Shameless Shill or Lazy Slob?
    I guess someone could post a message. However there doesn't seem to be any indication there are new messages posted about a club unless you click on the message post screen.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    When is it time to find new favorites?
    I ran into a favorite I hadn't seen in over 5 years. Actually I've run into a number of other pretty dancers in the last couple of weeks. I think I need to watch my spending now. Shouldn't be too much of a problem since I need to stay home and do taxes anyway. I having plenty of fun in the same clubs others are calling slow. The dancer that appeared out of the blue the other night asked me if I recognized her. I didn't at first but then I remembered after a little while. Dancers I haven't seen in years come up to me and remember me and then immediately ask "remember me?" That question would be easier to answer if I had a little bit more time and their face wasn't right in front of me about everytime I hear that question.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    Another example, the state allowed video poker machines at one time. Then they were outlawed. Now we have state sponsored gambling via a state lottery. They should just bite the bullet and allow gambling casinos here. If some south carolina official is worried about problem gamblers, they could require proof of income like a bank does when you try to get a loan (or rather a bank should). Then they could issue yearly spending limits as a percentage of income excluding any winnings you had. Instead gambling casinos probably won't come here for a long time because a few people think it is immoral. I guess you have to learn to buy and sell houses and get zero interest loans or play the stock market to do real gambling nowadays. Just buying a stock is speculation nowadays. It would be nice if some of these people trying to impose their moral beliefs on others would just stop it. All these people trying to enforce moral beliefs on little things like scantily clad females in strip clubs. Meanwhile the nation has been going down the tubes due to national gambling with flipping houses and mortgages many couldn't afford in the first place. Over 40 million unborn babies have been murdered since abortion was first introduced. I haven't been complaining about these things publicly. Hopefully we have enough smart politicians here in South Carolina to avoid killing an industry because of some religious zealots out on a mission.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    I was glad to hear we have more time as far as passport rules go to be able to fly anywhere in the US. I don't know if you could tell it, but I wasn't too happy yesterday. I lost some money in the market but I guess for some people, you don't call it a loss or gain until you sell the stock. I didn't understand why bad news comes out and people buy on the bad news. Possibly later in the day there were so many people shorting the market, they were buying stock to cover their shorts. Things seem to be improving today though. I find it interesting that the other night Lowe's and tonight Walmart weren't very crowded at all. They seemed almost empty and it was only around 7:45 PM. I think our economy is going south. I guess this will be a big buying opportunity as soon as others find out about it too. Using some shadow stats I heard inflation using the old methods is running around 11 or 12 percent here in the US. We're losing money just trying to save in a money market account. I guess that will be even more reason to buy stock or just go spend it at a strip club. At least you get something out of it. I wonder how much economic input strip clubs add to the state of South Carolina? It might be several hundred million dollars if you factor in common multiplier effects when a dollar is spent. Trying to kill strip clubs with a lap dance ban and 6 foot rule makes about as much sense as making it illegal for the state to comply with the Federal Real ID act. However if they did one crazy thing, no telling what they will do next.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancer: "Flash me"
    I don't recall anyone asking me either. Well not in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    On the other hand, smoking bans have been ok'd if cities pass them now in South Carolina. Anyone know if PP in Columbia was a smoking club? It may not be now. I believe the Greenville PP club will get smokier since Greenville has a smoking ban except for private clubs. The PP club in Grrenville is outside city limits I heard so the smoking ban doesn't apply. I would like it if I didn't smell like a pack of cigarettes when I left though especially since I don't smoke.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fight the lap dance ban proposed in South Carolina 6 foot rule as well
    South Carolina legislators need to get on the ball and make an agreement with the Federal Government so that individual South Carolians are not stuck with getting a passport to be able to board airplanes or enter government buildings. Our driver's licenses meet all requirements of the Real ID act except 2 I read today. I and many others will be upset if we have to pay a lot of extra money to get an extra ID because of our slack state legislators not working on important issues. Instead they passed a law making it illegal to comply with Federal law. I wonder who will win? At least they have other issues to discuss here that should be more important than what consenting adults are doing in a club somewhere.