
Comments by casualguy (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Help!! I wanna stop this girl from becoming a stripper!!!!!!!!
    Take her to a strip club so she can see what it's like. You could take her to one where it doesn't appear as nice as what someone might see on tv. Even the best ratest clubs where I live at are crowded, smoky, and have music blasting away in some so loud that ear plugs should be required. This is assuming she's old enough to visit and/or work in such a club. More information equals better decision making capability.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Help!! I wanna stop this girl from becoming a stripper!!!!!!!!
    Of course you could tell her she needs to shave all her privates and then to see how well she does, she could strip for you with the music blasting while you fondle her breasts and legs etc. Tell her there's no charge for these training exercises. Every once in a while put on music you like but she doesn't. That will get her used to DJ's playing the wrong music. If she doesn't like smoking but clubs in the area are smoky, you could blow some in the air, tell her it's practice. On the other hand you could always not tell her anything but ask what club she's trying to work at then go and visit. She may change her mind about working at a club within a few days. She may like it or hate it. Some clubs have amateur nights, she could try out and see how she likes that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Help!! I wanna stop this girl from becoming a stripper!!!!!!!!
    That might be a point of opinion to be told to a wanna be stripper. A number of people will have a low opinion of stripping as a profession and anyone who is called a stripper. She could be a nice church going girl but you suddenly call her a stripper and some will suddenly have a low opinion. Those low opinions are formed from all the bad apples in the stripping profession. I believe most guys who have spent any significant amount of time going to strip clubs feel like they got ripped off or lied to at one time or another by a stripper. Most guys with any strip club experience will often assume any name given is a fake name or stage name. The other thing a wanna be stripper might want to know about is high contact strip clubs where there is a lot of grinding going on. She's going to have to ask old fat guys for lap dances more than likely just to meet tip out depending upon where she ends up working at. In some clubs if she happens to be the prettier dancer, other dancers can be jealous and viscious. They may even steal from other dancers in some clubs. A lot of dancers may want to work in the perfect world but then reality sinks in. Some dancers will not like a new dancer stealing their regular customers. There are politics in strip clubs. Get it wrong and you could end up in a fight with another dancer or just get fired. Then you'll be left working at a less desirable club if you haven't developed other job skills.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    That Closure Thing.....
    I do remember a club years ago where the customers often had to go ask the dancers if they wanted to dance. That is at least the first time if they had never danced for you. I thought one girl was very hot. However we got along great and I enjoyed her lap dances. I especially enjoyed the way she looked on stage almost as if she was getting ready to have sex with me. It's kind of hard to explain but I haven't seen too many dancers give me that kind of seductive look. I knew there wasn't any possibility of anything away from the club because she told me she had a boyfriend. She was very hot though. Later on she posed for some major mens magazine.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    That Closure Thing.....
    I do remember one time I saw a hot dancer. She was always busy with other customers (back a few years ago) the first time I spotted her. Later on though she came around and I enjoyed her dances a great deal. She even made me believe she was enjoying dancing for me. She became one of my favorites for a while. Another time I saw a very hot dancer. She spotted me and came over later that night asking for a dance even though she was very busy. I was trying to get 2 for $30. She wanted 2 for $50. I told her no thanks. I'd rather tip her a dollar or two at the stage rather than get ripped off on lap dances. Later on while I was getting lap dances from another dancer, I saw her on several occasions sitting about one sofa away. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything because she seemed to like jumping around and doing acrobatics and land right on the guy's lap. I thought not interested. I thought it was funny because she scared one guy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on gridget
    Hopefully her insurance was better than mine. I once had a bone fracture and they took MRI's and x-rays and possibly other tests. After all that they gave me tylenol and sent me home the next day. So I had to pay over $2,000 out of my pocket due to my insurance not covering everything including some charges the insurance company claimed were not fair and reasonable for them to pay. Apparently if you are knocked out in an emergency, you should be taken to the cheapest hospital around even if it is 78 miles away. I appealed and talked to someone at the insurance company but it was like being in an Terminator movie where Arnold says "talk to the hand", and the hand isn't listening. Anyway wish her luck.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on gridget
    Well she can always have hope that with stem cell research, one day they will be able to regrow limbs and repair nerve damage. It's sad to hear that she never completely recovered. I remember when I once had my fingers slammed when someone closed a car door on me. It hurt like hell for a while but then I was ok. I can imagine a more permanent injury being that much more painful. I wish her well.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Note to myself or others: Avoid drunk female customers in strip clubs
    I remember another time a female customer snuck up right behind and beside me at the stage even talking in my ear as I was tipping a dancer on stage. Then she waved me over to her table. Maybe she wasn't drunk. She was laughing about something. I heard her say (I think she was referring to someone I couldn't see)that someone thought she and me had sex (at sometime). I never saw her before and felt ready to leave her table but I did not see any jealous boyfriend or husband around. I went back to my table and after I agreed to get a lap dance from the dancer on stage, the dancer asked "did you want to bring your girlfriend with you?" Uhhn, she's not a girlfriend. I don't remember if I said that aloud or not. Another time a female customer talked me into getting a dance from one of the dancers. After the other night, I'm ok with female customers not interacting with me at all especially if they are rude. I guess one very rude out of several friendly isn't bad. One girl even flashed me outside of a strip club. I did not mind that.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Note to myself or others: Avoid drunk female customers in strip clubs
    Lol, you made me remember one drunk female once took off her top, went up on stage and paraded around while the dancer watched and waited. Soon it was an entertaining show and she seemed to be parading around the strip club with a bunch of bouncers walking after her. I remember another time one female customer even brought in a video camera with a light. She was filming a friend in the club at her table but caught the attention of the bouncers. Soon they were shown the door.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My girlfriend is a stripper...
    Even if you went to the club and found one stripper doing extras, it may not be all of them. Then you would be getting into a trust situation. The other thing to think about is that she may be seeing hundreds of guys each week if the club is busy. If she likes one guy she's dancing for and he tries to make a move on her, would she stop him? If you don't trust her, well you have issues with either her or her job. Getting a girlfriend who happens to be a stripper doesn't really seem like that big of a deal to me. I remember one of my friends used to hook up with multiple girls every week. He even told me (not knowing I went to strip clubs)that he could hook me up with one or two girls who were also exotic dancers. I wasn't interested. Not all exotic dancers are the same but I've experienced my share of drama hanging out with various dancers (not in the strip clubs). Some dancers do try to hook up with guys. I even had one dancer quit her 2 year job one night just because she was upset with the manager for not letting her leave early with me.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Happy Days Are Here Again?
    I've noticed people in the clubs but recently it seems like no one is tipping anymore. I've been looking to cut back on my spending at one club and succeeding. However the dancers I no longer buy dances from anymore seem to stop showing up after a while. From my point of view, spending is down and getting worse again. This is a trend I've noticed in the last few weeks. There seems to be not as many attractive dancers in the clubs which makes me want to leave sooner and spend less too.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Note to myself or others: Avoid drunk female customers in strip clubs
    After she gave the finger, her friends decided it was time to leave. Wise choice I thought. What would other guys do? Give her the finger back? Just ignore her? I know there are a few guys who would follow them out to their car and cause trouble.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Personal Worsts ?
    At Platinum Plus in Columbia I once had a dancer I was tipping at one of the satellite stages duck down beneath me. She suddenly popped up real fast and her head hit me right up the nose. I had the worst nose bleed ever. I went to the restroom for some tissue and after the bleeding finally stopped, I left. I was not happy. A close second worse. I went up to a stage along with about a hundred other guys already at the stage to watch a feature entertainer whom I believe was a porn star called Houston. Instead of just taking my dollar tip, she grabbed my button down shirt and ripped it open ruining it. It had been one of my favorite shirts. I was not happy and left.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Tuscl Top 40 lists: Dec 2001
    I don't remember when I found TUSCL. I do remember the chat discussion area was wild and nothing but flame wars between anonymous posters.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    losing ATF status? part II
    I'm not sure about all time favorite. However after thinking about this, I do remember I was a regular at one club for months. Then I believe (if I remember correctly) one dancer ticked me off about something. I decided I wasn't going to visit again. A year or two later, I probably forgot why I was even ticked off. I found out the club had closed. On a similar note I remember visiting one club for the first time or a few times and being disappointed with it. I didn't return for at least 2 or 3 years. Later on, it became a favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother
    I'm surprised too. I'll hold off on any judgement since I really don't know anything about the situation.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers asking for "Pity" Money
    "Can you save me and buy some dances?" "I haven't found anyone else who wants dances." She arrived late and apparently hadn't made money to pay the tip out fee yet. My answer "no thanks". Consider a "loan" to a stripper as a goodbye gift. Best way to get rid of a stripper and never hear from her again. However on the rare occasion that she makes a deal with you and it pays off, congratulations.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone familar with online dating sites?
    On a little side note, it appears South Carolina will be raising cigarette taxes. That might put a dent in terrorist funding. I saw on a tv show years ago that some terrorists like Hamas raise funds in the US and one method was to buy truckloads of cigarettes in low tax states like South Carolina and resell them in high tax states. South Carolina is desperate for funds so if they actually raised the cigarette tax to the national average, they would likely save a number of teachers facing layoffs. They would also make it harder for terrorists to raise funds. Of course they never advertise that. I would have never known if I didn't see a tv show on it. In other news, I read that South Carolina is in the process of removing an old cold war law requiring people to pay a $5 permit if they plan to overthrow the US government. I guess the Republicans must be getting excited. They can save $5 now. :) Just joking. I'm sure they are talking about illegally overthrowing the US government. Just think, if someone did overthrow the US government, South Carolina could have sued the new dictator for not having a permit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone familar with online dating sites?
    Reminds me of when I got a phone call from some guy called Mohammed telling me that I won a prize. He said it was one of 3 possible prizes but that I definitely won. After giving his little speech he said he was going to transfer me to someone else who would confirm my credit card number for a small $4.95 shipping and handling charge. I told him to give me the phone number of the company and I would call them back. To make a long story short, I actually upset the telemarketer. I was not about to give out my credit card number. I think most people probably just hang up but for some reason that night I stayed on the phone and argued with the guy. We both hung up after a while. I was thinking he could have been a terrorist trying to get funds. If I gave out my credit card number, I could easily imagine a vastly higher charge showing up. This was within a few years after 9-1-1. I've seen my share of people trying to rip me off.
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    15 years ago
    1,000 Ways to Die
    I missed a lot of that. It was very interesting though. Death because of ex lax sounds like a bad way to go.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    losing ATF status?
    You get tired of the same ol same ol all the time. You may want to try out new girls to get out of a rut. I've had favorites that every once in a while I ignore and don't care if they disappear. Usually they come back though even if they do disappear for a while. I have one favorite that asked me to stay at a different club to watch her compete in a contest. I skipped out on her. I was hungry. I didn't care if I didn't see her for the next few weeks even if she did get mad at me. Anyway I ran into her again. She mentioned she didn't see me. I'm surprised she noticed. She may have seen me leave. She was ok about it. Even if not, then she still likes getting paid to do dances for me. My first or one of the very first ATF's I've had I told her goodbye one night, I was moving to another state for a new job. I didn't care if I didn't see her again even though I would not mind seeing her again if I ever returned to that club. She did ask me to give her my new phone number which I did. Then she looked depressed and said something about being in love with me. I wasn't expecting to hear that. However I was moving and wanted to tell her. Not everyone would even bother. She probably felt bad at that point because her regular boyfriend had left her a few months earlier. She had been trying to hook up with me. I felt more like attach herself to me. She was actually temporarily working as a waitress due to getting pregnant (wasn't me) and was starting to show when I told her goodbye. She was still dancing for me behind one door in a room at the club. I didn't think about it at the time but I probably could have gotten away with a lot more. I thought that was the last I would ever see her but to my suprise she called me up one year later and asked me to come visit a local Platinum Plus club where she had been working. That was way back in either 1997 or 1998. First time I ever went to a strip club because a dancer I knew called me up and asked me to. I had already been there a few times though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?
    I don't want to pay any money for any outside the club encounters so in that respect, maybe I should be going for it more often. Of course my time is worth a lot of money to me. I don't want to waste my time. One dancer I wasn't that interested in last night asked me where I had been and I said I was club hopping. She told me the name of one club she had been to and said it was crowded. She asked if I had been there. No. They play country music, not my type of club. Scratch her off the list. Of course a similar conversation may allow someone to meet up with a dancer during her off hours instead of meeting up in a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Should I ask her if she is "down" for doing something OTC?
    I've thought about the possibility of hooking up with a dancer away from the club. Then I thought, do I really want to get all involved with another dancer? One dancer started giving me hints that she may want to know me better. I started thinking, uh, I better stop drinking so much if I'm getting involved with another dancer. I haven't even asked if she had a regular boyfriend or was single. It's probably a good thing I don't live within walking distance of a strip club or I'd probably drink a lot more and then end up with strippers over at my house. I do remember one night one stripper told me she was from the same town as me. Then she started making strange moves with her tongue. Weird I thought. Then it seemed like another dancer pryed me away from her.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone familar with online dating sites?
    What is really strange is that all these emails from good looking girls (that I can't read the actual message unless I pay a monthly charge) are sent to me and I haven't done anything on the site except log in once or twice to see what it was that I got for free. It just seems rather suspicious that over a dozen girls would send me messages trying to become friends or hook up when I have almost no information on the site. This is only after a week or two of an email message stating that I got this free membership. I liked it better when you could at least read the email messages and see detailed profiles for free. I guess if I ever got tired of strip clubs I could see if these were real people or not.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Is anyone friends with a dancer that works at multiple clubs?
    I do remember a couple of times it seemed odd that I would see dancers at one club early in the evening. Then I saw them late at night at another club. I think they stopped doing that. One dancer told me at one club the manager didn't like dancers to be working at other clubs in the local area.