a request for founder about listing places where smoking is permitted
North Iowa
Since many jurisdictions across the country are enacting anti-smoking laws, it might be a good idea to list whether smoking is permitted in a club. I thought about this in the aftermath of a horrible visit to Shaker's in Lincoln, Nebraska. Nebraska has a no-smoking law for bars, except that since alcohol is not served at Shaker's, smoking is permitted there. I thought it was weird they were smoking there, until I remembered it wasn't a bar, but only a juice bar. It might be helpful for people who like to smoke cigars, or people who like to avoid smoking.
Are there any other features you guys want us to start tracking? send me a PM or post it here.
I'd personally like a "sex available in the back room? yes or no." feature. But I suggest it would not be a good idea for this web site to start overtly tracking that kind of thing. :)