
Comments by casualguy (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus in Greenville - customer dies
    When I stated I missed it, I did not mean that I enjoy seeing violence, I meant that I did not see the girl or woman hit the guy in the head. I just saw him lying flat on the floor.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus in Greenville - customer dies
    One night at one club I suddenly saw a guy lying on the floor. Someone told me his girlfriend or wife came into the club, grabbed a beer bottle, and hit him on the head and knocked him out cold. Then she left. Paramedics were called in. Apparently he did not die because it was not in the news. This was in Greenville as well. That was the only violence I ever saw and I kind of missed it in a Greenville club. I have seen some people escorted out before. I even saw one drunk girl parading around one club topless with about 3 or 4 bouncers trying to chase her down. Out of thousands of visitors and many people drinking on many nights, you're bound to have someone who gets out of line.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus in Greenville - customer dies
    If you go to busy clubs often enough, eventually you see someone escorted out of most of them (regular bars too). Most of the time people are asked to leave and many patrons don't seem to hardly notice, most of the other people there don't even seem to notice or think it's any big deal. Now if a fight breaks out, that gets attention. I've heard stories about regular bars where there is a fight or used to be a fight every single night or routine trouble. It only takes one disagreeable person to rile up a bouncer.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    In my area, I believe the lack of tipping is more economic related. There is high unemployment in the area. Walmart was more desserted than usual tonight as well. I almost didn't visit myself. I did not buy too many groceries.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    I remember one club had a sign. It said Tip ping is not a city in China.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    I tried sitting like a rock in a club not tipping at all. It was not as much fun for me. I understand sitting there if there are a bunch of people keeping the dancers busy tipping them. I also understand not tipping dancers who are fuglies or you're just not into. When everyone in a club sits like a rock and no one tips the dancers on stage, it seems to put the dancers into a less agreeable mood. I forgot that some people think poorly of those working in strip clubs. I could take the case in point of the one drunk female customer who was with another girl and two guys one weekend. I was tipping the dancers. Apparently she thought that must have made me a perv asking me if I was. Then I saw what kind of manners she had when she gave me the finger with no provocation. I was wondering if she was trying to get some kind of reaction from me. It made me slightly angry but I tried to ignore those feelings while in the club. Her group immediately left after she did that. I also understand sitting like a rock if you've already spent a lot of money or don't have a lot of extra cash to spend. Tipping is usually optional in most clubs I visit. I tend to enjoy getting close to the dancers and can't do that from a table.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Someone took me my first few visits to strip clubs. I started going alone after that except for a few times. There have been occasional spells when I routinely hung out with dancers after they got off from work in times past. You can't get into those situations if you're with someone or not as easy. I've had friends before who talk too much in my opinion. They blab on and on nonstop about places we've been and didn't seem to care who was listening. I haven't gone out with any dancers I believe for over 2 years now though. I lost interest. There was one dancer recently who might have been able to change my mind but she disappeared as fast as she appeared.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    If I listed too many dancer names, I would spoil my reputation for not remembering names. :) I could probably list hundreds of names though. I just can't put a face to all the names I've heard.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    The other option is to try to maintain a running list of dancer names in a strip club where regulars could help to maintain the lists. If a regular just gives a general rating, that would provide a lot more information. Example Candy - good high contact lap dances Sabrina - I enjoy her lap dances. Madison - Looks great but haven't sampled her. Great looking pussy at another club she dances at. Mercedes - NA, I can only have so many favorites, don't know. Rachael - haven't seen her in ages, ok lap dances Katrina - hot spinner type dancer that I like to tip on stage, haven't sampled laps etc. etc. Disclaimer - some of these names I made up or heard somewhere sometime but don't remember where.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    I will not give out the names of my favorites unless I've lost my mind and/or do not plan on returning to the club for a very long time. If the club business is bad, I might think about it. However listing my favorites could become a target list for anyone. Management might decide for instance that all of those dancers were not charging enough and let them all go. It'd be like a big FU to the poster on TUSCL who gave out a list of their favorites on here by club management. On the other hand, those dancers could get a lot of attention from visiting customers. Then when I went to visit I would not be able to get my regular dances or the same dancers would want to charge more. It's a no win scenario in my opinion. However I might consider giving out a few names. The other variable is that, I'm a regular, others visiting would not be. The same dancer might charge me one low price (regular) and visitors she would charge a lot more. Visitors might not be happy paying a lot more if they knew about it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    I'm sure a lot of guys here would be real good at telling fish stories.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    I do believe the economy is getting worse for many. On the other hand it could be in the last few weeks, people are cutting their spending more. I've seen pretty busy clubs but no one sits at the stage. It just seems odd when I'm the only one at the stage. The last time wasn't quite so bad, I sat down at the stage, then all of a sudden, first 5, then another 5 people sat down at the stage. Suddenly, I felt no urge to leave the stage since I was going to be lucky if the dancer got back to me. What is even worse is if no one tips the dancer, she keeps her clothes on. I didn't go to a strip club to watch bikini dancing. The worst though is when you tip a dancer on a song where she is typically topless or nude yet she does not show you anything you didn't already see. Apparently she doesn't care about anybody else tipping her is the vibe I get off of that reaction.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    Once or twice I did have a dancer recommend another dancer (on her own) and that did work out well one time. Another time it sucked real bad. The one dancer did not know how to do a decent lap dance. I never asked a dancer again after that. While I never ask, I occasionally hear someone ask me in different clubs if I would like any particular dancer.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Ever ask a stripper (or other customers) to recommend other strippers in the sam
    I remember one night a dancer I was familar with told me she got another dancer fired. I thought, darn it, I should have gotten a dance from the the dancer I think she might have been talking about. Some dancers will walk an extra mile if it gets rid of competition. If all the competition is gone, the customers won't have too much desire to make a return visit. Some dancers don't care.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you sometimes forget favorites stage names?
    I believe I only heard the dancers stage name 2 or 3 times since I've known her. That probably means she goes by her nickname in the club. I don't have any problem remembering that name. I've had a couple of dancers tell me their stage name and supposedly their real name when they first introduced themselves to me. I thought oh great, now they want me to remember 2 different names? Of course I didn't remember longer than 1 minute since I did not know them and they did not stand out for long.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancing with the Stars
    When does that come on tv? I think I once saw a minute or two of that show during commercials. I'm always interested in new entertainment when commercials come on.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    That was probably bad posting form above. Sorry, I should not have caused doubt about anything I say or that anyone else says. We would never lie. It's in bad taste to post dancer's name unless you only post very general good traits. Word will get back to the club good or bad and dancer's typically will not want their name mentioned at all if you ask them. However if a dancer ripped you off, post her name and what she did.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    specifics in reviews?
    It's also possible the reviewer was clever and really wants to cause trouble for the dancer he named. I thought a long time ago, the best way to get a dancer into potential trouble was to talk about how great a time I had and make the review sound like she gave out extras. For a really great time hook up with Miss Jane D., she really knows how to suck on your knob. You just have to pay her $40 up front so she knows you're looking for full service. I do believe LE reads this and they would like launch an investigation believing all the crap we write on here. That is if they have money in their budgets right now. Teachers are getting furloughed, I have yet to hear about other government personnel getting let go.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you sometimes forget favorites stage names?
    In case someone is wondering, we were both at a Greenville strip club. It seems like I now know of a few dancers working at the beach. Instead of occasionally asking where a dancer is from, maybe I should ask if she occasionally works at other strip clubs. Would that be a question dancers would answer? That might depend in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    Kristy that is since she was the feature entertainer.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Have you noticed more people in strip clubs just watching and not doing any tipp
    I should mention that she did not have any problem getting tips.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How much can a "clean" stripper make?
    If the club is a very high price very upscale club where most of the customers have a lot of money and the dancers are hot, it might be easier for the dancers to make a lot more if they work there. Sometimes it may be easier for a dancer to make more money (clean I'm talking about) if she's one of the hotter dancers in the club and guys want to get dances from her. A number of dancers get hot and sweaty especially moving all around and dancing. Multiple change of clothes or thongs might be something many dancers have. I do not like running into sweaty dancers and hope they clean off and/or change clothes before they ask me for dances. A number of dancers like to change clothes just to see if one outfit appeals more to the customers in a club than another does. I'm not sure what the deal is with dancers wearing multiple thongs but I've seen that too. A dancer may be so used to sexual sitations that what doesn't seem like any big deal to her might be to someone else. Grinding against someone and getting them aroused may be no big deal to her. It's not sex and not something people consider to be an extra. A husband or boyfriend might not be too happy if he found out his wife was doing something like that. However a number of dancer's boyfriends are ok with that I believe.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Note to myself or others: Avoid drunk female customers in strip clubs
    I think it's a bad idea for females to visit a strip club and try to pick up guys there because they think he may have money. I never heard of that before so I don't know if anyone does that or not. I know when I visit, I'm not trying to hook up with anyone. Well if a girl is hot and I had one too many, anything is possible.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Note to myself or others: Avoid drunk female customers in strip clubs
    I remember one night I gulped down a lot of beer because they were going to stop serving it soon and I was planning on staying around for hours later. The beer was just starting to make me feel good and then one girl starting shouting at me. I couldn't hear her and was proceeding to go tip a dancer on stage. This girl persisted. I got closer. She shouted to me "I want to take you to my apartment and let you do whatever you want to me." Uhh, I was thinking about tipping a dancer not this drive by weird comment. I did not know her and thought that was weird so I blew her off. Plus I suddenly had a beer buzz, I did not want to go driving anywhere. Afterwards I wondered if she was a dancer or just a female in the club. Just a matter of minutes later, I was wondering what she even looked like. What a way to introduce yourself.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do you really think we save any energy on Daylight Saving Time?
    I read that study again. A government study was done on the Mining industry that showed an increase of over 2,600 lost work days due to increased accidents due to losing an extra hour of sleep on Mondays following the time change (over 24 years). Other factors were eliminated and more accidents did happen on the Mondays following the time change. I do like an extra hour of sunlight in the evenings. I'd rather just stay on this time instead of changing it twice a year. The government might be claiming an energy savings in 2 households out of a thousand. Meanwhile some poor guy just spent a few thousand due to an auto accident he had due to less sleep. If our government thinks this is cost effective, maybe we should change the time every day and require everyone who wrecks to pay several thousand. The government could really save money then. (sarcasm).