
Comments by casualguy (page 31)

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    16 years ago
    Health tips
    I need to start exercising more regularly again. New Years resolution? Maybe make a resolution to go to sleep earlier when I need to get up in the morning too. I just don't get sleepy like I used to. I wouldn't be surprised if the rise in diabetes in the US was due to lack of sleep and lack of exercise. Eventually half the people in the US do die of cardiac arrest I beleive I read. Clogged arteries. If it was just a simple pill we could take to unclog the arteries and no one ever had a heart attack again, billions of dollars would be lost in the medical industry. Obviously the customers would be happier. Maybe when everyone reaches the age they think they've lived long enough, stop exercising, eat crisco and all the bad food, and sit around the house and wait for the grim reaper to arrive. I think some people actually do this. Maybe not on purpose but I'm not sure.
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    16 years ago
    Strange creepy reasons to dump a dancer
    My strange luck in college made one atheist in our suite have a serious crisis breakdown one day. He saw too many strange things around me to believe all of it could be coincidence and he didn't even believe in the supernatural. I found out some atheists do believe in the supernatural and they don't believe there is any contradiction there. I would have liked to have seen the look on his face if he saw that dust devil form around me and move with me towards the dorm building one evening.
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    16 years ago
    Strange creepy reasons to dump a dancer
    Instead of dumping a dancer who believes in the supernatural, I might ask her, how would you know if a female ghost was giving a BJ? If you heard sucking sounds and suddenly felt a little bit better than normal, is that a sign I could have a friend on the other side? If you saw some shadows in the air right before that started, is that another sign? I like talking about ghost stories. They don't scare me the least. Someone once said they saw a ghost. Then he added the ghost looked like me. I laughed. I once dreamed that I was traveling outside my body as a ghost and it seemed so real when this one woman saw me and screamed a horrifying scream. Woke me right up. Then I could have sworn I saw her on a tv show talking about ghosts later on.
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    16 years ago
    Strange creepy reasons to dump a dancer
    Maybe I get along with dancers better than those who only believe in the plain vanilla what they see is what they believe. I've seen the supernatural. I've seen objects move by themselves. I might have to question the girl claiming to have sex. I'd ask if anybody else was in the house and if she locked all her doors. I remember some dreams seemed so real that you could have sworn it was actually happening. That's ok, just dump the dancers who believe in the supernatural. Eventually they'll find me and she'll be happier talking to me.
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    16 years ago
    Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
    I've always talked to a dancer for at least a little bit before agreeing to meet up with them later. Except for the first time, they've always asked me and I've turned down a few dancers. I don't go to strip clubs looking for dates. I'm just going to have some fun.
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    16 years ago
    Some questions to customers from an ex dancer
    The posters on here may not be the same as a general sampling of customers. My outlook on dancers. I enjoy watching them take off their clothes. It's a temporary job and I'm glad they're doing it. Some are friendly and look hot as well. Others seem to be just getting by. Some look average. A few dancers I think shouldn't be dancing and I wouldn't even go near them on the street. The feeling that you should run not walk comes to mind. Fortunately I haven't seen these types of dancers recently or not very many. Some dancers are nice, a few not so. Some you wouldn't want to trust in the least and may need to be on guard at all times. They'll steal your wallet if they can get it out of your backpocket during a lapdance. I try to avoid those I think are overcharging or you need to be on constant guard with. A lapdance - I like two way contact at a price that isn't too high. A tabledance - I'll accept one way contact if the price is only $10 for a song especially if she's hot and she does good one way contact. Or if she's been talking to me for 30 to 60 minutes and I haven't otherwise spent any money on her or just a drink. I may go for a tabledance. Drinks, a lot of the time my answer is no. Simply because I get asked for a drink the very first thing sometimes when a dancer sits down with me. She's more interested in a drink and me paying for it than anything else in my opinion. I've had dancers walk off, come back for their drink, say thanks sometimes, and then say they have to run. It doesn't happen very much but I think that is rude behavior. If I like her and she's been sitting and talking to me for at least a couple of minutes, I might buy her a drink. The odds go up the longer I've been talking to her and I want to order myself a drink as well. Some nights I may be trying to limit my spending so I may not agree to buy any drinks. That is especially the case if I've just run into some pushy waitress asking if I want to buy a drink immediately after a dancer sits down next to me and I didn't even get to ask the dancer her name. I don't like rude waitresses even though it's possible they have bad timing at times. I'm used to dancers approaching me all the time. I have so much experience telling dancers no, no thanks, not right now, maybe later, etc that I found out how to make a game out of it if I feel like it. I don't mind dancers approaching me. Well most dancers. Extras? I rarely talk about this. However if I drank one too many then there's no telling what I may talk about. I did encounter one dancer in the last few weeks who I had to stop and ask what she was asking me. She told me she wanted to take me home and let me do whatever I wanted to do to her. Strange way to introduce herself to me when I'm walking around a club. I didn't want to leave the club at that moment and had a slight beer buzz so I blew her off. Later on, I wondered what she looked like because I couldn't remember. I thought it was a dancer but don't even remember that for sure. There are a lot of female customers in the clubs I visit.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Health tips
    Plus it's good to improve blood flow for men to enjoy strip clubs better.
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    16 years ago
    Health tips
    I decided to post this since at least half the population will die from blocked arteries if they die naturally.
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    16 years ago
    Health tips
    I don't remember where but I read plague can start building up in your arteries when you're a teenager. The book also lists some other things to either help prevent plague from building up in your arteries or to reduce it. I'm not a doctor so please consult with a doctor before trying anything I suggest. They suggest throwing out any vitamin E supplement that contains alpha-tocopherol or listed as "dl-alphatocopherol". They say it leaves less room for more helpful form of vitamin E or natural form called or labeled "d-alpha-tocopherol". They suggest a tocotrienol only supplement in 300 mg per day dosage. They list a group at www.allergyresearchgroup.com but I haven't checked this out. They also list vitamin K. However they warn that if you use blood thinners to consult under the supervision of a doctor closely before taking it or while taking it. I think this is in leafy green vegetables which I don't eat too much of. They suggest 150 mcg to 200 mcg daily for all adults. Then they say aged garlic extract AGE or those taking 4 milliliters a day for one year had a 66% reduction in new plague formation compared to those taking a placebo. LDL reduced by 12 percent and total chloesterol by up to 31%, triglycerides by up to 19%. Oh, at the end they say the dosage is 4ml to 6ml of liquid AGE or 400 mg to 600 mg in tablet or capsule form. Then if you need more they recommend statin drugs if you're not better after 12 months and your doctor thinks you need more treatment. Disclaimer: You are responsible for your own health care and you should not treat anything I have posted as any medical advise. I did read AGE or the garlic extract can thin the blood as well so people taking other medication or going in for surgery should take or not take depending upon what their doctor says.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Health tips
    Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor and am not attempting to make any health claims that have been proven by the medical establishment to my knowledge. I'm just repeating something I read.
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    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    RIP, Bettie Page
    I saw her young picture in the paper. I can only hope to live to 85 if my quality of life is good. The males on my father's side have all passed away in their 60's for at least 3 generations. I guess I have to have fun while I'm still living.
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    16 years ago
    Where are you from?
    I can imagine some of the older posters on here have lived all over the place.
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    16 years ago
    How bad is your memory when it comes to strippers?
    There was one dancer I never remembered from long ago. She told me she remembered me even though she said it was over 8 years ago in another state I used to live. I believed her after she could tell me details about where she worked. She wanted to hook up with me and I went along with it. Later on she told me she remembered the very first time she saw me and at the time that was over 16 years ago before she was even a dancer. I don't know if that is scary or impressive or both. I do remember her now. Maybe she was in the shadows at the time she remembered me because I had a few favorites who kept me busy years ago.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I bet you have to visit when the club isn't busy. Too many bouncers and wandering eyes and other customers and dancers watching during normal evening hours. I don't see this when I visit. I do remember a pissed off dancer one evening complaining some guy came in and asked how much for a BJ like she was going to give one.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Customers that just sit with dancers
    The dancers that like to sit and talk with me sometimes haven't gotten hardly any money from me. I have dancers sitting and talking to me a lot so I hardly see any reason to pay them anything extra for what comes natural. At many clubs though, most of the sitting and talking comes about after you buy the dancer a drink. I'd rather spend money on dances and forget about buying them drinks.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Customers that just sit with dancers
    I once had a dancer say she wanted to sit and talk with me for all the remaining hours that the club was open. She told me she had to get a table dance once an hour and I didn't mind getting dances from her. I got a total of 3 table dances after 3 hours. She was paying for her own drinks. Another time I was there someone asked if I was her boyfriend. In hindsite, I believe she wanted to go on a date with me and get to know me better. Not for money but an actual relationship like boyfriend girlfriend. Many of the dancers had other occupations at the club and were only moonlighting as dancers. At the time my mind was mainly focused on having fun and the thought didn't enter my mind too much that another dancer might want to go out so I never asked. On the other hand maybe this was a long time ago after I promised myself I wouldn't go out with any more dancers. I was sticking to my promise. Another dancer later made me break that promise to myself. I had fun though. I now have another dancer who likes to sit and talk with me. Usually the club is within an hour of closing and about dead though so she isn't losing out on money or not much. Again I have no desire to go out with her since she told me she was married. I didn't ask either. I think she just likes talking to me just like many dancers have told me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Strippers with an eye patch and one wooden leg... Do they give the best lap
    ARRRR, pirates looking for booty might think she looks good. I like dancers with all parts attached myself. I like a nice pair of legs.
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    16 years ago
    Member rating puzzle
    Where is this so-called "member rating" box in the overall club evaluation section? I click on club reviews but I don't see anything. Am I missing something because I'm using an older browser with Firefox? Is the overall club evaluation section in the club reviews section?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Economy: here's your chance to say, "I told you so"
    According to the elliottwave folks if you study socialnomics, then this bear market won't be over until almost no one wants to talk about stocks anymore. I'm expecting a stock market rise early in 2009 and then another collapse in stock prices. That the way the pattern developed in 1929 and then into the 1930's and we're repeating the pattern except this time it is worse. It is possible instead of deflation we will experience hyperinflation and/or a currency collapse due to our overspending government not able to collect enough taxes to pay for all the interest on the national debt and other obligations. We're so screwed but most either don't know it or don't seem to care. Wow, I'm so optimistic tonight.
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    16 years ago
    Gymnophobia (a fear of nudity, sight of a naked part or body) and CNN . . .
    There's nothing wrong with the human body. However the US has set up laws against sending pics of nudity for anyone under 18 I believe. If people would get over their hangups against seeing nudity, maybe we wouldn't have all these problems. The biggest problem many years ago would be someone taking copies of their butt or breast on a photo copy machine. Now with cell phones with pic taking ability in the hands of kids, they aren't going to exercise that much control if they can get away with it. Laws need to change so we aren't locking up every kid with a cell phone. Maybe nudity laws should all be struck down. Unless your female and over 200 pounds. I don't want to see that. We need a line somewhere to protect us from ugly pics. I suspect most of this is going unreported since if a thousand pretty girls sent me pics of their pussies, I wouldn't report it except to other guys.
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    16 years ago
    Know anyone with a vampire Fetish?
    What are we coming to? If you start seeing vampires and pirates in the strip clubs, you may wonder if you stepped into an adult disney world. Actually I enjoy the witch and cheerleader outfits too. Well, I should probably go to sleep soon. Sun will be up soon. haha.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Economy: here's your chance to say, "I told you so"
    I imagine a lot of posters here may have enough discretionary income to be able to make strip clubs one of their hobbies. If you visit www.elliottwave.com you may still see something about Ben Bernanke saying this doesn't compare to the Great Depression. He is right. It is a lot worse. The credit bubble that was built up is about 3 times worse than what led to the depression in the 1930's. The stock market has been trading similar to that time as well. Unfortunately I am learning about trading and didn't heed all the advise. I was ahead in my trading and in my 401K accounts year to date until about 2 months ago. Then I guess I got overconfident and started making bets instead of waiting to see trends. However any trend in todays market seems to only last one to 2 days tops at times if not a few hours. Right now this market is safer to day trade but I don't have that much discretionary income to set up accounts that size. I got burned and humbled recently. I'm still ahead of a buy and hold guy I know who told me he has lost 60 percent in the last 12 months. My 401K took a hit and is down roughly 8 to 10 percent year to date. Bad luck and timing. My other accounts took a few major hits and are a lot worse. I even lost money on a double inverse ETF when the market was down over 100 points on a day this week. Fortunately I sold that sucker before it dropped another 20 percent in the same day I sold it. With moves like that, it's easy to lose your shirt.
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    16 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Female Customers
    I remember recently one female customer had some red lacy underware on. She didn't have a belt on and her underware was showing. Another weekend I was looking around and saw a hot female customer with a friend or SO. However the angle I was sitting and watching provided a view of her tits and nipples since her blouse wasn't buttoned up all the way. I was wondering if she did that or if a dancer unbuttoned her blouse. I liked the view.
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    16 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Female Customers
    I remember one club at the beach, it was a nude club, had a bachelorette party some one told me. I was wondering why all the college age young girls were showing up at the strip club that night. Some of them looked a lot better than the dancers on stage.
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    16 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Female Customers
    I see female customers all the time. One time I remember I was surrounded by female customers. It did seem strange to be in a strip club and have several tables of females sitting all around me and not a guy around except 2 or 3 tables away. I noticed the dancers weren't bothering me at that location either. I like seeing hot females take their tops off or having the dancer help her get it off while tipping on stage. One thing that can be disappointing is if you waited to see a dancer on stage get nude or topless and the dancer spends all her time with a female customer. Fortunately for me, that rarely happens. Something that can make you wonder is when a female customer comes up to you and starts asking you questions or starts flirting with you or kidding around. Then you might wonder who she is or who she is with. Looking around to see if she has a bouncer of a boyfriend she is trying to make jealous might be a good idea. So far no problems though.