
Comments by casualguy (page 28)

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    16 years ago
    off topic, slightly re: Playboy
    Are they even making money on the magazine? I know they have a tv channel and that is probably profitable. I don't know much about what they are spending money on. Hef may have to cut back on some parties or start charging admission and let us ordinary guys pay a small fee and visit with the playboy bunnies. Who will be Heff's successor? I believe the extravagant lifestyle that seems to symbolize Playboy will be out of favor until public sentiment improves and the stock market improves.
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    16 years ago
    Can a guy get rid of the SC itch?
    If you find something to do that you enjoy more, it would be easy to stop going. The last time I went, I had fun at all the clubs I visited. In the last one I noticed two of the waitresses were looking nicer and sexier than a number of the dancers. They were wearing very short skirts and looking pretty good especially when they bent over at nearby tables showing off their umm assets. Then at another time I saw three pretty female customers on the other side of the stage that was near me. They were all smiling happily looking up at the pretty topless dancer up on stage. Before they left I was watching them as they all squeezed in between my chair and another nearby. I was watching the blonde and I noticed she was watching me the whole time. I never really thought too long about trying to go out with any of the female customers in a strip club before. However most of my favorites were not their that night and I had time to just sit in the club watching everyone. It was different not having dancers interrupting me or sitting on my lap or at my table every few minutes. I enjoyed that. However I enjoy pretty dancers sitting on my lap too. I'm afraid what I might enjoy more would have to be addictive.
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    16 years ago
    Porn Star Economics
    Some so called porn stars are small time as well. I remember one dancer told me she was a porn star after talking to her for a while in the strip club. I initially didn't believe her since I didn't think she was in all that great of shape. I knew she wasn't making much money if she was giving me dances in the club I was in. I guess a number of people would argue making an appearance on film does not make one a porn star.
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    16 years ago
    Sounds like a good idea to me
    I may not get any dances at a club that has the DJ counting dances. He does a short intro part of a song and talks for most of it, then counts it, then goes on to the next song, you get ripped off automatically while the dancer might give you a break and not even count that crap as a song. I prefer dancers and customers agreeing on the dance count. I keep a monetary count. I get two for ones, the dancer tells me after she finishes two songs and asks if I want another, sounds simple to me. Of course it may be that many clubs do not allow dancers to negotiate the dance prices.
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    16 years ago
    What to wear?
    I've noticed some dancers do not like my belt buckle. They either take off my belt or make me take it off on occasion. Most don't seem to mind though. A belt isn't all that bad though, I remember a dancer took off my belt using her teeth while tipping her a dollar at the stage. She looked quite sexy in the process. She was the only dancer to take off my belt that way and the only one who did that at the stage (a satellite stage). I like to dress in clothes that I am comfortable in.
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    16 years ago
    I'm not going to post that...
    I delete what I type quite a lot as well and end up not posting as much.
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    16 years ago
    I don't find tattoos attractive either. I can find a few interesting to look at. However if a girl is pretty, I think they only take away from her looks. I keep thinking just my own opinion, that a girl putting tattoos on herself seems like she is degrading herself. I'd rather see pretty dancers experiment with paint on tattoos rather than the permanent ones. Most tattoos I see don't look very good. Obviously my views are in the minority or I wouldn't see so many strippers with tattoos.
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    16 years ago
    Girls Gone Wild?
    I guess the discussion topics have been pretty slow. I posted this one over two days ago now.
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    16 years ago
    Girls Gone Wild?
    I was asking. Apparently no one has been to an event with Girls Gone Wild or they didn't care to respond. End of story unless anyone has useful information. I wouldn't have even clicked on this thread again if I still saw zero posts.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Burned Alive Outside L.A. Club
    This shows evil is alive and well in our government laws, among people out in public etc. I don't believe people should be jailed for consensual sex. Now if they are underage, parents can punish their kid but I don't believe it should be handled in our court system and have taxpayers pay to keep the offenders locked away behind bars at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars each year. Forced sex is a different story. This burning is a terrible story.
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    16 years ago
    Embarrassing moments?
    I once had a porn star use me during her stage act. I was wearing white shorts sitting at the stage. I was sitting back in my chair. All the other guys were leaning over the small stage. She got on her knees in front of me and suddenly but carefully bit down on my pants and got me strategically. What I didn't realize during the 2 or 3 minutes she had me, she was getting red lipstick all over the front side of my shorts. The next strip club I went to, I just explained that I met a porn star and that was her lipstick all over my shorts. At least she didn't try to tear my clothes off.
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    16 years ago
    Catching something from a dancer
    I think I'm less likely to catch something sucking on a nipple in a strip club than I am shaking the hand of somebody sitting near me in church during the traditional hand shaking time. People go to church sick all the time with colds etc. and most seem to think nothing about trying to shake your hand. When you're coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, you shouldn't be shaking hands with anyone in my opinion unless you're trying to get them sick too. However some strippers work in strip clubs when they have bad colds too. I like to avoid sick people no matter where they are.
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    16 years ago
    saving more today rather than a year ago?
    I spend a lot more time reading than I do trading. I may make only a few trades in a single month. I'm glad I started studying and reading about it last year. If I had left my 401K account alone, it would have lost 50 percent or more. I made one bad ill timed trade and lost 10 percent with the crazy market at the end of last year. Otherwise my 401K account was up for the year until October/November. I don't make as much money as some do so I decided to make up for it by making a few trades. Plus I think it's fun.
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    16 years ago
    saving more today rather than a year ago?
    That's a good approach if you don't have the time to study trading techniques. After almost a year of making trades I am starting to get much more successful. On average I was up 18 percent in January. In February so far, my position is currently up about 6 or 7 percent after getting back in the market today. I'm not trading options even though I would like to learn the ins and outs of that one day. I have learned 80 percent of options expire worthless. I also have learned there is a wealth of information to learn to be a good successful trader.
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    16 years ago
    One-way contact or two?
    I like to ask before agreeing to a dance. If I don't like the answer I haven't already agreed to get a dance. Of course I have noticed with one dancer she said something was off limits then one night after apparently drinking a little bit more than normal my hands slipped but she didn't seem to mind at all. Now I probably get more contact when no one is dancing for me than some guys get on their lap dances.
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    16 years ago
    saving more today rather than a year ago?
    I'm still learning to trade myself. I'm not an expert but I know a whole lot more than I did last year.
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    16 years ago
    saving more today rather than a year ago?
    I don't know what your time horizon is. If you look at the two day indicator for RSI indicator on RICK, it's currently in an overbought condition where the RSI is over 70 percent which means it is currently overbought. If you're talking a longer term horizon like a year or two, I expect this Depression we're in to get significantly worse before things improve. I don't know how many are elliottwave fans but they project the downturn to last or bottom out possibly in 2012 before the next bull market starts to return. On the bright side, you can probably make money with most stocks after the next major downturn. I see the SP500 along with others, eventually going down to the lower 600's this year sooner rather than later and then having a multi week rally before crashing to lower lows later in the year and continuing to drop further for the next 2 or 3 years. Unfortunately for most people the folks at www.elliottwave.com have been more right than wrong when it comes to forecasting the future for the economy, politics, you name it even if some people think they are too pessimistic. They aren't always correct in their daily patterns but they are pretty good at getting the larger overall stock pattern correct. They have some unique information called socionomics which I'm glad I discovered because it has really helped me along with other trading blogs I've read.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    I didn't edit the above but it's readable. I prefer dancers not get in arguments with me either. I don't enjoy going to strip clubs to argue with people. I may not have a problem with it online but I see strip clubs as a chance to have some fun and I don't go to argue with dancers about why I should get a dance. One dancer actually argued with me for 15 minutes. I left her at the table and wasn't happy with her. Trying to talk me into a dance for 30 seconds and either leaving or just sitting with me and changing the subject I'm ok with. If I like a dancer a lot more topics are open for discussion in my opinion.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Before getting a lap dance if I'm planning on getting one. I don't want to get into an argument. I usually skip talking politics or religion and not too many dancers bring it up although where I live there are more Republican viewpoints. By that I mean they believe less government is better, less taxes, less government spending even though our last president didn't seem to follow through on that. If it sounds like it will start an argument I'd prefer not to even discuss it with a dancer. The other thing I don't really care to hear about right before a lap dance is her kids. I once had a dancer who apparently was new to dancing. She decided to kill a few minutes before starting to dance for me by telling me about her family and her kids. They were for instance age 3, 4, and 5. She started giving me more personal information then she started dancing. She had me thinking about her kids and that turned me off. I wanted to focus on her so that was a bit of a turnoff right before she danced for me. Now if she had waited until after the dance was over it wouldn't have bothered me. Reminding me about reality and/or kids before a lap dance is not a turn on. I usually don't discuss boyfriends, husbands etc. before a lap dance either. Actually not much at all. I may still have some hangups with getting a high contact lap dance with a married dancer so if I knew ahead of time, I'd probably tell her no thanks when she asked to give me a lap dance. However I did agree to get a lap dance from one dancer when I believe we were both slightly intoxicated. She told me she was married but that her husband was ok with her dancing just as she was taking me in the back room for the dances. I prefer single girls if it's a high contact club even though I know some dancers don't seem to care. If it's not a high contact club, I don't care if they are married or not. I don't really to hear about a boyfriend or husband right before a dancer dances for me. Talking about kids, boyfriends, etc. right before dancing I think is a turn off. I don't care if she talks about that after she dances.
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    16 years ago
    hanger on
    There are a few guys who will immediately say something like "We don't want any dances bitch so get lost!" One dancer told me some other guys told her this. She actually looked pretty good. I initially was saying something about not wanting any dances too when all she asked was to sit down at my table. Little did she know that she was following in the wake of a very rude dancer who was irritating all the customers including me.
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    16 years ago
    hanger on
    Ask her if she does free dances. May or may not work. I've been offered free dances and more by one dancer that persistently bugged me for dances after giving her every type of response I could think of without getting rude about it. She didn't offer sex but she finally got to saying how about I take you home with me? I said no thanks and she finally got the message I wasn't interested in her. There are some dancers I've met who I do not want to get alone with. The dancer I mentioned above was not my type and when I say that it means I'm not attracted to her hardly at all. One dancer who had no tits but ok otherwise preferred to sit and argue with me about getting dances after I told her no several times. I thought that was rude. I finally got a bit ticked off at her and left the table and went to the stage to tip the dancers there after 15 minutes of arguing. I would have thought she would leave after telling her no, no thanks, etc. the first dozen times. I learned the art of the "maybe later" about that time. Some dancers get a bit irritated at always hearing "maybe later" but if they leave right away, I won't complain. If she looks ok and just wants to sit in my lap, that is ok too.
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    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    I may have only spent $80 to $90 on that 30 to 45 minute session I mentioned above. It was probably 15 to 18 dances. Neither one of us knew how many dances it was. I doubt I'm going to find too many dancers that give me that kind of break, half off the regular discount. The normal dance price at the time was two for $20.
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    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    Actually I don't remember and didn't know at the time. The dancer I was with said she was enjoying the dances and after the original two for $20 offered to do more at half that price which was probably two for $10. This was at a club in Columbia years ago. Shadowcat is very familar with the club. I don't know if I was back there 30 minutes or 45 minutes and we may have both lost count. I wasn't doing anything that would get me in trouble there. However the dancer told me next time that she couldn't stay back there that long. I may have spent $100 to $120 I don't remember anymore. I enjoyed those lap dances. The other day I got 3 lapdances for $20 and then got another 3 for $20 more. The dances were not as good as normal but I couldn't resist the lower price offered.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    It's all in the eye of the beholder. To one dancer who was an artist and drew some paintings, she thought I was an artist too just because I took an interest in her work. She wanted to go out with me but at the time I was avoiding going out with dancers. Other dancers thought I was different things. One dancer even called me a player. I thought that was amusing because I thought that was pretty far from the truth. How can you be a player in a strip club unless she thinks I'm sleeping with multiple dancers? hmmm, maybe she did think that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sounds like the idiot did something illegal just to have the mortar shell.