
Most exciting non strip club experiences?

Atlanta suburb
30+ year ago I was returning from Acapulco to Los Angeles. I was already seated in 1st class when Roberto came on board and said "sorry but I have to change your seat assignment". I moved. Still in 1st class. Next thing I know, this voluptuous women is sitting next to me. She was wearing a halter top with a bare mid drift and pants so tight that you could see camel toe. Her two male companions were seated behind us. For the next 3 1/2 hours I enjoyed some pleasant conversation with her and excellent eye candy. Guess who? "Charo". Love you, Bobby.


  • minnow
    16 years ago
    Congrats, sc. That's the way to have conversation without PAYING FOR IT. EYHO, RL!!!!
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    This story bears a hearing here.

    San Diego has always been cult central, and that's key to the story here.

    I had gone to the airport as I had a week's leave and was getting ready to fly home. I got in line behind a very attractive young blonde. To my surprise, she turned around and asked where I was going. I told her and a very friendly conversation started. Within a few minutes I started pondering the possibilities of a hotel room and a delayed flight home. Suddenly, she asked:"Would you like to donate to the Hare Krishnas?"

    I realized then that I had been had. Angry, because of the then overwhelming presence of Krishnas everywhere, I told the girl:"You have ten seconds to get out of my sight, or I will be violent."

    She looked at me with disbelief. I added:"Think I'm kidding, ten, nine, eight..."

    She ran and the guy behind me in line smiled and rolled his eyes.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    This goes under the scary file.

    It was 1971 and I was ten years old. We were living in Los Angeles and the Manson trial had recently wrapped up. We lived about a mile from the beach and it wasn't uncommon for me to walk down to the beach alone.

    One day, while walking back home, this attractive teen in a convertible VW Beetle pulled up and asked if I wanted a ride home. She looked harmless enough, so I accepted. We exchanged pleasantries and then she asked if I would like to visit her commune. I asked her what that was. She told me some families lived there and that they spent most of the day in the nude. Every night, she explained, they sat in a circle and touched each other.

    Talk about alarm bells going off. I told her:"Here's my stop" and I bailed from her Beetle as it was rolling to a stop.
  • Philip A. Stein
    16 years ago
    I'd have to say the Mantis at Cedar Point or the Patriot at Worlds of Fun. Hanging coasters ruler
  • Philip A. Stein
    16 years ago
    Said Mantis, meant Raptor. Mantis is cool too
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    Most exciting non-strip-club experience? Probably the third day of my honeymoon (50 years ago)- I was a virgin when married. By the third day I had kinda got the hang of it, and got laid seven times that day. Next day my new bride said she felt a little sore down there and maybe we should take a day off.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    hmmm, I haven't had that much to drink but am wondering what you meant by most exciting. One time I thought I was going to die when a tornado was approaching my location and my wall of my bedroom was shaking. I thought I saw something else which is the reason I thought I was about to die. I got spared along with the house. I remember walking on some slippery ice at about 10,000 feet up on Mt. Rainier with nothing but walking shoes and no moutain climbing gear. A few feet away the cliff dropped off about 5000 feet. We were careful even though the mountain climbers were giving me and my brothers funny looks. My brothers short cuts if we had taken them would have been more exciting but I wouldn't be here to tell anyone about them if we had taken any of them. We went off the trail. Behind one bush, a waterfall and the ground dropped about 8000 feet. We were walking around on top of the glaciers only 4000 feet from the summit in nothing but walking shoes, a tshirt and shorts. Not really as exciting as a number of other things we've done. However since I'm posting this online I won't go into details. A squirrel in our house when I was younger was quite a funny experience especially when my mother pointed to it on top of the curtain. It hopped on her arm and ran across her shoulder down her leg like she was a tree. It was terrified especially since my father would have killed it with the small can he was trying to trap it in. I was once at the center of a huge supercell of powerful tornadoes. I got temporarily blinded when I looked out the window because the lightning stopped flashing, it was on constant. Weird. I never did go skydiving but seriously considered it. The thought of paying at the time $125 for the first jump and no free fall time and being strapped to some guy turned me off.

    I rode with some guy from Beirut into traffic routinely when I was in college. He said where he was from, they didn't have any speed limits. He was trying to scare me with his driving. He finally succeeded when he had the car we were in up on two wheels with screeching tires going down an exit ramp at high speed. Of course for him that wasn't anything too unusual. He said he had caused over 5 accidents but he wasn't in them. That's enough I think.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I remember I felt spooky when I walked home from school one day. No one was home which was unusual by itself. Then as I turned on the lights, every one of them was glowing red. Weird. After a few minutes of that I decided I wanted back out of the house. One windy night, the first time a door opened up for me, it scared the daylights out of someone in the lobby. I was amused. When I left and the door opened for me by itself and then in the next building that door opened up for me, I thought that was spooky. They were not automatic doors at all.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I thought of one more. I had my first brand new car. It had anti-lock brakes and high performance tires rated for 140 mph plus sustained speeds as if I could drive down the highway for any length of time at that speed, lol. Anyway my car was brand new and I decided to go to the beach. Out from behind some bushes someone pulled out right in front of me. I was only going about 45 to 50 but had very little room to avoid hitting them. I thought for sure I was. My foot was already touching the brake and I hit it as hard as possible. To my surprise, the car did not skid. I saw the whites of the eyeballs of the passenger in the other car looking bigger and bigger as I thought we were about to collide. Amazingly my car stopped just short. I never stopped that fast in my life before in a car. That was exciting but not in a pleasant way. Could have been much worse.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago
    Talking with Victoria Principal, many times right after we got out of High School.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    I did a lot of mountain climbing in my teens, which worked well into my Spec Ops duties. By the time I was in my early 20's, I had become an expert and started rock climbing (much different than mountain climbing, it's more dangerous).

    Anyway, a friend and I decided to climb Battleship Rock in the Jemez Wilderness in New Mexico. It's 1,200 feet straight up. We started early, and packed a lunch, knowing we would reach the top about lunch time. We also climbed without equipment as we were both quite experienced by then.

    After lunch we were making our descent. I had gone down about 200 feet when I lost three points of contact. I was hanging by my right hand. Suddenly, my fear of heights kicked in.

    I was hyperventilating. That survivor part of myself kicked in, telling me if I continued to hyperventilate, that this would be the end. So, I got my breathing under control. I started re-establishing my points of contact. When I had all four, I heard a noise from below. It was a Park Ranger with a bullhorn, ordering us down.

    "NO SHIT ASSHOLE" I yelled down, "What do you think I'm trying to do?"

    He stuck around a few minutes, after seeing it was going to take another hour or so to finish our descent, he left. We were never ticketed, although we found out later we could've been for doing that.
  • how
    16 years ago
    Good one, Clubber. VP is a major hottie...she was stunning in her prime.
  • Clubber
    16 years ago

    What I found most interesting, in our talks, is she was rather lonely, it seemed. The females pretty much shunned her as very difficult competition, and guys were to intimidated to ask her out. Personally, I think it was just that in our small town and her as an Air Force "brat", well, that just didn't fly (pun intended).
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