
Comments by casualguy (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walmart mulling decision to open up Super Strip Clubs?
    I'm not familar with the name DickJohnson. It's not me. Actually I haven't been to the Columbia PP club in a number of months. I've been having plenty of fun in the upstate of South Carolina. I have noticed familar dancers popping up from time to time at the Greenville location. With dancers charging higher prices (than before) in Columbia, I have little incentive to want to go there. It's just a little bit farther for me plus there are some other clubs I like to visit in the upstate. The only reason I have to visit the Columbia sister PP club that I can think of is to see different faces and bodies. :) I pay two for $30 and occasionally two for $20 laps in Greenville. I think most people could get two for $30 from most dancers if they aren't overeager for dances. The dancers in Columbia want to charge the same amount or more if they are from out of state so no incentive there to get me to visit. I do think the Columbia club is overrated on here but I'm not complaining. There are certain advantages to smaller clubs where the lap dances areas don't seem to be so wide open but it's almost always crowded in Columbia when I get to visit. The Greenville club seems to be about 3 to 4 times bigger inside so even if it is crowded, I still have no trouble finding a seat and that's a seat I can sit in without going deaf. The left side of the Columbia club stage is deafening loud.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walmart mulling decision to open up Super Strip Clubs?
    I might spend too much money with lap dances only costing $10 each. I'm glad not all clubs have caught onto that information. It would be harder to turn down dances. I know many clubs prefer to overcharge and let the dancers try extra hard to get that one or two dances from one customer while they sit around the rest of the time.
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    15 years ago
    Walmart mulling decision to open up Super Strip Clubs?
    There's already a disclaimer that anything posted on this web site may not be truthful.
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    15 years ago
    10 minutes early?
    Platinum Plus in Greenville routinely stays open until 6 AM on the weekend. Most dancers start leaving earlier along with most customers. There have been a couple of occasions when I was planning on leaving and then I run into a dancer. Instead of me leaving at 4 AM, it's nice to have the club stay open much later if I want to stay longer. Not everyone works the same shifts or sleeps the same hours. Some small town officials don't seem to understand that. I heard about one small town not far from where I live required all the county bars and clubs to close at 2AM. I was thinking, I'm going to be extra careful now to avoid being out on the highway around 2 AM. The small town officials are going to make people leave drunk in my opinion. With small town officials comes small town thinking from those who don't know any better. They should have left the clubs open to let folks sober up. Somebody will probably get hurt as a result.
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    15 years ago
    Woman Gets Life for Burning Dancer
    Where did she get the gasoline from? This is a terrible tragedy I hope other clubs can help prevent.
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    15 years ago
    ticket stubs for free admissions
    I haven't noticed too many free admissions. The clubs seem to be crowded whenever I visit. Platinum Plus Greenville even raises the cover charge after midnight which is when I often visit.
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    15 years ago
    Obama Introduces Anti-Earthquake Legislation
    You forgot the part where the taxes to pay off the 5 trillion dollars in additional debt to buy all the cameras to spy on you and the public start to kick in the year 2012? Why then?, he'll be long gone. Don't worry, you'll have the rest of your life to pay off the debt, then your kids can work on paying off the debt. At least you can have the satisfaction of knowing that the government knows if you wiped your a.. or not with all the extra government cameras. shhh, I shouldn't have mentioned that. Now the government will think about adding a tax for every single sheet of toilet tissue. They can really clean up then.
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    15 years ago
    They're picking on my girl!
    I once heard from a dancer that sometimes dancers who have been working in a club for a while will do mean things to new dancers who make more money. One thing one dancer pointed out to other dancers was that the customers they talk about losing are not boyfriends or husbands. They can leave and not come back. I once heard about one dancer reporting on another dancer and getting her fired. Apparently she did not want the competition. I was thinking too bad, the new dancer might have drawn a lot more customers into the club.
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    15 years ago
    Pole Dancing in the Olympics?
    It would probably be one of the better watched Olmypic sports. Extra points for going nude. Maybe the Playboy channel could carry some live Olympic nude coverage then. I wouldn't mind some nude female water sports as well. Too bad regular channels can't broadcast nude sports.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers Cheating on Husbands and Boyfrends to do Prostitution
    If things heat up more than I thought they would in the club or away from the club with a dancer, afterwards I wonder if they have a significant other. I know it's too late then but I'm not usually planning on anything from the start. I remember one dancer really surprised me in the club. Here I thought she was probably sleeping around with who knows how many guys but that one night in the club she was following me around (I didn't notice) and she got really pissed off at one point and accused me of sleeping with another dancer. Strange reaction I thought.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers Cheating on Husbands and Boyfrends to do Prostitution
    Of course the dancer I mentioned was trying extra hard to get me in the back with her. The high dance price at that club and low mileage were big reasons for not getting lap dances there. I thought she was slightly drunk. She surprised me. I'm not sure why she was so persistent with me at that time because the club was packed.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers Cheating on Husbands and Boyfrends to do Prostitution
    I've found the married dancers are more restrictive even if some of them try to prove otherwise. One married dancer that I know of told me one weekend that she saw another dancer doing something nasty or at a minimum something she didn't want to compete with (in my opinion) and turned her in and got her fired. Last weekend I wondered if a lot of dancers were fired or just not working that weekend. Of course I remember at one topless club that I thought didn't allow any customer touching, one dancer came up to me, told me she was married but that her husband was ok with her working there, took me in the back and put my hands up on her boobs from the start. She didn't even charge the normal price, it made me think she was drunk and no one was watching because it was a special party night at that club. That was only normal mileage at another club but pretty good for this particular club where I hadn't gone in the back lap dance room with a dancer for years.
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    15 years ago
    Breaking News: Penis Size in the USA
    When it comes to strippers, having them report the size of their bust size might be more appropriate. I wonder when a bra company will make a claim that certain states have bigger breasts based on a tiny sample size of strippers volunteering? If there were 100,000 strippers in the US, you would only need about 12 volunteers to equal the percentage size of the other study. Of course we all know when it comes to volunteers, strippers would not lie and neither would men. LOL, sarcasm.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do you go to SC's because you have issues with women?
    I visit strip clubs because I've been having fun doing so. I also need a break from the normal routine of get up, go to work, get home, do more work, go to sleep, repeat. I would return to club hopping at regular sports bar before strip club hopping if they would put some decent arcade games back in. I didn't intend to but I have become friends with a number of dancers occasionally going out with them on their time off or after they got off from work. I got a new job in another state and made a promise to myself not to get involved with dancers again and all the stripper drama. I kept my promise for a few years until a dancer recognized me. She was a nymphomaniac. I found out I have trouble breaking things off with a nymphomaniac. However she did stop visiting after a year or so. Either that or she got arrested again doing over 90.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How to tell a dancer to move on?
    I remember I arrived at one club early in the evening. Well the club was still pretty dead even though it was somewhere between 9 to 10 PM. Every one of the few male customers already had a female at his table. The dancer who sat next to me refused to leave after I told her I didn't want any dances. She actually argued with me for about 10 to 15 minutes. After about 10 minutes of arguing, I wasn't too happy anymore. I finally got up and left the table leaving her alone. I could tell she felt very rejected because I noticed that she wasn't approaching anyone even an hour later. On another occasion a dancer I liked came over to me in one club and asked if she mind if she just talks to me. After about 45 minutes, she said she had to get one $10 table dance every hour or the boss would say something to her. Then she said something about staying with me until the club closed if I didn't mind. It was only around 10 PM. Around 1 AM, I politely told her I wouldn't mind getting some dances from some of the other dancers before the club closed. No problem. She moved on and made some money.
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    15 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    V-Day Fallout
    My problem with one new favorite is I keep having trouble recognizing her with her clothes on. I think I'd rather stick to dances, no gifts and trying to figure out what her name is. Maybe I'll tell her that her dances were so good that I forgot her name.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Higest price quoted for an OTC?
    Wow 2K? I thought $500 was a whole lot to ask. I bet one day you'll be able to buy a talking fully functional female android for less than 2K.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    How strict would a dress code be to deter YOU?
    Not allowing shorts in the summertime would deter me as well. I get hot easily or I do compared to a few people around here. I wear shorts in my house in the winter time even though the temperature is in the 50's to low 60's. It's warmer in certain rooms and higher up off the floor. Actually I am comfortable wearing pants in those temperature ranges I mentioned. If it's warmer than that, I'm sweating.
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    15 years ago
    How strict would a dress code be to deter YOU?
    I think it's possible I might never visit a club that required a suit and/or tie. I had and maybe still have a gift certificate I won for a restaurant worth anywhere from $40 or so that I never used. I read online that they required mimimum sports jacket or black tie or some strict dress code. I wasn't interested after that. I have avoided one club on several occasions that had or has a collar shirt requirement. I'm thinking they may have relaxed the requirement or dropped it but I don't really know for sure. One very good reason for not wanting to get too dressed up to visit a strip club is because your clothes retain that smoky smell for days afterwards unless immediately washed. I always take a shower afterwards to remove the smoke smell. It's possible I may smell like a few dancers as well. :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stripper rituals
    Some spots in clubs are better than others. The dancers usually have their favorite spots I believe. The sofa may be softer, the light may be better, it may be not a direct line of sight where the customer sees the bouncer watching all the time. I don't like seeing some guy right behind the dancer when I'm only trying to watch the dancer. I like to be able to see the dancer and if the light is more on me than her, it's not a great spot. Unless you would rather have a dark spot so that others can't see you as good.
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    15 years ago
    "Do you want to tip me a $1?"
    One dancer in one club sits on my lap, asks for a dance, and if I say no, she asks if she can have a dollar tip. Then she shows me her boobs. I think that is worth a dollar tip.
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    15 years ago
    "Do you want to tip me a $1?"
    Fortunately, I don't usually encounter girls doing that. Most dancers in my area make money from doing lap dances or table dances or from stage tips. Going around asking for one dollar tips far away from the stage looks like begging in my opinion. I have told some girls no thanks. It's not that common where I live even though a few dancers have resorted to begging on occasion. A number of times, I think they must be from somewhere else. I think it's a very low class act. One club does have one dollar dances where you can hold up a dollar and the dancer can dance for you for about 30 seconds or so. That is different in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Forced To Pay For Stripper's Drunk Driving Choice
    I sometimes wonder if a club can be found accountable for customers drinking if they have signs posted like 2 drink minimum required. If it was up to me, I would say yes.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Forced To Pay For Stripper's Drunk Driving Choice
    If a club encourages on the job drinking, I see them as responsible too. Saying non alcoholic drinks are encouraged doesn't mean squat in my opinion if you still encourage drinking among employees. I know of some strip clubs that do not or at least did not allow drinking among dancers. The strip club is lucky more money wasn't awarded.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I know of one dancer who is bi. I haven't seen her too much lately but last time I saw her she was a lot more popular. She got on my good side when I first saw her. I've met a number of lesbians I believe. I'm sometimes surprised that some of them put out as much effort for a one dollar tip as they do for the female customers. Lots of dancers in years past would not tell you that they were lesbian but you could either figure it out or others told you. Every once in a while, there would be a dancer that was lesbian I was told and typically only taking tips from females (in years past), but several of those dancers were friendly to me as well so maybe they were bi. I didn't try to dig into the process too much. If a dancer isn't into you, I tend to stay away from her.