a request for founder about listing places where smoking is permitted

avatar for DandyDan
Since many jurisdictions across the country are enacting anti-smoking laws, it might be a good idea to list whether smoking is permitted in a club. I thought about this in the aftermath of a horrible visit to Shaker's in Lincoln, Nebraska. Nebraska has a no-smoking law for bars, except that since alcohol is not served at Shaker's, smoking is permitted there. I thought it was weird they were smoking there, until I remembered it wasn't a bar, but only a juice bar. It might be helpful for people who like to smoke cigars, or people who like to avoid smoking.


last comment
avatar for founder
17 years ago
great idea...

Are there any other features you guys want us to start tracking? send me a PM or post it here.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I like the no-smoking feature.

I'd personally like a "sex available in the back room? yes or no." feature. But I suggest it would not be a good idea for this web site to start overtly tracking that kind of thing. :)

avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
I was considering breaking down dancers by a rating in general for overall looks, friendliness, and dances. That might get tricky if there's a 10 in the club but she is too busy to dance for you and the other dancers are ranging from 6 to 9 in looks. However these are the kind of things I might be interested in if I was thinking about visiting a club. I guess we can just use averages and explain it in the review.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Smoking is banned in clubs VT, NY, Quebec, and, I think NH & RI from what I can remember. The new, multiple club rating system looks interesting...
avatar for chi_sam
17 years ago
Wikipedia has all the dope on smoking bans in each state. I agree a smoking/no smoking listing would be very helpful. I won't visit a non-smoking club. I travel continuously and can wait till I'm in an area that permits smoking. Also, as they'll all be non-smoking soon enough perhaps a little discussion of the 'smoking patio', as applicable, would be helpful.

avatar for founder
17 years ago
OK, it's been added... have fun :)
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
As long as her perfume lasts in your clothes ...
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
You may be alble to smoke again in Philly clubs (assuming the current city ban covers strip clubs and I'm not sure about that.) The state legislature is trying to find a compromise on a state-wide ban that would exempt bars and private clubs (whatever that means) - the current version of the state law would prohibit cities from menforcing anything more strict than the state law. I don't think a state law can pass withouut that provision, because there's a lot of opposition to a state-wide smoking ban at the state level (and there are lot of small tobacco growers in the state who have a lot of political power.) Interestingly, this could mean that smoking will be legal in topless joints that serve alcohol, but not in nude joints that don't, unless they become private clubs, which I'd guess most of them will by making you buy a year's membership. That's called effective government in action. It's a crazy world we live in.
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