
Comments by casualguy (page 30)

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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    On-Line Dating / Hook-up Services
    I visited those sites just to see out of curiosity but never attempted to use the sites and didn't want to pay anything. Now I notice on certain sites whenever I go surfing, I get pop-ups indicating some location I lived in over 10 years and a supposedly pop up message from some girl saying "Hey I see you live in.... let's hook up, etc. etc." The messages seem to be coming from these online dating sites. Someone must think these spam pop ups are generating revenue for them. I must have some crap on my pc from over 10 years ago from information copied from another pc. I remember I did the basic free join on one site with nothing but my age etc. Then I supposed had over a dozen emails from sexy look girls wanting to meet up with me or have sex. Give me a break. I don't know what kind of scam that site is running. Of course you had to pay to see a pic of these females that was bigger than a tiny thumbnail. I didn't pay. They kept sending me messages for a month or two. One of the first messages was supposedly from one hot girl who stated that she made a bet with her friend to fuck more guys than her friend that joined the site. Suspicious I thought. What girl would send a message to some unknown guy like that with just an age and nothing else? I thought about trying out one of the sites sometime when I'm not too busy. I always seem busy though.
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    16 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    The last and only anorexic dancer I remember seeing I saw over 10 years ago. I'm more likely to see a big fat dancer rather than someone who looks too skinny. When I mean big and fat I mean someone I wouldn't be interested in even looking at walking down the street. However I guess you can say the same thing about a number of dancers if you saw them in brighter light. Fortunately the trend in the last year seems to be dancers who are looking better. Even one of my favorites who had gained a few pounds during the summer got a tan while working at the beach and lost some weight and looks pretty darn good now.
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    16 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    I only remember seeing one really skinny anorexic girl. She was a stripper and you could see where all her bones were pushing her skin out. Terrible. I haven't seen any other girl look anorexic since then. In fact I think the norm is to be slightly overweight.
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    16 years ago
    Underwear ripped off
    I'm a little bit surprised this is someone's fantasy. I've seen it a few times and a long time ago some strippers would try to pull mine off even though I had pants on. You were lucky if they didn't give you an uncomfortable wedgy because the upper band on the underwear doesn't rip very easily. I've seen some strippers come prepared with scissors so that is a bit scary. The guys keep their pants on. Many years ago the strippers went overboard I heard and the guy ended up with nothing on but I was fortunately in the back getting dances from a dancer instead of watching the bachelor party. In recent years, most bachelor parties I've seen have been more toned down usually. I've seen some where the strippers spank the hell out of the guy on stage using a big wood plank as part of his bachelor party. Haven't seen that in a while though. Fortunately it's been a while since I've seen the strippers get too wild during the bachelor party where they put the victim up on stage and do whatever to him. I've had a feature entertainer tear my shirt off but I certainly wasn't happy about that. Many years ago in one club sometimes dancers at the stage would grab both my hands and in a surprise move try to tear my underwear off. I was wearing pants but wasn't ever happy with this move a couple of the dancers might try. They probably succeeded once or twice but I don't remember anymore.
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    16 years ago
    Are we all getting a lot more for our dollar in this economy?
    I haven't noticed any change. As far as the economy goes I keep hearing two sides. First the state lowers the property tax. Then our local county government comes along and reassesses my house and then says it is now worth over 20K more than it used to be so my taxes are going back up to where they would have been if not higher. Now I live in the highest home appreciation area in the entire state and probably one of the highest in the nation. All thanks to the local government wanting to collect more taxes from me. Not much seems to be changing in my local area.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Coming out of the closet!
    Ok, since shadowcat admits he is a lesbian trapped in a male body, I'll say I became a tit vampire last night. I kept getting nipples pressed up against my lips. I couldn't help it, I started sucking the life right out of them. For some reason those nipples must have enjoyed getting drained of their energy. They stood right out ready for more. Life as a tit vampire isn't as great as it seems. Some of my teeth got so sharp it sliced part of my tongue. I healed overnight though. I just can't remember what I've been doing during the night because that's the second injury in the last few weeks I've gotten during the night. I remember I thought one dancer reminded me of a vampire dancer. She actually bit me when I was tipping her at the stage. Just a friendly bite though. Strange I thought. No other dancer did that at the stage but no other dancer made me think vampire dancer when I met her. Well some other dancers have bit me but I enjoyed those bites a lot better.
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    16 years ago
    Escorts who also dance are hard to find...
    I've met two dancers who I found out later seemed to have some type of escort thing going on the side. I didn't catch on to this right away. They both invited me to join them away from the club before going into any more information which by itself doesn't tell you hardly anything. One did add that if I had asked her, she wouldn't have gone anywhere with me because she didn't meet up with anyone who asked her.
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    16 years ago
    Lady who visits clubs...
    That actually makes her post more believable. If she had read this site more, she would know that not too many dancers post on here. However there may be some dancers lurking in the shadows here like I do on some other financial blog sites. Maybe not, I don't even usually check this site too often anymore. Drinking some beer to help settle my stomach and guess what site I suddenly went to.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most exciting non strip club experiences?
    I thought of one more. I had my first brand new car. It had anti-lock brakes and high performance tires rated for 140 mph plus sustained speeds as if I could drive down the highway for any length of time at that speed, lol. Anyway my car was brand new and I decided to go to the beach. Out from behind some bushes someone pulled out right in front of me. I was only going about 45 to 50 but had very little room to avoid hitting them. I thought for sure I was. My foot was already touching the brake and I hit it as hard as possible. To my surprise, the car did not skid. I saw the whites of the eyeballs of the passenger in the other car looking bigger and bigger as I thought we were about to collide. Amazingly my car stopped just short. I never stopped that fast in my life before in a car. That was exciting but not in a pleasant way. Could have been much worse.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most exciting non strip club experiences?
    I remember I felt spooky when I walked home from school one day. No one was home which was unusual by itself. Then as I turned on the lights, every one of them was glowing red. Weird. After a few minutes of that I decided I wanted back out of the house. One windy night, the first time a door opened up for me, it scared the daylights out of someone in the lobby. I was amused. When I left and the door opened for me by itself and then in the next building that door opened up for me, I thought that was spooky. They were not automatic doors at all.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most exciting non strip club experiences?
    hmmm, I haven't had that much to drink but am wondering what you meant by most exciting. One time I thought I was going to die when a tornado was approaching my location and my wall of my bedroom was shaking. I thought I saw something else which is the reason I thought I was about to die. I got spared along with the house. I remember walking on some slippery ice at about 10,000 feet up on Mt. Rainier with nothing but walking shoes and no moutain climbing gear. A few feet away the cliff dropped off about 5000 feet. We were careful even though the mountain climbers were giving me and my brothers funny looks. My brothers short cuts if we had taken them would have been more exciting but I wouldn't be here to tell anyone about them if we had taken any of them. We went off the trail. Behind one bush, a waterfall and the ground dropped about 8000 feet. We were walking around on top of the glaciers only 4000 feet from the summit in nothing but walking shoes, a tshirt and shorts. Not really as exciting as a number of other things we've done. However since I'm posting this online I won't go into details. A squirrel in our house when I was younger was quite a funny experience especially when my mother pointed to it on top of the curtain. It hopped on her arm and ran across her shoulder down her leg like she was a tree. It was terrified especially since my father would have killed it with the small can he was trying to trap it in. I was once at the center of a huge supercell of powerful tornadoes. I got temporarily blinded when I looked out the window because the lightning stopped flashing, it was on constant. Weird. I never did go skydiving but seriously considered it. The thought of paying at the time $125 for the first jump and no free fall time and being strapped to some guy turned me off. I rode with some guy from Beirut into traffic routinely when I was in college. He said where he was from, they didn't have any speed limits. He was trying to scare me with his driving. He finally succeeded when he had the car we were in up on two wheels with screeching tires going down an exit ramp at high speed. Of course for him that wasn't anything too unusual. He said he had caused over 5 accidents but he wasn't in them. That's enough I think.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Lady who visits clubs...
    Well I see female customers in strip clubs I visit in South Carolina all the time. In one club one of my favorites is bi but I don't see her there every night I visit. However if I happen to know of a hottie female customer I would be happy to let the dancer know. The DJ's also seem to encourage female on female contact at the clubs I visit. There are some dancers that don't want anything to do with female customers but they aren't all like that especially if they know or you let them know at the stage that you would like some company. Many dancers just go for the easy targets. A guy sitting alone that looks like he may have some money.
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    16 years ago
    Myrtle Beach
    Prices are a lot higher in Myrtle Beach. Some dancers were actually wondering why I kept saying no to almost every single dancer.
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    16 years ago
    Myrtle Beach
    I live in South Carolina. I visit there just about every year and used to live a lot closer than I do now. I know of one dancer that works there off and on at the Masters.
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    16 years ago
    New structure they want to build in Japan...
    On the other hand if they offered 3D holograhic tv free with each dwelling, I might say where do I sign up? I thought 15 to 20 years ago, we would all have 3D holographic tv by now. It must have hit a snag somewhere.
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    16 years ago
    New structure they want to build in Japan...
    Safety would be a big concern for me. What happens if you have a massive earthquake, a tsunami hits it, or how does the ventilation work in case of fire or if the power goes out? I wouldn't want to be trapped like a sardine in a can. I'm used to the outdoors as well. I like cool air without having big power bills because everyone around me in an apartment likes it warmer and the heat soaks in to my dwelling. That works great in the winter if you live upstairs and overhear the people downstairs wondering why their heating bill is so high. I actually had my heat set at 50 and it never turned on and didn't get any colder than 53. I wore a sweater and was fine. Until I overheard the neighbors downstairs complain. I have super hearing. One morning I was sleeping in and heard a girl moaning downstairs, uuuhhh, uuuhhhh. I would want the dwelling to have better sound barriers. It would be great to not hear birds and train whistles even though the train I hear now is sometimes a few miles away. I like it quiet but so many people are noisy. Just wait to your neighbor starts hammering on something while you're trying to sleep. I like space between me and others or hopefully live near other quiet people. Living inside a big structure might sound appealing to some but could be a nightmare in reality. I guess if your hearing is lousy and you don't mind it hot and crowded, you have it made.
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    16 years ago
    Songs to Strip To
    I also enjoy AC/DC, and heavy metal. Metallica, etc. I also enjoy some of the newer songs like Busta Rhymes - Throw Your Hands in the Ayer, Lil Wayne - Got Money, Daddy Yankee - Gasolina. If I see a hot dancer dancing to it it seems even better. I do not like country. It makes me want to walk out of the strip club.
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    16 years ago
    Strip Clubs and Big Screens
    If I'm bored with the entertainment or lack thereof in a club, I might be caught watching the big screen. During sporting events with my alma matta playing, I sometimes do watch. Usually if I'm that interested in a game, I won't bother going out to a strip club unless I know they'll have it playing. Usually if I visit strip clubs, I'm not that interested in what's on the tv. At the Penthouse Key Club in Wellford, SC, I will watch the tv's they have all around the club when they do their hourly two no entertainment songs especially if they have music videos playing in tune with the music blasting. I actually like watching those videos. They don't have any dancers dancing for two songs every hour so that is kind of lame.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do dancers routinely take holidays like Christmas off?
    I've visited strip clubs around some holidays. I've noticed the clubs are crowded at times but the number of dancers is sometimes small and the regular dancers aren't always working in very large numbers.
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    I saw the movie Wanted the other day. I can see the appeal of being an extremely skilled assassin but the movie had superpowers combined with being an assassin, a very unique combination. I think they could have made that movie a whole lot more interesting if the assassins were a group of strip club visitors instead of weavers. They see tits in the club and bullets and knives later. Reducing crime by taking out those who committed crimes in the wrong place. Of course you could get in a gray area defining what is a crime worthy to go after. Good movie. I agree be careful.
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    16 years ago
    Hope the bitch enjoyed the money while she could
    The courts are rigged against males. Get divorced and I heard the courts require males to pay huge payments. The wife could be a lazy bum not doing jack and not even interested in working. Get divorced because she is the laziest person you've heard of and the court thinks it's fair that she gets half of everything and/or monthly payments to support her and the kids. It's not fair. If it was fair both male and female would have to make equal payments into a system and the system could cover fair and reasonable expenses (like insurance) that whoever is taking care of the kids incurs. If it was like this, I think both the former husband and wife would try to reduce the monthly payments. As it is, many people stay unhappily married because they can't afford divorce.
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    16 years ago
    Be Careful Out There, People
    I'm more concerned with leaving a club with a strange girl and whether or not she may have some sexual disease. That could be life threatening. Regular thieves can be shot and killed. hmmm, maybe if we set up an anonymous bounty for hitmen to take out anyone who steals from someone in a strip club parking lot. Ahhh, nevermind, that's what we pay the police for. If the strip club is run by the mafia, they may their own hitmen anyway to eliminate the problem away from the club.
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    16 years ago
    Favorite "closed" club
    I will say Diamonds in Greenville, SC. It was nude and I could bring my own beer without paying any additional charge. Some of the girls were very hot and I liked most of the music they played. It wasn't the best club in looks and it was in a run down part of town. In fact the bathroom had a large stall that looked more like a farm trough but I didn't go there for the looks of the club. A close second or even a tie was a club in Fayetteville, NC called Rick's. I only got to visit there for a year or two before they closed it and started up a new club called Mickey's but it didn't have the same atmosphere as the old club.
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    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    I'm older than jpac73 but younger than FitMegan. I first went to a strip club back in the 1990's. I ended up becoming a regular at one club about a year or two later. It was hard to resist free passes and free pizza for almost a whole year along with the pleasant entertainment. I had to pay for the beer and dances though.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Stripper Turn Offs...How Not To Be That Guy...
    True, we are veterans of strip clubs here. However I'll give sweetie a thumbs up for one of her first posts here that I remember. I don't mind more females posting on here.