
Comments by casualguy (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I thought my pay increase last year was small. Well they fixed that. This year there are no pay increases. Yep, the economy is bad.
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    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    These are tips if you start dancing. Have a fake cell phone number or a good excuse like you have a boyfriend excuse for when someone you don't care for won't stop asking for a phone number. Actually I'm not sure if this is the common practice or what it is now. Maybe you want to give them a voice mail number and then you can call them and see if they are coming in. Some of the time, I'm not even sure if I'm going to go to a strip club 2 hours ahead of time. Tell the customers you're new and ask them to tell you what feels good or if you're hurting them while dancing. Repeat the dance cost when you're sure the customer can hear you. If they get multiple dances remind them of the dance count and cost before asking them for more or do so at the same time. I find it easy to get a bit peeved if I agreed to get a two for one set of dances and the dancer keeps dancing for a third or 4th song and then wants a whole lot more money than I was expecting. I expect her to ask if I want more dances after dancing those two dances unless I told her to keep going.
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    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    If you work in a club where the bouncer doesn't keep an exact count of the lap dances or someone else doesn't, make your better customers feel better about you by giving them some extra time on a lap dance or a free one from time to time. Instead of chatting for a few minutues, they'll value that one free lap dance a lot more and be more interested in getting dances from you. Learn the unofficial club rules. If dancers set their own prices and they routinely do two for one dance prices with regulars all the time not just on the announced special times when the songs are cut short, give your better customers a break. The economy is bad, make the customers feel good.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    meant to say I'll get dances from other dancers if I feel a need for such.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    If it makes you feel better, I've agreed to get dances from dancers before but they said they would be right back. On a few occasions I saw them coming back like after only 1 or two minutes but I was already walking away with another dancer to get dances from someone else. I don't usually do that. I almost always give the dancer at least a few minutes especially if she asked me to wait or she is dancing on stage. Dancers tend to go where their big money spenders are. Regulars may not spend much per dance but over time they become big money spenders. I remember a situation a long time ago where a dancer ignored me. However I learned to ignore such a dancer right back or act like we never talked in the first place. I'll get dancers from other dancers if I feel a need or if she comes back around and I'm still interested I may still get a dance. However if I want to leave and she didn't ask me to stay, she'll just miss out.
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    16 years ago
    the Starship "Enterprise" never had a strip club on board...
    I thought in the Star Trek society they no longer used money. People performed work for the greater good of society and the society provided for their needs. If that was the case, strip clubs wouldn't be the same. You would go visit, a dancer would come out and ask what you want. She might dance for you, etc. Then you say goodbye without paying a dime. Being a fantasy world, I don't understand how a society would work without money since most people want many things over time. You would need a society that could reproduce everything easily. Maybe they could with replicators and eventually holodecks. I thought there was a planet with green women. Wasn't Harry Mud some type of pimp? I never did see them use money in the Star Trek society and I thought their society didn't use money. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought I read that somewhere.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    5. because one dancer said she just had breast implants and her doctor said her breasts needed to be massaged. She's counting on me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Off topic?.. what the earliest age you got in trouble with the opposite sex?
    I do remember one girl from school I brought over to our house. I believe I was in elementary school and wasn't sure why I liked her so much but I did like her and I could tell she liked me. Her name was Donna. Amazing that I remember someone's name from that long ago. She visited me at my house and then she wanted me to ride my bike down to her house. I didn't know what she had planned at her house. Unfortunately, my mother seemed to be watching me like a hawk and said I could not visit her at her house. I had a repressed childhood. I would have enjoyed getting in more trouble.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    Hi Amanda. I don't know anything about you except that your pic looks good. Do you know some dancers or have you visited some strip clubs and seen what the dancers do? I don't know so I'm just asking.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you have a myspace page?
    I heard this morning or rather Tuesday morning on CNBC that 1 in 4 Americans use myspace. That's a lot of people. I believe they said myspace had over 120 million users and was the number one social networking site. Maybe I spend too much time watching videos at youtube. I divide my time between financial blog sites, news sites, this site, youtube, and sometimes on abovetopsecret but that's mainly for entertainment. That's when I'm not surfing the net, watching tv/or a movie, or visiting relatives, etc. So far myspace remains mystery space for me at least.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to visit a strip club...
    ...because you're left alone in Columbia, South Carolina and haven't been to Platinum Plus in a while. Actually happened a couple of times. Well one time was also to let the traffic die down. I let it die way down. ...where else can I see several nude girls up close ... because I told the dancer I just talked to at the regular club I would be coming to visit ...years ago, because I wanted to visit the club when one dancer wouldn't be working. She was all over me and scared other dancers away. ...I got a free pass, and they are serving hot pizza. This was years ago too but I would enjoy it today. Funny thing was I kept getting free passes all year and they had free pizza for as long as the club was open.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    Thanks for your view gridget. It's nice to get female viewpoints. I understand females look for leadership qualities and being dominating goes along with that. I think there is a difference between being a leader and being a beater though. I am able to beat the crap out of someone if I choose. However I don't do anything like that unless it's self defense. I learned to control my anger as a little kid when I beat the crap out of anyone who attacked me. I actually beat up the school bullies I met when they picked on me one too many times. They never bothered me after that. However I noticed others became scared of me. I definitely noticed the fear among people after a gang of 10 kids attacked me and I sent more than one to the hospital. We were just small kids, no weapons involved. I believe I broke some teeth but they were baby teeth and they attacked me first. I guess 10 against 1 and I sent 2 or 3 to the hospital and that generated fear among many after that. If that is a sign of a leader, I didn't really care for it. I also hope I never get put into a situation like that where I have to fight a few people at the same time. I was so angry after someone kicked me I felt like I could kill someone with my bare hands. It's probably a good thing there was more than one kid to fight off. I still remember I was disappointed the last 4 or 5 kids ran off before I could get to them. I know the feeling of wanting to beat the crap of someone but I've controlled my anger and haven't done anything like that since I was a little kid. Besides I have fear too. The fear of accidently killing someone if I ever let my anger become physical again. I guess many people are acting out primal instincts and staying in relationships because of that. Along with the fear of what would happen if they try to leave.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How to tell strip club patrons have cut back their spending....
    I'm actually seeing more competition among the dancers. The dancers I see in clubs look better on average than I used to see. However now that I think about it, I haven't seen any 1 to 2's on the low end of a 1 to 10 scale but I haven't seen any 10's in a while either. Just don't tell my favorites I'm not calling them a 10. Most of the 10's I met know they are hot and have tried to charge me more money for lap dances. However I do remember one said she would do a two for one but wanted two for $50. Too high a price for just slightly better looks than an 8 or 9 dancer. I guess all the 10's left where they can make big bucks if that place exists somewhere. Maybe I'm getting older and the dancers don't look as good as they once did.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you have a myspace page?
    I'll have to check it out a bit more sometime. I'm a bit mixed about what I can or shouldn't post online. I would like to post fun things and personal information but I certainly don't want that to affect current or possibly future employment so I'm cautious and don't post anything too personal.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How to tell strip club patrons have cut back their spending....
    Here's another one. The club is packed but yet you're the only one sitting at the stage tipping almost all of the dancers. A dancer comments, "you're smiling and looking happy". I guess that was strange.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to stay away...
    continuing on.. 9. Because you're out of town and the dancer in your car doesn't want to visit strip clubs. She wants to visit regular dance clubs. It's been many years since I did this. Funny part was before we went clubbing, the dancer says to me and another girl who was with us, "ok let's agree to no funny shit. We all agree to stay together." She was worried I would leave them. Best way to make a dancer stay on you like glue at a dance club.
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    16 years ago
    Reasons to stay away...
    Maybe my number one or two should be, Relatives are visiting.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to stay away...
    1. Money, if you went too often, you'd spend too much because it seems like a lot of fun. Either that or you're having too much fun to be able to afford to go too often. I keep reading it's a good thing some posters don't live too close to Platinum Plus or they would be broke. Well I live in between two PP clubs and I have fun at other clubs too. 2. There's some really good sci-fi tv shows on and you want to see them. 3. It's snowing. You know here in the South if the snow is actually staying on the road, clubs will be deserted. There will be a run on milk and bread in the grocery stores before the first flakes fall. Schools will close down and entire towns will shut down with any snowfall that stays on the roads. It becomes a national unofficial holiday. Of course the company I work for is headquarted up north so they expect me there even if snowplows can't make it. 4. I have a headache, backache or some other ache and just don't want to visit. I rarely have headaches. 5. I want to become a millionaire and won't get there if I keep spending money in strip clubs without saving most of it. 6. I want the dancers at one club to miss me so I visit other clubs. 7. I was planning on visiting strip clubs but a girl at a regular club kept me so busy I never made it there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    I saw a new commercial on tv today. It showed a little boy pushing a girl down saying something like "you smell bad". A woman told the little girl that is a way of saying the boy likes her. I don't know if the commercial was in jest or what it was about. I just remembered one young dancer likes me to spank her which amounts to me smacking her rear end. I see a big difference between rough play and beating the crap out of someone. If he was a pimp, I would say he was stupid to smack someone where it was obvious and breaking bones and teeth, awful. How do you fix a broken tooth? Wear dentures?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    I remembered the radio show said violence creates fear. I believe Fear may keep the girlfriend or girlfriends afraid of leaving out of fear of what the guy may do. I know there is something else to it but I don't remember much from the radio discussion I heard. giveitayank,I'm not the violent type either. I think it's barbaric to hit your girlfriend and break bones or knock out teeth. I'll have to listen and remember the next time I hear a radio broadcast of why women stay in these kind of relationships or why they get in them in the first place. Of course I do understand getting angry and getting out of control. Some people are just more out of control than others. Typically they'll get arrested and put in jail if they are really out of control and breaking the law. However they usually hurt people first I believe.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What would you like to see "new" in a strip club???
    I would like to see cheap drink prices and extra low cost lap dances or let the table dances be as good as the lap dances. Take away all the no touching rules, etc. Have a decent hamburger with lettuce, tomato, ketchup, and mustard and a large side order of fries. The fries could be thick but not greasy. Then you could enjoy the dancers and satisfy your stomach when you get hungry. If the clubs had an adjoining restaurant that dancers also walked into as well, you could sit and have a food break with your favorite dancer without even leaving the club premises. This would work well if the restaurant prices are close to normal food prices and the restaurant is managed well and is clean with good food. I wonder if video gambling could come back into strip clubs if your winnings were redeemable by getting lap dances on the house. Video gambling for money is illegal here in South Carolina. I don't know someone might argue getting lap dances as winnings was a monetary reward.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    I don't believe violent boyfriends applies to just dancers but many couples. Unless those men have more than one girlfriend and they beat them all to keep them in line or feeling dependent on them. I wish I could remember what I heard about using violence to make the women feel dependent on the men but I just don't remember.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    One of my in-laws used to say he played golf to relax. You would see him out on the golf course if you watched him, getting angry at his bad shots. Throwing golf clubs around. The golf clubs would be flying through the air. Strange how some people do things to relax. Supposedly.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Man Sues Akron Strip Club For Injury
    Maybe strip clubs need to post warning signs as you enter a strip club "Beware of Dancers" I once got a very bloody nose from a dancer at a popular club popping up from underneath me a bit too close. I was trying to tip her a dollar which can be quite hazardous at times in some clubs. She said a quick sorry. I went to the bathroom to wait for the bleeding to stop. Then I was better and decided to leave. I never once thought I might be able to make money by sueing the club. It was an accident. I guess some people end up with hospital bills and they try to recover some of those costs by filing lawsuits. I'm glad nobody sued me when I accidently hit someone with a golf ball on the golf course one day many years ago. The guy was even hopping around afterwards. That must have hurt. He was a lot nicer than the people yelling all the way down the golf course "you mother fucker cock sucker" just because I accidently hit a golf ball up into the area they were playing at. They were near the green and I thought that was out of my range. Apparently not I discovered. Some people on golf course are the rudest around. I'm probably lucky the guy I hit one day by accident was nice.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    On-Line Dating / Hook-up Services
    Some of those pics of local girls in my area scared me away too. The last thing I want is dozens of emails from people I'm not interested in. I guess if you're playing a numbers game that will be something to sort though like spam mail.