What can you tell by the size, shape or thickness of a g-string or thong?
Atlanta suburb
Obviously this only applies to topless clubs. I generally have found that bigger and thicker means don't touch it. I have been fooled and been given the key to the chastity belt. I have also found that the ones wearing a cork are more likely to be more permissive, but then again, I have been fooled. In a totally nude club, in the private dance room, I have only rarely been fooled.
I dunno, maybe what they are wearing is all the have in their locker that's clean that day. Bottom line is: some do and some don't and it doesn't matter what they are wearing.
Or if you see "NO STRAY CATS HERE" "NOT EVEN SHADOWCATS" that might be another sign.
Now if you see a bunch of flashing advertisements going by on her g-string, you're no longer in the early 21st century.
For me, its what looks best, or what goes with what outfit..
I like tiny thongs, they look better, and show off what tiny pussy I have..
However show a female nipple in public or accidently show some nudity in an adult topless club, pull out the mega bucks fines, shut the place down, pass new restrictive laws, the horror of it, when will it ever stop, it's a menace to society. Ok, sarcasm off. I'm trying to point out if anyone reads this that showing the human body is not the menace to society that some make it to be. If someone wanted to make society safer, they should try to cut down the violence on regular tv and in their own towns and cities instead of attacking adult clubs. Guess I got off topic here. I think I need to go back to sleep.